19 research outputs found

    Cell-binding IgM in CSF is distinctive of multiple sclerosis and targets the iron transporter SCARA5

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    Intrathecal IgM production in multiple sclerosis (MS) is associated with a worse disease course. To investigate pathogenic relevance of autoreactive IgM in MS, CSF from two independent cohorts, including MS patients and controls, were screened for antibody binding to induced pluripotent stem cell-derived neurons and astrocytes, and a panel of CNS- related cell lines. IgM binding to a primitive neuro-ectodermal tumour cell line discriminated 10% of MS donors from controls. Transcriptomes of single IgM producing CSF B cells from patients with cell-binding IgM were sequenced and used to produce recombinant monoclonal antibodies for characterisation and antigen identification. We produced 5 cell-binding recombinant IgM antibodies, of which one, cloned from an HLA-DR + plasma-like B cell, mediated antigen-dependent complement activation. Immunoprecipitation and mass spectrometry, and biochemical and transcriptome analysis of the target cells identified the iron transport scavenger protein SCARA5 as the antigen target of this antibody. Intrathecal injection of a SCARA5 antibody led to an increased T cell infiltration in an EAE model. CSF IgM might contribute to CNS inflammation in MS by binding to cell surface antigens like SCARA5 and activating complement, or by facilitating immune cell migration into the brain

    Lactation-associated macrophages exist in murine mammary tissue and human milk

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    Macrophages are involved in immune defense, organogenesis and tissue homeostasis. Macrophages contribute to the different phases of mammary gland remodeling during development, pregnancy and involution postlactation. Less is known about the dynamics of mammary gland macrophages in the lactation stage. Here, we describe a macrophage population present during lactation in mice. By multiparameter flow cytometry and single-cell RNA sequencing, we identified a lactation-induced CD11c+^{+}CX3CR1+^{+}Dectin-1+^{+} macrophage population (liMac) that was distinct from the two resident F4/80hi^{hi} and F4/80lo^{lo} macrophage subsets present pregestationally. LiMacs were predominantly monocyte-derived and expanded by proliferation in situ concomitant with nursing. LiMacs developed independently of IL-34, but required CSF-1 signaling and were partly microbiota-dependent. Locally, they resided adjacent to the basal cells of the alveoli and extravasated into the milk. We found several macrophage subsets in human milk that resembled liMacs. Collectively, these findings reveal the emergence of unique macrophages in the mammary gland and milk during lactation

    Single-cell immune repertoire sequencing of B and T cells in murine models of infection and autoimmunity

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    Adaptive immune repertoires are composed by the ensemble of B and T cell receptors (BCR, TCR) within an individual and reflect both past and current immune responses. Recent advances in single-cell sequencing enable recovery of the complete adaptive immune receptor sequences in addition to transcriptional information. Such high-dimensional datasets enable the molecular quantification of clonal selection of B and T cells across a wide variety of conditions such as infection and disease. Due to costs, time required for the analysis and current practices of academic publishing, small-scale sequencing studies are often not made publicly available, despite having informative potential to elucidate immunological principles and guide future-studies. Here, we performed single-cell sequencing of B and T cells to profile clonal selection across murine models of viral infection and autoimmune disease. Specifically, we recovered transcriptome and immune repertoire information for polyclonal T follicular helper cells following acute and chronic viral infection, CD8+ T cells with binding specificity restricted to two distinct peptides of lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus, and B and T cells isolated from the nervous system in the context of experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis. We could relate repertoire features such as clonal expansion, germline gene usage, and clonal convergence to cell phenotypes spanning activation, memory, naive, antibody secretion, T cell inflation, and regulation. Together, this dataset provides a resource for experimental and computational immunologists that can be integrated with future single-cell immune repertoire and transcriptome sequencing datasets

    Single-cell immune repertoire sequencing of B and T cells in murine models of infection and autoimmunity

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    Adaptive immune repertoires are composed by the ensemble of B and T cell receptors (BCR, TCR) within an individual and reflect both past and current immune responses. Recent advances in single-cell sequencing enable recovery of the complete adaptive immune receptor sequences in addition to transcriptional information. Such high-dimensional datasets enable the molecular quantification of clonal selection of B and T cells across a wide variety of conditions such as infection and disease. Due to costs, time required for the analysis and current practices of academic publishing, small-scale sequencing studies are often not made publicly available, despite having informative potential to elucidate immunological principles and guide future-studies. Here, we performed single-cell sequencing of B and T cells to profile clonal selection across murine models of viral infection and autoimmune disease. Specifically, we recovered transcriptome and immune repertoire information for polyclonal T follicular helper cells following acute and chronic viral infection, CD8+ T cells with binding specificity restricted to two distinct peptides of lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus, and B and T cells isolated from the nervous system in the context of experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis. We could relate repertoire features such as clonal expansion, germline gene usage, and clonal convergence to cell phenotypes spanning activation, memory, naive, antibody secretion, T cell inflation, and regulation. Together, this dataset provides a resource for experimental and computational immunologists that can be integrated with future single-cell immune repertoire and transcriptome sequencing datasets

    Echidna: integrated simulations of single-cell immune receptor repertoires and transcriptomes

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    Single-cell sequencing now enables the recovery of full-length immune repertoires [B cell receptor (BCR) and T cell receptor (TCR) repertoires], in addition to gene expression information. The feature-rich datasets produced from such experiments require extensive and diverse computational analyses, each of which can significantly influence the downstream immunological interpretations, such as clonal selection and expansion. Simulations produce validated standard datasets, where the underlying generative model can be precisely defined and furthermore perturbed to investigate specific questions of interest. Currently, there is no tool that can be used to simulate a comprehensive ground truth single-cell dataset that incorporates both immune receptor repertoires and gene expression. Therefore, we developed Echidna, an R package that simulates immune receptors and transcriptomes at single-cell resolution. Our simulation tool generates annotated single-cell sequencing data with user-tunable parameters controlling a wide range of features such as clonal expansion, germline gene usage, somatic hypermutation, and transcriptional phenotypes. Echidna can additionally simulate time-resolved B cell evolution, producing mutational networks with complex selection histories incorporating class-switching and B cell subtype information. Finally, we demonstrate the benchmarking potential of Echidna by simulating clonal lineages and comparing the known simulated networks with those inferred from only the BCR sequences as input. Together, Echidna provides a framework that can incorporate experimental data to simulate single-cell immune repertoires to aid software development and bioinformatic benchmarking of clonotyping, phylogenetics, transcriptomics and machine learning strategies

    B cell clonal expansion is correlated with antigen-specificity in young but not old mice

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    Aging of the humoral immune response has been shown to affect its critical role in defending the host from a variety of pathogens. Technical limitations have nevertheless made it challenging to investigate the relationship between genotype and phenotype of antibody repertoires in the context of aging. We therefore performed single-cell sequencing of over 95,000 B cells to simultaneously investigate B cell receptor (BCR) repertoires and gene expression profiles in the bone marrow and spleens of young and old mice following immunizations with a protein antigen. We discovered the presence of clonally expanded B cells in both young and old mice, which had distinct transcriptional phenotypes and exhibited age-associated gene signatures relating to plasma cell differentiation and protein folding and stabilization genes. Recombinant expression of 227 monoclonal antibodies revealed that clonally expanded B cells were frequently antigen-specific in young mice but not in old mice. Furthermore, we detected clonal convergence across different mice which was correlated with antigen-specificity. Although isotype- and expansion-specific transcriptional phenotypes could be detected, there was little correlation with antigen-specificity and transcriptional signatures. Together, our work provides an age-resolved single-cell repertoire resource that further relates antibody specificity, repertoire features, and whole transcriptomes

    Generation of a single-cell B cell atlas of antibody repertoires and transcriptomes to identify signatures associated with antigen specificity

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    Although new genomics-based pipelines have potential to augment antibody discovery, these methods remain in their infancy due to an incomplete understanding of the selection process that governs B cell clonal selection, expansion, and antigen specificity. Furthermore, it remains unknown how factors such as aging and reduction of tolerance influence B cell selection. Here we perform single-cell sequencing of antibody repertoires and transcriptomes of murine B cells following immunizations with a model therapeutic antigen target. We determine the relationship between antibody repertoires, gene expression signatures, and antigen specificity across 100,000 B cells. Recombinant expression and characterization of 227 monoclonal antibodies revealed the existence of clonally expanded and class-switched antigen-specific B cells that were more frequent in young mice. Although integrating multiple repertoire features such as germline gene usage and transcriptional signatures failed to distinguish antigen-specific from nonspecific B cells, other features such as immunoglobulin G (IgG) subtype and sequence composition correlated with antigen specificity.ISSN:2589-004

    Lactation-associated macrophages exist in murine mammary tissue and human milk

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    Macrophages are involved in immune defense, organogenesis and tissue homeostasis. Macrophages contribute to the different phases of mammary gland remodeling during development, pregnancy and involution postlactation. Less is known about the dynamics of mammary gland macrophages in the lactation stage. Here, we describe a macrophage population present during lactation in mice. By multiparameter flow cytometry and single-cell RNA sequencing, we identified a lactation-induced CD11c(+)CX3CR1(+)Dectin-1(+) macrophage population (liMac) that was distinct from the two resident F4/80(hi) and F4/80(lo) macrophage subsets present pregestationally. LiMacs were predominantly monocyte-derived and expanded by proliferation in situ concomitant with nursing. LiMacs developed independently of IL-34, but required CSF-1 signaling and were partly microbiota-dependent. Locally, they resided adjacent to the basal cells of the alveoli and extravasated into the milk. We found several macrophage subsets in human milk that resembled liMacs. Collectively, these findings reveal the emergence of unique macrophages in the mammary gland and milk during lactation.ISSN:1529-2908ISSN:1529-291