356 research outputs found

    Transfer in Implicit Learning

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    The article describes the research, the aim of which is to discover the effect of transfer of the implicit knowledge of artificial grammar to solving of sensory-motor tasks. The article considers the role of implicit knowledge in actual cognitive activity. Forty volunteers took part in the experiment. Participants of the experiment wereimplicitly taught the rule of artificial grammar. At the control phase, the assignment consisted of solving the sensory-motor problem – to react to the appearance of the green or yellow circle by pressing a certain key. In the experimental group, the grammatical line always appeared before the green-colored circle was presented, and the ungrammatical line appeared before the yellow-colored circle. In the control group the color of the circle didn’t depend on the grammaticality of the line. As a result, we established the considerable reduction in the reaction time in the experimental group. Thus, the transfer of the implicitly learned knowledge of artificial grammar leads to enhancement of efficiency of sensory-motor activity. The implicit rule of artificialgrammar has acquired role of prime-stimulation. Keywords: implicit knowledge, implicit learning, artificial grammar learning, sensorymotor activity, transfer effect, primin

    Simulation of oxide phases formation under pulsed electron beam

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    This paper presents the mathematical model of evolution phase composition in the TiNi+Si system under impulsive electron beam. It was assumed that the initial coating contains small concentration of molecular oxygen. This model is one-demensional, and takes into account the phenomena of diffusion, chemical reactions, and thermal effects of chemical reactions. Results of the numerical modeling had show that the oxide of titanium and triple solution TiNiSi formed in significant amounts, and triple solution preferentially forms in the substrate. Other oxides must be formed in trace amounts

    Preparation of Freestanding Porous Silicon Photonic Crystals

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    Nowadays, the photonic crystals are of great interest and are widely used in photonics, biosensing, optoelectronics and other fields of research. The one-dimensional photonic crystals manufactured on the basis of porous silicon were proved to be the most suitable for applications due to their high sorption ability, large surface area, easiness of fabrication, and possibility to precisely control porosity and refractive index during electrochemical etching. However, the sensitivity of various kinds of gas and biological sensors as well as the performance of solar cells and other devices on the basis of porous silicon structures may be significantly increased by detaching the structures from the substrate. Here, we have developed and investigated the fabrication procedure of freestanding one-dimensional photonic crystals on the basis of porous silicon with the use of electropolishing method followed stabilization of freestanding porous silicon photonic structures through their oxidation. We have demonstrated that the developed and applied lift-off procedure does not violate the morphology and the photonic properties of the samples. Keywords: Porous silicon, photonic crystals, microcavity, thin films, freestanding photonic crystals

    Parallel Programming Archetypes in Combinatorics and Optimization

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    A Parallel Programming Archetype is a language-independent program design strategy. We describe two archetypes in combinatorics and optimization, their components, implementations, and example applications developed using an archetype

    Preparation of professional training teachers for network cooperation between educational establishments during labor preparation

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    Relevance of the problem being investigated is conditioned by the necessity to arrange network cooperation between educational institutions during labor force preparation in the conditions of informatization of educational and technological processes. The aim of the article is to prove the necessity of including basics of network cooperation between educational establishments to preparation of professional training teachers for computer modeling in the conditions of implementation of Federal State Educational Standards for labor professions. The main method of research is pedagogical modeling of professional training teachers preparation, permitting to identify the structure and content of the preparation process for computer modeling. The necessity to train professional training teachers in organization of network cooperation between educational institutions during preparation for computer modeling has been identified and proved; the approach to development of the structure and component content of the process of preparation for computer modeling has been determined; content of preparation for computer modeling has been reconstructed by introduction of cross-discipline module “Computer modeling”; module and competency-based learning and teaching support of the process of preparation to computer modeling has been developed. The materials of the article can be used by magistrands, post-graduates, teachers in development of content of information preparation of professional training teachers. © 2016 Tarasjuk et al

    Организация научно-исследовательской работы: условия предоставления научной информации

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    The possibility is examined for providing open data in pursuance of the goals and objectives of sustainable development set up in the UNESCO Science Report: Towards 2030. Organization of science research work implies managing vast data arrays, availability of scientific information and its reliability in the aspect of increase of researchers and volumes of scientific publications. Focus is also made on finding sources of reliable scientific information. The role of the libraries as a source of bibliographic information, organizing the system of support of scientific research is emphasized. The possibilities for providing open data and online access to information resources are considered. The directions of the information space development in the perspective of collective management of rights are underlined. The framework and possibilities for providing access to scientific information are specified. However, the remote user authorization technologies and IP-address range access capabilities limit the openness of information resources. The author emphasizes that the terms of use of documents differentiated by right holders depend on the strategy of data management. She also argues that educational and scientific programs should include training in using of information resources.Рассмотрена возможность предоставления открытых данных для целей и задач устойчивого развития, представленных в «Докладе ЮНЕСКО по науке: на пути к 2030 году». Отмечены проблемы организации научно-исследовательской работы, связанные с управлением большими массивами данных, доступностью научной информации и её достоверностью (число исследователей и объёмы научных публикаций увеличиваются). Обращено внимание на основные источники достоверной научной информации и на то, что научная информация, отражённая в электронных документах, станет более доступной, если решить комплекс технических, технологических, юридических и интеллектуальных задач. Показана роль библиотеки как организатора системы поддержки научных исследований. Сформулированы возможности предоставления открытых данных и организации удалённого доступа к информационным ресурсам. Представлены направления развития информационного пространства при коллективном управлении правами. Названы условия и возможности предоставления научной информации, использования документов, разграниченных правообладателями в зависимости от стратегии управления данными. Сделан акцент на технологиях авторизации удалённых пользователей и доступе по IP-адресам в определённых диапазонах, что ограничивает открытость информационных ресурсов. Подчёркнуто, что подготовку к использованию информационных ресурсов необходимо включать в образовательные и научные программы

    Kibbe's Typology as Continuation of the Method of Lines and Corners of the Pestalozzi in Training of Adults in Drawing of the Portrait

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    The academic system of art education is not suitable for teaching adult portrait drawing as a hobby or as the first stage of professional orientation. An alternative is the method of simple shapes of lines and angles of Pestalozzi. The Kibbe typology is similar in structure to the Pestalozzi method, but classifies the face types in more detail, based on the ratio of structural lines and angles. Such a simple template scheme of face types helps novice artists to orient themselves at the beginning of training in drawing a portrait and stimulates a serious study of visual literacy in the future.Для обучения рисунку портрета взрослых в качестве хобби или первой ступени профессиональной ориентации академическая система художественного образования не подходит. Альтернативой является метод простых форм линий и углов Песталоцци. Типология Кибби по структуре напоминает метод Песталоцци, но более детально классифицирует типы лица, исходя из соотношения структурных линий и углов. Такая простая шаблонная схема типов лица помогает начинающим художникам сориентироваться в начале обучения рисованию портрета и стимулирует к серьёзному изучению изобразительной грамоты в дальнейшем


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    Introduction. One of the important problems that arise in the process of translation from Russian into German is the adequate transmission of prepositions as connecting links of individual members of a sentence or entire independent constructions. There are a fairly large number of prepositions in modern German that differ from each other in their structure, using of cases, number of meanings and style of use. The object of this study is the preposition ради and methods of its translation to the German. Purpose of the study: to reveal the lexical-semantic and stylistic features of the preposition ради and determine its equivalents in German. The following methods were used during the study, i.e., the analytical one, classification, comparison, observations, descriptions. According to the results of the study, it was revealed that the preposition of the Russian language ради can also act as a postposition. It finds many equivalents in German: für, wegen, aus Gründen, meinetwegen, deinetwegen, zuliebe, seinetwillen, zugunsten, zwecks. The choice of the German equivalent depends on the lexical-semantic meaning of the preposition, text style, communication goals. Research materials can be used in the process of mastering the German language, in practical classes in oral speech, as well as in lexicology and translation studies