1,025 research outputs found

    Touch-sensitive glandular trichomes: a mode of defence against herbivorous arthropods in the Carboniferous

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    This is the publisher's version, also available electronically from http://www.evolutionary-ecology.com/issues/v04n05/mmar1431.pdf.We present evidence that the capitate glandular trichomes of Blanzyopteris praedentata, a lianescent seed fern from the Upper Carboniferous of France, possessed a specialized, touchsensitive mechanism that triggered the opening of the secretory cell by contact. The trichomes are interpreted as functionally similar to those of some modern flowering plants, which release a sticky exudate when touched and ruptured that functions to disable plant-feeding arthropods

    Comparison of a Continuous and Discontinuous GXT on VO2 in Resistance-Trained and Endurance-Trained Males

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    International Journal of Exercise Science 15(4): 414-422, 2022. Traditional graded exercise testing to assess maximal oxygen uptake (VO2max) may not well represent resistance-trained athletes due to their unfamiliarity with continuous exercise. For this reason, it is possible discontinuous exercise protocols may better represent the maximum capacity for aerobic metabolism in resistance-trained athletes, in order to provide a more valid assessment of VO2max and risk of developing cardiovascular disease. Purpose: The purpose of this experiment was to compare VO2peak during a continuous and discontinuous modified Bruce protocol in both highly resistance-trained and endurance-trained males. Methods: 19 college-aged males (age: 20.6 ± 1.9 yr, height: 176.5 ± 7.6 cm, weight: 85.0 ± 25.6 kg) of intermediate resistance- or endurance-trained status were recruited for this study. Participants completed a continuous and discontinuous modified Bruce protocol on two visits separated by seven days. Results: A 2x2 one-way ANOVA revealed a significant group main effect for VO2peak (p = 0.004) in which endurance athletes achieved significantly higher VO2peak values compared to resistance-trained athletes. A significant group main effect for RPE was found (p = 0.045) in which endurance-trained reported significantly higher RPE values than the resistance-trained. A significant main effect for protocol for heart rate (p = 0.033) was found in which individuals achieved higher heart rates during the continuous protocol compared to the discontinuous. Conclusion: Although a discontinuous protocol with rest periods between stages is comparable to the exercise mode familiar to resistance-trained athletes, it did not provide any additional benefit to VO2peak values

    Coprolites in a Middle Triassic cycad pollen cone: evidence for insect pollination in early cycads?

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    This is the publisher's version, also available electronically from http://www.evolutionary-ecology.com/issues/v07n03/kkar1828.pdf.Question: What evidence is there for cycad–insect interactions in the fossil record? Organism: The pollen cone Delemaya spinulosa Klavins, Taylor, Krings et Taylor. Locality: Fremouw Formation (Middle Triassic), Fremouw Peak, Central Transantarctic Mountains, Antarctica. Methods: We document the presence of pollen-laden coprolites in pollen sacs of a Middle Triassic cycad. Conclusions: These coprolites are comparable with fecal pellets of modern arthropods and we suggest that they were produced by beetles. This provides the oldest unequivocal evidence for a cycad–insect interaction and may represent a precursory stage in the establishment of a more complex cycad–pollinator relationship

    Photocatalytic degradation of diclofenac in wastewater using ironceramic composites

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    The photocatalytic degradation of diclofenac in model aqueous solution is investigated. The surface of composites were correlated with photocatalytic activity. Adsorption activity of the composites is related to the presence of surface active sites. The degradation under UV irradiation and photo-Fenton process using ironceramic composites is more effective than direct photolysis

    Effects of time window size and placement on the structure of aggregated networks

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    Complex networks are often constructed by aggregating empirical data over time, such that a link represents the existence of interactions between the endpoint nodes and the link weight represents the intensity of such interactions within the aggregation time window. The resulting networks are then often considered static. More often than not, the aggregation time window is dictated by the availability of data, and the effects of its length on the resulting networks are rarely considered. Here, we address this question by studying the structural features of networks emerging from aggregating empirical data over different time intervals, focussing on networks derived from time-stamped, anonymized mobile telephone call records. Our results show that short aggregation intervals yield networks where strong links associated with dense clusters dominate; the seeds of such clusters or communities become already visible for intervals of around one week. The degree and weight distributions are seen to become stationary around a few days and a few weeks, respectively. An aggregation interval of around 30 days results in the stablest similar networks when consecutive windows are compared. For longer intervals, the effects of weak or random links become increasingly stronger, and the average degree of the network keeps growing even for intervals up to 180 days. The placement of the time window is also seen to affect the outcome: for short windows, different behavioural patterns play a role during weekends and weekdays, and for longer windows it is seen that networks aggregated during holiday periods are significantly different.Comment: 19 pages, 11 figure

    Urban Gravity: a Model for Intercity Telecommunication Flows

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    We analyze the anonymous communication patterns of 2.5 million customers of a Belgian mobile phone operator. Grouping customers by billing address, we build a social network of cities, that consists of communications between 571 cities in Belgium. We show that inter-city communication intensity is characterized by a gravity model: the communication intensity between two cities is proportional to the product of their sizes divided by the square of their distance

    Partial “targeted” embolisation of brain arteriovenous malformations

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    The treatment of pial arteriovenous brain malformations is controversial. Little is yet known about their natural history, their pathomechanisms and the efficacy and risks of respective proposed treatments. It is known that only complete occlusion of the AVM can exclude future risk of haemorrhage and that the rates of curative embolisation of AVMs with an acceptable periprocedural risk are around 20 to 50%. As outlined in the present article, however, partial, targeted embolisation also plays a role. In acutely ruptured AVMs where the source of bleeding can be identified, targeted embolisation of this compartment may be able to secure the AVM prior to definitive treatment. In unruptured symptomatic AVMs targeted treatment may be employed if a defined pathomechanism can be identified that is related to the clinical symptoms and that can be cured with an acceptable risk via an endovascular approach depending on the individual AVM angioarchitecture. This review article gives examples of pathomechanisms and angioarchitectures that are amenable to this kind of treatment strategy