1,710 research outputs found

    The Level Spacing Distribution Near the Anderson Transition

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    For a disordered system near the Anderson transition we show that the nearest-level-spacing distribution has the asymptotics P(s)exp(As2γ)P(s)\propto \exp(-A s^{2-\gamma }) for s\gg \av{s}\equiv 1 which is universal and intermediate between the Gaussian asymptotics in a metal and the Poisson in an insulator. (Here the critical exponent 0<γ<10<\gamma<1 and the numerical coefficient AA depend only on the dimensionality d>2d>2). It is obtained by mapping the energy level distribution to the Gibbs distribution for a classical one-dimensional gas with a pairwise interaction. The interaction, consistent with the universal asymptotics of the two-level correlation function found previously, is proved to be the power-law repulsion with the exponent γ-\gamma.Comment: REVTeX, 8 pages, no figure

    Correlation-induced localization

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    A new paradigm of Anderson localization caused by correlations in the long-range hopping along with uncorrelated on-site disorder is considered which requires a more precise formulation of the basic localization-delocalization principles. A new class of random Hamiltonians with translation-invariant hopping integrals is suggested and the localization properties of such models are established both in the coordinate and in the momentum spaces alongside with the corresponding level statistics. Duality of translation-invariant models in the momentum and coordinate space is uncovered and exploited to find a full localization-delocalization phase diagram for such models. The crucial role of the spectral properties of hopping matrix is established and a new matrix inversion trick is suggested to generate a one-parameter family of equivalent localization/delocalization problems. Optimization over the free parameter in such a transformation together with the localization/delocalization principles allows to establish exact bounds for the localized and ergodic states in long-range hopping models. When applied to the random matrix models with deterministic power-law hopping this transformation allows to confirm localization of states at all values of the exponent in power-law hopping and to prove analytically the symmetry of the exponent in the power-law localized wave functions.Comment: 14 pages, 8 figures + 5 pages, 2 figures in appendice

    Multiphoton Processes in Driven Mesoscopic Systems

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    We study the statistics of multi-photon absorption/emission processes in a mesoscopic ring threaded by an harmonic time-dependent flux Φ(t)\Phi(t). For this sake, we demonstrate a useful analogy between the Keldysh quantum kinetic equation for the electrons distribution function and a Continuous Time Random Walk in energy space with corrections due to interference effects. Studying the probability to absorb/emit nn quanta ω\hbar\omega per scattering event, we explore the crossover between ultra-quantum/low-intensity limit and quasi-classical/high-intensity regime, and the role of multiphoton processes in driving it.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figures, extended versio

    Dynamical phases in a "multifractal" Rosenzweig-Porter model

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    We consider the static and the dynamical phases in a Rosenzweig-Porter (RP) random matrix ensemble with a distribution of off-diagonal matrix elements of the form of the large-deviation ansatz. We present a general theory of survival probability in such a random-matrix model and show that the averaged survival probability may decay with time as a simple exponent, as a stretch-exponent and as a power-law or slower. Correspondingly, we identify the exponential, the stretch-exponential and the frozen-dynamics phases. As an example, we consider the mapping of the Anderson localization model on Random Regular Graph onto the RP model and find exact values of the stretch-exponent kappa in the thermodynamic limit. As another example we consider the logarithmically-normal RP random matrix ensemble and find analytically its phase diagram and the exponent kappa. Our theory allows to describe analytically the finite-size multifractality and to compute the critical length with the exponent nu(MF) = 1 associated with it

    Minimalist design of a robust real-time quantum random number generator

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    We present a simple and robust construction of a real-time quantum random number generator (QRNG). Our minimalist approach ensures stable operation of the device as well as its simple and straightforward hardware implementation as a stand-alone module. As a source of randomness the device uses measurements of time intervals between clicks of a single-photon detector. The obtained raw sequence is then filtered and processed by a deterministic randomness extractor, which is realized as a look-up table. This enables high speed on-the-fly processing without the need of extensive computations. The overall performance of the device is around 1 random bit per detector click, resulting in 1.2 Mbit/s generation rate in our implementation

    Survival probability in Generalized Rosenzweig-Porter random matrix ensemble

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    We study analytically and numerically the dynamics of the generalized Rosenzweig-Porter model, which is known to possess three distinct phases: ergodic, multifractal and localized phases. Our focus is on the survival probability R(t)R(t), the probability of finding the initial state after time tt. In particular, if the system is initially prepared in a highly-excited non-stationary state (wave packet) confined in space and containing a fixed fraction of all eigenstates, we show that R(t)R(t) can be used as a dynamical indicator to distinguish these three phases. Three main aspects are identified in different phases. The ergodic phase is characterized by the standard power-law decay of R(t)R(t) with periodic oscillations in time, surviving in the thermodynamic limit, with frequency equals to the energy bandwidth of the wave packet. In multifractal extended phase the survival probability shows an exponential decay but the decay rate vanishes in the thermodynamic limit in a non-trivial manner determined by the fractal dimension of wave functions. Localized phase is characterized by the saturation value of R(t)=kR(t\to\infty)=k, finite in the thermodynamic limit NN\rightarrow\infty, which approaches k=R(t0)k=R(t\to 0) in this limit.Comment: 21 pages, 12 figures, 61 reference