3 research outputs found

    Various cross-linking methods inhibit the collagenase I degradation of rabbit scleral tissue

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    Background: Collagen cross-linking of the sclera is a promising approach to strengthen scleral rigidity and thus to inhibit eye growth in progressive myopia. Additionally, cross-linking might inhibit degrading processes in idiopathic melting or in ocular inflammatory diseases of the sclera. Different cross-linking treatments were tested to increase resistance to enzymatic degradation of the rabbit sclera. Methods: Scleral patches from rabbit eyes were cross-linked using paraformaldehyde, glutaraldehyde or riboflavin combined with UV-A-light or with blue light. The patches were incubated with collagenase I (MMP1) for various durations up to 24 h to elucidate differences in scleral resistance to enzymatic degradation. Degraded protein components in the supernatant were detected and quantified using measurements of Fluoraldehyde o-Phthaldialdehyde (OPA) fluorescence . Results: All cross-linking methods reduced the enzymatic degradation of rabbit scleral tissue by MMP1. Incubation with glutaraldehyde (1%) and paraformaldehyde (4%) caused nearly a complete inhibition of enzymatic degradation (down to 7% ± 2.8 of digested protein compared to control). Cross-linking with riboflavin/UV-A-light reduced the degradation by MMP1 to 62% ± 12.7 after 24 h. Cross-linking with riboflavin/blue light reduced the degradation by MMP1 to 77% ± 13.5 after 24 h. No significant differences could be detected comparing different light intensities, light exposure times or riboflavin concentrations. Conclusions: The application of all cross-linking methods increased the resistance of rabbit scleral tissue to MMP1-degradation. Especially, gentle cross-linking with riboflavin and UV-A or blue light might be a clinical approach in future

    Various cross-linking methods inhibit the collagenase I degradation of rabbit scleral tissue

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    Background!#!Collagen cross-linking of the sclera is a promising approach to strengthen scleral rigidity and thus to inhibit eye growth in progressive myopia. Additionally, cross-linking might inhibit degrading processes in idiopathic melting or in ocular inflammatory diseases of the sclera. Different cross-linking treatments were tested to increase resistance to enzymatic degradation of the rabbit sclera.!##!Methods!#!Scleral patches from rabbit eyes were cross-linked using paraformaldehyde, glutaraldehyde or riboflavin combined with UV-A-light or with blue light. The patches were incubated with collagenase I (MMP1) for various durations up to 24 h to elucidate differences in scleral resistance to enzymatic degradation. Degraded protein components in the supernatant were detected and quantified using measurements of Fluoraldehyde o-Phthaldialdehyde (OPA) fluorescence.!##!Results!#!All cross-linking methods reduced the enzymatic degradation of rabbit scleral tissue by MMP1. Incubation with glutaraldehyde (1%) and paraformaldehyde (4%) caused nearly a complete inhibition of enzymatic degradation (down to 7% ± 2.8 of digested protein compared to control). Cross-linking with riboflavin/UV-A-light reduced the degradation by MMP1 to 62% ± 12.7 after 24 h. Cross-linking with riboflavin/blue light reduced the degradation by MMP1 to 77% ± 13.5 after 24 h. No significant differences could be detected comparing different light intensities, light exposure times or riboflavin concentrations.!##!Conclusions!#!The application of all cross-linking methods increased the resistance of rabbit scleral tissue to MMP1-degradation. Especially, gentle cross-linking with riboflavin and UV-A or blue light might be a clinical approach in future

    Linguistische Diskursanalyse zu «Sozialhilfe»

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    Die Zürcher Hochschule für Angewandte Wissenschaften (ZHAW) hat im Auftrag des Sozialdepartements der Stadt Zürich den medialen Diskurs zur Sozialhilfe in der Schweiz zwischen den Jahren 2010 und 2019 untersucht. Um möglichst hohe Praxisnähe zu gewährleisten, wurden Forschungsgegenstände, konkrete Forschungsfragen und Ergebnisse in einer Reihe von Workshops unter Beteiligung des Forschungsteams und von Leitungspersonen des Sozialdepartements im Frühjahr und Sommer 2019 wechselseitig diskutiert und abschliessend definiert. Auf Grundlage von Recherchen in der Schweizer Mediendatenbank konnten Aussagen darüber generiert werden, wie innerhalb der Schweizer Print- und Online-Medien über Sozialhilfe berichtet wird. Die präsentierten Analysen zeigen das Spektrum und die Breite der medialen Positionen, lassen jedoch keine qualitative Gewichtung im Sinne von Auflagenstärke oder «Lautstärke» der (z.B. Boulevard-)Medien zu. Ausserdem geben die durchgeführten Analysen nicht notwendigerweise die öffentliche Meinung der Bevölkerung oder der Politik wieder. Zwar spielt die mediale Berichterstattung eine wichtige Rolle bei der öffentlichen Meinungsbildung, doch war die effektive Medienrezeption durch die Bevölkerung und Politik nicht Gegenstand dieses Projekts. Ziel war es, den Schweizerischen Mediendiskurs zur Sozialhilfe in der jüngeren Vergangenheit nachzuzeichnen und seine spezifischen Charakteristika herauszuarbeiten; dies unter anderem hinsichtlich der Fokussierung auf bestimmte Aspekte resp. Ursachen von Sozialhilfe, der medialen Bewertung von Sozialhilfe sowie des von den Medien gezeichneten Gesamtbilds der Sozialhilfe