34 research outputs found

    How Consumer Behavior in the 1930’s-1940’s Differed from Today

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    Over the years, consumer behavior has undergone a major evolution in terms of how people buy their products and what influences them. What was once limited by word of mouth and limited availability has now exploded into a major component of everyday life. In order to get more info on what consumer life was like before now, I conducted an interview with my grandmother, Mary Jane Krusinski, to see what consumer life was back in her time as well as her perceptions of consumer life today. However, the answers she gave may surprise some as her life as a consumer was different in many ways. The major ways consumer life differed in her day were acquisition, cost/benefits analysis, relationship marketing, needs and wants, marketing techniques used by companies, and disposition of products

    Measuring the Phytochemical Richness of Meat: Effects of Grass/Grain Finishing Systems and Grapeseed Extract Supplementation on the Fatty Acid and Phytochemical Content of Beef

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    Grass-finished beef (GFB) can provide beneficial bioactive compounds to healthy diets, including omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (n-3 PUFAs), conjugated linoleic acid (CLA), and secondary bioactive compounds, such as phytochemicals. The objective of this study was to compare fatty acids (FAs), micronutrients, and phytochemicals of beef fed a biodiverse pasture (GRASS), a total mixed ration (GRAIN), or a total mixed ration with 5% grapeseed extract (GRAPE). This was a two-year study involving fifty-four Red Angus steers (n = 54). GFB contained higher levels of n-3 PUFAs, vitamin E, iron, zinc, stachydrine, hippuric acid, citric acid, and succinic acid than beef from GRAIN and GRAPE (p \u3c 0.001 for all). No differences were observed in quantified phytochemicals between beef from GRAIN and GRAPE (p \u3e 0.05). Random forest analysis indicated that phytochemical and FA composition of meat can predict cattle diets with a degree of certainty, especially for GFB (5.6% class error). In conclusion, these results indicate that GFB contains higher levels of potentially beneficial bioactive compounds, such as n-3 PUFAs, micronutrients, and phytochemicals, compared to grain-finished beef. Additionally, the n-6:n-3 ratio was the most crucial factor capable of separating beef based on finishing diets

    Rail Joint.

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    Patent for improvements in railway-rail joints, including "a means for adjusting the rails whereby a tight joint may be produced at any season of the year when the expansion and contraction of the metal with the varying temperatures cause the joints to become loose and the track uneven;" (lines 16-21) "suitable rail-carrying bed-pieces, made of metal and grooved to receive the rail;" (lines 23-24) and "brackets on its under side which are adapted to brace against the railway-ties, and suitable pins or integral lugs which engage with the tie to hold it firmly in place." (Lines 34-38) Includes instructions and illustrations

    Car Coupling.

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    Patent for an improvement on car-couplers, "especially to the class of hook-and-catch couplers in which the sides of the jaws of the coupler securely hold a link between the same by means of a downwardly-extending hook, the sides of the upper jaw carrying the said hook extending down over the sides of the under jaw, thus protecting the jaws from a lateral jar or pressure, the lower jaw being provided with a series of recesses at different angles, which are designed to receive the end of the link when held in different positions" (lines 16-27). The car-coupler also has a gravity member

    Tarih-i seyyah der beyan-ı zuhur-ı Ağvaniyan ve sebeb-i inhidâm-ı bina-i Devlet-i Şahan-ı Safeviyan

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    Eserde Kütübhaneye İhda (Darülmuallimîn Müdürü Satı Bey Tarafından İhdâ Edilmişdir) Kaydı Vardır. Ön Ve Arka Cildler Bezemelidir. Eserde "İstanbul Eğitim Enstitüsü Kitaplığı" Ve "İstanbul Erkek Öğretmen Okulu Kütübhanesi" Mühürleri Vardır.1. Dibace (İbrahim Müteferrika'nın), yk. 1b-3a 2. Suret-i Emr-i Şerif ve Arz-ı Hal, yk. 3b 3. Fihrist-i kitab, yk. 4a-7b 4. İbrahim Müteferrika'nın tercüme ile ilgili notu, yk. 1a 5. Tarih-i seyyah der beyan-ı zuhur-ı Ağvaniyan ve sebeb-i inhidâm-ı bina-i Devlet-i Şahan-ı Safeviyan, 97 yk

    Tarih-i seyyah der beyan-ı zuhur-ı Ağvaniyan ve sebeb-i inhidâm-ı binâ'i Devlet-i Şahan-ı Safeviyan Afgan tarihi

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    Tbtk'da "Afyon Tarihi" Başlığı Altında Kataloglanmıştır. Eserde "İstanbul Y. Öğretmen Okulu Kitaplığı" Ve "İzmir Lisesi Kütüphanesi, 1922" Mühürleri Vardır. Serlevha Mihrabiyelidir

    Chronic mucocutaneous herpes simplex virus

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