15 research outputs found

    Microplastics in the Marine Environment of the Adriatic Sea

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    Plastika se zbog svoje široke uporabe može naći u svim dijelovima okoliša, gdje štetno utječe na različite sastavnice okoliša, a toksični spojevi koje adsorbira prenose se kroz hranidbene lance te s vremenom dolaze do čovjeka. Odabrana istraživanja u ovom radu usredotočena su na karakterizaciju i kvantifikaciju mikroplastike pronađene u Jadranskom moru kao i na toksičnost mikroplastike. Istraživanja su pokazala da je najviše mikroplastike detektirano u području Sjevernog Jadrana. Provedena ispitivanja ekotoksičnosti mikroplastike primjenom testa s algama ukazuju na to da mikroplastika uzrokuje smanjenje brzine rasta i kretanja algi, obavljanje fotosinteze, fizičke deformacije te dolazi do smanjenja plodnosti i promjena u metaboličkim ciklusima. Ovo djelo je dano na korištenje pod licencom Creative Commons Imenovanje 4.0 međunarodna.The widespread use of plastics has led to the accumulation of plastics in all parts of the environment where it adversely affects the ecosystem. Plastic pollution has the biggest impact on the marine ecosystems which assimilate about 12.7 million tons of plastic yearly. Because of incomplete degradation, plastic in marine environment is accumulated in the form of large clusters and microplastic. Microplastic has a harmful impact on marine organisms due to the accumulation of toxic compounds adsorbed on its particles, which could be passed through the food chain and eventually to humans. Certain researches discussed in this paper are focused on the characterization and quantification of microplastic found in the Adriatic Sea. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License

    Determination of microplastics toxicity

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    Onečišćenje vodenih ekosustava plastikom veličine čestica 1000 µm pri koncentracijama 10; 25; 50 i 100 mg/L. Najveća inhibicija rasta Chlorella sp. (5,01 %) primijećena je za PS veličine čestica >1000 µm pri koncentraciji 100 mg/L. S obzirom na neznačajnu razliku između vrijednosti inhibicija rasta alge za ispitivane veličine čestica MP-a, u drugom dijelu pokusa alga se izlagala manjim veličinama čestica 1000 µm and concentrations of 10; 25; 50 and 100 mg/L. The greatest inhibition of growth of Chlorella sp. (5.01 %) was caused by PS particle sizes >1000 µm and concentrations of 100 mg/L, respectively. Due to the not so significant difference between the values of algae growth inhibition for the tested MP particle sizes, in the second part of the experiment the algae was exposed to smaller particle sizes <300; 300 – 500 and 600 – 710 µm and concentrations 10; 500 and 1000 mg/L. The influence of process parameters (average particle sizes and MP concentrations) on the toxic effect of MP on freshwater algae was investigated. Using a combination of the full factorial plan and the response surface method (RSM), conditions were determined in which the maximum inhibition of algal growth during exposure to PE (8.62 %) was determined at a concentration of 500 mg/L and particle sizes <300 μm. According to the obtained results, it can be concluded that the concentration of particles has a greater influence on the inhibition of algae than the sizes of the particles. Vibrio fischeri was exposed to PS particle sizes of 0.43 and 0.25 μm and concentrations from 0.0001 to 1000 mg / L, and inhibition of luminescence was monitored. Inhibition increased with decreasing particle sizes and increasing concentrations. Zebrafish embryos were exposed to PS sizes of 0.43; 0.25 and 0.12 µm and concentrations between 0.0001 and 10 g/L. The first effect on embryos was caused by particle size of 0.12 µm and a concentration of 0.1 g/L. This particle size also caused the first 100 % mortality of the embryos at a concentration of 6 g/L. It was concluded that the toxic effect on the tested organisms depends on the size, concentration and type of MP

    Validation of ultrasonic extraction of pharmaceuticals from active sludge

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    Farmaceutici su kemijski spojevi koji se upotrebljavaju najčešće u farmaceutskoj industriji. Koriste se za liječenje ili sprječavanje bolesti ljudi i životinja. Nazivaju se novim onečišćivačima jer do sada nisu posebno proučavani, niti postoji zakonska regulativa o njihovu ispuštanju u okoliš. U posljednje vrijeme ispuštaju se u okoliš u sve većim količinama i predstavljaju potencijalnu opasnost za živi svijet. Iako do sad nismo sa sigurnošću upoznati s načinom njihovog ponašanja u okolišu, vrlo je bitno razviti najbolje metode kvalitativnog i kvantitativnog određivanja aktivnih farmaceutskih tvari u različitim sastavnicama okoliša, kao i metode za njihovo uklanjanje iz istih. Ovaj rad proučava uklanjanje farmaceutika ultrazvučnom ekstrakcijom iz aktivnog mulja. Aktivni mulj koji se analizirao nije sadržavao farmaceutike. Naknadno je onečišćen slijedećim farmaceuticima: albendanzol, febantel, prazikvantel, nitrofurantoin, cefdinir, hidroksiklokin i metoklopramid. Provedena je ultrazvučna ekstrakcija primjenom različitih otapala: metanol, etanol i metanol-voda u omjeru 1:1. Separacija i kvalitativna analiza farmaceutika provedeni su tekućinskom kromatografijom visoke djelotvornosti (HPLC). Najbolji rezultat dobiven je ultrazvučnom ekstrakcijom pri temperaturi 30 °C i u trajanju od 60 min, a kao najpogodnijim otapalom za ekstrakciju pokazao se metanol. Međutim, niti jedno otapalo nije dalo zadovoljavajuće rezultate te se ultrazvučna ekstrakcija kao metoda uklanjanja farmaceutika iz aktivnog mulja ne preporuča. Metoda je validirana određivanjem ponovljivosti, obnovljivosti, granice detekcije i granice kvantifikacije.Pharmaceuticals are the chemical compounds most commonly used in the pharmaceutical industry and they are used to treat or prevent diseases of humans and animals. They are referred to as new pollutants because they have not been researched so far and there are no legal regulations on their release into the environment. They are chemical substances that are released to the environment in larger quantities and pose a potential danger to the living world. Although we are not familiar with the way they behave in the environment, it is very important to develop the best methods of qualitative and quantitative determination of active pharmaceutical substances in different environmental constituents as well as methods for their elimination. This paper studies the removal of the pharmaceuticals by ultrasonic extraction from the active sludge. The analyzed active sludge did not contain pharmaceutical. It was afterwards contaminated with the following pharmaceuticals: albendanzole, febantel, praziquantel, nitrofurantoin, cefdinir, hydroxychloroquine and metoclopramide. Ultrasonic extraction was performed by using different solvents: methanol, ethanol and methanol-water at a ratio of 1:1. Separation and qualitative analysis of the pharmaceuticals were conducted by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). The best results of ultrasonic extraction was obtained at a temperature of 30 °C for 60 min, and the most preferred solvent for extraction was methanol. However, none of the solvents yielded satisfactory results, and ultrasonic extraction, as a method of removing pharmaceuticals from active sludge, is not recommended. The method was validated by determining repeatability, renewability, boundary detection and boundary quantification

    Determination of microplastics toxicity

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    Onečišćenje vodenih ekosustava plastikom veličine čestica 1000 µm pri koncentracijama 10; 25; 50 i 100 mg/L. Najveća inhibicija rasta Chlorella sp. (5,01 %) primijećena je za PS veličine čestica >1000 µm pri koncentraciji 100 mg/L. S obzirom na neznačajnu razliku između vrijednosti inhibicija rasta alge za ispitivane veličine čestica MP-a, u drugom dijelu pokusa alga se izlagala manjim veličinama čestica 1000 µm and concentrations of 10; 25; 50 and 100 mg/L. The greatest inhibition of growth of Chlorella sp. (5.01 %) was caused by PS particle sizes >1000 µm and concentrations of 100 mg/L, respectively. Due to the not so significant difference between the values of algae growth inhibition for the tested MP particle sizes, in the second part of the experiment the algae was exposed to smaller particle sizes <300; 300 – 500 and 600 – 710 µm and concentrations 10; 500 and 1000 mg/L. The influence of process parameters (average particle sizes and MP concentrations) on the toxic effect of MP on freshwater algae was investigated. Using a combination of the full factorial plan and the response surface method (RSM), conditions were determined in which the maximum inhibition of algal growth during exposure to PE (8.62 %) was determined at a concentration of 500 mg/L and particle sizes <300 μm. According to the obtained results, it can be concluded that the concentration of particles has a greater influence on the inhibition of algae than the sizes of the particles. Vibrio fischeri was exposed to PS particle sizes of 0.43 and 0.25 μm and concentrations from 0.0001 to 1000 mg / L, and inhibition of luminescence was monitored. Inhibition increased with decreasing particle sizes and increasing concentrations. Zebrafish embryos were exposed to PS sizes of 0.43; 0.25 and 0.12 µm and concentrations between 0.0001 and 10 g/L. The first effect on embryos was caused by particle size of 0.12 µm and a concentration of 0.1 g/L. This particle size also caused the first 100 % mortality of the embryos at a concentration of 6 g/L. It was concluded that the toxic effect on the tested organisms depends on the size, concentration and type of MP

    Validation of ultrasonic extraction of pharmaceuticals from active sludge

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    Farmaceutici su kemijski spojevi koji se upotrebljavaju najčešće u farmaceutskoj industriji. Koriste se za liječenje ili sprječavanje bolesti ljudi i životinja. Nazivaju se novim onečišćivačima jer do sada nisu posebno proučavani, niti postoji zakonska regulativa o njihovu ispuštanju u okoliš. U posljednje vrijeme ispuštaju se u okoliš u sve većim količinama i predstavljaju potencijalnu opasnost za živi svijet. Iako do sad nismo sa sigurnošću upoznati s načinom njihovog ponašanja u okolišu, vrlo je bitno razviti najbolje metode kvalitativnog i kvantitativnog određivanja aktivnih farmaceutskih tvari u različitim sastavnicama okoliša, kao i metode za njihovo uklanjanje iz istih. Ovaj rad proučava uklanjanje farmaceutika ultrazvučnom ekstrakcijom iz aktivnog mulja. Aktivni mulj koji se analizirao nije sadržavao farmaceutike. Naknadno je onečišćen slijedećim farmaceuticima: albendanzol, febantel, prazikvantel, nitrofurantoin, cefdinir, hidroksiklokin i metoklopramid. Provedena je ultrazvučna ekstrakcija primjenom različitih otapala: metanol, etanol i metanol-voda u omjeru 1:1. Separacija i kvalitativna analiza farmaceutika provedeni su tekućinskom kromatografijom visoke djelotvornosti (HPLC). Najbolji rezultat dobiven je ultrazvučnom ekstrakcijom pri temperaturi 30 °C i u trajanju od 60 min, a kao najpogodnijim otapalom za ekstrakciju pokazao se metanol. Međutim, niti jedno otapalo nije dalo zadovoljavajuće rezultate te se ultrazvučna ekstrakcija kao metoda uklanjanja farmaceutika iz aktivnog mulja ne preporuča. Metoda je validirana određivanjem ponovljivosti, obnovljivosti, granice detekcije i granice kvantifikacije.Pharmaceuticals are the chemical compounds most commonly used in the pharmaceutical industry and they are used to treat or prevent diseases of humans and animals. They are referred to as new pollutants because they have not been researched so far and there are no legal regulations on their release into the environment. They are chemical substances that are released to the environment in larger quantities and pose a potential danger to the living world. Although we are not familiar with the way they behave in the environment, it is very important to develop the best methods of qualitative and quantitative determination of active pharmaceutical substances in different environmental constituents as well as methods for their elimination. This paper studies the removal of the pharmaceuticals by ultrasonic extraction from the active sludge. The analyzed active sludge did not contain pharmaceutical. It was afterwards contaminated with the following pharmaceuticals: albendanzole, febantel, praziquantel, nitrofurantoin, cefdinir, hydroxychloroquine and metoclopramide. Ultrasonic extraction was performed by using different solvents: methanol, ethanol and methanol-water at a ratio of 1:1. Separation and qualitative analysis of the pharmaceuticals were conducted by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). The best results of ultrasonic extraction was obtained at a temperature of 30 °C for 60 min, and the most preferred solvent for extraction was methanol. However, none of the solvents yielded satisfactory results, and ultrasonic extraction, as a method of removing pharmaceuticals from active sludge, is not recommended. The method was validated by determining repeatability, renewability, boundary detection and boundary quantification

    Determination of microplastics toxicity

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    Onečišćenje vodenih ekosustava plastikom veličine čestica 1000 µm pri koncentracijama 10; 25; 50 i 100 mg/L. Najveća inhibicija rasta Chlorella sp. (5,01 %) primijećena je za PS veličine čestica >1000 µm pri koncentraciji 100 mg/L. S obzirom na neznačajnu razliku između vrijednosti inhibicija rasta alge za ispitivane veličine čestica MP-a, u drugom dijelu pokusa alga se izlagala manjim veličinama čestica 1000 µm and concentrations of 10; 25; 50 and 100 mg/L. The greatest inhibition of growth of Chlorella sp. (5.01 %) was caused by PS particle sizes >1000 µm and concentrations of 100 mg/L, respectively. Due to the not so significant difference between the values of algae growth inhibition for the tested MP particle sizes, in the second part of the experiment the algae was exposed to smaller particle sizes <300; 300 – 500 and 600 – 710 µm and concentrations 10; 500 and 1000 mg/L. The influence of process parameters (average particle sizes and MP concentrations) on the toxic effect of MP on freshwater algae was investigated. Using a combination of the full factorial plan and the response surface method (RSM), conditions were determined in which the maximum inhibition of algal growth during exposure to PE (8.62 %) was determined at a concentration of 500 mg/L and particle sizes <300 μm. According to the obtained results, it can be concluded that the concentration of particles has a greater influence on the inhibition of algae than the sizes of the particles. Vibrio fischeri was exposed to PS particle sizes of 0.43 and 0.25 μm and concentrations from 0.0001 to 1000 mg / L, and inhibition of luminescence was monitored. Inhibition increased with decreasing particle sizes and increasing concentrations. Zebrafish embryos were exposed to PS sizes of 0.43; 0.25 and 0.12 µm and concentrations between 0.0001 and 10 g/L. The first effect on embryos was caused by particle size of 0.12 µm and a concentration of 0.1 g/L. This particle size also caused the first 100 % mortality of the embryos at a concentration of 6 g/L. It was concluded that the toxic effect on the tested organisms depends on the size, concentration and type of MP