1,939 research outputs found

    The Effect of Integrating Travel Time

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    This contribution demonstrates the potential gain for the quality of results in a simulation of pedestrians when estimated remaining travel time is considered as a determining factor for the movement of simulated pedestrians. This is done twice: once for a force-based model and once for a cellular automata-based model. The results show that for the (degree of realism of) simulation results it is more relevant if estimated remaining travel time is considered or not than which modeling technique is chosen -- here force-based vs. cellular automata -- which normally is considered to be the most basic choice of modeling approach.Comment: preprint of Pedestrian and Evacuation 2012 conference (PED2012) contributio

    The Inflection Point of the Speed-Density Relation and the Social Force Model

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    It has been argued that the speed-density digram of pedestrian movement has an inflection point. This inflection point was found empirically in investigations of closed-loop single-file pedestrian movement. The reduced complexity of single-file movement does not only allow a higher precision for the evaluation of empirical data, but it occasionally also allows analytical considerations for micosimulation models. In this way it will be shown that certain (common) variants of the Social Force Model (SFM) do not produce an inflection point in the speed-density diagram if infinitely many pedestrians contribute to the force computed for one pedestrian. We propose a modified Social Force Model that produces the inflection point.Comment: accepted for presentation at conference Traffic and Granular Flow 201

    Pedestrian Traffic: on the Quickest Path

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    When a large group of pedestrians moves around a corner, most pedestrians do not follow the shortest path, which is to stay as close as possible to the inner wall, but try to minimize the travel time. For this they accept to move on a longer path with some distance to the corner, to avoid large densities and by this succeed in maintaining a comparatively high speed. In many models of pedestrian dynamics the basic rule of motion is often either "move as far as possible toward the destination" or - reformulated - "of all coordinates accessible in this time step move to the one with the smallest distance to the destination". Atop of this rule modifications are placed to make the motion more realistic. These modifications usually focus on local behavior and neglect long-ranged effects. Compared to real pedestrians this leads to agents in a simulation valuing the shortest path a lot better than the quickest. So, in a situation as the movement of a large crowd around a corner, one needs an additional element in a model of pedestrian dynamics that makes the agents deviate from the rule of the shortest path. In this work it is shown, how this can be achieved by using a flood fill dynamic potential field method, where during the filling process the value of a field cell is not increased by 1, but by a larger value, if it is occupied by an agent. This idea may be an obvious one, however, the tricky part - and therefore in a strict sense the contribution of this work - is a) to minimize unrealistic artifacts, as naive flood fill metrics deviate considerably from the Euclidean metric and in this respect yield large errors, b) do this with limited computational effort, and c) keep agents' movement at very low densities unaltered

    Characterizing correlations of flow oscillations at bottlenecks

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    "Oscillations" occur in quite different kinds of many-particle-systems when two groups of particles with different directions of motion meet or intersect at a certain spot. We present a model of pedestrian motion that is able to reproduce oscillations with different characteristics. The Wald-Wolfowitz test and Gillis' correlated random walk are shown to hold observables that can be used to characterize different kinds of oscillations

    Stochastic Transition Model for Discrete Agent Movements

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    We propose a calibrated two-dimensional cellular automaton model to simulate pedestrian motion behavior. It is a v=4 (3) model with exclusion statistics and random shuffled dynamics. The underlying regular grid structure results in a direction-dependent behavior, which has in particular not been considered within previous approaches. We efficiently compensate these grid-caused deficiencies on model level.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figure

    Dietary Diversity in Cambodian Garment Workers: The Role of Free Lunch Provision

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    The objective of this paper is to compare food consumption by Cambodian garment workers with and without access to a free model lunch provision through a factory-based canteen. Data from an exploratory randomised controlled trial were analysed. In total, 223 female Cambodian garment workers were allocated to an intervention arm (six-month lunch provision) or a control arm. Dietary intake on workdays was assessed by qualitative 24-h recalls at baseline and twice at follow-ups during the period of lunch provision using the Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO) guideline on assessing women´s dietary diversity. In total, 158 participants provided complete data on the dietary intake over workdays at all interviews. Lunch provision resulted in a more frequent consumption of dark green leafy vegetables (DGLV), vitamin A-rich fruits, other fruits, and oils and fats during lunch breaks. In contrast, flesh meats, legumes, nuts and seeds, as well as sweets, were eaten at a lower frequency. Except for a higher consumption rate of vitamin A-rich fruits and a lower intake frequency of sweets, lunch provision had a less clear impact on total 24-h intake from different food groups and was not associated with a higher women´s dietary diversity score (WDDS). A more gap-oriented design of the lunch sets taking into account underutilised foods and the nutritional status of the workers is recommended

    Modeling the desired direction in a force-based model for pedestrian dynamics

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    We introduce an enhanced model based on the generalized centrifugal force model. Furthermore, the desired direction of pedestrians is investigated. A new approach leaning on the well-known concept of static and dynamic floor-fields in cellular automata is presented. Numerical results of the model are presented and compared with empirical data.Comment: 14 pages 11 figures, submitted to TGF'1

    Zircon dissolution in a ductile shear zone, Monte Rosa granite gneiss, northern Italy

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    The sizes, distributions and shapes of zircon grains within variably deformed granite gneiss from the western Alps have been studied. Zircon shows numerous indicators of a metamorphic response in both the host gneiss and a 5 cm wide continuous ductile shear zone, within which the zircon grain sizes range from <1 µm to >50 µm. However, the very fine grain sizes are virtually absent from grain boundaries. Within this zone, zircons consistently have more rounded and embayed margins, which are interpreted as evidence of dissolution in response to fluid influx during shearing. Zircons are preferentially located near metamorphic muscovite in both the host gneiss and the shear zone and tend to show the poorest crystal shape, indicating that fluids linked to the formation and presence of muscovite may enhance both the crystallization of zircon and its subsequent dissolution. Larger zircon crystals typically show a brittle response to deformation when adjacent to phyllosilicates, with fractures consistently perpendicular to the (001) mica cleavage. The variety of metamorphic behaviour observed for zircon indicates that it may be highly reactive in sub-solidus mid-crustal metamorphic environments

    Solving the Direction Field for Discrete Agent Motion

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    Models for pedestrian dynamics are often based on microscopic approaches allowing for individual agent navigation. To reach a given destination, the agent has to consider environmental obstacles. We propose a direction field calculated on a regular grid with a Moore neighborhood, where obstacles are represented by occupied cells. Our developed algorithm exactly reproduces the shortest path with regard to the Euclidean metric.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figure

    Quickest Paths in Simulations of Pedestrians

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    This contribution proposes a method to make agents in a microscopic simulation of pedestrian traffic walk approximately along a path of estimated minimal remaining travel time to their destination. Usually models of pedestrian dynamics are (implicitly) built on the assumption that pedestrians walk along the shortest path. Model elements formulated to make pedestrians locally avoid collisions and intrusion into personal space do not produce motion on quickest paths. Therefore a special model element is needed, if one wants to model and simulate pedestrians for whom travel time matters most (e.g. travelers in a station hall who are late for a train). Here such a model element is proposed, discussed and used within the Social Force Model.Comment: revised version submitte