246 research outputs found

    Combined Use of BSC and DEA Methods for Measuring Organizational Efficiency

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    Although financial indicators are most often used to measure organizational efficiency, contemporary research suggests that more consideration should be given to non-material factors that can be enveloped by different non-parametric techniques. However, there is no method powerful enough to cover all the relevant aspects of the efficiency problem, i.e. each of them has its advantages and disadvantages. The paper discusses possible combined use of Balanced Scorecard (BSC) method and Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) in the measurement of organizational efficiency, starting from the deficiencies of the single method use. The main goal of the research in the paper is to show that by combining these methods certain deficiencies in their independent application are eliminated, as well as to indicate the possibilities and limitations, advantages and disadvantages of their combined application. The paper explains that if BSC method is applied first, as a framework for defining goals and performance measures, and then four interactive DEA models are developed, in order to evaluate efficiency in each of the perspectives, relevant synergetic effects will be achieved. This work is licensed under a&nbsp;Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.</p

    The future of journalism as a system, profession and culture: The perception of journalism students

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    Currently, there is clear need for traditional journalism to redefine itself. The intention of this article is to portray the voices of future journalists in this quest. Therefore, Belgrade University journalism students were assigned to write down their contemplations about the journalism of tomorrow in essayistic form. In order to systematize their narratives, three theoretical understandings of journalism are introduced based on a literature review: journalism as a societal system, profession and culture. The essays were analyzed using quantitative and qualitative content and critical discourse analyses. The students' anticipated changes in journalism understood as a system, profession and culture are discussed, with a special focus on language, in order to deconstruct how students evaluate the future of journalism. Furthermore, the article shows how students perceive their role in redefining journalism

    Conditions of labour migrants in the Republic of Serbia: Preliminary perspective

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    Problemi stranih radnih migranata ne zauzimaju značajno mesto u politici Vlade Republike Srbije. Politika Vlade je pre svega usmerena ka problemima dijaspore i srpskih radnih migranata u inostranstvu. Što se tiče nacionalne politike prema strancima, ona se s jedne strane bavi suzbijanjem ilegalnih imigranata, a s druge strane inkluzijom i readmisijom srpskih izbeglica. Međutim, u Srbiji je neophodan razvoj migratornih politika budući da one čine deo nacionalne strategije evrointegracija. Stoga smatramo da je izuzetno važno da se privuče pažnja i na ovaj aspekt problema migracija, odnosno na problem stranih radnih migranata u Srbiji. U ovom tekstu nastojale smo da damo osnovni pregled procedura, zakona i migratornih strategija koje postoje unutar nacionalne politike, ističući nedovoljnost i manjkavost u tretiranju pitanja stranih radnih migranata.Issue of foreign labour migrants in Serbia does not occupy very prominent place in Serbian governmental policies. These policies are mainly focused towards Serbian Diaspora and Serbian labour migrants working abroad. Conversely, national policies on foreigners in Serbia are mostly concentrated on suppression of illegal immigrants and inclusion and readmission of Serbian refugees. The development of Serbian migratory policies represents part of national Euro-integration strategy. Therefore we find relevant to draw attentions to this topic. In this paper we outline basic national legislation procedures, laws and migratory strategies and give review of basic national and other bodies. Furthermore, we focus on gaps in processing problems of labour migrants in Serbia

    Integrisanje odnosa s javnoŔću u sistem marketing komuniciranja

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    Public relations can be seen as a management function, whose task is to establish and foster relationships of mutual understanding and goodwill between the organization and various groups of publics who can impact on its success or failure, but also as one of the most important marketing communications tools. Since public relations could potentially have great power and influence on the formation of public opinion, on the creation of the image and reputation of the organization, as well as on the establishment and maintenance of high quality and long-term relationships with various business and market structures, for the needs of the doctoral dissertation a research was carried out in the higher education institutions in Serbia, in order to determine the degree of development and forms of application of public relations in the context of the overall promotional activities of these institutions. The main objectives of this paper are related to: a comprehensive theoretical consideration of marketing communications tools; a theoretical consideration of public relations as a management function, and then determining the place, role and importance of public relations in the marketing communications system; a review of the application of the most important areas of public relations, as well as the importance and role of the public relations as the marketing communications instrument in the higher education institutions in Serbia. Based on the defined objectives and goals, hypotheses were formulated. In order to test the hypotheses, the domestic and foreign literature and Internet sources were used, as well as the results obtained through primary and secondary empirical research. For the purposes of primary research, the structured questionnaire was designed. Elemental analysis of statistical data obtained through primary research, was conducted by calculating frequencies, percentages and cumulative percentages for all dependent variables. The paper is structured in three parts: the first part is entitled "Marketing Communications Development"; the second part, titled "Place and Role of Public Relations in the Marketing Communications System", deals with the most important characteristics and areas of public relations, and then on the mutual relations between marketing and public relations. The third part is called "Empirical Research". First, the position of the public relations profession in Serbia is presented, based on the researches conducted by the Serbian Association of Public Relations (DSOJ) in 2008 and 2012; afterwards, the results of the research conducted in March 2015 in the higher education institutions in Serbia for the purposes of this dissertation are presented. In the final part of the dissertation the hypotheses were tested and the final assessment of the results obtained are presented

    Evropske teme iz perspektive novinara lokalnih medija u Srbiji

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    The media play an important role in informing citizens about the process of EU integration. However recent research in the field shows that Serbian media coverage is mainly oriented towards protocol news and political process in highly positive tone. The aim of this paper is to highlight the picture of the EU represented by local media, since previous studies focused on national media content analyses. For this purpose survey with journalists from 41 local media outlets in different parts of Serbia has been done. Main research findings show that local media reporting is in line with mainstream national coverage. Journalists mostly rely on local governments and state institutions as sources of information. Stories are initiated by actual events and press conferences. Accordingly, political and economic topics prevail, while citizens and their everyday life remain on the margins of local media coverage. .Mediji imaju važnu ulogu u informisanju građana o procesu evropskih integracija, ali istraživanja rađena poslednjih godina pokazuju da mediji u Srbiji samo deklarativno, nekritički i protokolarno pristupaju evropskim temama. Cilj ovog rada je da prikaže kakvu sliku Evropske unije predstavljaju lokalni mediji, poÅ”to su prethodnim analizama obuhvaćeni sadržaji nacionalnih medija. Način izveÅ”tavanja lokalnih medija o evropskim temama razmatra se na osnovu analize stavova novinara dobijenih anketom koja je sprovedena u 41 lokalnom mediju iz različitih krajeva Srbije. Glavni rezultati pokazuju da tretman evropskih tema u lokalnim medijima ne odstupa od dominantnog nacionalnog izveÅ”tavanja. Novinari kao izvore informacija najviÅ”e koriste organe lokalnih vlasti i državne institucije, a najčeŔći povod za izveÅ”tavanje su aktuelni i pseudo događaji. U skladu sa tim, preovlađuju dnevno-političke i ekonomske teme, a obični građani i njihov život ostaju van fokusa novinara lokalnih medija.

    Radiation-Induced method for the controlled synthesis of nanostructured materials

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    The synthesis represents a crucial step for achieving the unique properties of nanomaterials. Gamma (Ī³) - radiation-induced synthesis possesses several advantages over other conventional synthetic routes such as production of clean materials, the possibility of simultaneous synthesis and sterilization, in-situ generation of radiolysis products and the lack of necessity for initiators and crosslinking reagents in the case of polymer-based materials fabrication. Ī³-radiation induced synthesis has been utilized in the development and modification of various types of systems, including metal, metal oxide and alloyed nanoparticles, carbon-based nanomaterials, polymer based nanomaterials and nanocomposites etc. In this lecture, fundamentals of radiation chemistry will be given with an emphasis on the synthesis of nanomaterials in aqueous solutions. The effects of the total dose, dose rate, and the addition of different solutes to tailoring the synthesized materialsā€™ composition, form, shape, size and size distribution will be demonstrated. The possible applications of so obtained materials in industry and biomedicine will be presented

    Clinical and histopathological investigations of lymphocito-plasmocitic duodenitis in dogs

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    Hronična oboljenja tankih creva pasa su ređa od akutnih poremećaja i samim tim teže se dijagnostikuju. Među ova oboljenja spada idiopatsko zapaljenje tankih creva, koje se odlikuje infi ltracijom ćelija infl amacije unutar l. propriae tankih creva, tunike mukoze tankih creva. Na osnovu kliničke slike i opÅ”teg kliničkog pregleda moguće je postaviti sumnju. Analizom krvne slike pasa zapaža se leukocitoza i limfocitoza, dok se biohemijskim analizama može utvrditi različit stepen hipoproteinemije i hipoalbuminemije. Specijalističkim pregledom creva endoskopom može se uočiti različit stepen promena na sluznici tankih creva, od blagog edema do ulceracija. Tek nakon biopsije sluznice tankih creva i histopatoloÅ”kog pregleda moguće je postaviti dijagnozu limfocitno-plazmocitnog duodenitisa. Iako je dijagnoza poznata, etiologija ovog oboljenja nije u potpunosti poznata, tako da je za postavljanje defi nitivne dijagnoze potrebno isključiti sva druga oboljenja sa istim ili sličnim simptomima. Tokom ovog istraživanja sprovedenog na gastroenteroloÅ”kim pacijentima ambulante Klinike za male životinje Fakulteta veterinarske medicine u Beogradu tokom oktobra, novembra i decembra 2011. godine, kod četrnaest pacijenata je dijagnostikovan hronični limfocitno-plazmocitni enteritis i limfocitni enteritis.Chronic diseases of the small intestine are less common than acute disorders and therefore they are harder to diagnose. They can easily be mistaken with the diseases which give similar or same symptoms, which are chronic diarrhea, chronic vomiting, followed by weight loss due to malabsorption or protein loss trough digestive system. One of these diseases is idiopathic infl ammatory bowel disease, which is characterized by infi ltration of infl ammatory cells within the lamina propria in tunica mucosa of small bowel. Based on clinical signs and general physical examination, it is possible to place a suspicion to this disease, but by blood analyses leukocytosis can be identifi ed, while by biochemical analysis a different degree of hypoproteinemia can be found. Endoscopy examination of digestive tube different degree of changes on small bowel mucosa, from mild edema to severe ulceration can be found. A defi nitive diagnosis of IBD can only be made based on intestinal biopsy specimen analysis. Although the diagnosis is known, etiology of this disease is unknown, so it is necessary to exclude all other diseases with the same or similar symptoms for defi nitive diagnosis. During this research we used results of gastroenterological patients from Clinic for small animals of the Faculty of Veterinary medicine in Belgrade in October, November and December of 2011, with chronic plasmocitic enteritis was diagnosed 14 patients

    Errata Corrige: Stress-Induced Phosphorylation of C-Jun-N-Terminal Kinases and Nuclear Translocation of Hsp70 in the Wistar Rat Hippocampus (Vol 61, Pg 1, 2009)

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    In the paper entitled: Adžić, M., Đorđević, A., Krstić-Demonacos, M., & Radojčić, M. B. (2009). Stress-induced phosphorylation of c-Jun-N-terminal kinases and nuclear translocation of Hsp70 in the Wistar rat hippocampus. Archives of Biological Sciences, 61(1), 1-8. Fig. 1, on page 4, section b, should read "Nucleus" instead of "Cytoplasm

    Uklanjanje olova i kadmijuma iz vodenog rastvora koristeći okrakalcijum-fosfat kao adsorbent

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    Octacalcium phosphate (OCP) is a material from the calcium phos-phate group with a crystal structure similar to hydroxyapatite. The removal process of lead and cadmium in aqueous solution using octacalcium phosphate material was investigated. OCP material was synthesized by the solution pre-cipitation method. The structural and phase properties of OCP before and after the removal process were determined by the X-ray diffraction (XRD) method. Microstructural and semi-quantitative analysis of the material was investigated by scanning electron microscopy and energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (SEM-EDS). Characteristic bands and functional group determination were revealed using the Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy with attenuated total reflection (FTIR-ATR). As target pollutants, Cd(II) and Pb(II) were chosen in adsorption experiments. Results show that OCP in the first 10 min has a very fast removal rate for Pb(II); the equilibrium state was reached after 10 min with more than 98 % adsorption efficiency. Results for Cd(II), results showed the same removal rate but somewhat lower adsorption efficiency, amounted to approximately 63 %
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