16 research outputs found

    The use of Kinesio Taping in the treatment of pain and shoulder dysfunction in patients after stroke

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    Introduction. Stroke is an important medical problem. One of the most common complications associated with paresis or paralysis of upper limb after stroke is pain and shoulder dysfunction. Kinesio Taping action is physiotherapy.Objective of the work. The aim of the study was to determine whether Kinesio Taping has the effect of reducing the shoulder complex pain in patients after stroke and to evaluate whether its use improves upper limb function in these patients.Material and methods. The study included 100 patients after stroke. Application techniques tapes were made according to the method used in Kinesio Taping. The total time of treatment lasted for seven days continuously. Evaluation of the degree of disability of patients was performed according to the mRankin scale. The severity of pain was assessed using a visual – analog scale VAS and modified pain questionnaire Laitinen, and upper extremity function was examined using scales  ASES and Brunnström.Results. The level of pain by visual - analog scale VAS and a pain questionnaire modified Laitinen decreased after 7 days of treatment, and after 2 weeks after treatment was increased, but to a level lower than the initial one. Evaluation of upper limb function using Brunnström scale and factor SSI (Shoulder Score Index) indicated to improve the functionality of the shoulder and upper limb as a result of the applied therapy.Conclusion. The use of Kinesio Taping may be helpful in reducing pain and improving shoulder complex upper limb function in patients after stroke.

    Udar mózgu – ból i dysfunkcja barku

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    Strokes are one of the most important problems of modern medicine and are third leading cause of death in many developed countries. Complications of stroke are an important determinant of quality of life and often determine the patient’s survival. Complications are to be considered in two groups. The first group of complications is cerebral and the second group involves systemic complications. A common complication concerning musculoskeletal is shoulder pain. The pain, according to many researchers, occurs in 16-80% of patients after a stroke, which proves that this is a major problem in the treatment and rehabilitation of these patients.Udary mózgu stanowią jeden z najważniejszych problemów współczesnej medycyny i stanowi trzecią przyczynę zgonów w wielu rozwiniętych krajach. Powikłania udaru mózgu stanowią ważny czynnik decydujący o jakości życia, a często decydują o przeżyciu chorego. Powikłania należy rozpatrywać w dwóch grupach. Pierwsza grupa powikłań, to powikłania mózgowe, a druga grupa to powikłania ogólnoustrojowe. Częstym powikłaniem dotyczącym narządu ruchu jest ból barku. Ból, według wielu badaczy występuje u 16-80% chorych po przebytym udarze mózgu, co dowodzi, że jest to istotny problem w leczeniu i rehabilitacji tej grupy pacjentów

    Aeromonas and Pseudomonas as indicators of bacterial colonization in water distribution systems

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    Materiały konferencyjne zostały wydane jako numer specjalny czasopisma "Ochrona przed Korozją - 9s/A/2006".Wzrost mikroorganizmów w systemach dystrybucji wody jest związany z obecnością różnych związków organicznych. Nawet ich niskie stężenia powodują wzrost i kolonizację bakterii, głównie z rodzajów Pseudomonas i Aeromonas. Wyniki badań systemów dystrybucji wody sugerują uznanie ww. rodzajów bakterii jako wskaźników potencjalnej kolonizacji systemów dystrybucji wody pitnej przez bakterie heterotroficzne.The regrowth of microorganisms in the water distribution systems is assisted by the presence of biodegradable organie matter. The low concentration of available organie carbon in this type of water favours the growth of bacteria belonging to the Pseudomonas and Aeromonas genera. The results presented of a year-long study of distribution systems suggest that Pseudomonas and Aeromonas should be analysed as indicators of potential regrowth of hetrotrophic bacteria in these environments

    New Antiadhesive Hydrophobic Polysiloxanes

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    Intrinsic hydrophobicity is the reason for efficient bacterial settlement and biofilm growth on silicone materials. Those unwelcomed phenomena may play an important role in pathogen transmission. We have proposed an approach towards the development of new anti-biofilm strategies that resulted in novel antimicrobial hydrophobic silicones. Those functionalized polysiloxanes grafted with side 2-(carboxymethylthioethyl)-, 2-(n-propylamidomethylthioethyl)- and 2-(mercaptoethylamidomethylthioethyl)- groups showed a wide range of antimicrobial properties towards selected strains of bacteria (reference strains Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli and water-borne isolates Agrobacterium tumefaciens, Aeromonas hydrophila), fungi (Aureobasidium pullulans) and algae (Chlorella vulgaris), which makes them valuable antibacterial and antibiofilm agents. Tested microorganisms showed various levels of biofilm formation, but particularly effective antibiofilm activity was demonstrated for bacterial isolate A. hydrophila with high adhesion abilities. In the case of modified surfaces, the relative coefficient of adhesion for this strain was 18 times lower in comparison to the control glass sample

    Action of Monomeric/Gemini Surfactants on Free Cells and Biofilm of Asaia lannensis

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    We investigated the biological activity of surfactants based on quaternary ammonium compounds: gemini surfactant hexamethylene-1,6-bis-(N,N-dimethyl-N-dodecylammonium bromide) (C6), synthesized by the reaction of N,N-dimethyl-N-dodecylamine with 1,6-dibromohexane, and its monomeric analogue dodecyltrimethylammonium bromide (DTAB). The experiments were performed with bacteria Asaia lannensis, a common spoilage in the beverage industry. The minimal inhibitory concentration (MIC) values were determined using the tube standard two-fold dilution method. The growth and adhesive properties of bacterial cells were studied in different culture media, and the cell viability was evaluated using plate count method. Both of the surfactants were effective against the bacterial strain, but the MIC of gemini compound was significantly lower. Both C6 and DTAB exhibited anti-adhesive abilities. Treatment with surfactants at or below MIC value decreased the number of bacterial cells that were able to form biofilm, however, the gemini surfactant was more effective. The used surfactants were also found to be able to eradicate mature biofilms. After 4 h of treatment with C6 surfactant at concentration 10 MIC, the number of bacterial cells was reduced by 91.8%. The results of this study suggest that the antibacterial activity of the gemini compound could make it an effective microbiocide against the spoilage bacteria Asaia sp. in both planktonic and biofilm stages

    Wpływ animaloterapii na zachowania i aktywność ruchową dzieci z autyzmem w ocenie rodziców

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    Background. A utism s pectrum disorder ( ASD) is an eurobiological disorder characterised by abnormal development noted before three years of age. One of the forms of therapy suggested to children with ASD is animal-assisted therapy (AAT). AAT is a planned and organised therapeutic intervention that aims to improve physical, cognitive, behavioural, and socioemotional performance. The present study examined the effects of AAT on parent reports of their child’s behaviour and motor activity. Material and methods. The study group consisted of 50 parents (38 females and 12 males) of children diagnosed with ASD and who participated in AAT. All participants resided in the Lubelskie Voivodeship, Poland. A questionnaire was developed for parents for this study that included demographic information, and ten questions regarding the effects of AAT on their child with ASD. Results. The most commonly reported forms of AAT among parents of children with ASD included canine-assisted therapy and equine-assisted therapy. Parents reported that AAT was associated with more animated gestures (p = 0.01), an increased frequency of verbal reactions (p = 0.02), and an increased frequency of expression of emotions and feelings (p = 0.05) among their children. Conclusions. According to parents of children with ASD, AAT has positive effects on their child’s emotion-related functioning, motor endurance, balance, and motor skills. However, access to AAT in the Lubelskie Voivodeship is limited.Wprowadzenie. Autyzm należy do zaburzeń neurobiologicznych, które charakteryzują się nieprawidłowym rozwojem, objawiających się przed 3 rokiem życia. Jedną z form terapii proponowanych dzieciom z ASD jest animaloterapia. Terapia z udziałem zwierząt jest planowaną i zorganizowaną interwencją terapeutyczną, której podstawowym zadaniem jest poprawa fizycznego, poznawczego, behawioralnego oraz społeczno-emocjonalnego funkcjonowania. Celem pracy była ocena efektów działania animaloterapii w opinii rodziców dzieci z autyzmem. Materiał i metody. Grupę badaną stanowiło 50 osób – 38 kobiet i 12 mężczyzn zamieszkujących województwo lubelskie, u których dzieci zdiagnozowano ASD. Na potrzeby pracy skonstruowano autorski kwestionariusz ankiety składający się z metryczki oraz dziesięciu pytań dotyczących opinii rodziców dzieci z autyzmem na temat efektów działania animaloterapii. Wyniki. Najczęściej wybieranymi formami animaloterapii były dogoterapia oraz hipoterapia. Rodzice, których dzieci uczestniczyły w zajęciach z udziałem zwierząt wskazywali wśród efektów terapii ożywioną gestykulację (p = 0,01), zwiększone występowanie reakcji głosowych (p = 0,02) oraz częstsze okazywanie uczuć i emocji (p = 0,05). Wnioski. Terapia z udziałem z wierząt w opinii r odziców d zieci z autyzmem m a p ozytywny wpływ na sferę emocjonalną, kondycję ruchową, równowagę oraz motorykę pacjentów. Dostęp do terapii z udziałem zwierząt na terenie województwa lubelskiego jest jednak ograniczony

    Quillaja saponaria Saponins with Potential to Enhance the Effectiveness of Disinfection Processes in the Beverage Industry

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    This study examines the in vitro effect of Quillaja saponaria extracts on Asaia spp. planktonic cells and biofilms, in comparison and combination with two disinfectants: peracetic acid and N-ethyl-N,N-dimethylhexadecylammonium bromide. The growth of six bacterial strains was evaluated spectrophotometrically. Biofilm eradication was determined using the plate count method and luminometry. The planktonic cells were characterized by relatively high resistance to peracetic acid and higher sensitivity to N-ethylo-N,N-dimethylohexadecylioamonium bromide. In almost all the tested strains, growth was inhibited by 0.125% (v/v) peracetic acid and 0.0313% (w/v) quaternary ammonium compound. However, combinations of cell pretreatment using saponin and peracetic acid action were the most efficient against both planktonic and biofilm cells. The minimum inhibitory concentrations for peracetic acid were 4–8 times lower than those for bacterial strains without preliminary saponin action. Eradication of Asaia spp. biofilms reduced the number of living cells by 4–5 logarithmic units. These results demonstrate the synergetic action of saponin extract and disinfectant, and could be useful in the development of industrial strategies against Asaia spp. biofilms

    Effects of Kinesio Taping and Rigid Taping on Gluteus Medius Muscle Activation in Healthy Individuals: A Randomized Controlled Study

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    Background: Gluteus medius muscle (GMed) dysfunctions may be associated with pain and functional problems in the lumbar spine and lower limbs. The study sought to assess the effects of applying kinesio taping (KT) and rigid taping (RT) on GMed in the dominant leg of healthy individuals. Furthermore, an attempt was made to indicate which of the applied exercises brought about the greatest activation of GMed. Methods: The study included 90 individuals, with an average age of 21.79. The participants were randomly assigned to one of three groups: kinesio tape (KT), rigid tape (RT) and placebo tape (C). GMed activation was assessed using sEMG during the performance of such exercises as glute bridge, unilateral glute bridge, clamshell, pelvic drop and lunge. Each of the participants was examined three times—before taping, immediately after and 48 h after taping. Results: Before taping, the greatest GMed activation on the dominant side was noted in clamshell (54.12 %MVIC), whereas the lowest GMed activation was observed in glute bridge (36.35 %MVIC). The comparison of results obtained before and immediately after taping in all the groups revealed a statistically significant increase in GMed activation (p < 0.05), while the comparison of results achieved before and 48 h after taping showed significant differences in glute bridge in groups KT and RT. In all the groups, the differences in results obtained in the other exercises were not significant. Taking into account each of the applied exercises, at none of the three stages of examination were the differences between the groups significant. Conclusions: Regardless of the type of taping applied (KT, RT, C), a significant increase in GMed activation was noted in all the exercises immediately after taping. At none of the stages of examination were the differences between the groups significant