94 research outputs found

    YlemmÀt ammattikorkeakoulututkinnot työmarkkinoilla ja korkeakoulujÀrjestelmÀssÀ

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    YlemmĂ€t ammattikorkeakoulu (YAMK) -tutkinnot vakinaistettiin 1.8.2005 suomalaiseen korkeakoulujĂ€rjestelmÀÀn. Tutkintojen vakinaistamisen taustalla olivat ammattikorkeakoulujen toiveet ja tutkinnoista kĂ€ydyt moninaiset keskustelut sekĂ€ Bolognan prosessin vaikutteet. LisĂ€ksi tutkinnon perusteita olivat tarve lisĂ€tĂ€ työelĂ€mĂ€kytkentĂ€istĂ€ asiantuntijuutta ja kehittÀÀ ammatillisia jatkokoulutusvĂ€yliĂ€. Tutkinnot tuottavat maisterin tutkintojen rinnalla julkiseen virkaan tai tehtĂ€vÀÀn saman kelpoisuuden. Tutkimuksessa tarkastellaan YAMK-tutkintoja työmarkkinoilla tutkinnon merkityksen, tutkinnosta saadun työmarkkinahyödyn ja osaamisen, sekĂ€ tutkinnon suorittamiseen vaikuttaneiden tekijöiden nĂ€kökulmasta. Tutkimuksessa tarkastellaan myös sitĂ€, minkĂ€lainen tutkinnon kilpailuasetelma työmarkkinoilla on suhteessa yliopistolliseen maisterin tutkintoon. LisĂ€ksi tutkimuksessa selvitetÀÀn yleensĂ€ korkeakoulutuksen, tutkintojen ja erityisesti YAMK-tutkinnon asemoitumista työelĂ€mĂ€n rekrytointiasetelmissa ja osana korkeakoulujĂ€rjestelmÀÀ. NĂ€iden kysymysten kautta pyritÀÀn löytĂ€mÀÀn vastauksia siihen, minkĂ€lainen on YAMK-tutkinnon koulutuspoliittinen merkitys ja asema. Tutkimuksen aineisto koostui AMK-tutkinnon suorittaneille (N= 1274) ja heidĂ€n työnantajilleen (N=78) vuonna 2012 suunnatuista kyselyistĂ€. YAMK-tutkinnon suorittaneet olivat kaikilta ammattikorkeakoulun kahdeksalta koulutusalalta ja työnantajat eri sektoreilta ja toimialoilta. Tutkimuksessa tutkinnon suorittaneiden aineistoa tarkastellaan myös osaksi sukupuolittain ja koulutusalakohtaisesti sekĂ€ työnantajien aineistoa työnantajien ylimmĂ€n koulutustaustan pohjalta. Tilastollisina analyysimenetelminĂ€ kĂ€ytettiin suoria jakaumia, ristiintaulukointia ja khin neliö -testiĂ€ (X2), t-testiĂ€ ja yksisuuntaista varianssianalyysiĂ€ tai t-testin ja varianssianalyysin epĂ€parametrisia vastineita. FaktorianalyyseistĂ€ kĂ€ytettiin pÀÀkomponenttianalyysia ja konfirmatorista faktorianalyysiĂ€. Avointen kysymysten analyysimenetelmĂ€nĂ€ oli aineistolĂ€htöinen sisĂ€llönanalyysi ja aineiston kvantifiointi. TĂ€rkeimpiĂ€ syitĂ€ YAMK-tutkinnon suorittamiseen oli osaamisen ja yleensĂ€ itsensĂ€ kehittĂ€minen. Tutkinto suoritettiin myös siksi, ettĂ€ sen voi suorittaa ammattikorkeakoulussa sekĂ€ kilpailukyvyn ja työmarkkina-aseman vahvistamiseksi. Tutkinnon suorittamisen syistĂ€ työuhilla ja -vaatimuksilla oli vĂ€hĂ€isin merkitys. Tutkinnon suorittaneet hyötyivĂ€t tutkinnosta eniten työpaikkakohtaisen osaamisen kasvulla. Valmistuneet kokivat hyötyneensĂ€ tutkinnosta myös yleisten valmiuksien kasvulla. NĂ€mĂ€ valmiudet kĂ€sittivĂ€t valmiuksia yleensĂ€ asiantuntijatyöhön ja elinikĂ€iseen oppimiseen sekĂ€ saatua tĂ€ysin uutta osaamista. Tutkinnosta saatu hyöty sekĂ€ uralla etenemisen ettĂ€ työmarkkinoilla kilpailukyvyn lisÀÀntymisen osalta oli vĂ€hempÀÀ. Suhteessa maistereihin YAMK-tutkinnon kilpailukykyĂ€ heikensi tutkinnon matala arvostus ja huono tunnettuus sekĂ€ se, ettĂ€ rekrytoinnissa työnantajat suosivat pitkĂ€lti omaa koulutustaustaansa vastaavia hakijoita. Työnantajat myös suhtautuivat varautuneesti YAMK-tutkinnon tuottamaan osaamiseen ja kilpailukykyyn, eivĂ€tkĂ€ nĂ€hneet tutkinnon vastaavan maisterin tutkintoa. Maisterin tutkintoon verrattaessa YAMK-tutkinnon suorittaneet uskoivat tutkinnon tuottavan enemmĂ€n osaamista kuin kilpailukykyĂ€. Toisaalta osaamista pidettiin myös kilpailukykyĂ€ vahvistavana tekijĂ€nĂ€. Työnantajat osoittivat YAMK-tutkinnon lisĂ€arvoksi verrattuna maisterin tutkintoon tutkinnon työelĂ€mĂ€- ja kĂ€ytĂ€ntökeskeisyyden ja tutkinnon tuoman erityisosaaminen. Tutkinnon suorittaneet saivat YAMK-tutkinnosta laajasti ja monipuolisesti työelĂ€mĂ€valmiuksia. Asia- ja asiantuntijuusosaamisen lisĂ€ksi koulutuksesta saatiin esimerkiksi tutkimusosaamista, avarakatseisuutta, työn- ja ajanhallintaa sekĂ€ yhteistyö- ja verkostosuhteita. Tutkinnosta saatiin siis monipuolisesti osaamista ja työelĂ€mĂ€valmiuksia asiantuntijuuteen, kuten tutkinnon koulutuspoliittiseksi tavoitteeksi on asetettu. TĂ€stĂ€ huolimatta tutkinnosta saadut valmiudet eivĂ€t olleet riittĂ€viĂ€ siihen nĂ€hden, miten suuri merkitys nĂ€illĂ€ eri valmiuksilla oli tutkinnon suorittaneiden työtehtĂ€vistĂ€ suoriutumisessa. Työnantajat olivat kuitenkin tyytyvĂ€isiĂ€ siihen,miten koulutus vastasi työelĂ€mĂ€n osaamisvaatimuksiin. SiitĂ€kin huolimatta, ettĂ€ työnantajat suhtautuivat epĂ€ilevĂ€sti YAMK-tutkinnon tuottamaan osaamiseen ja kilpailukykyyn verrattuna maistereihin. Kertooko tĂ€mĂ€, ettĂ€ ammatillinen ylempi korkeakoulutus antaa kyllĂ€ työtehtĂ€vissĂ€ edellytettĂ€viĂ€ työelĂ€mĂ€valmiuksia ja osaamista sinĂ€nsĂ€, mutta ei riittĂ€vĂ€sti verrattuna maisteritutkintoon? YAMK-tutkintoa pidettiin tarpeellisena korkeakoulutusvĂ€ylĂ€nĂ€ ja osaamisen tuottajana työmarkkinoille. TĂ€stĂ€ huolimatta tutkinnon asema korkeakoulujĂ€rjestelmĂ€ssĂ€ ja työmarkkinoilla oli epĂ€selvĂ€, mikĂ€ ilmeni esimerkiksi tutkinnon tehtĂ€vĂ€kentĂ€n epĂ€selvyytenĂ€ työmarkkinoilla suhteessa ammattikorkeakoulun perustutkintoon ja yliopiston maisteritutkintoon nĂ€hden. TĂ€hĂ€n on syynĂ€ erityisesti se, ettĂ€ tutkintoa ei edelleenkÀÀn tunneta kovin hyvin opiskelijoiden keskuudessa eikĂ€ työmarkkinoilla, eikĂ€ tutkinto ole kovin arvostettu. Tutkinnon aseman epĂ€selvyyttĂ€ korkeakoulujĂ€rjestelmĂ€ssĂ€ lisĂ€si se, ettĂ€ YAMK-tutkinnosta ei ole joustavaa vĂ€ylÀÀ tohtorikoulutukseen. Tutkinto muodostaa yhdenlaisen umpiperĂ€n. Kannatusta tutkinnon suorittaneilta saikin erityisesti ammattikorkeakoulujen oman tohtorikoulutusjĂ€rjestelmĂ€n luonti. Työnantajat sen sijaan suhtautuivat kriittisesti ammattikorkeakoulun tarpeelle omaan tohtorikoulutusjĂ€rjestelmÀÀn. LisĂ€ksi tutkinnon suorittaneet eivĂ€t pitĂ€neet YAMK-tutkinnon tutkintonimikettĂ€ informatiivisena ja toimivana, koska se ei erotu riittĂ€vĂ€sti ammattikorkeakoulun perustutkinnon nimikkeestĂ€, ei ole tutkinnon tasoa kuvaava eikĂ€ vertaudu oikealla tavalla yliopiston tutkintonimikkeisiin. Tutkinnon suorittaneet kannattivat maisteri (AMK) nimikettĂ€, joka nostaisi tutkinnon arvoa, statusta ja antaisi tasapuolisemman kohtelun maisteritutkinnon suorittaneiden kanssa työmarkkinoilla. Työnantajien vastauksista vĂ€littyi osaamisen, kouluttautumisen ja korkeakoulutuksen merkitys, kysyntĂ€ ja arvostus työmarkkinoilla. Työnantajat eivĂ€t liiemmĂ€lti nĂ€hneet tarvetta korkeakoulutuksen vĂ€hentĂ€miselle, eivĂ€tkĂ€ kokeneet ongelmaksi tutkintojen liiallista arvostamista. Työnantajat pitivĂ€t jatkuvaa kouluttautumista tĂ€rkeĂ€nĂ€. TĂ€mĂ€ tukee sitĂ€, ettĂ€ itsensĂ€ kehittĂ€misestĂ€ ja osaamisen yllĂ€pitĂ€misestĂ€ on tullut yhĂ€ tĂ€rkeĂ€mpi selviytymiskeino työmarkkinoilla. Aineiston tulosten pohjalta YAMK-tutkinnon koulutuspoliittinen merkitys ja asema tutkinnon suorittaneiden ja työnantajien nĂ€kökulmasta piirtyy seuraavasti: YAMK-tutkinto on tarpeellinen ammatilliseen ja työelĂ€mĂ€lĂ€htöiseen ylemmĂ€n korkeakouluvĂ€ylĂ€n tarjoamiseen. Tutkinto nĂ€yttĂ€ytyy myös yliopistokoulutuksesta erottuvana ja erilaisena osaamisen ja osaajien merkittĂ€vĂ€nĂ€ tuottajana työmarkkinoille. Suhteessa maisterin tutkintoon YAMK-tutkinto ei ole työmarkkinoilla kilpailukykyinen. Tutkinto tarvitsee lisÀÀ tiedotusta, nĂ€yttöÀ, statusta ja kilpailukykyĂ€ työmarkkinoilla paremmin pĂ€rjÀÀmiseen. LisĂ€ksi YAMK-tutkinnon suorittaneiden tohtoroitumisvĂ€ylĂ€stĂ€ tulisi tosiallisesti kĂ€ydĂ€ keskustelua. Tutkinnon asema osaajien ja osaamisen tuottajana ja tarjoajana koulutus- ja työelĂ€mĂ€kentĂ€ssĂ€ on epĂ€selvĂ€ ja tutkinto kaipaakin tĂ€smennystĂ€ omaan työmarkkinapaikkaan.The university of applied sciences master’s degree in the labor market and higher education system The University of Applied Sciences Master’s degree (UAS Master’s degree) gained a permanent status in the Finnish higher education system on 1 August 2005. The incentive for standardizing the degrees arose from the Universities of Applied Sciences and from manifold discussions regarding the degree, as well as the influences of the Bologna process. In addition, further grounds for the degrees derived from the need to increase the working life-linked expertise and to develop the pathways for professional further education. The degrees generate the same qualifications to public office or post as the University Master’s degrees. This study focuses on the UAS Master’s degrees in the labor market from the perspectives of the significance, benefits and competence gained from the degree, as well as from the perspective of the factors that have contributed to completing the degree. The study also examines what the competitive position of the UAS Master’s degree is in the labor market in relation to the University Master’s degree. In addition, the study studies the position of higher education in general, that of the degrees, and in particular the UAS Master’s degree in the labor market recruitment configurations, as well as a part of the higher education system. This study sets out to examine the educational significance and position of the UAS Master’s degree. The research data included UAS Master’s degree graduates (N=1274) and their employers (N=78) surveyed in 2012. The UAS Master’s degree graduates were from all eight UAS fields of education and the employers were from different employer sectors and industries. In this study the graduate survey data were also partly examined from the point of view of the gender and the field of education, while the employer survey data were also observed from the point of the employers’ highest educational background. The data were analyzed using direct distributions, cross-tabulation and chi-square (X2), t-test and one-way analysis of variance or nonparametric equivalents of the t-test and one-way analysis. Factor analysis, more specifically principal component analysis and confirmatory factor analysis was also used in the study. The open-ended questions in the survey were analyzed by inductive content analysis and the quantification of the data. The main reasons for graduates completing the UAS Master’s degree was the development of their competence and themselves. The degree was also done because it could be carried out in the UAS, but also because it might strengthen their competitiveness and position in the labor market. Work-related threats and requirements were the least important reasons to complete the degree. The graduates benefited most from completing the degree in a sense that the degree increased the graduates’ job-specific skills. The graduates felt they had also benefited from the degree in terms of growth in their general abilities. These abilities included gaining skills for expert work and lifelong learning and acquiring completely new skills. As regards to the graduates’ career advancement and competitiveness in the labor market the benefits of the degree were lower. In relation to the University Master’s degree the competitiveness of the UAS Master’s degree weakened by the low appreciation and weak recognition of the degree as well as by the fact that in a recruitment situation employers largely prefer applicants that have the same educational background as the employers themselves. The employers also felt reserved as to the competence and competitiveness of the UAS Master’s degree, and did not see that the degree correspond the university master’s degree. Compared to the University Master’s degree the graduates of the UAS Master’s degree believed that the degree generates more competence than competitiveness. On the other hand, the competence was considered a factor that strengthened competitiveness. The employers showed that the increased value of the UAS Master’s degree was the focus on work and practice as well as increased specialist expertise. The graduates gained broad and varied working life skills from the UAS Master’s degree. Apart from expertise, the graduates gained e.g. research skills, open-mindedness, time and work management, collaboration and networking skills. Thus, a wide range of competence and working life skills for expertise were obtained from the degree, that being set an educational policy objective of the degree. Nevertheless, the abilities obtained from the degree were not adequate in relation to the importance of these skills when carrying out work tasks. Employers, however, were satisfied with how the education responds to the requirements of working life. Still, employers were doubtful about the competence and competitiveness of the UAS Master’ degree in relation to the University Master’s degree. Does this mean that higher vocational education produces required working life skills and competence per se, but not enough compared to the University Master’s degree? The UAS Master’s degree is considered a necessary route to higher education and expertise producer in the labor market. In spite of this the position of the degree is unclear in the system of higher education and in the labor market. This is reflected in, for example, the fact that the range of work tasks in the labor market are ambivalent in relation to the UAS Bachelor’s degree and the University Master’s degree. This is due, in particular, to the fact that the degree is still not very well known among students and in the labor market, and that the degree is not highly valued. The unclear position of the degree in the system of higher education is increased by the fact that there is no flexible route from the UAS Master’s degree to doctoral study. The degree forms a sort of dead end. The graduates supported the idea of creating a doctoral education system within the UAS. The employers, instead, were critical of creating such a system in the UAS. Moreover, the graduates did not find the title of the UAS Master’s degree informative and functional, because it does not stand out enough from the title of the UAS Bachelor’s degree, nor does it describe the level of the degree nor correspond to the University degree titles. The graduates supported the title of the Master (UAS), which would increase the value and status of the degree and would provide them with more equitable handling in the labor market compared with the graduates of the University Master’s degree. The employers’ responses conveyed the significance, demand and appreciation of competence, education and higher education in the labor market. The employers did not see need for reducing higher education, nor did they find excessive appreciation of the degrees a problem. The employers found continuous education important. This supports the view that self-development and maintenance of competence has become increasingly important as a means of survival in the labor market. Based on the research material, the significance of the educational policy and the position of the UAS Master’s degree is drawn as follows, from the point of view of the graduates and the employers: The UAS Master’s degree is a necessary route to the vocational and working-life oriented higher education. The degree also appears distinct and different from the University education and it is a significant generator of competence and experts to the labor market. In relation to the University Master’s degree the UAS Master’s degree is not competitive in the labor market. The degree needs more informing, display, status and competitiveness in order to succeed better in the labor market. In addition, the route to the doctoral education of the UAS Master’s degree graduates should certainly be discussed. The position of the degree as a generator and provider of experts and competence is unclear in the field of the labor market and thus the degree needs more clarification in its own labor market position.Siirretty Doriast

    YAMK-tutkinnon suorittaneiden urakokemukset ja tyytyvĂ€isyys uralla etenemiseen – palkka mÀÀrittÀÀ tyytyvĂ€isyyttĂ€ uraan

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    Artikkelissa analysoidaan ylemmÀn ammattikorkeakoulututkinnon (YAMK) suorittaneidenkokemuksia työurastaan YAMK-tutkinnon suorittamisen jÀlkeen. Urakokemusten tarkastelunkeskiössÀ ovat tyytyvÀisyys uralla etenemiseen, palkka, urasuunnitelmat ja uratavoitteet sekÀ se,miten palkka, urasuunnitelmat ja uratavoitteet ovat yhteydessÀ tyytyvÀisyyteen uralla etenemiseen.Tutkimuksen empiirisenÀ aineistona on YAMK-tutkinnon suorittaneille suunnattu kysely (N=1092).Aineiston analyysissÀ kÀytettiin prosenttijakaumia, ristiintaulukointia, t-testiÀ ja yksisuuntaistavarianssianalyysia. Tulokset osoittavat, ettÀ tutkinnon suorittaneet olivat suhteellisen tyytyvÀisiÀuransa etenemiseen YAMK-tutkinnon suorittamisen jÀlkeen. Valmistuneiden tulotaso kuitenkin erositilastollisesti merkitsevÀsti sukupuolten ja koulutusalojen vÀlillÀ. Kokemukset työurasta olivatkinyhteydessÀ siihen, miten tyytyvÀisiÀ valmistuneet ovat uransa kehittymiseen. Valmistuneet olivat sitÀtyytyvÀisempiÀ mitÀ korkeampi tulotaso heillÀ oli ja mitÀ enemmÀn oma ura ja työtehtÀvÀt vastasivatitselle asetettuja tavoitteita ja toivottuja uran sisÀltöjÀ.</p

    YAMK-tutkinnon suorittaneiden urakokemukset ja tyytyvĂ€isyys uralla etenemiseen – palkka mÀÀrittÀÀ tyytyvĂ€isyyttĂ€ uraan

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    Artikkelissa analysoidaan ylemmĂ€n ammattikorkeakoulututkinnon (YAMK) suorittaneiden kokemuksia työurastaan YAMK-tutkinnon suorittamisen jĂ€lkeen. Urakokemusten tarkastelun keskiössĂ€ ovat tyytyvĂ€isyys uralla etenemiseen, palkka, urasuunnitelmat ja uratavoitteet sekĂ€ se, miten palkka, urasuunnitelmat ja uratavoitteet ovat yhteydessĂ€ tyytyvĂ€isyyteen uralla etenemiseen. Tutkimuksen empiirisenĂ€ aineistona on YAMK-tutkinnon suorittaneille suunnattu kysely (N=1092). Aineiston analyysissĂ€ kĂ€ytettiin prosenttijakaumia, ristiintaulukointia, t-testiĂ€ ja yksisuuntaista varianssianalyysia. Tulokset osoittavat, ettĂ€ tutkinnon suorittaneet olivat suhteellisen tyytyvĂ€isiĂ€ uransa etenemiseen YAMK-tutkinnon suorittamisen jĂ€lkeen. Valmistuneiden tulotaso kuitenkin erosi tilastollisesti merkitsevĂ€sti sukupuolten ja koulutusalojen vĂ€lillĂ€. Kokemukset työurasta olivatkin yhteydessĂ€ siihen, miten tyytyvĂ€isiĂ€ valmistuneet ovat uransa kehittymiseen. Valmistuneet olivat sitĂ€ tyytyvĂ€isempiĂ€ mitĂ€ korkeampi tulotaso heillĂ€ oli ja mitĂ€ enemmĂ€n oma ura ja työtehtĂ€vĂ€t vastasivat itselle asetettuja tavoitteita ja toivottuja uran sisĂ€ltöjĂ€

    Koulutus hallinnassa. Juhlakirja professori Heikki Silvennoisen tÀyttÀessÀ 60 vuotta 23.2.2018

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    'You can be taken more seriously': Finnish business graduates' perceptions of the employability and social prestige of their degrees

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    This article focuses on the university graduates' perceptions of their employability, and particularly how the social prestige of degrees relates to such perceptions. It defines employability in terms of positional conflict and makes an argument that perceptions of the employability and prestige are socially mediated and require social recognition; therefore, this study is drawing on current theories on social valuing and the social construction of prestige, which is a novel approach in the field of employability research. Based on 48 graduate interviews, this study aims to investigate how recent graduates themselves interpret rank differences and the social standing of their own degrees. The focus is on business degrees from Finnish universities and universities of applied sciences. Our findings demonstrate how graduates mobilise various valuation criteria, such as (1) the formal level of a degree (bachelor's or master's level), (2) selectivity of degree programmes, (3) orientation of studies, and (4) work-readiness. Moreover, graduates assign commonly shared values and beliefs within these criteria. The results contribute to a growing scholarly interest not only in studying established rank orders but also in focussing on the social aspects of valuation which create stratification. Overall, the theory and findings of this study suggest a need to focus on the meaning patterns and social valuation in the future research on employability. It is important for universities, employers and policymakers to understand how the processes of prestige accumulation enhance graduate employability and (re)produce societal and occupational inequalities.</p

    Overweight Adolescents' Self-Perceived Weight and Weight Control Behaviour: HBSC Study in Finland 1994–2010

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    Introduction. Overweight and perception of being overweight, may lead adolescent to lose weight. The aim of the present study was to investigate overweight adolescents' self-perceived weight, body dissatisfaction, and weight control behaviour during 1994–2010 in Finland. Methods. The country-representative, cross-sectional data of 15-year olds were obtained from the Health Behaviour in School-aged Children (HBSC) study, conducted in 1994 (N = 1194; males: 48%), 1998 (N = 1545; 49%), 2002 (N = 1745; 50%), 2006 (N = 1670; 47%), and 2010 (N = 2082; 48%). Results. The majority of overweight boys (62–69%) and girls (89–100%) assessed themselves as too fat, and their body image was lower than in nonoverweight adolescents. The highest prevalence of current weight controlling was found in 2006 in males (18%) and in 2010 in females (39%). Conclusion. The phenomena were current and gender differences notable, but there was no statistically significant difference in overweight adolescents' self-perceived weight, body dissatisfaction, or weight control behaviour between survey years

    Positional competition in a binary system: the case of Finnish higher education

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    Positional competition in the labour market entails graduate opportunities that depend not only on graduates’ skills, experience and abilities, but also on how their educational credentials compare to those of others. In this study, we examined the positional competition in the Finnish labour market and compared the influence of different ‘degree types’ on the probability of obtaining high-paid, high-status jobs. We used a register-based 5% sample of 25–45-year-old Finnish higher education (HE) graduates from 2010 to 2012 (N = 63 486). It was expected that the relative position of graduates would be affected by the degree level as well as the educational field and the binary division (university vs. non-university) of HE. Therefore, master’s and bachelor’s degree levels in all educational fields from universities versus universities of applied sciences (UASs) were included. The method of analysis was logistic regression. According to our results, the binary divide structured the opportunities to enter high-paid, high-status jobs within different fields of education. The university master’s degree graduates had the highest probability of succeeding in the Finnish labour market, and their status/rank elevated them above the competition by regulating access to certain professions or occupations through specific qualification requirements (i.e., credential social closure). Moreover, our results demonstrated how the degree rankings and the relative distance between university and UAS degrees vary in different fields. The Finnish case offers a valuable point of comparison to other HE systems with a binary structure.</p

    Adult graduates’ employability and mid-career trajectories after graduation with Finnish UAS Master’s degree

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    Graduate employability research typically focuses on young graduates’ entry to the labour market. Little is known about the careers of adults who attain higher education degrees in mid-life. This article explores Finnish University of Applied Sciences (UAS) Master’s degree graduates’ mid-career trajectories using retrospectively collected longitudinal survey data (N = 1025) on their employment relations, transitions and career breaks. The specific research questions are as follows: (1) What are the types of mid-career trajectories of the adult graduates with Finnish UAS Master’s degree? (2) What is the prevalence of the different career trajectories among the sample of graduates? (3) In what ways different career trajectories are able to take advantage of graduation with a Master’s degree? As a result, we recognised five types of mid-career trajectories: rising career, renewing career, entrepreneurial career, continuous career and unstable career. Adult degrees can re-orient and enhance different career trajectories, e.g. by providing formal qualifications, new expertise and entrepreneurial skills, as well as by validating prior experience. Understanding the nature of career trajectories of adult graduates at a Master’s level is interesting not only in the Finnish but also in the international context and this study opens up a rich array of opportunities for further studies.</p

    Osaaminen ja kilpailukyky YAMK-tutkinnon suorittaneiden suhteellisen työmarkkina-aseman mÀÀrittÀjinÀ

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    In this article we analyse the perceptions of University of Applied Sciences Master’s degree (UAS Master’s degree) graduates concerning their position in the Finnish labour market in relation to graduates holding a University Master’s degree of equal educational level. We examine the determinants of the labour market position through human capital theory on one hand and through credentialism on the other. Our empirical data consist of a survey (N = 1 274) for UAS Master’s degree graduates. We modelled determining factors of graduates’ relative labour market position using confirmatory factor analysis. This yielded two determining elements: ‘competitiveness generated by degree’ and ‘competence generated by degree’. Competitiveness generated by the UAS Master’s degree compared to a University Master’s degree was perceived as weak, but the competence generated by the UAS Master’s degree was regarded strong. Gender and educational field played a role in the way graduates estimated their competitiveness. Men and especially graduates from a technical field estimated the competitiveness of their degree to be stronger than others. Competence was viewed as strong regardless of gender or educational field. Translation: Markus PalmĂ©nAnalysoimme artikkelissa ylemmĂ€n ammattikorkeakoulututkinnon (YAMK) suorittaneiden kĂ€sityksiĂ€ asemastaan suomalaisilla työmarkkinoilla suhteessa samaa koulutustasoa vastaavan maisterin tutkinnon suorittaneisiin. Työmarkkina-aseman mÀÀrittymistĂ€ tarkastelemme yhtÀÀltĂ€ inhimillisen pÀÀoman teorian ja toisaalta koulutuskredentialismin nĂ€kökulmista. Tutkimuksen empiirisenĂ€ aineistona on YAMK-tutkinnon suorittaneille suunnattu kysely (N = 1 274). Konfirmatorista faktorianalyysia kĂ€yttĂ€en mallinsimme YAMK-tutkinnon suorittaneiden suhteellista asemaa mÀÀrittĂ€viĂ€ tekijöitĂ€. Tulokseksi saimme kaksi suhteellista työmarkkina-asemaa mÀÀrittĂ€vÀÀ elementtiĂ€: ’tutkinnon tuottama kilpailukyky’ ja ’tutkinnon tuottama osaaminen’. Tutkinnon tuottama kilpailukyky suhteessa maisterin tutkintoon koettiin heikoksi, mutta sen tuottama osaaminen puolestaan vahvaksi. Sukupuoli ja koulutusala olivat yhteydessĂ€ siihen, miten tutkinnon tuottama kilpailukyky arvioitiin. Miehet ja erityisesti tekniikan alalta valmistuneet arvioivat tutkintonsa kilpailukyvyn muita vahvemmaksi. Osaaminen koettiin vahvaksi sukupuolesta tai koulutusalasta riippumatta
