32 research outputs found

    Charakterisierung ungeordneter Strukturen anhand von partiellen Strukturfaktoren aus Elementverteilungsbildern

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    In dieser Arbeit wird eine Methode zur Bestimmung von partiellen Zwei-Teilchen-Strukturfaktoren aus Elementverteilungsbildern am Beispiel der spinodalen Entmischung einer Eisen-Chrom-Legierung vorgestellt. Hierbei wird auf die unterschiedlichen experimentellen EinflĂŒsse durch die energiefilternde Elektronenmikroskopie eingegangen. Insbesondere das Slowscan CCD-Kamerasystem zeichnet sich durch unterschiedliches Verhalten je nach BeleuchtungsintensitĂ€t aus. Mit dieser Methode lassen sich dann elementaufgelöst die partiellen Zwei-Teilchen-Strukturfaktoren bestimmen. Mit diesen erhĂ€lt man dann zu Kleinwinkelstreuexperimenten vergleichbare Daten, die nur mit sehr hohem Aufwand elementaufgelöste Daten erlauben. Als ErgĂ€nzung hierzu werden die Ergebnisse von Simulationen ungeordneter Strukturen gezeigt. Insgesamt zeigt sich eine hohe Vergleichbarkeit der experimentellen Ergebnisse, so dass diese Methode als wertvolle ErgĂ€nzung zu bestehenden Methoden betrachtet werden kann.In this work a method to calculate partial two-particle-structure-factors from energy filtered elemental maps is presented using the example of spinodal decomposition of an alloy consisting of iron and chromium. Special care has to be taken to describe the behavior of a slow-scan CCD camera depending on the illumination intensity during image acquisition.Considering these artifacts, the modulation transfer function of the camera and the inelastic transfer function of specimen and microscope it is then possible to calculate the partial two-particle-structure-factors with elemental sensitivity. The resulting data set is comparable to small angle scattering experiments where considerable effort has to be afforded to achieve elemental sensitivity. Additionally the results of simulated disordered structures are presented to verify the comparability of the presented structure factors with those of small angle. The method presented here is a valuable addition to existing methods measuring partial two-particle- structure-factors

    Supported CuII Single-Ion Catalyst for Total Carbon Utilization of C2 and C3 Biomass-Based Platform Molecules in the N-Formylation of Amines

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    The shift from fossil carbon sources to renewable ones is vital for developing sustainable chemical processes to produce valuable chemicals. In this work, value-added formamides were synthesized in good yields by the reaction of amines with C2 and C3 biomass-based platform molecules such as glycolic acid, 1,3-dihydroxyacetone and glyceraldehyde. These feedstocks were selectively converted by catalysts based on Cu-containing zeolite 5A through the in situ formation of carbonyl-containing intermediates. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first example in which all the carbon atoms in biomass-based feedstocks could be amidated to produce formamide. Combined catalyst characterization results revealed preferably single CuII sites on the surface of Cu/5A, some of which form small clusters, but without direct linking via oxygen bridges. By combining the results of electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spin-trapping, operando attenuated total reflection (ATR) IR spectroscopy and control experiments, it was found that the formation of formamides might involve a HCOOH-like intermediate and .NHPh radicals, in which the selective formation of .OOH radicals might play a key role. © 2021 The Authors. Chemistry - A European Journal published by Wiley-VCH Gmb

    Chemical in‐depth analysis of (Ca/Sr)F2 core–shell like nanoparticles by X‐ray photoelectron spectroscopy with tunable excitation energy

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    The fluorolytic sol–gel synthesis is applied with the intention to obtain two different types of core–shell nanoparticles, namely, SrF2–CaF2 and CaF2–SrF2. In two separate fluorination steps for core and shell formation, the corresponding metal lactates are reacted with anhydrous HF in ethylene glycol. Scanning transmission electron microscopy (STEM) and dynamic light scattering (DLS) confirm the formation of particles with mean dimensions between 6.4 and 11.5 nm. The overall chemical composition of the particles during the different reaction steps is monitored by quantitative Al Kα excitation X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS). Here, the formation of stoichiometric metal fluorides (MF2) is confirmed, both for the core and the final core–shell particles. Furthermore, an in-depth analysis by synchrotron radiation XPS (SR-XPS) with tunable excitation energy is performed to confirm the core–shell character of the nanoparticles. Additionally, Ca2p/Sr3d XPS intensity ratio in-depth profiles are simulated using the software Simulation of Electron Spectra for Surface Analysis (SESSA). In principle, core–shell like particle morphologies are formed but without a sharp interface between calcium and strontium containing phases. Surprisingly, the in-depth chemical distribution of the two types of nanoparticles is equal within the error of the experiment. Both comprise a SrF2-rich core domain and CaF2-rich shell domain with an intermixing zone between them. Consequently, the internal morphology of the final nanoparticles seems to be independent from the synthesis chronology.European Metrology Programme for Innovation and Research (EMPIR) http://dx.doi.org/10.13039/100014132Peer Reviewe