263 research outputs found

    Ultracold bosonic scattering dynamics off a repulsive barrier: coherence loss at the dimensional crossover

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    We explore the impact of dimensionality on the scattering of a small bosonic ensemble in an elongated harmonic trap off a centered repulsive barrier, thereby taking particle correlations into account. The loss of coherence as well as the oscillation of the center of mass are studied and we analyze the influence of both particle and spatial correlations. Two different mechanisms of coherence losses in dependence of the aspect ratio are found. For small aspect ratios, loss of coherence between the region close to the barrier and outer regions occurs, due to spatial correlations, and for large aspect ratios, incoherence between the two density fragments of the left and right side of the barrier arises, due to particle correlations. Apart form the decay of the center of mass motion induced by the reflection and transmission, further effects due to the particle and spatial correlations are explored. For tight transversal traps, the amplitude of the center of mass oscillation experiences a weaker damping, which can be traced back to the population of a second natural orbital, and for a weaker transversal confinement, we detect a strong decay, due to the possibility of transferring energy to transversal excited modes. These effects are enhanced if the aspect ratio is integer valued.Comment: 14 pages, 12 figure

    Classical scattering of charged particles confined on an inhomogeneous helix

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    We explore the effects arising due to the coupling of the center of mass and relative motion of two charged particles confined on an inhomogeneous helix with a locally modified radius. It is first proven that a separation of the center of mass and the relative motion is provided if and only if the confining manifold represents a homogeneous helix. In this case bound states of repulsively Coulomb interacting particles occur. For an inhomogeneous helix, the coupling of the center of mass and relative motion induces an energy transfer between the collective and relative motion, leading to dissociation of initially bound states in a scattering process. Due to the time reversal symmetry, a binding of the particles out of the scattering continuum is thus equally possible. We identify the regimes of dissociation for different initial conditions and provide an analysis of the underlying phase space via Poincar\'e surfaces of section. Bound states inside the inhomogeneity as well as resonant states are identified.Comment: 15 pages, 18 figure

    The Human Interleukin-2 Receptor: Analysis of Structure and Function

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    Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/71955/1/j.1600-065X.1986.tb01492.x.pd

    Party structures and organization building in Africa

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    Political parties are a vital element in the quality of representative democracy, playing a crucial role in mobilization, competition, governance, and accountability. Despite their importance, however, we currently know relatively little about how political parties in Africa are organized, with most evidence restricted to journalistic accounts or country-specific scholarly accounts. This symposium, which comes out of a conference on political parties held at the University of Cape Town, takes a closer look at the development of party structures and organization across the continent. It seeks to answer a number of critical questions including: What affects the organizational structure of parties? How do party primaries affect party-building and electoral success? And what effect does the shrinking of open political space have on the ways in which parties organize? Taken as a whole, this issue brings together established and emerging scholars, to systematically explore, for the first time, what party organization looks like on the African continent, and how it affects critical issues of governance, mobilization, and accountability

    Full length interleukin 33 aggravates radiation-induced skin reaction

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    The interleukin (IL)-1 family member IL-33 has been described as intracellular alarmin with broad roles in wound healing, skin inflammation but also autoimmunity. Its dichotomy between full length (fl) IL-33 and the mature (m) form of IL-33 and its release by necrosis is still not fully understood. Here, we compare functional consequences of both forms in the skin in vivo, and therefore generated two lines of transgenic mice which selectively overexpress mmIL-33 and flmIL-33 in basal keratinocytes. Transgene mRNA was expressed at high level in skin of both lines but not in organs due to the specific K14 promoter. We could demonstrate that transgenic overexpression of mmIL-33 in murine keratinocytes leads to a spontaneous skin inflammation as opposed to flmIL-33. K14-mmIL-33 mice synthesize and secrete high amounts of mmIL-33 along with massive cutaneous manifestations, like increased epidermis and dermis thickness, infiltration of mast cells in the epidermis and dermis layers and marked hyperkeratosis. Using skin inflammation models such as IL-23 administration, imiquimod treatment, or mechanical irritation did not lead to exacerbated inflammation in the K14-flmIL-33 strain. As radiation induces a strong dermatitis due to apoptosis and necrosis, we determined the effect of fractionated radiation (12 Gy, 4 times). In comparison to wild-type mice, an increase in ear thickness in flmIL-33 transgenic mice was observed 25 days after irradiation. Macroscopic examination showed more severe skin symptoms in irradiated ears compared to controls. In summary, secreted mmIL-33 itself has a potent capacity in skin inflammation whereas fl IL-33 is limited due to its intracellular retention. During tissue damage, fl IL-33 exacerbated radiation-induced skin reaction

    Selection of Potent Non-Toxic Inhibitory Sequences from a Randomized HIV-1 Specific Lentiviral Short Hairpin RNA Library

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    RNA interference (RNAi) has been considered as an efficient therapeutic approach against the human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1). However, to establish a durable inhibition of HIV-1, multiple effective short hairpin RNAs (shRNAs) need to be stably expressed to prevent the emergence of viral escape variants. In this study, we engineered a randomized lentiviral H1-promoter driven shRNA-library against the viral genome. Potent HIV-1 specific shRNAs were selected by ganciclovir treatment of cell lines stably expressing the cDNA of Herpes Simplex Virus thymidine kinase (HSV-TK) fused to HIV-1 nucleotide sequences. More than 50% of 200 selected shRNAs inhibited an HIV-1 based luciferase reporter assay by more than 70%. Stable expression of some of those shRNAs in an HIV-1 permissive HeLa cell line inhibited infection of wild-type HIV-1 by more than 90%. The combination of a randomized shRNA-library directed against HIV-1 with a live cell selection procedure yielded non-toxic and highly efficient HIV-1 specific inhibitory sequences that could serve as valuable candidates for gene therapy studies

    XIAP-mediated Caspase Inhibition in Hodgkin's Lymphoma–derived B Cells

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    The malignant Hodgkin and Reed-Sternberg cells of Hodgkin's lymphoma (HL) and HL-derived B cell lines were previously shown to be resistant to different apoptotic stimuli. We show here that cytochrome c fails to stimulate caspases-9 and -3 activation in cytosolic extracts of HL-derived B cells, which is due to high level expression of X-linked inhibitor of apoptosis (XIAP). Coimmunoprecipitation studies revealed that XIAP, apoptosis protease-activating factor–1, and caspase-3 are complexed in HL-derived B cell lysates. Even after stimulation with exogenous cytochrome c and dATP, XIAP impairs the proteolytic processing and activation of caspase-3. In cytosolic extracts, inhibition of XIAP by the second mitochondria-derived activator of caspases (Smac)/DIABLO, or immunodepletion of XIAP restores cytochrome c–triggered processing and activation of caspase-3. Smac or a Smac-derived agonistic peptide also sensitized intact HL-derived B cells for the apoptotic action of staurosporine. Finally, Hodgkin and Reed-Sternberg cells of primary tumor HL tissues also constitutively and abundantly express XIAP. The results of this paper suggest that high level XIAP expression is a hallmark of HL, which may play a crucial role in resistance to apoptosis

    Relapse of NPM1-mutated AML with extramedullary manifestation 17 years after allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation

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    The majority of patients with acute myeloid leukemia (AML) with the NPM1 mutation achieve remission with intensive chemotherapy. However, many patients subsequently relapse, which occurs frequently within the first 2-3 years after therapy, while late relapse after more than 10 years is rare and can also represent secondary/therapy-associated AML without the NPM1 mutation. Here, we present a case of NPM1-mutated AML that developed medullary and extramedullary relapse 17 years after allogeneic stem cell transplantation, maintaining the NPM1 mutation and all other genetic alterations detected at first diagnosis. This exceptionally long latency between diagnosis and relapse of a genetically highly related leukemic clone implies the existence of therapy-resistant, persisting dormant leukemic stem cells in NPM1 mutant AML
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