81 research outputs found

    Mineralization of teeth and bones of the cave bear (Ursus spelaeus) from the Biśnik Cave, Southern Poland

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    The studied bones and teeth of the cave bear (Ursus spelaeus) come from the Biœnik Cave, located in the Częstochowa Upland (Southern Poland). The specimens originate from different geological layers formed since the Odra Glaciation (250-270 thousand years BP). The fossilized bones and teeth were studied using optical microscopy, scanning electron microscopy, X-ray diffraction, FTIR spectroscopy, and INAA. They are built of recrystallized carbonate-rich apatite-(CaOH) and/or apatite-(CaOH). The teeth additionally contain some apatite-(CaF). The lack of collagen and minor REE contents suggest rapid burial and collagen decay in the early stage of diagenesis. The bones and teeth have only limited mineral infillings. In some teeth, Mn-Fe (hydroxy)oxides were found in the dentine canaliculi and in bones, some osteocyte lacunae contain Fe (hydroxy)oxides with admixture of Mn. In one bone specimen, calcite infillings are present in Haversian canals. The infillings formed during later stages of diagenesis and were succeeded by non-filled cracks

    Effect of biventricular pacing on heart function evaluated by gated blood pool study in patients with end-stage heart failure

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    BACKGROUND: Biventricular cardiac pacing has been used as a complementary form of therapy in patients with severe heart failure. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of the synchronous stimulation of both ventricles on the heart function measured by gated blood pool study (GBP). MATERIAL AND METHODS:Ten patients (9 men and 1 woman aged 53&#8211;74 years) with end-stage heart failure (HF) were studied. In all patients long-term biventricular pacing (BV) was applied. The obtained results were compared with single-chamber stimulation in 5 patients and with sinus rhythm (SR) in 8 patients. All patients underwent repeated GBP with RBC labelled with 740 MBq of 99 mTc-pertechnetate. The LVEF was calculated according to the standard method based on the count rates. Phase analysis was performed with the standard method using first Fourier element. RESULTS: Clinically in almost all patients moderate to important symptomatic improvement has been observed. The analysis of LVEF values revealed that BV pacing resulted in significantly higher values only in comparison with SR (21.6% &plusmn; 10.3 v. 20.1% &plusmn; 10.1; p < 0.05). The phase shift between both ventriclesventricles by BV pacing was positive and similar to that obtained with SR and RV stimulation (14.0° &plusmn; 29.6 v. 13.4° &plusmn; 37.6 and 7.4° &plusmn; 26.5 v. 6.0° &plusmn; 17.1 respectively). However, in comparison with LV pacing, BV stimulation revealed a change of dominant conduction abnormalities with a delay of RV contraction in relation to LV (9.0° &plusmn; 17.5 v. &#8211;3.0° &plusmn; 11.4). CONCLUSIONS: Biventricular pacing results in slight improvement of LVEF in patients with heart failure and can be considered a promising approach in patients with end-stage heart failure. Synchronous stimulation of both ventricles not always results in decrease of interventricular shift, however that observation requires further studies on a larger population

    Konserwacja szkieletu słonia leśnego Palaeoloxodon antiquus (80–100 tys. lat) ze zbiorów Muzeum Okręgowego w Koninie – badania i praktyka konserwatorska

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    The article presents the exploratory and conservation-wise problematic aspects of the bones obtained from the skeleton of a forest elephant Palaeoloxodon antiquus (Falconer &amp; Cautley, 1847), that lived during the Eemian Interglacial period 80–100000 years ago. This preserved skeleton, currently in the collection of District Museum in Konin, is particularly valuable due to being one of the largest skeletons in Europe that remained almost complete. The necessity of undertaking conservation processes has been caused by the poor state of its preservation – partly because of degradation of the materials applied during conservation in the 80s of the 20th century and later on, as well as numerous bone tissue damages; there also emerged a possibility of using materials and treatments improving value of the object, aesthetically and exhibition-wise. The publication presents the history of the skeleton and its conservation, the condition, the outline of its bone structure, and the results of instrumental research (ATR-FTIR) of derivative materials composition. Moreover, it shows the assumptions for and course of conservation and restoration works. The performed procedures allowed to stabilize the skeleton, reduce formation of new cracks and cavities, and to restore didactic and exhibition value, enabling the skeleton to be returned to a permanent museum exhibition. The works were twice awarded the 1st prize in the category – conservation and protection of cultural heritage in the prestigious competition Museum Event of the Year “Izabella 2018” and “Izabella 2019” organized by the Wielkopolska Museum Foundation under the patronage of the Marshal of the Wielkopolska Province.W artykule zaprezentowano problematykę badawczo-konserwatorską związaną ze stanem kości należących do szkieletu słonia leśnego Palaeoloxodon antiquus (Falconer&amp; Cautley, 1847), żyjącego w czasie interglacjału eemskiego (80–100 tys. lat temu). Konserwowany szkielet ze zbiorów Muzeum Okręgowego w Koninie jest szczególnie cenny, ponieważ należy do największych i najbardziej kompletnych szkieletów dawnych zwierząt w Europie. Powodem podjęcia działań konserwatorskich był głównie zły stan zachowania obiektu, częściowo degradacja materiałów konserwatorskich użytych w latach osiemdziesiątych i później, a także liczne zniszczenia tkanki kostnej oraz możliwość zastosowania materiałów i zabiegów poprawiających cechy estetyczne i ekspozycyjne szkieletu. W opracowaniu omówiono historię zabytku i jego konserwacji, stan zachowania, zarys budowy kości oraz wyniki badań ATR-FTIR materiałów wtórnych. Przedstawiono ponadto założenia oraz przebieg prac konserwatorsko-restauratorskich. Efektem przeprowadzonych zabiegów jest ustabilizowanie szkieletu, ograniczenie możliwości powstawania nowych spękań i ubytków oraz przywrócenie walorów dydaktycznych i ekspozycyjnych, a w konsekwencji powrót szkieletu na ekspozycję muzealną. Wykonane prace zostały dwukrotnie nagrodzone I nagrodą w kategorii „konserwacja i ochrona dziedzictwa kulturowego” w prestiżowym konkursie Wydarzenie Muzealne Roku „Izabella 2018” i „Izabella 2019” organizowanym przez Fundację Muzeów Wielkopolskich pod patronatem Marszałka Województwa Wielkopolskiego

    Completion thyroidectomy of well-differentiated thyroid cancer — a prospective, miserandomised study

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    Wstęp: Rozpoznanie po operacjach pierwotnie niedoszczętnych raka brodawkowatego lub pęcherzykowego tarczycy wymaga radykalizacjileczenia operacyjnego i usunięcia całego gruczołu tarczowego. W zmienionych przez tkankę bliznowatą warunkach anatomicznychradykalność tych zabiegów może być niezadowalająca i w konsekwencji wpływać na wyniki tarapii.Celem pracy była ocena korzyści wynikających z zastosowania ręcznego gamma nawigatora w zabiegach wtórnie całkowitych w przypadkachdobrze zróżnicowanych raków tarczycy.Materiał i metody: W pracy przedstawiono 75 przypadków chorych z dobrze zróżnicowanymi rakami tarczycy, zakwalifikowanych doradykalizacji leczenia operacyjnego. W 43 przypadkach (grupa I) śródoperacyjnie zastosowano ręczny gamma nawigator (NavigatorGPS), 32 chorych reoperowano bez użycia wyżej wymienionego urządzenia (grupa II). W celu oceny radykalności wtórnie całkowitegozabiegu w obu grupach chorych badano pooperacyjnie stężenie tyreoglobuliny (Tg) oraz oceniano wyniki badania scyntygrafii całegociała (I131) — jodochwytność. W obu grupach porównano również wystąpienie powikłań po zabiegach wtórnie radykalnych.Wyniki: Podczas radykalizacji we wszystkich przypadkach wykonano całkowite wycięcie gruczołu tarczowego wraz z wycięciem węzłówchłonnych przedziału centralnego. Pooperacyjne średnie stęzenie Tg oraz jodochwytność były niższe w grupie I w porównaniu z grupąII: (3,32 ± 2,09 v. 4,58 ± 2,5 ng/ml, [p = 0,021] jodochwytność: 6,9 ± 3,38 (grupa I) v. 7,31 ± 2,29 ng/ml (grupa II) [p = 0,187]). Użycienawigatora nie miało wpływu na częstość wystąpienia pooperacyjnych powikłań w obu grupach chorych (p = 0,109).Wnioski: Śródoperacyjne zastosowanie nawigatora może być pomocne w osiągnięciu lepszej radykalności pierwotnie nieradykalnychoperacji, chociaż obserwowane wyniki pozwalają na stwierdzenie, że zabieg ten wykonywany przez doświadczonego operatorapozwala na osiągnięcie porównywalnej radykalności niezależnie o d śródoperacyjnej detekcji izotopowej.(Endokrynol Pol 2013; 64 (5): 335–339)Introduction: Postoperatively diagnosed papillary or follicular thyroid cancer in subtotally thyroidectomised patients requires a completionthyroidectomy. Re-operation with a gamma probe can be particularly useful in these patients.The aim of this study was to evaluate the benefits of using an intraoperative hand-held gamma detector during completion thyroidectomyin patients with well-differentiated thyroid cancer (WTC).Material and methods: 75 patients with WTC qualified for total re-thyroidectomy. In 43 patients, Group I (Nav), a hand-held gammaprobe (Navigator GPS) was used intraoperatively. 32 patients were re-operated without the gamma probe (Group II). In Group I, thyroidremnants were removed based on counted gamma signals. To estimate the radicality of reoperation in both groups, thyroglobulin (Tg)levels were determined and total body scanning (TBS) — I131 uptake — was performed.Results: Total thyroidectomy with central lymphadenectomy was performed in 75 cases. The average level of Tg and iodine uptake afterradicalisation was lower in Group I (Nav) than in Group II (3.32 ± 2.09 v. 4.58 ± 2.5 ng/mL, respectively, for Tg [p = 0.021] and 6.29 ±3.38 v. 7.31 ± 2.29 ng/mL, respectively, for iodine uptake [p = 0.187]). Additionally, the frequency of postoperative complications wascomparable, the difference in both groups was not significant, despite the use of the gamma probe (p = 0.109).Conclusions: The intraoperative use of a hand-held gamma detector can help to improve the radicality of a completion thyroidectomyprocedure after an incomplete primary thyroid resection, but the results of this procedure in the hands of an experienced surgeon arecomparable whether or not the gamma detector is used. (Endokrynol Pol 2013; 64 (5): 335–339

    Od preparowania czterogruczołowego do technik małoinwazyjnych. Małoinwazyjna paratyroidektomia jako obecny standard chirurgii pierwotnej nadczynności przytarczyc

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    Complete surgical resection of hyperfunctioning parathyriod tissue is essential for the treatment of primary hyperparathyroidism. During recent years, minimally invasive surgery has been successfully applied in neck exploration, because of significant developments of guidance by intraoperative scans, the use of quick, intraoperative PTH assay, and also preoperative imaging procedures such as high resolution ultrasonography and sestamibi scintigraphy. The results of operations which are performed with minimally invasive techniques are comparable to those of conventional surgery, and provide advantages with regard to cosmetic result, length of hospitalisation, and reduced post-operative pain.Całkowite chirurgiczne usunięcie nadczynnej tkanki gruczołowej jest kluczowe dla leczenia pierwotnej nadczynności przytarczyc. Podczas ostatnich lat, techniki chirurgii małoinwazyjnej były z sukcesem wprowadzane do preparowania tkanek szyi. Było to możliwe dzięki opracowaniu śródoperacyjnych metod lokalizowania zmienionej tkanki, szybkim testom oznaczającym stężenie PTH w surowicy ,jak również doskonaleniu technik obrazowania przedoperacyjnego, takich jak ultrasonografia wysokiej rozdzielczości czy scyntygrafia z wykorzystaniem sestamibi. Wyniki operacji z wykorzystaniem technik małoinwazyjnych są porównywalne z wynikami technik konwencjonalnych oraz wiążą się z zaletami, takimi jak skrócony okres hospitalizacji, zmniejszenie bólu pooperacyjnego czy lepszy efekt kosmetyczny

    Quality aspects in institutional translation

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    The purpose of this volume is to explore key issues, approaches and challenges to quality in institutional translation by confronting academics’ and practitioners’ perspectives. What the reader will find in this book is an interplay of two approaches: academic contributions providing the conceptual and theoretical background for discussing quality on the one hand, and chapters exploring selected aspects of quality and case studies from both academics and practitioners on the other. Our aim is to present these two approaches as a breeding ground for testing one vis-à-vis the other. This book studies institutional translation mostly through the lens of the European Union (EU) reality, and, more specifically, of EU institutions and bodies, due to the unprecedented scale of their multilingual operations and the legal and political importance of translation. Thus, it is concerned with the supranational (international) level, deliberately leaving national and other contexts aside. Quality in supranational institutions is explored both in terms of translation processes and their products – the translated texts

    Quality aspects in institutional translation

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    The purpose of this volume is to explore key issues, approaches and challenges to quality in institutional translation by confronting academics’ and practitioners’ perspectives. What the reader will find in this book is an interplay of two approaches: academic contributions providing the conceptual and theoretical background for discussing quality on the one hand, and chapters exploring selected aspects of quality and case studies from both academics and practitioners on the other. Our aim is to present these two approaches as a breeding ground for testing one vis-à-vis the other. This book studies institutional translation mostly through the lens of the European Union (EU) reality, and, more specifically, of EU institutions and bodies, due to the unprecedented scale of their multilingual operations and the legal and political importance of translation. Thus, it is concerned with the supranational (international) level, deliberately leaving national and other contexts aside. Quality in supranational institutions is explored both in terms of translation processes and their products – the translated texts

    Quality aspects in institutional translation

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    The purpose of this volume is to explore key issues, approaches and challenges to quality in institutional translation by confronting academics’ and practitioners’ perspectives. What the reader will find in this book is an interplay of two approaches: academic contributions providing the conceptual and theoretical background for discussing quality on the one hand, and chapters exploring selected aspects of quality and case studies from both academics and practitioners on the other. Our aim is to present these two approaches as a breeding ground for testing one vis-à-vis the other. This book studies institutional translation mostly through the lens of the European Union (EU) reality, and, more specifically, of EU institutions and bodies, due to the unprecedented scale of their multilingual operations and the legal and political importance of translation. Thus, it is concerned with the supranational (international) level, deliberately leaving national and other contexts aside. Quality in supranational institutions is explored both in terms of translation processes and their products – the translated texts

    Quality aspects in institutional translation

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    The purpose of this volume is to explore key issues, approaches and challenges to quality in institutional translation by confronting academics’ and practitioners’ perspectives. What the reader will find in this book is an interplay of two approaches: academic contributions providing the conceptual and theoretical background for discussing quality on the one hand, and chapters exploring selected aspects of quality and case studies from both academics and practitioners on the other. Our aim is to present these two approaches as a breeding ground for testing one vis-à-vis the other. This book studies institutional translation mostly through the lens of the European Union (EU) reality, and, more specifically, of EU institutions and bodies, due to the unprecedented scale of their multilingual operations and the legal and political importance of translation. Thus, it is concerned with the supranational (international) level, deliberately leaving national and other contexts aside. Quality in supranational institutions is explored both in terms of translation processes and their products – the translated texts

    Quality aspects in institutional translation

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    The purpose of this volume is to explore key issues, approaches and challenges to quality in institutional translation by confronting academics’ and practitioners’ perspectives. What the reader will find in this book is an interplay of two approaches: academic contributions providing the conceptual and theoretical background for discussing quality on the one hand, and chapters exploring selected aspects of quality and case studies from both academics and practitioners on the other. Our aim is to present these two approaches as a breeding ground for testing one vis-à-vis the other. This book studies institutional translation mostly through the lens of the European Union (EU) reality, and, more specifically, of EU institutions and bodies, due to the unprecedented scale of their multilingual operations and the legal and political importance of translation. Thus, it is concerned with the supranational (international) level, deliberately leaving national and other contexts aside. Quality in supranational institutions is explored both in terms of translation processes and their products – the translated texts