2 research outputs found

    Eesti tööturu etnilist ebavõrdsust kujundavad hoiakud ja väärtused eri rahvusrühmade subjektipositsioonide kontekstis

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    Ethnic inequalities attitudes and values in the Estonian labor market in the context of subject positions of different ethnic groupsThe aim of the article is to analyze the situation of ethnic inequality in the Estonian labor market, the mechanisms of its reproduction, and its transformation through the understanding of the attitudes and values inherent in different subject positions.The study focuses on the analysis of the relational causes of ethnic stratification and the attitudes of different subjects that have been confirmed in Estonian society in order to find answers to the questions of whether and to what extent Estonians and Russians perceive this phenomenon as subjects in different positions. The empirical data of the study are based on the data of the study DIMA (Political and socio-psychological determinants of inclusive integration context, funded by the Norwegian Financial Mechanism EMP 138, 2013-2017) conducted in 2013-2017.According to the author, the most important conclusion of the analysis is that despite years of work and efforts to reduce ethnic inequality in Estonia, integration has not yielded such results that the gap between Estonians and Russians has narrowed. If we add to this the growing public debate in recent years about the privileged position of Estonian as an indigenous people and the Estonian language at the political level, these circumstances do not give hope of reducing inequality between the two ethnic groups.Keywords: labor market inequality, unequal treatment, relational analyses, ethnic discrimination, social stratification, EstoniaMärksõnad: tööturu ebavõrdsus, ebavõrdne kohtlemine, relatsiooniline analüüs, etniline diskrimineerimine, sotsiaalne kihistumine, Eest

    Acta Politica Estica Nr 12/2021

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    Acta Politica Estica teadusajakirja 2021. aasta number sisaldab artikleid: Krumm, Kristo. (2021). Eesti tööturu etnilist ebavõrdsust kujundavad hoiakud ja väärtused eri rahvusrühmade subjektipositsioonide kontekstis. Sinisaar, Hede. (2021). Eesti perehüvitiste mõju laste vaesusele Nagel, Hannes. (2021). Covid-19 esimeses laines Tallinna ja Saaremaa näite