693 research outputs found

    Meaning Correlates of Value Orientations

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    The purpose was to explore the relations between value orientations and meaning assignment tendencies. The hypotheses were that values would be related to a certain number of meaning variables that would be similar in three cultural groups. The participants were 150 individuals of both genders living in Israel. They are from three cultural communities (50 participants each): Israeli, French, and Russian. They were administered the values inventory PQ IV by Schwartz (1992) and the Meaning Test by Kreitler and Kreitler (1990a). The relations between the values of hedonism, power, and benevolence and the meaning variables were analyzed by correlations. The results showed that there are patterns of meaning variables corresponding to value orientations and that these patterns are unique to each of the value orientation. There were similarities in the major meaning variables across the groups but also differences, mainly in the salience of the constituents in the meaning patterns

    The Late Frontier

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    In Pursuit of the Person in Psychology

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    Das neue Buch von Brian Schiff, A New Narrative for Psychology, wirft einen kritischen Blick auf die aktuelle IdentitĂ€tskrise der Psychologie, die durch die Zersplitterung in diverse theoretische Unterdisziplinen und dem Fehlen einer gemeinsamen Terminologie spĂŒrbar ist. Schiff argumentiert, dass ein Fokus auf ErzĂ€hlungen, oder genauer, eine erzĂ€hltheoretische Perspektive, der Disziplin ein neues SelbstverstĂ€ndnis und eine einheitliche Richtung verleihen kann. Indem das Hauptaugenmerk auf ErzĂ€hlungen und die damit verbundenen Prozesse von Bedeutungsgeneration liegt, werden andere Problemfelder, wie die Konvention der quantitativen Forschung und die falsche Interpretation von Erkenntnissen ebenfalls beseitigt. Mit einem Fokus auf Funktionen der ErzĂ€hlung bietet das Buch eine Neukonzeption der narrativen Psychologie und eine alternative Möglichkeit der psychologischen Forschung. Es stellt einen Appell an die Disziplin im Allgemeinen dar, sich mit Methoden auseinanderzusetzen, die sich mit dem Individuellen, statt dem Allgemeinen befassen. In diesem Zuge stellt das Buch einen wichtigen Beitrag zu der Debatte um die Zukunft der zeitgenössischen Psychologie dar.Brian Schiff’s new book, entitled A New Narrative for Psychology, takes a critical look at the current identity crisis of psychology, which is marked by a fragmentation into different theoretical perspectives and a lack of shared terminology. Schiff argues that a narrative perspective can lend the discipline a new self-conception and common direction. Centering research around narrative and meaning-making processes would help the discipline to dispose of issues like the convention of relying on quantitative research and the misinterpretation of findings. Taking a functionalist approach to narrative, the book reformulates the conception of narrative psychology to offer a new way to do psychological research. It is an appeal to the discipline to consider alternative practices and to focus on the particular, rather than the general. By doing this, the book constitutes an important contribution to the debate on contemporary psychology’s future


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    Super Charging Your Clients\u27 Retirement Portfolios

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    Most retirees\u27 main objective is to maximize income and ensure that they do not run out of money. This is different from the preretirement years, when maximizing total return is typically the client\u27s goal. The often neglected immediate fixed annuity is unique in its ability to super charge a portfolio. It can increase income and guarantee it for life
