29 research outputs found

    Age related diffusion and tractography changes in typically developing pediatric cervical and thoracic spinal cord

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    Background and objective: Diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) and diffusion tensor tractography (DTT) are two techniques that can measure white matter integrity of the spinal cord. Recently, DTI indices have been shown to change with age. The purpose of this study is (a) to evaluate the maturational states of the entire pediatric spinal cord using DTI and DTT indices including fractional anisotropy (FA), mean diffusivity (MD), mean length of white matter fiber tracts and tract density and (b) to analyze the DTI and DTT parameters along the entire spinal cord as a function of spinal cord levels and age. Method: A total of 23 typically developing (TD) pediatric subjects ranging in age from 6 to 16 years old (11.94 ± 3.26 (mean ± standard deviation), 13 females and 10 males) were recruited, and scanned using 3.0 T MR scanner. Reduced FOV diffusion tensor images were acquired axially in the same anatomical location prescribed for the T2-weighted images to cover the entire spinal cord (C1-mid L1 levels). To mitigate motion induced artifacts, diffusion directional images were aligned with the reference image (b0) using a rigid body registration algorithm performed by in-house software developed in Matlab (MathWorks, Natick, Massachusetts). Diffusion tensor maps (FA and MD) and streamline deterministic tractography were then generated from the motion corrected DTI dataset. DTI and DTT parameters were calculated by using ROIs drawn to encapsulate the whole cord along the entire spinal cord by an independent board certified neuroradiologist. These indices then were compared between two age groups (age group A = 6–11 years (n = 11) and age group B = 12–16 years (n = 12)) based on similar standards and age definitions used for reporting spinal cord injury in the pediatric population. Standard least squared linear regression based on a restricted maximum likelihood (REML) method was used to evaluate the relationship between age and DTI and DTT parameters. Results: An increase in FA (group A = 0.42 ± 0.097, group B = 0.49 ± 0.116), white matter tract density (group A = 368.01 ± 236.88, group B = 440.13 ± 245.24) and mean length of fiber tracts (group A = 48.16 ± 20.48 mm, group B = 60.28 ± 23.87 mm) and a decrease in MD (group A = 1.06 ± 0.23 × 10−3 mm2/s, group B = 0.82 ± 0.24 × 10−3 mm2/s) were observed with age along the entire spinal cord. Statistically significant increases have been shown in FA (p = 0.004, R2 = 0.57), tract density (p = 0.0004, R2 = 0.58), mean length of fiber tracts (p \u3c 0.001, R2 = 0.5) and a significant decrease has been shown in MD (p = 0.002, R2 = 0.59) between group A and group B. Also, it has been shown DTI and DTT parameters vary along the spinal cord as a function of intervertebral disk and mid-vertebral body level. Conclusion: This study provides an initial understanding of age related changes of DTI values as well as DTT metrics of the spinal cord. The results show significant differences in DTI and DTT parameters which may result from decreasing water content, myelination of fiber tracts, and the thickening diameter of fiber tracts during the maturation process. Consequently, when quantitative DTI and DTT of the spinal cord is undertaken in the pediatric population an age and level matched normative dataset should be used to accurately interpret the quantitative results. © 201

    Locomotor Training in the Pediatric Spinal Cord Injury Population: A Systematic Review of the Literature

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    Purpose: The aim of this review was to investigate the effects of locomotor training on pediatric SCI and develop recommendations for pediatric LT guidelines.https://jdc.jefferson.edu/dptcapstones/1002/thumbnail.jp

    Exploring Functional Connectivity in Chronic Spinal Cord Injury Patients With Neuropathic Pain Versus Without Neuropathic Pain

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    The great majority of spinal cord injury (SCI) patients have debilitating chronic pain. Despite decades of research, these pain pathways of neuropathic pain (NP) are unknown. SCI patients have been shown to have abnormal brain pain pathways. We hypothesize that SCI NP patients’ pain matrix is altered compared to SCI patients without NP. This study examines the functional connectivity (FC) in SCI patients with moderate-severe chronic NP compared to SCI patients with mild-no NP. These groups were compared to control subjects. The Neuropathic Pain Questionnaire and neurological evaluation based on the International Standard Neurological Classification of SCI were utilized to define the severity and level of injury. Of the 10 SCI patients, 7 (48.6 ± 17.02 years old, 6 male and 1 female) indicated that they had NP and 3 did not have NP (39.33 ± 8.08 years old, 2 male and 1 female). Ten uninjured neurologically intact participants were used as controls (24.8 ± 4.61 years old, 5 male and 5 female). FC metrics were obtained from the comparisons of resting-state functional magnetic resonance imaging among our various groups (controls, SCI with NP, and SCI without NP). For each comparison, a region-of-interest (ROI)-to-ROI connectivity analysis was pursued, encompassing a total of 175 ROIs based on a customized atlas derived from the AAL3 atlas. The analysis accounted for covariates such as age and sex. To correct for multiple comparisons, a strict Bonferroni correction was applied with a significance level of p \u3c 0.05/NROIs. When comparing SCI patients with moderate-to-severe pain to those with mild-to-no pain, specific thalamic nuclei had altered connections. These nuclei included: medial pulvinar; lateral pulvinar; medial geniculate nucleus; lateral geniculate nucleus; and mediodorsal magnocellular nucleus. There was increased FC between the lateral geniculate nucleus and the anteroventral nucleus in NP post-SCI. Our analysis additionally highlights the relationships between the frontal lobe and temporal lobe with pain. This study successfully identifies thalamic neuroplastic changes that occur in patients with SCI who develop NP. It additionally underscores the pain matrix and involvement of the frontal and temporal lobes as well. Our findings complement that the development of NP post-SCI involves cognitive, emotional, and behavioral influences

    Case report: Utilizing diffusion-weighted MRI on a patient with chronic low back pain treated with spinal cord stimulation

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    Diffusion-weighted magnetic resonance imaging (dwMRI) has increasingly demonstrated greater utility in analyzing neuronal microstructure. In patients with chronic low back pain (cLBP), using dwMRI to observe neuronal microstructure can lead to non-invasive biomarkers which could provide clinicians with an objective quantitative prognostic tool. In this case report, we investigated dwMRI for the development of non-invasive biomarkers by conducting a region-based analysis of a 55-year-old male patient with failed back surgery syndrome (FBSS) treated with spinal cord stimulation (SCS). We hypothesized that dwMRI could safely generate quantitative data reflecting cerebral microstructural alterations driven by neuromodulation. Neuroimaging was performed at 6- and 12- months post-SCS implantation. The quantitative maps generated included diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) parameters; fractional anisotropy (FA), axial diffusivity (AD), radial diffusivity (RD), and mean diffusivity (MD) computed from whole brain tractography. To examine specific areas of the brain, 44 regions of interest (ROIs), collectively representing the pain NeuroMatrix, were extracted and registered to the patient's diffusion space. Average diffusion indices were calculated from the ROIs at both 6- and 12- months. Regions with >10% relative change in at least 3 of the 4 maps were reported. Using this selection criterion, 8 ROIs demonstrated over 10% relative changes. These ROIs were mainly located in the insular gyri. In addition to the quantitative data, a series of questionnaires were administered during the 6- and 12-month visits to assess pain intensity, functional disability, and quality of life. Overall improvements were observed in these components, with the Pain Catastrophizing Scale (PCS) displaying the greatest change. Lastly, we demonstrated the safety of dwMRI for a patient with SCS. In summary, the results from the case report prompt further investigation in applying dwMRI in a larger cohort to better correlate the influence of SCS with brain microstructural alterations, supporting the utility of dwMRI to generate non-invasive biomarkers for prognostication

    Satellite derived offshore migratory movements of southern right whales (Eubalaena australis) from Australian and New Zealand wintering grounds

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    Funding: Australian Marine Mammal Center Grant 13/48 AIM, SDG, DH, AL http://www.marinemammals.gov.au/ The Australian Marine Mammal Center was involved in study design and anlaysis through the involvement in the project by AMMC staff, Dr Mike Double and Dr Virgina Andrews-Goff Princess Melikoff Trust Marine Mammal Conservation Program KC New Zealand Department of Conservation SC.Southern right whales (Eubalaena australis) migrate between Austral-winter calving and socialising grounds to offshore mid- to high latitude Austral-summer feeding grounds. In Australasia, winter calving grounds used by southern right whales extend from Western Australia across southern Australia to the New Zealand sub-Antarctic Islands. During the Austral-summer these whales are thought to migrate away from coastal waters to feed, but the location of these feeding grounds is only inferred from historical whaling data. We present new information on the satellite derived offshore migratory movements of six southern right whales from Australasian wintering grounds. Two whales were tagged at the Auckland Islands, New Zealand, and the remaining four at Australian wintering grounds, one at Pirates Bay, Tasmania, and three at Head of Bight, South Australia. The six whales were tracked for an average of 78.5 days (range: 29 to 150) with average individual distance of 38 km per day (range: 20 to 61 km). The length of individually derived tracks ranged from 645–6,381 km. Three likely foraging grounds were identified: south-west Western Australia, the Subtropical Front, and Antarctic waters, with the Subtropical Front appearing to be a feeding ground for both New Zealand and Australian southern right whales. In contrast, the individual tagged in Tasmania, from a sub-population that is not showing evidence of post-whaling recovery, displayed a distinct movement pattern to much higher latitude waters, potentially reflecting a different foraging strategy. Variable population growth rates between wintering grounds in Australasia could reflect fidelity to different quality feeding grounds. Unlike some species of baleen whale populations that show movement along migratory corridors, the new satellite tracking data presented here indicate variability in the migratory pathways taken by southern right whales from Australia and New Zealand, as well as differences in potential Austral summer foraging grounds.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    Case Report: The Promising Application of Dynamic Functional Connectivity Analysis on an Individual With Failed Back Surgery Syndrome

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    Failed back surgery syndrome (FBSS), a chronic neuropathic pain condition, is a common indication for spinal cord stimulation (SCS). However, the mechanisms of SCS, especially its effects on supraspinal/brain functional connectivity, are still not fully understood. Resting state functional magnetic resonance imaging (rsfMRI) studies have shown characteristics in patients with chronic low back pain (cLBP). In this case study, we performed rsfMRI scanning (3.0 T) on an FBSS patient, who presented with chronic low back and leg pain following her previous lumbar microdiscectomy and had undergone permanent SCS. Appropriate MRI safety measures were undertaken to scan this subject. Seed-based functional connectivity (FC) was performed on the rsfMRI data acquired from the FBSS subject, and then compared to a group of 17 healthy controls. Seeds were identified by an atlas of resting state networks (RSNs), which is composed of 32 regions grouped into 8 networks. Sliding-window method and k-means clustering were used in dynamic FC analysis, which resulted in 4 brain states for each group. Our results demonstrated the safety and feasibility of 3T MRI scanning in a patient with implanted SCS system. Compared to the brain states of healthy controls, the FBSS subject presented very different FC patterns in less frequent brain states. The mean dwell time of brain states showed distinct distributions: the FBSS subject seemed to prefer a single state over the others. Although future studies with large sample sizes are needed to make statistical conclusions, our findings demonstrated the promising application of dynamic FC to provide more granularity with FC changes associated with different brain states in chronic pain

    Harmonization of Multi-Site Diffusion Tensor Imaging Data for Cervical and Thoracic Spinal Cord at 1.5 T and 3 T Using Longitudinal ComBat

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    MRI scanner hardware, field strengths, and sequence parameters are major variables in diffusion studies of the spinal cord. Reliability between scanners is not well known, particularly for the thoracic cord. DTI data was collected for the entire cervical and thoracic spinal cord in thirty healthy adult subjects with different MR vendors and field strengths. DTI metrics were extracted and averaged for all slices within each vertebral level. Metrics were examined for variability and then harmonized using longitudinal ComBat (longComBat). Four scanners were used: Siemens 3 T Prisma, Siemens 1.5 T Avanto, Philips 3 T Ingenia, Philips 1.5 T Achieva. Average full cord diffusion values/standard deviation for all subjects and scanners were FA: 0.63, σ = 0.10, MD: 1.11, σ = 0.12 × 10−3 mm2/s, AD: 1.98, σ = 0.55 × 10−3 mm2/s, RD: 0.67, σ = 0.31 × 10−3 mm2/s. FA metrics averaged for all subjects by level were relatively consistent across scanners, but large variability was found in diffusivity measures. Coefficients of variation were lowest in the cervical region, and relatively lower for FA than diffusivity measures. Harmonized metrics showed greatly improved agreement between scanners. Variability in DTI of the spinal cord arises from scanner hardware differences, pulse sequence differences, physiological motion, and subject compliance. The use of longComBat resulted in large improvement in agreement of all DTI metrics between scanners. This study shows the importance of harmonization of diffusion data in the spinal cord and potential for longitudinal and multisite clinical research and clinical trials

    Imaging & Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation as Central Nervous System Biomarkers for Spinal Cord Injury

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    Learning Objectives Discuss the use of transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) to assess corticospinal tract connectivity and motor cortex representation in relation to advanced magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) Compare and contrast the use of advanced MRI technologies to assess structural and functional integrity of the brain and spinal cord Explain the clinical utility of TMS and advanced MRI technologie