959 research outputs found

    Driver Accelerator Design for the 10 kW Upgrade of the Jefferson Lab IR FEL

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    An upgrade of the Jefferson Lab IR FEL is now under construction. It will provide 10 kW output light power in a wavelength range of 2-10 microns. The FEL will be driven by a modest-sized 80-210 MeV, 10 mA energy-recovering superconducting RF (SRF) linac. Stringent phase space requirements at the wiggler, low beam energy, and high beam current subject the design to numerous constraints. These are imposed by the need for both transverse and longitudinal phase space management, the potential impact of collective phenomena (space charge, wakefields, beam break-up (BBU), and coherent synchrotron radiation (CSR)), and interactions between the FEL and the accelerator RF system. This report addresses these issues and presents an accelerator design solution meeting the requirements imposed by physical phenomena and operational necessities.Comment: submission THC03 for LINAC200

    Optimization of the RF Cavity Heat Load and Trip Rates for CEBAF at 12 GeV

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    The Continuous Electron Beam Accelerator Facility at JLab has 200 RF cavities in the north linac and the south linac respectively after the 12 GeV upgrade. The purpose of this work is to simultaneously optimize the heat load and the trip rate for the cavities and to reconstruct the pareto-optimal front in a timely manner when some of the cavities are turned down. By choosing an efficient optimizer and strategically creating the initial gradients, the pareto-optimal front for no more than 15 cavities down can be re-established within 20 seconds

    High-Brilliance, High-Flux Compact Inverse Compton Light Source

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    The Old Dominion University Compact Light Source (ODU CLS) design concept is presented-a compact Inverse Compton Light Source (ICLS) with flux and brilliance orders of magnitude beyond conventional laboratory-scale sources and greater than other compact ICLS designs. This concept utilizes the physics of inverse Compton scattering of an extremely low emittance electron beam by a laser pulse of rms length of approximately two-thirds of a picosecond (2/3 ps). The accelerator is composed of a superconducting radio frequency (SRF) reentrant gun followed by four double-spoke SRF cavities. After the linac are three quadrupole magnets to focus the electron beam to the interaction point (IP). The distance from cathode surface to 1P is less than 6 m, with the cathode producing electron bunches with a bunch charge of 10 pC and a few picoseconds in length. The incident laser has 1 MW circulating power, a 1 micron wavelength, and a spot size of 3.2 microns at the IP. The repetition rate of this source is 100 MHz, in order to achieve a high flux despite the low bunch charge. The anticipated x-ray source parameters include an energy of 12 keV, with a total flux of 2.2 x 10(13) ph/s, the flux into a 0.1% bandwidth of 3.3 x 10(10) ph/(s0.1%BW), and the average brilliance of 3.4 x 10(14) ph/ (s mm(2 )mrad(2) 0.1%BW)

    Compensation of Non-Linear Bandwidth Broadening by Laser Chirping in Thomson Sources

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    A new laser chirping prescription is derived by means of the phase-stationary method for an inci- dent Gaussian laser pulse in conjunction with a Li enard-Wiechert calculation of the scattered radia- tion flux and spectral brilliance. This particularly efficient laser chirp has been obtained using the electric field of the laser and for electrons and radiation on axis. The frequency modulation is some- what reduced with respect to that proposed in the previous literature, allowing the application of this procedure to lasers with larger values of the parameter a0. Numerical calculations have been performed using mildly focused and narrow bandwidth laser pulses, confirming a larger efficiency of the chirp prescription here introduced. The chirp efficiency has been analysed as a function of the laser parameter and focusing. Published by AIP Publishing

    Imaging and controlling electron transport inside a quantum ring

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    Traditionally, the understanding of quantum transport, coherent and ballistic1, relies on the measurement of macroscopic properties such as the conductance. While powerful when coupled to statistical theories, this approach cannot provide a detailed image of "how electrons behave down there". Ideally, understanding transport at the nanoscale would require tracking each electron inside the nano-device. Significant progress towards this goal was obtained by combining Scanning Probe Microscopy (SPM) with transport measurements2-7. Some studies even showed signatures of quantum transport in the surrounding of nanostructures4-6. Here, SPM is used to probe electron propagation inside an open quantum ring exhibiting the archetype of electron wave interference phenomena: the Aharonov-Bohm effect8. Conductance maps recorded while scanning the biased tip of a cryogenic atomic force microscope above the quantum ring show that the propagation of electrons, both coherent and ballistic, can be investigated in situ, and even be controlled by tuning the tip potential.Comment: 11 text pages + 3 figure

    Laser Pulsing in Linear Compton Scattering

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    Previous work on calculating energy spectra from Compton scattering events has either neglected considering the pulsed structure of the incident laser beam, or has calculated these effects in an approximate way subject to criticism. In this paper, this problem has been reconsidered within a linear plane wave model for the incident laser beam. By performing the proper Lorentz transformation of the Klein-Nishina scattering cross section, a spectrum calculation can be created which allows the electron beam energy spread and emittance effects on the spectrum to be accurately calculated, essentially by summing over the emission of each individual electron. Such an approach has the obvious advantage that it is easily integrated with a particle distribution generated by particle tracking, allowing precise calculations of spectra for realistic particle distributions in collision. The method is used to predict the energy spectrum of radiation passing through an aperture for the proposed Old Dominion University inverse Compton source. Many of the results allow easy scaling estimates to be made of the expected spectrum

    Equilibria and Synchrotron Stability in Two Energy Storage Rings

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    In a dual energy storage ring, the electron beam passes through two loops at markedly different energies E_{L}, and E_{H}, i.e., energies for low energy loop and high energy loop respectively. These loops use a common beamline where a superconducting linac at first accelerates the beam from EL to EH and then decelerates the beam from EH to EL in the next pass. There are two basic solutions to the equilibrium problems possible, i.e., ’Storage Ring’ (SR) equilibrium and ’Energy Recovery Linac’ (ERL) equilibrium. SR equilibrium mode more resembles the usual single loop storage ring with strong synchrotron motion and ERL equilibrium mode is the case where RF in two beam passes nearly cancels. Calculations based on linear transfer matrix formalism show that longitudinal stability exists for both SR mode and ERL mode in two energy storage rings

    Crab Crossing Schemes and Studies for Electron Ion Collider

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    This report shows our progress in crab crossing consideration for future electron-ion collider envisioned at JLab. In this design phase, we are evaluating two crabbing schemes viz., the deflecting and dispersive. The mathematical formulations and lattice design for these schemes are discussed in this paper. Numerical simulations involving particle tracking through a realistic deflecting RF cavity and optics illustrate the desired crab tilt of 25 mrad for 1.35 MV. Evolution of beam propagation are shown which provides the physical insight of the crabbing phenomenon

    Interventions to improve immigrant health. A scoping review.

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    Background: Disparities in health between immigrants and their host populations have been described across countries and continents. Hence, interventions for improving health targeting general populations are not necessarily effective for immigrants. Aims: To conduct a systematic search of the literature evaluating health interventions for immigrants; to map the characteristics of identified studies including range of interventions, immigrant populations and their host countries, clinical areas targeted and reported evaluations, challenges and limitations of the interventions identified. Following the results, to develop recommendations for research in the field. Methods: A scoping review approach was chosen to provide an overview of the type, extent and quantity of research available. Studies were included if they empirically evaluated health interventions targeting immigrants and/or their descendants, included a control group, and were published in English (PubMed and Embase from 1990 to 2015). Results: Most of the 83 studies included were conducted in the USA, encompassed few immigrant groups and used a randomized controlled trial (RCT) or cluster RCT design. Most interventions addressed chronic and non-communicable diseases and attendance at cancer screening services, used individual targeted approaches, targeted adult women and recruited participants from health centres. Outcome measures were often subjective, with the exception of interventions for cardiovascular risk and diabetes. Generally, authors claimed that interventions were beneficial, despite a number of reported limitations. Conclusions: Recommendations for enhancing interventions to improve immigrant health are provided to help researchers, funders and health care commissioners when deciding upon the scope, nature and design of future research in this area

    Multimodal nonlinear imaging of atherosclerotic plaques differentiation of triglyceride and cholesterol deposits

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    Cardiovascular diseases in general and atherothrombosis as the most common of its individual disease entities is the leading cause of death in the developed countries. Therefore, visualization and characterization of inner arterial plaque composition is of vital diagnostic interest, especially for the early recognition of vulnerable plaques. Established clinical techniques provide valuable morphological information but cannot deliver information about the chemical composition of individual plaques. Therefore, spectroscopic imaging techniques have recently drawn considerable attention. Based on the spectroscopic properties of the individual plaque components, as for instance different types of lipids, the composition of atherosclerotic plaques can be analyzed qualitatively as well as quantitatively. Here, we compare the feasibility of multimodal nonlinear imaging combining two-photon fluorescence (TPF), coherent anti-Stokes Raman scattering (CARS) and second-harmonic generation (SHG) microscopy to contrast composition and morphology of lipid deposits against the surrounding matrix of connective tissue with diffraction limited spatial resolution. In this contribution, the spatial distribution of major constituents of the arterial wall and atherosclerotic plaques like elastin, collagen, triglycerides and cholesterol can be simultaneously visualized by a combination of nonlinear imaging methods, providing a powerful label-free complement to standard histopathological methods with great potential for in vivo application
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