117 research outputs found

    A Study of Modern Poetry

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    This Honors Special Studies paper briefly explores five poets, their lives, and a few of their poems

    Konačna polja

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    U ovom diplomskom radu izneseni su osnovni pojmovi i teoremi vezani za konačna polja. Na samom početku definirani su prsteni, kao jedni od osnovnih algebarskih struktura, i sve vezano uz njih, uključujući polja. Objašnjeno je što su to prsteni polinoma i kvocijentni prsteni koji su bili potrebni za konstrukciju konačnih polja. Primjerima je pokazano na koji način možemo konstruirati konačno polje bilo kojeg reda oblika pnp^n, s pomoću ireducibilnog polinoma stupnja nn nad Fp\mathbb{F}^p. Koristeći pojam polja razlaganja dokazali smo egzistenciju i jedinstvenost konačnog polja reda pnp^n. Osim toga dokazali smo Wedderburnov teorem, za koji smo definirali ciklotomijske polinome.In this thesis we present the main concepts and results which we need to define finite fields. At the beginning we define rings, as one of the fundamental algebraic structures and everything related to them, including fields. We define polynomials and residue class rings, which are required for the construction of finite fields. In examples we show how to construct a finite field of any order pnp^n from a irreducible polynomial of degree nn over Fp\mathbb{F}^p. Using the concept of splitting field, we prove the existence and uniqueness of the field of order pnp^n. In addition, we prove Wedderburn’s theorem for which we define cyclotomic polynomials

    Sõnajärg hoidjakeeles suulise kõnega võrrelduna

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    Evons: A Dataset for Fake and Real News Virality Analysis and Prediction

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    We present a novel collection of news articles originating from fake and real news media sources for the analysis and prediction of news virality. Unlike existing fake news datasets which either contain claims or news article headline and body, in this collection each article is supported with a Facebook engagement count which we consider as an indicator of the article virality. In addition we also provide the article description and thumbnail image with which the article was shared on Facebook. These images were automatically annotated with object tags and color attributes. Using cloud based vision analysis tools, thumbnail images were also analyzed for faces and detected faces were annotated with facial attributes. We empirically investigate the use of this collection on an example task of article virality prediction

    Immunological studies of thymine dimer quantitation.

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    Thesis (M.Sc.)-University of Natal, Durban, 1992.Ultraviolet irradiation of DNA induces the formation of a number of mutagenic lesions. The most prolific of these is the cis-syn thymine dimer (formed maximally at 260 nm) and this has been implicated in the reaction pathways that lead to ultraviolet-induced carcinogenesis. In order that the molecular events underlying these neoplastic events be understood, it is imperative that the thymine dimers formed in ultraviolet-irradiated thymine containing systems be quantitated. In this laboratory, dimer quantitation is performed using reverse phase high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) with ultraviolet (DV) detection and the data obtained has allowed a kinetic mechanism for lesion formation to be proposed. Such studies have used in vitro thymine containing substrates (aqueous thymine, thymidine, thymidylyl-3',5'thymidine, calf thymus DNA and pUC19 plasmid DNA) to generate the thymine dimer using DV irradiation. with the planned extension of this research to in vivo cellular systems (where DNA and hence thymine concentrations are intrinsically less than those of in vitro systems), a more sensitive technique for thymine dimer quantitation is required. An immunological approach to providing this technique was chosen. Here, DV-irradiated DNA was injected into rabbits whose immune system mounted a ' response (i.e. antibody production) to the DV-DNA antigen. Blood was drawn from the rabbits at regular intervals to obtain the antibodies. The technique of immunoblotting was chosen and developed to allow detection of the thymine dimer antigen. This involved the reaction between the UV-DNA antigen, the primary antibody (generated by the rabbit) and a secondary antibody conjugated to an enzyme, all of which were immobilized on a commercially available membrane system. Detection and quantitation of the immune complex immobilized on the membrane was performed using the technique of enhanced chemiluminescence. Upon addition of a chemiluminescent substrate (luminol) to the immune complex, the horseradish peroxidase enzyme catalysed the reaction of luminol, with one of the products being light of 425 nm to 430 nm. This light impinged on a luminescence film which was developed and printed using standard photographic techniques. The use of dilutions of the primary antibody in the immunoblotting protocol with enhanced chemiluminescent detection, allowed correlations of antibody dilutions with UV-DNA antigen to be made. This immunoblotting technique with enhanced chemiluminescent detection has been used successfully in detecting thymine dimer lesion formation at levels currently above the detection limit of the HPLC. It has also been used successfully in detecting and quantitating thymine dimers at levels undetectable by the HPLC. To this end it has proved to be 4000 to 8000 times more sensitive than the chromatographic technique. Any immunological technique requires that the antibody of interest be purified and characterized. Here, purification of the crude serum was performed using the classical technique of ammonium sulphate precipitation of proteins. As an alternative technique, affinity chromatography was performed on the crude serum using a Memsep 1000 affinity chromatography cartridge attached to a preparative HPLC system. Chromatographic data illustrating this purification are given. Characterization of the DV-DNA antigen was performed by considering the specificity of the antibody response in the laboratory animal. Support for the kinetic mechanisms previously proposed for pyrimidine dimer formation in DNA is also given in this work. Calf thymus DNA was irradiated and dimer yields obtained by immunoblotting. These were used in the computer programme CAKE together with the previously determined rate constants to determine simulated dimer yields. A good agreement between experimental and simulated data indicated the validity of the mechanism at a DNA concentration of 0.025 mg/ml

    National security and refugee crisis: Policy and treatment of Republic of Croatia towards refugees from Middle East

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    Glavna tema ovog diplomskog rada je Nacionalna sigurnost i izbjeglička kriza: Politika i postupanje Republike Hrvatske prema izbjeglicama s Bliskog istoka. Rad se također bavi i pojmovima kao što su: međunarodna sigurnost, utjecaj globalizacije u današnjem svijetu te suvremena problematika migracija i izbjeglica. Pismenim anketama, koje su se ispunjavale na području Dubrovnika i Rijeke, provelo se istraţivanje kojim su se nastojali utvrditi stavovi građana prema izbjeglicama s Bliskog istoka. Rezultati istraţivanja pokazali su kako je tolerancija građana prema izbjeglicama uvjetovana duljinom njihovog boravka u Republici Hrvatskoj te kako bi podrška prema njima bila u znatnom padu u slučaju njihovog trajnog zadrţavanja u Republici Hrvatskoj. Istraţivanje je također dokazalo kako bi se stupanj tolerancije prema izbjeglicama u slučaju njihovog trajnog zadržavanja smanjio unatoč tolerantnijem nasljeđu nekih gradova.The main focus of this thesis is National security and refugee crisis: Policy and treatment of Republic of Croatia towards refugees from Middle East. This thesis also describes themes such as national security, international security, influence of globalization on a modern society and todays issues of migrations and refugees. The research was held in towns Dubrovnik and Rijeka and was done by written surveys in order to affirm views on refugees from Middle East. The research has proven that the tolerance towards refugees is conditioned with their passing through Croatian border and that support towards refugees from Middle East will be much smaller in case of their permanent stay in Croatia. The research has also proven that in case of a permanent stay of the refugees, support towards them will be much smaller even in case of a tolerant heritage of some cities