22 research outputs found
Izdelava orodja za usmerjanje trave rotacijske kosilnice : [diplomska naloga visokošolskega študija]
V magistrski nalogi smo obravnavali razvoj tehnike igranja in poučevanja citer v slovenskih učbenikih od leta 1900 do sodobnosti, pri čemer smo učbenike obravnavali glede na posamezno tehnično prvino in glede na posameznega avtorja ter obseg in način obravnave določene tehnične prvine, saj avtorji dajejo različne poudarke pri enakih obravnavanih vsebinah in smo poiskali podobnosti in razlike. Ugotovili smo, da že prvi učbenik podrobno obravnava večino tehničnih prvin, na katere dajejo poudarek tudi sodobnejši avtorji učbenikov, na drugi strani pa starejši učbeniki ne vsebujejo sodobnejših tehnik igranja, ki so se v poučevanje citer dodale v zadnjih nekaj letih. Hkrati pa smo ugotovili, da učbeniki, ne glede na leto izdaje, enake tehnične prvine obravnavajo na podoben način in med posameznimi avtorji ni bistvenih razlik. Z izvedeno raziskavo smo ugotovili prepoznavnost slovenskih učbenikov za citre med učitelji in profesorji citer, praktično uporabnost in pogostost uporabe ter prednjačenje poučevanja standardne uglasitve na citrah.In master’s degree we are discussing zither playing and teaching techniques in Slovenian textbooks from 1900 until now. Individual techniques are going to be discussed according to the author and the extent of proceedings, because authors have been making differences between discussing the same theoretical matter thus the similarities and deviations are going to be extracted and thoroughly compared. We have found out that the first zither textbook in comparison to the modern ones is talking about same playing techniques, although the old ones do not contain modern playing techniques. There are no fundamental differences between older textbooks and the modern ones. The empirical part of the research is based on usage and recognition of individual textbooks, their usage frequency, and more often teaching standard tunefulness
Doktorska disertacija podaja ocenjevanje vlažnosti tal iz podatkov radarja z umetno odprtino (ang. Synthetic Aperture Radar – SAR), kar se izvaja s pretvorbo koeficienta povratnega sipanja radarskih mikrovalov v relativno dielektrično konstanto, preko katere se le-ta pretvori v nam razumljivejšo pro-storninsko vlažnost tal. Novost, ki jo podajam v doktorski disertaciji, je vpeljava novega modela na področju ocenjevanja vlažnosti tal. Predlagani model deluje v pasu X radarskih mikrovalov, pri katerem smo poleg odprtih površin upoštevali tudi prekritost z nizko vegetacijo.
Delovanje algoritma ocenjevanja vlažnosti tal primerjamo z merjenimi podatki terenskih meritev, medtem ko koeficiente povratnega sipanja pridobimo iz visoko-ločljivih TerraSAR-X slik SAR z različnimi parametri radarja SAR, kar zajema različne vpadne kote, polarizacijo in razdaljno pasovno širino. V sklopu disertacije predlagamo dva modela, izmed katerih je prvi osnovan na Shi pol-empiričnemu modelu in deluje le na odprtih površinah oz. področjih brez prisotnosti vegetacije. Ta model modifici-ramo z vpeljavo novih koeficientov modela, ki jih določimo z regresijskimi metodami v kombinaciji s terenskimi meritvami, kjer uporabimo algoritem minimalne povprečne kvadratne napake. Drugi, splošnejši model, ki deluje tudi na področjih prekritih z nizko vegetacijo, je osnovan na modelu »voda-oblak«, kateremu je v osnovi dodan še dodaten t.i. vegetacijski člen, ki nam omogoča ocenjevanje vlažnosti tal tudi na predelih, kjer se nahaja nizka rast vegetacije. Ocenjevanje vlažnosti je poleg parametrov radarja odvisno še od hrapavosti površja, le to pa smo upoštevali v obliki parametra RMS višine. Preostala parametra predstavljata še delno prekritost z vegetacijo in Fresnelov refleksijski koeficient. Ker ti parametri vnaprej niso znani, smo model zapisali v matrični obliki, tako da lahko model vpeljemo v iterativno shemo regularizacije Tikhonova. Algoritem za ocenjevanje neznanih parametrov tal izhaja iz dobrih lastnosti regularizacije slik, kjer želimo s parametri regularizacije odpraviti ali kompenzirati efekte korelacijske dolžine in korelacijske funkcije. Eksperimentalni rezultati so pokazali uporabnost obeh modelov, vendar primerjava modelov kaže, da pri rezultatih prednjači predlagan dvokomponentni model, osnovan na modelu voda-oblak z iterativno regularizacijo Tikhonova.This dissertation presents soil-moisture estimation from Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) images, where backscattering coefficient is transformed into relative dielectric constant from which it is pos-sible to retrieve volumetric soil-moisture values. The novelty of this dissertation is a development of a new soil-moisture parameter retrieval model. The proposed model works at X-band microwave radiation, and is composed from bare-soil estimation with additional correction part for small vegeta-tion.
The soil-moisture estimation algorithm is compared with in-situ measurements collected simulta-neously to image acquisitions. For this dissertation high-resolution spot-light TerraSAR-X images were collected under different radar parameters, which include: various incidence angles, polarizations and range bandwidths. In this dissertation two different soil moisture estimation models are proposed, where the first one is based on the Shi semi-empirical model, thus it only works on bare-soil surfaces. The Shi semi-empirical model is modified in a sense, that new polynomials are introduced in the Shi model equation. Polynomial parameters are later determined using real synthetic aperture radar images represented as backscattering coefficients and in-situ measurement values. The second proposed model is more general model, because it is able to estimate soil-moisture from areas with small vegetation and is based on the water-cloud model. The soil-moisture is not only dependent on radar parameters, but also on soil surface roughness, that can be described with surface RMS height, correlation length, and correlation’s function. The other unknown parameters are vegetation fractional part and Fresnel’s reflectivity coefficient. The idea of the proposed model is that it is possible to estimate unknown parameters by using good properties of data restoration techniques, for which this dissertation relies on the Tikhonov regularization. This regularization estimates the unknown soil moisture parameters, where regularization parameters should cancel out or compensate the correla-tion length and correlation’s function. Experimental results showed that the proposed models provide good results for estimating soil-moisture on bare-soils and areas with small vegetation. However, the results show far superior estimation accuracy for the proposed two component model based on water-cloud model with Tikhonov regularization scheme
V delu je opisana zgradba in delovanje sistema pametne vtičnice, ki ga je razvilo podjetje Margento R&D ter seveda aplikacije same. Naloga sistema pametne vtičnice je omogočitev informativnega merjenje električne napetosti, toka, delovne, jalove in navidezne moči, faktorja moči - cos(φ) porabnika, ki je nanjo priključen ter temperature okolice. Namenjen je uporabi v domačih gospodinjstvih. Aplikacija pa omogoča dostop in pregled nad temi podatki ter kontrolo nad posamezno vtičnico s pomočjo pametnega telefona, ki ima nameščen operacijski sistem Android.
Opisani so vsi programski jeziki, ki so bili potrebni za izdelavo aplikacije ter programska okolja s katerimi smo to dosegli.This work describes the construction and operation of the smart socket, which was developed by Margento R&D and of course the application itself. The task of the smart socket is enabling informational measuring of voltage, current, active, reactive and apparent power, power factor - cos (φ) for a customer’s load that is connected to it, and ambient temperature. It is intended for use in domestic households. The application allows users to access and monitoring over the measurements and control of the sockets via smart phone with Android OS.
Describes all the programming languages that were needed to make applications and the software environment with which we achieved this
Despeckling of TerraSAR-X data using second generation wavelets
This paper presents despeckling of SAR images
using second generation wavelets and data from TerraSARX
satellite. The bandelet and contourlet transforms are
used. The model based approach for modeling noise free
and speckle images is described. First order Bayesian inference is used to estimate a maximum a posteriori estimate
and second order Bayesian inference is applied in order to
nd the best model parameters. The synthetical and real
SAR images are used in order to evaluate the despecking
methods. The experimental results showed that the method
using Bayesian inference in bandelet domain outperforms
the same method applied in the contourlet domain for synthetical SAR image using objective measurements
Despeckling of TerraSAR-X Data Using Second-Generation Wavelets
The use of second-generation wavelets offers new chances for the despeckling of SAR images