234 research outputs found

    Verification of Sigmoidal Artificial Neural Networks using iSAT

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    This paper presents an approach for verifying the behaviour of nonlinear Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs) found in cyber-physical safety-critical systems. We implement a dedicated interval constraint propagator for the sigmoid function into the SMT solver iSAT and compare this approach with a compositional approach encoding the sigmoid function by basic arithmetic features available in iSAT and an approximating approach. Our experimental results show that the dedicated and the compositional approach clearly outperform the approximating approach. Throughout all our benchmarks, the dedicated approach showed an equal or better performance compared to the compositional approach.Comment: In Proceedings SNR 2021, arXiv:2207.0439

    The Characteristics and Biological Relevance of Inorganic Amorphous Calcium Carbonate (ACC) Precipitated from Seawater

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    The importance of amorphous calcium carbonate (ACC) as a precursor phase in the biomineralization of marine calcifiers is increasingly being reported, particularly as the presence of ACC has been observed or inferred in several major groups. Here, we investigate the structure of ACC and the conditions required for its precipitation from seawater-based solutions, with an emphasis on the coinfluence of the carbonate system (pH, dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) concentration), seawater Mg/Ca ratio, and presence of amino acids. We find that Mg2+ and the presence of aspartic acid, glutamic acid, and glycine strongly inhibit ACC precipitation. Moreover, we were unable to precipitate ACC from seawater with a carbonate chemistry within the range of that thought to characterize the calcification site of certain marine calcifiers (i.e., DIC < 6 mM, pH < 9.3), although substantial modification of the seawater Mg/Ca ratio (Mg/Casw) allowed precipitation at a reduced DIC with the implication that this could be an important component of utilizing an ACC pathway. In addition, the degree to which Mg/Casw and the presence of amino acids influences the structure of ACC and the necessary seawater [CO3 2-] for precipitation is strongly pH dependent. At lower, more biologically relevant pH than that typical of much inorganic work, decreasing Mg/Casw can result in greater long-range order and less water of crystallization but facilitates precipitation at a considerably lower [CO3 2-] than at higher pH

    A Truly Robust Signal Temporal Logic: Monitoring Safety Properties of Interacting Cyber-Physical Systems under Uncertain Observation

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    Signal Temporal Logic is a linear-time temporal logic designed for classifying the time-dependent signals originating from continuous-state or hybrid-state dynamical systems according to formal specifications. It has been conceived as a tool for systematizing the monitoring of cyber-physical systems, supporting the automatic translation of complex safety specifications into monitoring algorithms, faithfully representing their semantics. Almost all algorithms hitherto suggested do, however, assume perfect identity between the sensor readings, informing the monitor about the system state and the actual ground truth. Only recently have Visconti et al. addressed the issue of inexact measurements, taking up the simple model of interval-bounded per-sample error that is unrelated, in the sense of chosen afresh, across samples. We expand their analysis by decomposing the error into an unknown yet fixed offset and an independent per-sample error and show that in this setting, monitoring of temporal properties no longer coincides with collecting Boolean combinations of state predicates evaluated in each time instant over best-possible per-sample state estimates, but can be genuinely more informative in that it infers determinate truth values for monitoring conditions that interval-based evaluation remains inconclusive about. For the model-free as well as for the linear model-based case, we provide optimal evaluation algorithms based on affine arithmetic and SAT modulo theory, solving over linear arithmetic. The resulting algorithms provide conclusive monitoring verdicts in many cases where state estimations inherently remain inconclusive. In their model-based variants, they can simultaneously address the issues of uncertain sensing and partial observation

    Normative foundations and political party views of differentiated integration

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    To prevent differentiated integration from being itself a source of unfairness, the report identifies certain substantive and procedural conditions that it should meet to remain fair. Substantively, no member states should be excluded from a policy if they would become worse off than they currently are as a result, nor should a state be allowed to opt out of a policy or be exempted from meeting certain standards if that would render the participating or complying states worse off than they are. Procedurally, both exclusions and exemptions should be agreed either unanimously by representatives of all member states when negotiating the accession of new members or amending the Treaties, or result from a member state choosing not to participate in enhanced cooperation by at least nine member states. Political party actors express mixed views of differentiated integration. While some view it as a pragmatic way forward for the EU, others worry about its negative implications for political equality, solidarity, and unity. Party actors from poorer and less integrated member states are generally more sceptical about differentiated integration than actors from older and richer member states because they worry about being left behind.This project received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement number 822304. The content of this document represents only the views of the InDivEU consortium and is its sole responsibility. The European Commission does not accept any responsibility for use that may be made of the information it contain

    RUNX/AML and C/EBP factors regulate CD11a integrin expression in myeloid cells through overlapping regulatory elements

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    10 Figures. The publication costs of this article were defrayed in part by page charge payment. Therefore, and solely to indicate this fact, this article is hereby marked ‘‘advertisement’’ in accordance with 18 U.S.C. section 1734.The CD11a/CD18 (leukocyte function-associated antigen 1 [LFA-1]) integrin mediates critical leukocyte adhesive interactions during immune and inflammatory responses. The CD11a promoter directs CD11a/CD18 integrin expression, and its activity in lymphoid cells depends on a functional RUNX1/AML-1–binding site (AML-110) within the MS7 sequence. We now report that MS7 contains a C/EBP-binding site (C/EBP-100), which overlaps with AML-110 and is bound by C/EBP factors in myeloid cells. C/EBP and RUNX/AML factors compete for binding to their respective cognate elements and bind to the CD11a promoter MS7 sequence in a cell lineage- and differentiation-dependent manner. In myeloid cells MS7 is primarily recognized by C/EBP factors in proliferating cells whereas RUNX/AML factors (especially RUNX3/AML-2) bind to MS7 in differentiated cells. RUNX3/AML-2 binding to the CD11a promoter correlates with increased RUNX3/AML-2 protein levels and enhanced CD11a/CD18 cell surface expression. The relevance of the AML-110 element is underscored by the ability of AML-1/ETO to inhibit CD11a promoter activity, thus explaining the low CD11a/CD18 expression in t(8;21)–containing myeloid leukemia cells. Therefore, the expression of the CD11a/CD18 integrin in myeloid cells is determined through the differential occupancy of the CD11a proximal promoter by transcription factors implicated in the pathogenesis of myeloid leukemia.From the Centro de Investigaciones Biológicas, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, Madrid, Spain; Clínica Universitaria, Universidad de Navarra, Spain; Institute of Human Genetics, Aarhus, Denmark; Hospital Universitario Gregorio Maranón, Madrid, Spain; University of Colorado Health Sciences Center, Denver; and Department of Molecular Genetics, The Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot Israel. Supported by grants 08.3/0026/2000.1 from Comunidad Auto®noma de Madrid, 01/0063-01 from Fondo de Investigaciones Sanitarias, and SAF2002-04615- C02-01 from Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología (A.L.C.). We gratefully acknowledge Drs Ana Aranda and Aurora Sánchez-Pacheco for their very generous help with ChIP assays.Peer reviewe

    Transient Monte Carlo Simulations for the Optimisation and Characterisation of Monolithic Silicon Sensors

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    An ever-increasing demand for high-performance silicon sensors requires complex sensor designs that are challenging to simulate and model. The combination of electrostatic finite element simulations with a transient Monte Carlo approach provides simultaneous access to precise sensor modelling and high statistics. The high simulation statistics enable the inclusion of Landau fluctuations and production of secondary particles, which offers a realistic simulation scenario. The transient simulation approach is an important tool to achieve an accurate time-resolved description of the sensor, which is crucial in the face of novel detector prototypes with increasingly precise timing capabilities. The simulated time resolution as a function of operating parameters as well as the full transient pulse can be monitored and assessed, which offers a new perspective on the optimisation and characterisation of silicon sensors. In this paper, a combination of electrostatic finite-element simulations using 3D TCAD and transient Monte Carlo simulations with the Allpix Squared framework are presented for a monolithic CMOS pixel sensor with a small collection diode, that is characterised by a highly inhomogeneous, complex electric field. The results are compared to transient 3D TCAD simulations that offer a precise simulation of the transient behaviour but long computation times. Additionally, the simulations are benchmarked against test-beam data and good agreement is found for the performance parameters over a wide range of different operation conditions

    The diversity, evolution and ecology of Salmonella in venomous snakes

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    BACKGROUND: Reptile-associated Salmonella bacteria are a major, but often neglected cause of both gastrointestinal and bloodstream infection in humans globally. The diversity of Salmonella enterica has not yet been determined in venomous snakes, however other ectothermic animals have been reported to carry a broad range of Salmonella bacteria. We investigated the prevalence and diversity of Salmonella in a collection of venomous snakes and non-venomous reptiles. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPLE FINDINGS: We used a combination of selective enrichment techniques to establish a unique dataset of reptilian isolates to study Salmonella enterica species-level evolution and ecology and used whole-genome sequencing to investigate the relatedness of phylogenetic groups. We observed that 91% of venomous snakes carried Salmonella, and found that a diverse range of serovars (n = 58) were carried by reptiles. The Salmonella serovars belonged to four of the six Salmonella enterica subspecies: diarizonae, enterica, houtanae and salamae. Subspecies enterica isolates were distributed among two distinct phylogenetic clusters, previously described as clade A (52%) and clade B (48%). We identified metabolic differences between S. diarizonae, S. enterica clade A and clade B involving growth on lactose, tartaric acid, dulcitol, myo-inositol and allantoin. SIGNIFICANCE: We present the first whole genome-based comparative study of the Salmonella bacteria that colonise venomous and non-venomous reptiles and shed new light on Salmonella evolution. Venomous snakes examined in this study carried a broad range of Salmonella, including serovars which have been associated with disease in humans such as S. Enteritidis. The findings raise the possibility that venomous snakes could be a reservoir for Salmonella serovars associated with human salmonellosis
