467 research outputs found


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    Despite many works concerning school maturity in Poland, there are only few that focus only on emotional aspects of social behaviours of children who are to start school education. Interest in this issue started increasing when educational authorities announced lowering the age of compulsory education. Majority of available studies concerns evaluation and abilities of children referring to their cognitive possibilities. Although they are very important for the children’s further development, the reasons for success are rather related to emotional and social intelligence. This article presents the research results concerning socio‑emotional competenciesof future pupils of the first year of primary school. Pedagogical observation comprises children from two years remaining at preschool before starting school education. The goal of the study was to present social and emotional state of the 6- and 7-year-old children after cancellation of, so called, “six-year-olds law”

    The Xenolithic suite of the Strontian Granite

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    The Strontian Granite in Argyllshire. is a composite pluton of late Caledonian age, emplaced into Moinian psammitic and pelitic rocks. It is composed of an outer tonalitic granodiorite (dated at 435 Ma.) passing into a porphyritic granodioritic, both xenolithic, and intruded by a younger alkali granite (ca. 400 Ma.)

    Ubiquinone in mitochondria of cytoplasmic mutants

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    Ubiquinone in mitochondria of cytoplasmic mutant


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    The contemporary scene of slavery and human trafficking will be presented, with particular emphasis on the fate of women as victims of sexual violence. Forms of counteracting this phenomenon will be discussed, such as the norms of international law and the activities of Interpol and other organizations. The types of modern trade in "live goods" and the way criminals work will also be presented.The contemporary scene of slavery and human trafficking will be presented, with particular emphasis on the fate of women as victims of sexual violence. Forms of counteracting this phenomenon will be discussed, such as the norms of international law and the activities of Interpol and other organizations. The types of modern trade in "live goods" and the way criminals work will also be presented

    Trust as the Foundation of the Spirituality of Mercy according to Michael Sopocko

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    The aim of this article is to show that Father Michael Sopocko, in his writings, presented the virtue of trust as the basis of the spirituality of mercy. This author, now blessed of the Catholic Church, was the first to carry out the mission of extending the devotion to Divine Mercy in the form given by Jesus to Sister Faustina. He elaborated on this theologically and pastorally. One might say that he built the foundation of the spirituality of mercy of modern times. The article shows how Sopocko understood the essence of the virtue of trust and what qualities he attributed to it, as well as how he perceived the importance of this virtue in Christian life and what role he attributed to it in the devotion to Divine Mercy. The author in question grounded his analyses on the virtue of trust primarily in the Word of God, which he frequently referred to. He also referred in some of his writings to the issue of the new forms of devotion to Divine Mercy and, in their context, showed trust as the foundation of the spirituality of mercy. The article uses the method of analysing the writings of Michael Sopocko with commentaries. The result of this analysis is the conclusion that the virtue of trust is not only an indispensable element of a properly understood spirituality of mercy, without which this spirituality would be incomplete and skewed, but is in fact the basis of this spirituality and gives it its proper direction

    Polska bibliografia narodowa bieżąca na tle tendencji europejskich – obserwacje z początku wieku

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    Artykuł dotyczy aktualnego stanu polskiej bieżącej bibliografii narodowej. Rozważania usytuowano na tle bibliografii 8 krajów europejskich: Czech, Francji, Litwy, Niemiec, Rosji, Słowacji, Szwecji, Wielkiej Brytanii. Wymienione bibliografie analizowano pod kątem: kryteriów doboru materiału, liczby serii wchodzących w ich skład, rodzaju opisu, układu wersji drukowanych, postaci, w jakich się ukazują, instytucji opracowujących i odpowiadających za ostateczny kształt serwisów bibliograficznych.The article presents Polish current national bibliography against a background of national bibliographies in: Czech Republic, France, German, Great Britain, Lithuania, Slovakia Sweden and Russia. The analyze concerns: general selection criteria, numbers of series, sort of bibliographic records, schedule of print series, forms of publications and institutions in charge of current national bibliographies

    Cloning and functional analysis of dpm2 and dpm3 genes from Trichoderma reesei expressed in Saccharomyces cerevisiae dpm1∆ mutant

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    Abstract In Trichoderma reesei, dolichyl phosphate mannose (dpm) synthase, a key enzyme in the O-glycosylation process, requires three proteins for full activity. In this study, the dpm2 and dpm3 genes coding for the DPMII and DPMIII subunits of T. reesei DPM synthase were cloned and functionally analyzed after expression in the Saccharomyces cerevisiae dpm1Δ [genotype (BY4743; his3Δ1; /leu2Δ0; lys2Δ0; /ura3Δ0; YPR183w::kanMX4] mutant. It was found that apart from the catalytic subunit DPMI, the DPMIII subunit is also essential to form an active DPM synthase in yeast. Additional expression of the DPMII protein, considered to be a regulatory subunit of DPM synthase, decreased the enzymatic activity. We also characterized S. cerevisiae strains expressing the dpm1, 2, 3 or dpm1, 3 genes and analyzed the consequences of dpm expression on protein O-glycosylation in vivo and on the cell wall composition

    O niematerialnych aktywach bibliotek (Rec. Maja Wojciechowska, Studium zarządzania niematerialnymi zasobami organizacyjnymi bibliotek, Gdańsk 2014)

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    Omówienie opracowania na temat teoretycznych i praktycznych aspektów zarządzania zasobami niematerialnymi bibliotek. Skoncentrowanie na usługach, a nie na zasobach bibliotek spowodowało konieczność zmian w sferze ich organizacji. Znaczenia nabrały niematerialne zasoby organizacyjne, które wpływają na jakość świadczenia usługi. Założenia te leżą u podstaw tezy niniejszej książki, którą jest uznanie znaczenia czynników niematerialnych w zarządzaniu biblioteką oraz kreowaniu jej pozycji w otoczeniu.Review of a book on theoretical and practical aspects of management of intangible library assets. Focusing on library services rather than resources resulted in a need to change their organization. The intangible organizational resources have gained in importance which in turn affects service quality. The thesis of the book is recognition of the importance of intangible factors in library management and creating the library’s position in its environment

    Design thinking i blended librarianship − nowe tendencje w bibliotekarstwie amerykańskim

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    Artykuł dotyczy nowych koncepcji, które pojawiły się w ostatnich latach w bibliotekarstwie amerykańskim. Pierwsza z nich do zastosowanie design thinking do udoskonalania działalności bibliotek. Metoda ta stosowana do niedawna tylko w sektorze biznesowym, jest już wykorzystywana w bibliotekach amerykańskich i przynosi pozytywne efekty. Druga koncepcja - będąca reakcją na marginalizację bibliotek w środowisku uczelnianym - to blended librarianship. Według niej blended librarian to bibliotekarz akademicki, który łączy standardowe umiejętności bibliotekarskie z kompetencjami w zakresie technologii informatycznych oraz projektowania i wdrażania metod i technik przydatnych w procesie nauczania i uczenia się. Poszerzenie zadań powierzonych bibliotekarzom akademickim ma przynieść efekty w postaci lepszego wizerunku biblioteki, traktowanej nie tylko jako miejsca wypożyczania książek, ale także niezbędnej w realizacji procesów dydaktycznych