173 research outputs found

    Evolution of nature management scientific concept in Russian geography

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    Nature management is regarded as a process reflecting multiple interrelations in Nature-Human society system. As practical activities it appeared with the beginning of human nature exploitation. But its scientific concept is being developed only nowadays when synthesis of natural and human sciences knowledge became possible. This synthesis reflects the postnonclassical stage of science development in general marked by philosophers. Evolution history of nature management scientific concepts in Russia is presented. It started at the second half of the 20th c. Contributions of economic and physical geography to this process are described. Differences of nature management and geoecology which tasks are often regarded as similar are demonstrated. Geographical nature management absorbs several concepts of geoecology, economic geography, economy, culture studies but must be regarded as a an individual branch of science Examples of geographical nature management outside Russia are given. It develops within the frames of regional analysis- traditional for European and American modern geography. This analysis presents synthesis of geographical, social-economic, geoecological, ethnic-cultural and other knowledge about the studded area and is directed at revealing of nature management administration mechanism

    Economic contribution of the whale-watching industry for the Madeira Archipelago

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    The beauty of Madeira does not finish with just wonderful landscapes and mountains, tropical gardens, old villages and famed wines. Water that surrounds the island is filled with so much beauty too. In the Archipelago of Madeira, we can observe around 35% of the worldwide species of marine mammals. Whale-watching in Madeira is a quite recent but fast-growing activity. The commercial activity of whale-watching began on the south coast of Madeira in the beginning of 2000s. Nowadays there are more than 12 companies dedicated to this business. Most of them are located in the main island of Madeira but there is also one in Porto Santo doing whale-watching during the touristic season. I had a great opportunity to make my master degree project in cooperation with “Ventura| Nature emotion” company. It is a nature tourism company based in Madeira Island, Portugal with a clear ambition – organizing birdwatching tours, whale and dolphin watching tours and outdoor activities around Madeira Island, Desertas islands and Selvagens islands on a classic sailing boat. During my 9-month internship, I worked in the sea and on the land. The internship program has offered me a great opportunity to grow and develop. Working in “Ventura| Nature emotion” as an intern was not only an honor and privilege but a lifelong experience that will forever shape my professional life. I have studied detailed information of marine life of the Madeira Archipelago, learnt the operation system of an ecotourism company business and obtained financial data about whale-watching activity which I used for my final innovation study. Moreover, the background of my first degree in finances was an advantage to develop the proposed study. The main goal of this innovation study is to calculate the economic contribution of the whale-watching industry to the Madeira archipelago in 2015, and to show all financial benefits that each individual species and each individual animal brings to the community. The total direct income from the 12 main companies which conduct whale-watching activity in Madeira Archipelago in 2015 amounted €4 186 364.For this innovation study, we used a few qualitative methods: document analysis, client interviews, active observations and sighting data analysis. By combining data from the active participation of marine- life observation and numbers from whale-watching operators, it was possible to estimate the direct economic contribution of whale-watching. By client interviews, we identified target audience for this kind of activity and key ideas of promotion strategy for whale-watching. This can help to promote Madeira Island as a worldwide whalewatching destination. Finally, directions of future work in a field of whale watching activity in the Madeira Archipelago were determined. This innovation study includes abstract, 5 chapters, conclusion, bibliography and annex.A beleza da Madeira não se baseia apenas nas suas paisagens magnificas. Montanhas, jardins tropicais, aldeias e vinhos famosos. O mar está repleto de muitas belezas. No arquipélago da Madeira podemos observar cerca de 35% de espécies de mamíferos marinhos, a nível mundial. Observação de baleias na Madeira é uma atividade recente, mas com crescimento rápido. A atividade comercial relacionada com observação de baleias começou na parte sul da ilha nos anos 90. Atualmente existem mais de 12 companhias dedicadas a este tipo de negocio. Maior parte está localizada na ilha da Madeira com algumas a praticarem esta atividade no Porto Santo durante o verão que existe mais atividade turística. Tive uma grande oportunidade para realizar o meu projeto de mestrado com a companhia de animação turística “Ventura| Nature emotion”. Esta empresa pratica turismo de natureza baseada na ilha da Madeira. Tem uma ambição clara – organizar atividade de observação de aves, observação de baleias e golfinhos e atividades nas redondezas da ilha da Madeira como por exemplo visitar as ilhas Desertas e Selvagens. Durante o meu estagio de 9 meses trabalhei no mar e em terra. O estágio proporcionou-me a possibilidade de crescer e me desenvolver. Trabalhar com a “Ventura| Nature emotion”, a título de estagiária, não só foi uma honra como um privilegio, mas também uma experiência que irá ter um marco significativo na minha vida profissional. Estudei detalhadamente informações relacionadas com a vida marinha do arquipélago da Madeira, aprendi o modo de operação de uma companhia com vertentes no ecoturismo e obti data financeira sobre a atividade de observação de baleias que utilizei nas minhas calculações finais. A minha licenciatura anterior em finanças foi uma mais valia para o desenvolvimento do estudo proposto. O principal objetivo de este estudo de inovação é de calcular a contribuição económica da industria da observação de baleias no arquipélago da Madeira em 2015, de modo a apresentar todos os benefícios financeiros que cada espécie individual de animal trás á comunidade. Os proveitos directos dos 12 principais empresas que desenvolvem atividade de observação de baleias no arquipélago da Madeira em 2015 totalizaram € 4 186 364. Para este estudo de inovação nós usamos alguns métodos qualificativos: analise de documentos, inquéritos a clientes, observação ativa e obtenção de data. Combinando informações através de uma participação ativa de vida marinha e números fornecidos por operadores de observação de baleias é possível estimar a contribuição direta a nível económico da observação de baleias. Podemos identificar o publico alvo através de inquéritos aos clientes para este tipo de atividade e delinear novas estratégias de promoção para esta atividade. Estas ações podem ajudar a promover o destino Madeira a nível mundial como um destino de excelência para a observação de baleias. Por fim, foram determinadas a direção que deve prosseguir esta atividade. Este estudo de inovação inclui o abstrato, 5 capítulos, conclusão, bibliografia e anexo

    “Empty Spaces” in Modern Cultural Landscapes Structure: Identification for the Sake of Socio-Economic Stability

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    Cultural landscapes of the Russian Arctic remind a palimpsest where historical spatial fragments are being combined with modern Complex spatial structure of cultural landscapes in populated regions in several cases promote delusion of empty spaces existence i e territories not fashioned by some cultural group and thus free for new economic development Involvement of such territories in modern economic development may cause loss of traditional economy incomes for the indigenous population as well as cultural heritage and socioeconomic conflicts Humanitarian geography approaches were used to define cultural landscapes demonstrate their different patterns in the Russian Arctic The goal of this study is to reveal the origin of empty spaces appearance in the Russian Arctic and demonstrate the importance of cultural landscapes studies to identify and characterize them for the sake of socioeconomic stabilit