40 research outputs found

    The effect of emotional intelligence on police officers work-life balance: The moderating role of organizational support

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    Work–life balance is a main concern for employees and employers alike, because a work–life imbalance can cause stress and health-related problems among workers.This study examines the relationship between emotional intelligence and work–life balance among police officers, and also the impact of organizational support as a moderator in this relationship.The data were collected from 1566 police officers in Peninsular Malaysia.Data was analyzed using the Partial Least Square (PLS) method. The results showed a significant and positive relationship between emotional intelligence and work–life balance.Organizational support was also found to moderate this relationship. These findings suggest that to achieve a work–life balance, police officers must have emotional intelligence, and the presence of organizational support would strengthen this relationship.Hence, in managing police officers’ work–life balance, it is important to enhance their emotional intelligence and implement organizational support policies

    Relatório de Estágio

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    O presente relatório de estágio espelha o percurso de formação inicial da futura docente nos contextos de Educação Pré-Escolar e 1.º Ciclo do Ensino Básico, contribuindo para o desenvolvimento de uma identidade profissional crítica e reflexiva das suas práticas pedagógicas. Deste modo, através de uma articulação entre a teoria e a prática, mobilizou-se conhecimentos científicos, pedagógicos, didáticos e investigativos que contribuíram para a construção de crenças e valores desenvolvidos ao longo da prática educativa. Neste sentido, a aproximação à metodologia de investigação-ação revelou-se crucial para o desenvolvimento desta atitude indagadora, reflexiva e investigativa uma vez que possibilitou uma visão transformadora da ação devido ao seu caráter cíclico de observação, planificação, ação e reflexão. Simultaneamente, as interações pedagógicas de índole colaborativa entre todos os intervenientes educativos contribuíram para esta atitude crítica e reflexiva, possibilitando a criação de ações inovadoras, contextualizadas e significativas que fossem ao encontro das necessidades, interesses e motivações das crianças, promovendo o seu desenvolvimento holístico e, também, o desenvolvimento profissional da futura docente de perfil duplo. Assim sendo e tendo em consideração estas conceções, desenvolveu-se uma ação educativa baseada numa perspetiva socioconstrutivista, colocando a criança como coconstrutora do seu processo educativo, desempenhando um papel ativo e participativo na sua aprendizagem, cabendo à docente estagiária o papel de mediador. Partindo do princípio que as crianças não aprendem isoladas, mas em colaboração com outro, foram privilegiadas atividades em grupo, permitindo às crianças aprenderem umas com as outras, desenvolvendo atitudes de cooperação, autonomia, respeito pelo outro e de convivência democrática.This internship report reflects the initial training path of the future teacher in the contexts of Preschool Education and 1st Cycle of Basic Education, contributing to the development of a critical and reflective professional identity of their pedagogical practices. Thus, through an articulation between theory and practice, scientific, pedagogical, didactic and investigative knowledge was mobilized that contributed to the construction of beliefs and values developed throughout the pedagogical practice. In this sense, the approach to the action-research methodology proved to be crucial for the development of this inquiring, reflective, investigative attitude since it enabled a transforming view of the action due to its cyclical character of observation, planning, action and reflection. Simultaneously, collaborative pedagogical interactions among all educational stakeholders contributed to this critical and reflective attitude, enabling the creation of innovative, contextualized and meaningful actions that would meet the needs, interests and motivations of children, promoting their holistic development and also the professional development of the future teacher with a double profile. Therefore, taking into account these conceptions, an educational action was developed based on a socio constructivist perspective, placing the child as a co-builder of its educational process, playing an active and participatory role in its learning, with the trainee teacher being the mediator. Assuming that children do not learn in isolation, but in collaboration with others, group activities were privileged, allowing children to learn from each other, developing attitudes of cooperation, autonomy, respect for others and democratic coexistence