125 research outputs found

    CIV Emission and the Ultraviolet through X-ray Spectral Energy Distribution of Radio-Quiet Quasars

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    In the restframe UV, two of the parameters that best characterize the range of emission-line properties in quasar broad emission-line regions are the equivalent width and the blueshift of the CIV line relative to the quasar rest frame. We explore the connection between these emission-line properties and the UV through X-ray spectral energy distribution (SED) for radio-quiet (RQ) quasars. Our sample consists of a heterogeneous compilation of 406 quasars from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey and Palomar-Green survey that have well-measured CIV emission-line and X-ray properties (including 164 objects with measured Gamma). We find that RQ quasars with both strong CIV emission and small CIV blueshifts can be classified as "hard-spectrum" sources that are (relatively) strong in the X-ray as compared to the UV. On the other hand, RQ quasars with both weak CIV emission and large CIV blueshifts are instead "soft-spectrum" sources that are (relatively) weak in the X-ray as compared to the UV. This work helps to further bridge optical/soft X-ray "Eigenvector 1" relationships to the UV and hard X-ray. Based on these findings, we argue that future work should consider systematic errors in bolometric corrections (and thus accretion rates) that are derived from a single mean SED. Detailed analysis of the CIV emission line may allow for SED-dependent corrections to these quantities.Comment: AJ, in press; 39 pages, 11 figures, 3 table

    Isolation and Comparative Transcriptome Analysis of Human Fetal and iPSC-Derived Cone Photoreceptor Cells.

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    Loss of cone photoreceptors, crucial for daylight vision, has the greatest impact on sight in retinal degeneration. Transplantation of stem cell-derived L/M-opsin cones, which form 90% of the human cone population, could provide a feasible therapy to restore vision. However, transcriptomic similarities between fetal and stem cell-derived cones remain to be defined, in addition to development of cone cell purification strategies. Here, we report an analysis of the human L/M-opsin cone photoreceptor transcriptome using an AAV2/9.pR2.1:GFP reporter. This led to the identification of a cone-enriched gene signature, which we used to demonstrate similar gene expression between fetal and stem cell-derived cones. We then defined a cluster of differentiation marker combination that, when used for cell sorting, significantly enriches for cone photoreceptors from the fetal retina and stem cell-derived retinal organoids, respectively. These data may facilitate more efficient isolation of human stem cell-derived cones for use in clinical transplantation studies

    Unification of Luminous Type 1 Quasars through CIV Emission

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    Using a sample of 30,000 quasars from SDSS-DR7, we explore the range of properties exhibited by high-ionization, broad emission lines, such as CIV 1549. Specifically we investigate the anti-correlation between L_UV and emission line EQW (the Baldwin Effect) and the "blueshifting" of high-ionization emission lines. The blueshift of the CIV emission line is nearly ubiquitous, with a mean shift of 810 km/s for radio-quiet (RQ) quasars and 360 km/s for radio-loud (RL) quasars, and the Baldwin Effect is present in both RQ and RL samples. Composite spectra are constructed as a function of CIV emission line properties in attempt to reveal empirical relationships between different line species and the SED. Within a two-component disk+wind model of the broad emission line region (BELR), where the wind filters the continuum seen by the disk component, we find that RL quasars are consistent with being dominated by the disk component, while BALQSOs are consistent with being dominated by the wind component. Some RQ objects have emission line features similar to RL quasars; they may simply have insufficient black hole (BH) spin to form radio jets. Our results suggest that there could be significant systematic errors in the determination of L_bol and BH mass that make it difficult to place these findings in a more physical context. However, it is possible to classify quasars in a paradigm where the diversity of BELR parameters are due to differences in an accretion disk wind between quasars (and over time); these differences are underlain primarily by the SED, which ultimately must be tied to BH mass and accretion rate.Comment: 51 pages, 18 figures, accepted by AJ, revised version includes various modifications based on the referee's comment

    Advantage of rare infanticide strategies in an invasion experiment of behavioural polymorphism

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    Killing conspecific infants (infanticide) is among the most puzzling phenomena in nature. Stable polymorphism in such behaviour could be maintained by negative frequency-dependent selection (benefit of rare types). However, it is currently unknown whether there is genetic polymorphism in infanticidal behaviour or whether infanticide may have any fitness advantages when rare. Here we show genetic polymorphism in non-parental infanticide. Our novel invasion experiment confirms negative frequency-dependent selection in wild bank vole populations, where resource benefits allow an infanticidal strategy to invade a population of non-infanticidal individuals. The results show that infanticidal behaviour is highly heritable with genetic correlation across the sexes. Thus, a positive correlative response in male behaviour is expected when selection operates on females only and vice versa. Our results, on one hand, demonstrate potential benefits of infanticide, and on the other, they open a new perspective of correlative evolution of infanticide in females and males

    The phenology of winter rye in Poland: an analysis of long-term experimental data

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    The study of the phenology of crops, although quite popular, has limitations, mainly because of frequent changes to crop varieties and management practices. Here, we present data on the phenology and yield of winter rye in western Poland collected between 1957 and 2012 from a long-term field experiment. Data were examined for trends through time and compared to climatological factors using regression analysis. Both annual air temperature and precipitation increased during the study period, equivalent to 2 °C and 186 mm, respectively, over the 52-year period for which met data were available. We detected significant delays in sowing date and recently in emergence, but significant advances were apparent in full flowering date equivalent to 4 days/decade. Yield and plant density experienced a step like change in 1986; yield increasing by ca. 70 % and plant density increasing by ca. 50 %, almost coinciding with a similar change in annual mean temperature, but most likely caused by a changed seed rate and use of herbicides. Future climate change is expected to have a greater impact on this crop, but farmers may be able to adapt to these changes by modifying water regimes, using new machinery and sowing new rye varieties

    Use of Matlab Package for External Local Calibration of IR Camera with Microbolometric FPA Detector

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    This work presents the method of improving the accuracy of temperature measurement results obtained by means of long-wave infrared camera equipped with focal plane array (FPA) detector. The typical accuracy of infrared cameras specified by their manufacturers amounts to ±2 K or ±2% of the measured value of temperature. Very often a better accuracy of the measurements is required, e.g. during the measurements of human body temperature. To improve the measurement accuracy an external local (in terms of temperature range) correction of obtained results on the basis of comparison measurement results of black body temperature and next with use of MATLAB package has been proposed

    Influence of the Detector Characteristic on the Result of Sky Temperature Measurement with the Use of Long-Wave Infrared Camera

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    During the temperature measurements by means of infrared camera the temperature of surrounding elements must be known. In the case of thermovision inspections of the objects exposed to open air space, the surroundings consists of two elements, it is the ground and hypothetical sky surface. The sky temperature measured by long-wave IR camera is of apparent character because it expresses the thermal radiation of the sky within the spectral operational range of this camera i.e. 7.5÷13 μm. The abovementioned spectral range is coincident with so called atmospheric window within which the thermal radiation of the sky is relatively low. The emissivity of atmosphere within this window is low in the central part and high near the limits of the aforementioned range. In relation with the detector characteristic of the IR camera it causes underestimation of the measured sky temperature. This work deals with the analysis of influence of the IR camera detector characteristic on the results of determination of sky temperature and its thermal radiation intensity
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