324 research outputs found

    Elementy panegiryczne w siedemnastowiecznych kalendarzowych listach dedykacyjnych

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    Udostępnienie publikacji Wydawnictwa Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego finansowane w ramach projektu „Doskonałość naukowa kluczem do doskonałości kształcenia”. Projekt realizowany jest ze środków Europejskiego Funduszu Społecznego w ramach Programu Operacyjnego Wiedza Edukacja Rozwój; nr umowy: POWER.03.05.00-00-Z092/17-00

    Staropolski dyskurs o sacrum i profanum w poradniku moralno-religijnym pt. „Tobiasz pobożny i gospodarz dozorny” (1647)

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    The article is devoted to the interpretation of the discourse on the sacred and the profane in anonymous moral-religious guidebook titled Tobiasz pobożny i gospodarz dozorny (Tobias the Pious and Diligent Host), published in Krakow in 1647. The author analyses everyday human life and its basic aspects, continually confronting them with the Bible. This gives an excellent example of intermingling of two spheres of existence in everyday life, in Old Polish literature, i.e. the sacred and the profane. For this reason, the following research objectives are set out: to select those aspects of reality that, in the mentality of the author, belong to the realm of the sacred, and those that are specific to the area of the profane. The phenomenon of persuasive sacralisation of everyday life, the essence of which is to impart sacred aspects to non-sacred phenomena of existence are described, and the methods of entering into the relationship with the sacred, presented in the text are discussed. The author believes that the persuasion presented in Tobias the Pious, established in religious-ontological discourse, is intended for sacralisation of the profane sphere.Artykuł poświęcony jest interpretacji dyskursu o sacrum i profanum w anonimowym poradniku moralno-religijnym pt. Tobiasz pobożny i gospodarz dozorny (1647). Analiza ludzkiej codzienności w jej podstawowych aspektach, konfrontowana przez autora z Biblią sprawia, że starodruk stanowi przykład przenikania się w życiu codziennym doby staropolskiej dwóch sfer istnienia – sacrum oraz profanum. Z tego względu podejmuję następujące zagadnienia: wyodrębnienie tych aspektów rzeczywistości, które przynależą do sfery sacrum oraz tych, które są właściwe sferze profanum. Charakteryzuję zjawisko perswazyjnej sakralizacji codzienności, którego istotą jest nadawanie sakralnej wartości niesakralnym aspektom bytu oraz omawiam obecne w tekście sposoby wchodzenia w relację ze świętością. Obecna w Tobiaszu pobożnym perswazja, która ugruntowana została w religijnym dyskursie ontologicznym, ma w zamierzeniu autora sakralizować sferę profanum

    Radio Network Planning and Propagation Models for Urban and Indoor Wireless Communication Networks

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    As the growing demand for mobile communications is constantly increasing, the need for better coverage, improved capacity, and higher transmission quality rises. Thus, a more efficient use of the radio spectrum and communication systems availability are required. This chapter presents EM propagation models most commonly used for the design of wireless communication systems, computer networks WLAN and WPAN for urban and/or in indoor environments. The review of commercial or University computer codes to assist design of WLAN and WPAN networks were done. An example of computer design and simulation of indoor Bluetooth and WLAN communication systems, in the building of Wroclaw University of Science and Technology, Wroclaw, Poland is shown in Chapter 8

    Fractals in Antennas and Metamaterials Applications

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    Recently, telecommunication systems have been requiring more advanced features in the design and operation. Among others a smaller size of devices, which can be integrated for multiple mobile communication systems, applied in one user’s device board, such as PDA or smart phone. Moreover, the cost of mass production should be minimized as much as possible. To meet part of that request, the antennas of these devices should have small size, lower weight, operating in multiple frequency bands and/or be broadband. There are many research methods to achieve this goal, one of which is using the fractal geometries for the shape of antenna elements. In recent years, there are many fractal shapes that have been proposed for such applications, and the designed antennas have significantly improved antenna features such as smaller size, operating in multi-frequency bands, with improved power gain and efficiency. In recent years, the new approach for modern antenna the metamaterials, MTM, is adopted, and sometimes that based on the fractal geometry is adopted

    Emily Dickinson in the Work of Polish Translators. Continuation of Research

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    This article deals with the Polish translation of Emily Dickinson’s poetry and correspondence. It is a continuation of the reflection in The Emily Dickinson Journal’s pages, which started in 2022. This time we present translations of Kazimiera Iłłakowiczówna, Andrzej Szuba, Krystyna Lenkowska, Ryszard Mierzejewski, Tadeusz Sławek, Teresa Pelka, Artur Międzyrzecki, Lilla Latus, Agnieszka Osiecka, Agnieszka Kreczmar and Ewa Kuryluk. We discuss a selection of Dickinson’s letters translated by Danuta Piestrzyńska. We emphasize the characteristic features of each of the discussed translations. Although Iłłakowiczówna discovered Dickinson for Polish readers, her translations are perceived as archaic. Szuba mainly translates aphoristic texts. Lenkowska makes an effort to be faithful to the original. The newest translators introduce Poles to unknown poems and make new translations of the texts previously rendered into Polish

    Development of towns in 'non-urban' zones

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    The purpose of this article was to clarify fundamental models for organizing urbanization process inside of ‘non-urban zones’ in Poland. This question is analyzed in the context of both urban-forming forces, the centripetal and centrifugal ones, and the phenomenon of the urbanity idea diffusion. Two basic models of urbanization in ‘non-urban’ zones has been underlined. The first one was based on mechanistic attributes, while the second one on the strong role of thermodynamic attributes (diffusion).Celem artykułu było wyjaśnienie zasadniczych modeli organizacji procesu umiastowienia „stref bezmiejskich” w Polsce, w kontekście oddziałujących miastotwórczych sił dośrodkowych i odśrodkowych oraz towarzyszącemu im zjawisku dyfuzji idei uprawomocnionej miejskości. Ostatecznie wskazano na dwa podstawowe modele umiastowienia w „strefach bezmiejskich” o podłożu mechanicystycznym (siły miastotwórcze) i trzy modele o zdecydowanej roli atrybutu termodynamicznego (dyfuzja)

    Proposing a Workshop on Art Evaluation in University Teaching

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    The article presents a workshop on art evaluation addressed at university students of the humanities. The aims of the workshop involve defining the terms ‘art’ and ‘kitsch’, analysing the functions of art throughout the ages, understanding the difference between an educated and uneducated art viewer, the importance of a canon of masterpieces of art for preserving the cultural heritage of Europe, and the problem of personal expectations concerning art. Scholarly content is presented to the students via a workshop based on coaching methods developed by cognitive psychology. The choice of this mode of work allows students to express themselves freely, teaches them how to defend their own opinions, improves their ability to see different points of view, and develops creativity. The workshop begins with a preliminary survey to identify the issues the students need help. It consists of 4 sessions (1.5 hours each) and ends with an evaluation. The proposed workshop can be extended with additional modules, tailored to the participants’ specific needs

    Between history, politics and economy: The problematic heritage of former border railway stations in Poland

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    This paper deals with the issue of former border railway stations (FBRSs) in Poland in the context of their problematic heritage. Since the creation of those borders coincided with the development of the railway network in the 19th century, the FBRSs, now deprived of their past function, remain scattered throughout the landscape as confusing components of a troubled history in an even more confusing contemporaneity. This article assiduously analyses the FBRSs in their capacity as offensive hallmarks vested in inoffensive elements of technical culture, often with high aesthetic value. This is done by departing from a number of analytical lenses: unwanted history, competitive heritage, utility vs. economy, politics and money, and the \u27here and now\u27 policy. These competing perspectives reveal the intricacy of heritagisation, especially in times of greater ease of obtaining monetary funds aimed at revitalisation: what to revitalise, why and how

    Metamaterials in Application to Improve Antenna Parameters

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    In recent years, the demand for miniaturization and integration of many functions of telecommunication equipment is of great interest, especially devices that are widely used in life such as mobile communication systems, smart phones, handheld tablets, GPS receivers, wireless Internet devices, etc. To satisfy this requirement, the mobile device components must be compact and capable of multifunction, multifrequency band operation. An antenna is one of them; it means that it must be conformal to the body of device, reduced in size, and capable to operating at multiple frequencies of mobile communication systems that have been operating on one, so-called smart device. Nowadays, there are many technical solutions applied in the antenna construction to satisfy of those requirements. There are microstrip antenna technology miniaturized by means of high-permittivity dielectric substrate, using shorting wall, shorting pins, some deformation, as the fractal geometry is, and others. However, these methods have disadvantage such as narrow bandwidth and low gain. A new solution that is of great interest to designers is the use of electromagnetic metamaterials for antenna design. The use of metamaterials in antenna design not only dramatically reduces the size of the antenna but can also improve other antenna parameters such as enhancing bandwidth, increasing gain, or generating multiband frequencies of antennas operation

    A dynamic approach to the typology of functional derelict areas (Sosnowiec, Poland)

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    The increasing number of wastelands in East-central European countries is primarily a consequence of functional transformations and movements in the structure of employment. Taking into account such a challenge in this article, the authors propose an approach in which the basic category is a typological proposal with reference to areas with derelict functions, which in turn refers to research within the scope of human geography. In their methodological proposal, the authors consider such variables as: (i) the diversification of management and use of space; (ii) time; (iii) economic functions; and (iv) the scope of geographic research. The effect of including these variables is an attempt to dynamically depict the evolution of land use, with particular attention paid to wasteland: original state - transitional state (derelict areas) - present state. The typological depiction of the emergence and transformation of areas with derelict functions is presented for the case of Sosnowiec