135 research outputs found

    The role of social programs in the implementation of corporate social responsibility

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    In recent years, the role of non-material factors in economic development has been growing: social policy and corporate social responsibility of companies are becoming increasingly important. Determining the forms, methods and amounts of contribution to the socio-economic component ofpublic relations is the prerogative of any company, and structuring activities in this area is a prerequisite for creating social programs. The study is devoted to the definition and justification of the role of social programs in the implementation of corporate social responsibility. The relevance of the research is due to the increasing influence of corporate social responsibility on the economic condition and development of companies, as well as on the socio-economic life of society. The constant interest of all interested parties in the disclosure of corporate information, including social orientation, further confirms the relevance of this study

    Virtualization museum sites as a significant aspect of the educational potential of youth

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    The article describes the main applications of virtual museums, shows their educational potential in the development of young people. It outlines the main aspects of the creation of virtual toursВ статье раскрываются основные способы применения виртуальных музеев, показан их образовательный потенциал в развитии молодежи. Раскрыты основные аспекты создания виртуальных туро

    Preparation of professional training teachers for network cooperation between educational establishments during labor preparation

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    Relevance of the problem being investigated is conditioned by the necessity to arrange network cooperation between educational institutions during labor force preparation in the conditions of informatization of educational and technological processes. The aim of the article is to prove the necessity of including basics of network cooperation between educational establishments to preparation of professional training teachers for computer modeling in the conditions of implementation of Federal State Educational Standards for labor professions. The main method of research is pedagogical modeling of professional training teachers preparation, permitting to identify the structure and content of the preparation process for computer modeling. The necessity to train professional training teachers in organization of network cooperation between educational institutions during preparation for computer modeling has been identified and proved; the approach to development of the structure and component content of the process of preparation for computer modeling has been determined; content of preparation for computer modeling has been reconstructed by introduction of cross-discipline module “Computer modeling”; module and competency-based learning and teaching support of the process of preparation to computer modeling has been developed. The materials of the article can be used by magistrands, post-graduates, teachers in development of content of information preparation of professional training teachers. © 2016 Tarasjuk et al


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    The purpose of the paper is to investigate the level of competitiveness of agricultural and food products and to identify the possible areas of export development on the basis of scientific works and the existing system of national strategy of the agricultural sector development. The concept of «export potential of the agricultural sector” and its relation to the competitiveness of agricultural enterprises was revealed. The dynamics and the geography of Ukrainian export of agro-food products was investigated. The data of the State Statistics Committee of Ukraine for 2005—2016, Internet resources, and own observations served as the basis for the research. For the purposes of the research such groups of the most important product types were selected: cereals, namely: winter wheat, winter barley, corn; vegetable oil (sunflower, rapeseed, soybean), strawberry, sunflower and soya, etc., and as well as those that at the present stage are advocated and, thus, may significantly raise export potential in the long term (meat, poultry, dairy products, etc.). Change in the orientation of agro-export is associated with several factors: firstly, difficult political relationships with the Russian Federation resulted in a significant reduction in the volumes of exports to this country; secondly, the increase in exports to EU countries in connection to the signing of association agreement with the EU; thirdly, the continued growth of exports to the countries of Asia and Africa.It is the «competitiveness» that identifies the opportunities for the products supply on external markets, and this is a potential set of types of agro-food products, which domestic agricultural enterprises are able to export, that identifies the potential of the agricultural sector. Ukrainian producers have the advantage over the competitors in terms of the quality and products prices which is confirmed by the fact that domestic products are exported to more than 90 countries of the world. The use of the model of potential growth of export potential of the Ukrainian agro-products will able to fully provide growers with information about potential markets for products, to ensure the proper support for the promotion of products on foreign markets.Раскрыто понятие «экспортный потенциал аграрного сектора» и его взаимосвязь с «конкурентоспособностью сельскохозяйственных предприятий». Исследованы динамика и география экспорта агропродовольственной продукции в Украине. Использование предложенной модели потенциального роста экспортного потенциала украинской агропродовольственной продукции позволит полностью обеспечить аграриев информацией о возможных рынков сбыта продукции, обеспечить надлежащую поддержку при продвижении продукции на зарубежные рынки.Ціллю дослідження є дослідження на базі наукових доробків і чинної системи вітчизняної стратегії розвитку аграрного сектору економіки рівень розвитку конкурентоспроможності вітчизняної аграрної та продовольчої продукції і визначення можливих напрямів експортного розвитку. Розкрито поняття «експортний потенціал аграрного сектору» і його взаємозв’язок з «конкурентоспроможністю сільськогосподарських підприємств». Досліджено динаміку і географію експорту агропродовольчої продукції в Україні. Основою дослідження слугували дані Державного комітету статистики України за 2005—2016 роки, дані Інтернет-ресурсів і власні спостереження авторів. Для цілей роботи відібрано групи найбільш значущих видів продукції [озима пшениця, озимий ячмінь, кукурудза; рослинна олія (соняшникова, ріпакова, соєва), полуниця, насіння соняшнику та боби сої тощо] і тих, які на сучасному етапі виступають бюджетоформувальними та таких, що можуть суттєво наростити експортний потенціал у перспективі (м’ясо, птиця, молочні продукти тощо). Зміна орієнтирів експорту агропродовольчої продукції пов’язана з декількома основними чинниками: по-перше, важкі політичні стосунки з Російською Федерацією призвели до суттєвого скорочення обсягів продукції в цю країну; по-друге, збільшення експорту до країн ЄС у зв’язку з укладенням Угоди про асоціацію з ЄС; по-третє, подальше зростання експорту в країни Азії та Африки. Саме «конкурентоспроможність» визначає можливості постачання продуктів на зовнішні ринки і включає потенційний набір типів агропродовольчих товарів, які вітчизняні сільськогосподарські підприємства можуть експортувати, що визначає потенціал аграрного сектору. Українські виробники мають перевагу перед конкурентами щодо якості та цін виробів, що підтверджується тим фактом, що вітчизняна продукція експортується в більш ніж 90 країн світу. Використання запропонованої моделі потенційного зростання експортного потенціалу української агропродовольчої продукції дасть можливість повністю забезпечити аграріїв інформацією щодо можливих ринків збуту продукції, забезпечити належну підтримку при просуванні продукції на зарубіжні ринки

    The actuality of the use the visualization in teaching by high-tech disciplines

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    Рассматривается необходимость использования визуализации учебного материала при обучении бакалавров высокоинтеллектуальным технологиям в блоке профильных дисциплинThe article discusses the necessity of the use of visualization of the educational material when teaching bachelors highbrow and high-tech technology in the block of core subject

    Early physiological response of potato plants to entomopathogenic fungi under hydroponic conditions

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    Endophytic entomopathogenic fungi are promising agents for the promotion of plant growth, the activation of immunity, and protection against phytopathogens. However, physiological changes in plants after treatment with fungi are insufficiently studied. We investigated the effect of potato inoculation with conidia from Metarhizium robertsii and Beauveria bassiana on the growth (fresh and dry weight, length of shoots and roots, counts of stolons and leaves, and total surface area of leaves) and physiological parameters (pigment contents, free proline and malondialdehyde content, and activity of antioxidant enzymes) at the initial stage of the plant–fungus interaction (seven days) under hydroponic conditions. The results showed that the fungi could act as an immune-modulating factor for plants based on the increase in malondialdehyde and proline contents. At the same time, we observed growth retardation and a decrease in the content of photosynthetic pigments, which may be caused by a tradeoff between plant growth and the immune response

    Experimental Studies of the Process of Coolant Evaporation

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    This article presents the results of experimental studies of the process of coolant evaporation and its physical properties. As a result of experiments, the process of evaporation of coolant in devices with natural and forced circulation was studied. Experimental study of the process of coolant evaporation is presented and determined its physical properties from the temperature and mass fraction of dry substances. Analysis of the results of the study showed that the coolant evaporation in the evaporator with natural circulation is advisable to the mass fraction of dry substances in the solution up to 40%. Process of evaporation to higher concentrations should be carried out in evaporator with forced circulation. © 2021 Author(s)


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    Cooling lubricants based on triethanolamine (CL) are widely used in metal processing because of need for cooling in the processing area of the product, reducing tool wear, and ensuring quality of the processed surface [1, 2, 3, 4]. It is advisable to pre-concentrate the coolant for disposal.This work was supported by the Russian Foundation for Basic Research (grant # 19-53-55002)


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    The possibility of using biologically active proton (2-hydroxyethyl) ammonium, ionic liquids of the general formula HN+RiR2(CH2CH2OH)3_n.•OOCCH,X(Ind)Ai; R = H, Me, X = O, S, SO; n = 0-2 as stimulators of growth S. aureus shows in the article. 24 strains isolated from patients with purulent-septic complications from the surgical department studied. There are shown a significant acceleration, of growth of S. aureus in a agar nutrient containing yolk-salt agar, the addition of stimulants tested at concentrations 4.10-6.10 wt. %. Proposed use of stimulants for the development of improved methods of rapid diagnosis of healthcare-associated infections caused by S. aureus, which will greatly reduce the time of issue analysis and. prescribe adequate treatment promptly sick