6 research outputs found

    Antimicrobial activity and cytotoxicity of silver-based nanoparticles in situ synthesized on cotton fabric using walnut leaf

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    U ovom radu je ispitana mogućnost in situ sinteze nanočestica na bazi srebra primenom ekstrakta lista oraha, na pamučnoj tkanini prethodno modifikovanoj limunskom kiselinom. Tokom sinteze su formirane sferne nanočestice prečnika oko 60 nm, koje su ravnomerno raspoređene po površini pamučnih vlakana. Prisustvo nanočestica na bazi srebra je obezbedilo odličnu antimikrobnu aktivnost prema bakterijama Staphylococcus aureus i Escherichia coli, kao i kvascu Candida albicans. Tekstilni nanokompozitni materijal nije citotoksičan prema ćelijama zdravih keratinocita kože (HaCaT linija) i zdravih fibroblasta (MRC-5 linija), što omogućava njegovu bezbednu primenu za medicinske potrebe.This study discusses the possibility to utilize walnut leaf extract for in situ synthesis of silver-based nanoparticles on cotton fabric previously modified with citric acid. Synthetized spherical nanoparticles with an average diameter of 60 nm were evenly distributed over the surface of cotton fibers. The presence of silver-based nanoparticles provided excellent antimicrobial activity against bacteria Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli, and yeast Candida albicans. The textile nanocomposite did not show any cytotoxicity towards healthy skin keratinocytes cells (HaCaT line) and healthy fibroblast cells (MRC-5 line). Thus, it could be considered as a safe for potential medical applications


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    The outbreak of the COVID 19 pandemic confirmed the importance of personal protective equipment including the respiratory face masks as barriers to pathogens. Taking into account that face masks are mainly composed of polypropylene (PP) non-woven materials this study explores the possibility of in situ biosynthesis of silver-based nanoparticles as an antimicrobial agent on PP material. A pomegranate peel extract was used as a “green” agent for synthesis and stabilization of nanoparticles. Hydrophobicity of PP fibers was overcome by modification with corona discharge at atmospheric pressure. In order to improve the binding of silver ions, corona modified PP material was impregnated with biopolymer chitosan in the presence of crosslinker 1,2,3,4-butane-tetracarboxylic acid. SEM analysis revealed the presence of spherical Ag-based nanoparticles on the fiber surface with an average size of approximately 69 nm. The higher the concentration of the precursor salt, the higher the silver content after the reduction. Larger amounts of Ag-based nanoparticles provided stronger antimicrobial activity against bacteria Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus, and yeast Candida albicans.Појавом COVID 19 пандемије је потврђена важност употребе личне заштитне опреме као што су респираторне маске које пружају физичку заштиту од патогених сојева микроогранизама. Имајући у виду да се заштитне маске углавном производе од нетканог материјала од полипропиленских влакана, у овом раду је испитана могућност in situ биосинтезе наночестица на бази сребра као антимикробног средства на полипропиленском материјалу. Екстракт од коре нара је употребљен као „зелено“ средство за синтезу наночестица. Хидрофобност полипропиленских влакана је превазиђена њиховом модификацијом корона пражњењем на атмосферском притиску. У циљу побољшања везивања јона сребра, полипропиленски материјал модификован короном је импрегниран биополимером хитозаном у присуcтву умреживача 1,2,3,4-бутантетракарбоксилне киселине. ФЕСЕМ анализом је потврђено присуство сферних наночестица на површини влакана, просечних димензија око 69 nm. Већа концентрација раствора соли прекурсора доприноси већем садржају сребра након редукције. Веће количине честица на бази сребра обезбедиле су снажнију антимикробну активност према бактеријама Escherichia coli и Staphylococcus aureus и квасцу Candida albicans

    Antimicrobial activity of viscose rayon fabric modified with chitosan and Ag nanoparticles

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    Potrebe za medicinskim tekstilom koji poseduje antimikrobna svojstva kontinualno rastu. U poslednje vreme se cine napori da se sinteza nanocestica Ag ostvari upotrebom zelenih redukcionih sredstava, a pre svega biljnih ekstrakta. U ovom radu su nanocestice Ag sintetisane na viskoznoj tkanini modifikovanoj biopolimerom hitozanom sa i bez prisustva umreživaca 1,2,3,4-butantetrakarboksilne kiseline primenom ekstrakta kore nara kao redukcionog sredstva. Uprkos razlici u sadržaju i velicini nanocestica Ag, oba uzorka pokazuju odlicnu antibakterijsku aktivnost prema bakterijamaS. aureusi E. coli, a još bolju antifungalnu aktivnost prema kvascu C. albicans. Pri tome je citotoksicnost ovih uzoraka prema celijama keratinocita ljudske kože niska.The needs for medical textiles with antimicrobial properties are continually growing. Recently many efforts have been made to synthesize Ag nanoparticles using green reducing agents, in particular plant extracts. In this study Ag nanoparticles were synthesized on viscose rayon fabric modified with biopolymer chitosan with or without crosslinker 1,2,3,4-tetrabutanecarboxylic acid by applying pomegranate peel extract as a reducing agent. Despite the difference in content andsize of Ag nanoparticles both samples showed excellent antibacterial activity against bacteria S. aureus and E. coli and even better against yeast C. albicans. The cytotoxicity of these samples onhuman keratinocyte cellswas low

    Antibacterial and UV protective properties of polyamide fabric impregnated with TiO2/Ag nanoparticles

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    The possibility of in situ photoreduction of Ag+ using colloidal TiO2 nanoparticles deposited on the surface of polyamide fabric in the presence of the amino acid alanine and methanol is discussed. The presence of TiO2/Ag nanoparticles on the polyamide fabric was confirmed by FESEM and ICP analyses. The antibacterial activity of the fabric was tested against the Gram-negative bacterium Escherichia coli and the Gram- positive bacterium Staphylococcus aureus. The TiO2/Ag nanoparticles fabricated on the surface of the polyamide fabric provided maximum bacterial reduction and thus, excellent antibacterial activity. In spite of silver leaching from the fabric during washing, the impregnated polyamide fabric preserved the maximum reduction of E. coli colonies. The antibacterial activity against S. aureus was slightly decreased after ten washing cycles, but still the antibacterial activity could be considered as satisfactory. In addition, the presence of TiO2/Ag nanoparticles ensured better UV protection efficiency, which belonged to the UV protection category very good

    Design and fabrication of drug‐delivery systems toward adjustable release profiles for personalized treatment

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