3 research outputs found

    A troponin switch that regulates muscle contraction by stretch instead of calcium

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    The flight muscles of many insects have a form of regulation enabling them to contract at high frequencies. The muscles are activated by periodic stretches at low Ca(2+) levels. The same muscles also give isometric contractions in response to higher Ca(2+). We show that the two activities are controlled by different isoforms of TnC (F1 and F2) within single myofibrils. F1 binds one Ca(2+) with high affinity in the C-terminal domain and F2 binds one Ca(2+) in the C-terminal domain and one exchangeable Ca(2+) in the N-terminal domain. We have characterised the isoforms and determined their effect on the development of stretch-activated and Ca(2+)-activated tension by replacing endogenous TnC in Lethocerus flight muscle fibres with recombinant isoforms. Fibres with F1 gave stretch-activated tension and minimal isometric tension; those with F2 gave Ca(2+)-dependent isometric tension and minimal stretch-activated tension. Regulation by a TnC responding to stretch rather than Ca(2+) is unprecedented and has resulted in the ability of insect flight muscle to perform oscillatory work at low Ca(2+) concentrations, a property to which a large number of flying insects owe their evolutionary success

    Light sheet-based fluorescence microscopy: more dimensions, more photons, and less photodamage

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    Light-sheet-based fluorescence microscopy (LSFM) is a fluorescence technique that combines optical sectioning, the key capability of confocal and two-photon fluorescence microscopes with multiple-view imaging, which is used in optical tomography. In contrast to conventional wide-field and confocal fluorescence microscopes, a light sheet illuminates only the focal plane of the detection objective lens from the side. Excitation is, thus, restricted to the fluorophores in the volume near the focal plane. This provides optical sectioning and allows the use of regular cameras in the detection process. Compared to confocal fluorescence microscopy, LSFM reduces photo bleaching and photo toxicity by up to three orders of magnitude. In LSFM, the specimen is embedded in a transparent block of hydrogel and positioned relative to the stationary light sheet using precise motorized translation and rotation stages. This feature is used to image any plane in a specimen. Additionally, multiple views obtained along different angles can be combined into a single data set with an improved resolution. LSFMs are very well suited for imaging large live specimens over long periods of time. However, they also perform well with very small specimens such as single yeast cells. This perspective introduces the principles of LSFM, explains the challenges of specimen preparation, and introduces the basics of a microscopy that takes advantage of multiple views