4 research outputs found

    Motiejukų (Phleum spp.) genetinė įvairovė ir atsparumo sausrai genų paieška

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    Genetic material of Lithuanian origin varieties, breeding lines and wild ecotypes representing P. pratense, P. bertolonii and P. phleoides species were studied for the most important agro-morphological and feeding value indicators as well as at the genetic level employing different biochemical–molecular markers. The water stress experiment clearly demonstrated the existence of different levels of water stress response in Phleum species, suggesting that P. phleoides might have evolved under conditions of limited water availability. “Blind” mapping by HRM was used successfully to map water stress response genes of timothy in the perennial ryegrass mapping population. In total, 12 putative water stress response genes were mapped in seven perennial ryegrass linkage groups.Pasitelkus agromorfologinius, kokybės ir biocheminius – molekulinius metodus ištirtos lietuviškos kilmės pašarinių, žemaūgių bei stepinių motiejukų veislės, selekcinės linijos bei laukiniai ekotipai. Fiziologiniai sausros atsparumo tyrimų rezultatai įrodė, kad stepiniai motiejukai turi geriau išvystytą atsparumo sausrai mechanizmą. Pirmą kartą motiejukuose aptikti ekspresuojami atsparumo sausrai kandidatiniai genai HRM metodu sužymėti daugiametės svidrės genolapyje.Žemės ūkio akademijaVytauto Didžiojo universiteta

    Association of single nucleotide polymorphisms in LpIRI1 gene with freezing tolerance traits in perennial ryegrass

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    ISSN: 1573-5060 (Online)Perennial ryegrass is an important agricultural crop, however, it is susceptible to winterkill. Freezing injury is caused primarily by ice formation. The LpIRI1 protein has the potential to inhibit ice recrystallization, thus minimize the damage. An association study was conducted using single nucleotide polymorphisms obtained through allele sequencing of the LpIRI1 gene and phenotypic data were collected using two phenotyping platforms in a perennial ryegrass association mapping population of 76 diverse genotypes. Winter survival (FWS) was evaluated under field conditions, while tiller survival (PTS) and electrolyte leakage (EL) at −8 and −12 °C were determined under controlled-environment conditions. Proline content (PC) in cold-acclimated plants was measured prior to the freezing test. Significant variation in FWS, PTS, EL and PC was observed among genotypes in our panel. EL and PTS revealed significant negative correlations at −8 °C (rs = −0.40) and −12 °C (rs = −0.49). PC, however, did not show significant correlations with any of the measured traits, while FWS was correlated (rs = −0.48) with EL at −12 °C. The LpIRI1 gene was found to be highly polymorphic with an average SNP frequency of 1 SNP per 16 bp. Association analysis revealed two non-synonymous SNPs being associated with increased EL, both located in the LpIRI1 leucine-rich repeat. The results indicate that allelic variation in the LpIRI1 gene plays an important role in the cell membrane integrity of perennial ryegrass during freezing, and can be exploited for developing more freezing tolerant cultivarsGamtos mokslų fakultetasLietuvos agrarinių ir miškų mokslų centro filialas Žemdirbystės institutasLietuvos agrarinių ir miškų mokslų centro filialas Žemdirbystės institutas, [email protected] Didžiojo universiteta

    Additional file 1: of Changes in Lolium perenne transcriptome during cold acclimation in two genotypes adapted to different climatic conditions

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    Heat maps derived from hierarchical clustering of transcripts differentially expressed in ‘Veyo’ and ‘Falster’ during cold acclimation. Expression patterns across d 0, 9, 13, and 17 of cold acclimation in (A) ‘Veyo’ and (B) ‘Falster’. Green represents up-regulation, and red represents down-regulation. (TIFF 494 kb