25 research outputs found

    Financial Health Assessment of the Selected Financial Market Entity

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    Bakalárska práca sa zaoberá hodnotením finančného zdravia vybraného subjektu finančného trhu. Táto práca má celkom 5 kapitol vrátane úvodu a záveru. Druhá kapitola je zameraná na teoretickú časť bakalárskej práce, tretia kapitola je rozdelená na teoretickú a praktickú časť a štvrtá kapitola je praktická. V druhej kapitole sú bližšie popísané základné pojmy viackriteriálneho rozhodovania a samotné metódy stanovenia váh kritérií a taktiež metódy viackriteriálneho hodnotenia variant. V tretej kapitole je na úvod charakterizovaný subjekt finančného trhu a následne sú vysvetlené a analyzované upravené pomerové ukazovatele. Vo štvrtej kapitole, ktorá je zameraná na praktickú časť je stanovených 7 kritérií, ktorými sú upravené pomerové ukazovatele. V práci je použitých celkom 15 variant, ktoré predstavujú obdobie za ktoré sa hodnotí finančné zdravie vybraného subjektu a to konkrétne roky 2006 až 2020. Za pomocí metód alokácie 100 bodov a Saatyho metódy boli zistené váhy kritérií. Najvyššej váhy dosiahol ukazovateľ ROA ako kritérium 1. Pre zhodnotenie najlepšej varianty bola použitá metódy priameho stanovenia čiastočných ohodnotení variant a metóda AHP. Na základe výsledkov bolo zistené, že u každej metódy vyšla na prvom mieste iná varianta. U AHP to bol rok 2014 a u metódy priameho stanovenia čiastočných ohodnotení ide o rok 2007.The bachelor thesis deals with the evaluation of the financial health of a selected financial market entity. This work has a total of 5 chapters, including introduction and conclusion. The second chapter is focused on the theoretical part of the bachelor thesis, the third chapter is divided into theoretical and practical part and the fourth chapter is practical. The second chapter describes in more detail the basic concepts of multi-criteria decision-making and the methods of determining the weights of criteria, as well as methods of multi-criteria evaluation of variants. In the third chapter, the financial market entity is characterized at the beginning and then the adjusted ratios are explained and analyzed. In the fourth chapter, which is focused on the practical part, 7 criteria are set, which adjust the ratios. A total of 15 variants are used in the work, which represent the period for which the financial health of the selected entity is evaluated, namely the years 2006 to 2020. Using the methods of allocation of 100 points and Saaty's method, the weights of the criteria were determined. The ROA indicator reached the highest weight as criterion 1. The method of direct determination of partial evaluations of variants and the AHP method were used to evaluate the best variant. Based on the results, it was found that for each method a different variant came out in the first place. For AHP it was 2014 and for the method of direct determination of partial evaluations it is 2007.154 - Katedra financívelmi dobř

    The Equal Tax and its Advantages and Disadvantages

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    Předmětem mojí bakalářské práce je shrnutí současných poznatků, studií a návrhů rovné daně a pomocí porovnání daňového zatížení jednotlivých společenských vrstev potvrdit, že rovná daň má pozitivní dopady, nejenom na daňový systém konkrétní země, ale i na její podnikatelské prostředí a samotné občany.The aim of my bachelor thesis is to summarize present information, studies and equal tax proposals, and through the comparison of the tax burden of individual social groups to prove that the equal tax has positive impact, not only for taxation of the particular country, but also for its corporate sphere and nationals.

    Příprava farmaceutických formulací na bázi polymerních a lipidických nosičů

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    Univerzita Karlova, Farmaceutická fakulta v Hradci Králové Katedra Katedra farmaceutické technologie Kandidát Mgr. Jana Kubačková Školiteľ Assoc. Prof. Jarmila Zbytovská, Mgr., Dr. rer. nat. Konzultant PharmDr. Ondřej Holas, PhD. Názov dizertačnej práce Příprava farmaceutických formulací na bázi polymerních a lipidických nosičů Nanomedicína umožňuje aplikáciu nanonosičov, ktorých úlohou je podávanie liečiv s cieľom dosiahnutia na mieru prispôsobenej terapie. Úlohou nanonosičou je medzi inými aj umožniť riadené uvoľňovanie liečiva, miestne špecifickú distribúciu a ochranu účinnej látky. Z viacerých nanoplatforiem dostupných na distribúciu liečiva sa táto práca zameriava na biokompatibilné a biologicky odbúrateľné polyméry a lipidy. Tieto materiály boli formulované tak, aby bolo umožnené cielené intracelulárne dodanie, dodanie liečiva málo rozpustného vo vode a dodanie senzitívnej makromolekuly. V štúdii s biologicky odbúrateľným polymérnym nanomateriálom sme pracovali s experimentálnymi polymérmi kysliny poly(mliečnej-ko-glykolovej) (PLGA). Formulácie boli optimalizované na zacielenie do fagocytujúcich makrofágov, t.j. nanočastice s veľkosťou do 300 nm a negatívnym povrchovým nábojom. Na tento účel sa testovali dva lineárne a jeden rozvetvený PLGA polymér v kombinácii s jednou zo štyroch povrchovo...Charles University, Faculty of Pharmacy in Hradec Králové Department of Pharmaceutical Technology Candidate Mgr. Jana Kubačková Supervisor Assoc. Prof. Jarmila Zbytovská, Mgr., Dr. rer. nat. Co-supervisor PharmDr. Ondřej Holas, PhD. Title of Doctoral Thesis Preparation of pharmaceutical formulations based on polymeric and lipid carriers Nanomedicine allows application of nanoscaled drug delivery carriers to achieve a therapy that can be tailored in terms of e.g. controlled release, site-specific delivery and protection of an active substance. From multiple nanoplatforms available for drug delivery, advantage was taken of biocompatible and biodegradable polymers and lipids to enable targeted intracellular delivery, delivery of a poorly water-soluble drug and delivery of a sensitive macromolecule. In the study with biodegradable polymeric nanomaterial we worked with experimental poly(lactic-co-glycolic acid) (PLGA) polymers. The formulations were optimised for targeting to phagocytic macrophages - of size up to 300 nm and negative surface charge. For this purpose, two linear and one branched PLGA were screened in combination with one of four surfactants in low concentrations (0.1-1%). These PLGA polymers were formulated into nanoparticles and loaded with a hydrophilic fluorescent dye Rhodamine B...Department of Pharmaceutical TechnologyKatedra farmaceutické technologieFarmaceutická fakulta v Hradci KrálovéFaculty of Pharmacy in Hradec Králov

    Analysis of Financial Literacy of Secondary School and University Students

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    The diploma thesis is devoted to financial literacy, specifically the financial literacy of secondary school and university students. The work has a theoretical-analytical character. The aim of the thesis is to analyze the financial literacy of secondary and university students in the context of a quantitative survey in the conditions of the Czech and Slovak Republics. Based on the facts found, the thesis presents proposals and recommendations for practice at the end.Diplomová práca sa venuje finančnej gramotnosti, a to konkrétne finančnej gramotnosti študentov stredných a vysokých škôl. Práca má teoreticko-analytický charakter. Cieľom diplomovej práce je v kontexte kvantitatívneho prieskumu analyzovať finančnú gramotnosť študentov stredných a vysokých škôl v podmienkach Českej a Slovenskej republiky. Na základe zistených skutočností predkladá práca v závere návrhy a odporučenia pre prax.Diplomová práce se věnuje finanční gramotnosti, konkrétně finanční gramotnosti studentů středních a vysokých škol. Práce má teoreticko-analytický charakter. Cílem diplomové práce je v kontextu kvantitativního šetření analyzovat finanční gramotnost studentů středních a vysokých škol v podmínkách České a Slovenské republiky. Na základě zjištěných skutečností práce v závěru předkládá návrhy a doporučení pro praxi

    Study of membrane transport of xenobiotics in vitro

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    Charles University in Prague Faculty of Pharmacy in Hradec Králové Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology Candidate: Tereza Kubačková Supervisor: Doc. PharmDr. František Trejtnar, CSc Title of diploma thesis: Study of membrane transport of xenobiotics in vitro Some human endocrinal tumors overexpress peptide specific receptors. This discovery forms the basis of the conception of the usage receptor specific peptide-based radiopharmaceuticals for diagnostic imagining and more recently, for receptor-targeted radiotherapy. However, considering accumulation and retention in renal tissue, these substances might cause the radiotoxic damage of kidneys. So nephrotoxicity is a factor restricting the application of radiopharmaceuticals in therapy, because only a limited amount of radiopharmaceutical doses could be used. The aim of the study was to investigate the rate of accumulation and the renal uptake mechanisms of the new gastrin derivate - DOTA-minigastrin 11 (DOTA-MG11) 111indium- labeled in the cellular in vitro model. Properties of 111 In-DOTA-MG11 were confronted with these in substances from another group of receptor specific radiopeptides - somatostatin analogs such as 111 In-DOTA-naphtyl-octreotide (111 In-DOTA-NOC) and 111 In-DOTA- octreotate (111 In-DOTA-TATE). For quantitative comparison of..

    Problems related to the transition of students from high school to university

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    Bakalářská práce se věnuje problémům, které souvisejí s přechodem studentů ze střední školy na vysokou školu. Práce má teoreticko-analytický charakter. Cílem bakalářské práce je v kontextu dotazníkového průzkumu zjistit, s jakými konkrétními problémy se studenti setkávali při přechodu ze střední školy na vysokou. Na základě zjištěných skutečností práce v závěru předkládá návrhy a doporučení pro praxi.The bachelor thesis deals with the problems related to the transition of students from high school to university. The work has a theoretical-analytical character. The aim of the bachelor's thesis is in the context of a questionnaire survey to find out what specific problems students encountered during the transition from high school to university. Based on the findings, in the end the work presents suggestions and recommendations for practice.Bakalárska práca sa venuje problémom, ktoré súvisia s prechodom študentov zo strednej školy na vysokú školu. Práca má teoreticko-analytický charakter. Cieľom bakalárskej práce je v kontexte dotazníkového prieskumu zistiť, s akými konkrétnymi problémami sa študenti stretávali pri prechode zo strednej školy na vysokú. Na základe zistených skutočností práca v závere predkladá návrhy a odporučenia pre prax

    Polymeric stabilizers maintaining the supersaturation solubility of itraconazole nanocrystals after dissolution process

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    Title of thesis: Polymeric stabilizers maintaining the saturation solubility of itraconazole nanocrystals after dissolution process Author: Jana Kubačková Department: Pharmaceutical Technology Supervisor: PharmDr. Ondřej Holas, Ph.D. Specialized supervisor: Assoc. Prof. Leena Peltonen, Ph.D. The increase of bioavailability of poorly water soluble drugs is still an issue. One of the techniques improving aqueous drug substance solubility, and consequently enhancing bioavailability, is formation of nanoparticles. However, the bioavailability is determined by the concentration of the dissolved drug achieved at the time of absorption. This fact emphasizes the importance of the maintenance of the high solubility until the absorption area is reached. Sufficiently stabilised nanocrystalline drugs offer a solution to this problem. In this thesis, the solid nanoparticle formations of an antifungal agent itraconazole (ITZ) are presented. Wet milling was employed to create the nanosuspension stabilised by binary mixture of stabilisers or by a single stabiliser. An aggregation inhibitor Poloxamer 407 (F127) in the combination with a polymeric precipitation inhibitor hydroxypropyl methylcellulose (HPMC) or polyvinyl pyrrolidone (PVP) at different ratios, or a single precipitation inhibitor, were utilised. The..

    Study on Renal Accumulation of Receptor-specific Radiopeptides

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    Charles University in Prague Faculty of Pharmacy in Hradec Králové Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology Candidate: Tereza Kubačková Consultant: doc. PharmDr. František Trejtnar, CSc. Title of Thesis: Study on renal accumulation of receptor-specific radiopeptides Radiolabeled peptides targeted to cholecystokinin/gastrin receptors are promising compounds for radiodiagnostics and radiotherapy of some malignancies. Shorter chain derivates of gastrin called minigastrins are particularly interesting. The use of these agents is limited by their nephrotoxicity caused by accumulation of the radiopeptides in the kidney. The aim of the study was to investigate accumulation rate and renal uptake mechanisms of new receptor specific peptides from the group of gastrin analogs using in vitro models. The investigation was aimed at a comparison of the renal uptake of DOTA-minigastrin 48 (DOTA-MG48) and DOTA-minigastin 11 (DOTA-MG11), both labeled with indium-111. In addition, a potential influence of the radiolabel on the renal accumulation was also investigated using DOTA- MG11 labeled with indium-111 or with lutecium-177. A comparison of the renal accumulation of the radiolabeled minigastrins with compounds from another group of receptor specific radiopeptides - somatostatin analogs such as 111 In-DOTA-NOC..

    Study on Renal Accumulation of Receptor-specific Radiopeptides

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    Charles University in Prague Faculty of Pharmacy in Hradec Králové Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology Candidate: Tereza Kubačková Consultant: doc. PharmDr. František Trejtnar, CSc. Title of Thesis: Study on renal accumulation of receptor-specific radiopeptides Radiolabeled peptides targeted to cholecystokinin/gastrin receptors are promising compounds for radiodiagnostics and radiotherapy of some malignancies. Shorter chain derivates of gastrin called minigastrins are particularly interesting. The use of these agents is limited by their nephrotoxicity caused by accumulation of the radiopeptides in the kidney. The aim of the study was to investigate accumulation rate and renal uptake mechanisms of new receptor specific peptides from the group of gastrin analogs using in vitro models. The investigation was aimed at a comparison of the renal uptake of DOTA-minigastrin 48 (DOTA-MG48) and DOTA-minigastin 11 (DOTA-MG11), both labeled with indium-111. In addition, a potential influence of the radiolabel on the renal accumulation was also investigated using DOTA- MG11 labeled with indium-111 or with lutecium-177. A comparison of the renal accumulation of the radiolabeled minigastrins with compounds from another group of receptor specific radiopeptides - somatostatin analogs such as 111 In-DOTA-NOC..

    Preparation of pharmaceutical formulations based on polymeric and lipid carriers

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    Charles University, Faculty of Pharmacy in Hradec Králové Department of Pharmaceutical Technology Candidate Mgr. Jana Kubačková Supervisor Assoc. Prof. Jarmila Zbytovská, Mgr., Dr. rer. nat. Co-supervisor PharmDr. Ondřej Holas, PhD. Title of Doctoral Thesis Preparation of pharmaceutical formulations based on polymeric and lipid carriers Nanomedicine allows application of nanoscaled drug delivery carriers to achieve a therapy that can be tailored in terms of e.g. controlled release, site-specific delivery and protection of an active substance. From multiple nanoplatforms available for drug delivery, advantage was taken of biocompatible and biodegradable polymers and lipids to enable targeted intracellular delivery, delivery of a poorly water-soluble drug and delivery of a sensitive macromolecule. In the study with biodegradable polymeric nanomaterial we worked with experimental poly(lactic-co-glycolic acid) (PLGA) polymers. The formulations were optimised for targeting to phagocytic macrophages - of size up to 300 nm and negative surface charge. For this purpose, two linear and one branched PLGA were screened in combination with one of four surfactants in low concentrations (0.1-1%). These PLGA polymers were formulated into nanoparticles and loaded with a hydrophilic fluorescent dye Rhodamine B..