24 research outputs found

    Green synthesis of Fe3O4 nanoparticles stabilized by a Garcinia mangostana fruit peel extract for hyperthermia and anticancer activities

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    Fe3O4 nanoparticles (Fe3O4 NPs) with multiple functionalities are intriguing candidates for various biomedical applications. Materials and Methods: This study introduced a simple and green synthesis of Fe3O4 NPs using a low-cost stabilizer of plant waste extract rich in polyphenols content with a well-known antioxidant property as well as anticancer ability to eliminate colon cancer cells. Herein, Fe3O4 NPs were fabricated via a facile co-precipitation method using the crude extract of Garcinia mangostana fruit peel as a green stabilizer at different weight percentages (1, 2, 5, and 10 wt.%). The samples were analyzed for magnetic hyperthermia and then in vitro cytotoxicity assay was performed. Results: The XRD planes of the samples were corresponding to the standard magnetite Fe3O4 with high crystallinity. From TEM analysis, the green synthesized NPs were spherical with an average size of 13.42±1.58 nm and displayed diffraction rings of the Fe3O4 phase, which was in good agreement with the obtained XRD results. FESEM images showed that the extract covered the surface of the Fe3O4 NPs well. The magnetization values for the magnetite samples were ranging from 49.80 emu/g to 69.42 emu/g. FTIR analysis verified the functional groups of the extract compounds and their interactions with the NPs. Based on DLS results, the hydrodynamic sizes of the Fe3O4 nanofluids were below 177 nm. Furthermore, the nanofluids indicated the zeta potential values up to −34.92±1.26 mV and remained stable during four weeks of storage, showing that the extract favorably improved the colloidal stability of the Fe3O4 NPs. In the hyperthermia experiment, the magnetic nanofluids showed the acceptable specific absorption rate (SAR) values and thermosensitive performances under exposure of various alternating magnetic fields. From results of in vitro cytotoxicity assay, the killing effects of the synthesized samples against HCT116 colon cancer cells were mostly higher compared to those against CCD112 colon normal cells. Remarkably, the Fe3O4 NPs containing 10 wt.% of the extract showed a lower IC50 value (99.80 μg/mL) in HCT116 colon cancer cell line than in CCD112 colon normal cell line (140.80 μg/mL). Discussion: This research, therefore, introduced a new stabilizer of Garcinia mangostana fruit peel extract for the biosynthesis of Fe3O4 NPs with desirable physiochemical properties for potential magnetic hyperthermia and colon cancer treatment

    5-Fluorouracil loaded magnetic cellulose bionanocomposites for potential colorectal cancer treatment

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    Magnetic polymer nanocomposites are inherently multifunctional and harbor assorted physiochemical actions for applications thereof as novel drug nanocarriers. Herein, Fe3O4-nanoparticles were supported on rice straw cellulose for 5-fluorouracil carrier abbreviated as MC/5-FU for potential colorectal cancer treatments. Several analyses indicated the multifunctional properties of MC/5-FU bionanocomposites. Transmission and scanning electron microscopy study demonstrated that Fe3O4 nanofillers covered the cellulose matrix. The drug release from MC/5-FU was evaluated under various pH and temperature conditions, showing the maximum release at pH 7.4 and 44.2 °C. In in vitro anticancer assay, MC/5-FU exhibited enhanced selectivity and anticancer actions against 2D monolayer and 3D tumour spheroid models colorectal cancer cells. The anticancer effects of MC/5-FU with magnetic targeting and heat induction were also examined. This easily synthesized MC/5-FU indicated the potential in application as a low-cost drug formulation for colorectal cancer treatments

    Odnos strukture i aktivnosti u reaktivaciji tabunom fosforilirane ljudske acetilkolinesteraze bispiridinijevim para-aldoksimima

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    We investigated interactions of bispyridinium para-aldoximes N,N’-(propano)bis(4-hydroxyiminomethyl) pyridinium bromide (TMB-4), N,N’-(ethano)bis(4-hydroxyiminomethyl)pyridinium methanosulphonate (DMB-4), and N,N’-(methano)bis(4-hydroxyiminomethyl)pyridinium chloride (MMB-4) with human erythrocyte acetylcholinesterase phosphorylated by tabun. We analysed aldoxime conformations to determine the flexibility of aldoxime as an important feature for binding to the acetylcholinesterase active site. Tabun-inhibited human erythrocyte acetylcholinesterase was completely reactivated only by the most flexible bispyridinium aldoxime - TMB-4 with a propylene chain between two rings. Shorter linkers than propylene (methylene or ethylene) as in MMB-4 and DMB-4 did not allow appropriate orientation in the active site, and MMB-4 and DMB-4 were not efficient reactivators of tabun-phosphorylated acetylcholinesterase. Since aldoximes are also reversible inhibitors of native acetylcholinesterase, we determined dissociation constants and their protective index against acetylcholinesterase inactivation by tabun.Proučavali smo interakcije bispiridinijevih para-oksima N,N’-(propano)bis(4-hidroksiiminometil)piridinijeva bromida (TMB-4), N,N’-(etanano)bis(4-hidroksiiminometil)piridinijeva metanosulfonata (DMB-4) i N,N’- (metano)bis(4-hidroksiiminometil)piridinijeva klorida (MMB-4) s ljudskom eritrocitnom acetilkolinesterazom fosforiliranom tabunom. Da bismo odredili fleksibilnosti aldoksima, što je važna osobina kod njihova vezanja u aktivno mjesto acetilkolinesteraze, analizirali smo i konformacijske odlike aldoksima. Ljudska acetilkolinesteraza inhibirana tabunom bila je potpuno reaktivirana samo najfleksibilnijim bispiridinijevim aldoksimom – TMB-4. Aldoksimi MMB-4 i DMB-4 nisu bili efikasni reaktivatori acetilkolinesteraze fosforilirane tabunom jer je kod tih spojeva lanac koji povezuje dva prstena kraći od propilena (metilen u MMB-4 i etilen u DMB-4), što ne dopušta povoljnu orijentaciju tih aldoksima unutar aktivnog mjesta enzima. S obzirom na to da su aldoksimi i reverzibilni inhibitori nativne acetilkolinesteraze, odredili smo njihove disocijacijske konstante, kao i zaštitu acetilkolinesteraze od inhibiranja tabunom reverzibilnim vezanjem aldoksima

    Methane production during laboratory-scale co-digestion of cattle slurry with 10 wt. % of various biowastes

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    The paper summarizes the results from twenty model tests of continuous one-stage mesophilic anaerobic co-digestion of cattle slurry (90 wt. %) and various biowastes (10 wt. %). Digestion was conducted in 0.06 m3 reactors with hydraulic retention times ranging from 60 to 98 days during the research period 2007-2010. Methane production intensity and specific methane production are discussed. The highest methane production intensity (0.85 mN3.m-3.d-1) was from a mixture of 63 wt. % of total solids from biscuit meal EKPO - EB and from 37 wt. % of total solids from cattle slurry. The highest specific methane production from 1 kg of added organic compounds (0.67 mN3.kgVSp-1) was given by a mixture containing 61 wt. % of total solids using spring barley Aksamit (milled grain) and 39 wt. % of total solids from cattle slurry. The highest substrate-specific methane production (0.92 mN3.kgVSp-1) was from milled grains of winter rye Aventino

    Pharmacokinetics of acetylcholinesterase reactivator K203 and consequent evaluation of low molecular weight antioxidants/markers of oxidative stress

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    Copyright 2012 Elsevier B.V., All rights reserved.Oxime K203 is a new compound designed to be used as an acetylcholinesterase reactivator for the treatment of intoxication following exposure to tabun and certain pesticides. After intramuscular administration of a therapeutic (23 mg/kg) dose, the time-course of plasma concentrations of K203 in rats was determined by HPLC. Maximum concentrations were reached between 40 and 60 min (16.5±2.1 μg/ml in 40 min and 16.6±2.0 in 60 min, respectively) with the concentration being relatively constant during this period. There was no significant effect on the plasma concentration of thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARS) during the administration of K203, indicating an absence of oxidative stress. Indeed, administration of K203 led to a significant increase in low molecular weight antioxidants which could tentatively be interpreted as representing a beneficial effect.Peer reviewe