257 research outputs found

    Metal-insulator transition in 2D: a role of the upper Habbard band

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    To explain the main features of the metal-insulator transition (MIT) in 2D we suggest a simple model taking into account strongly localized states in the band tail of 2D conductivity band with a specific emphasize of a role of doubly-occupied states (upper Hubbard band). The metallic behavior of resistance is explained as result of activation of localized electrons to conductance band leading to a suppression of non-linear screening of the disorder potential. The magnetoresistance (MR) in the critical region is related to depopulation of double occupied localized states also leading to partial suppression of the nonlinear screening. The most informative data are related to nearly activated temperature dependence of MR in strongly insulating limit (which can be in particular reached from the metallic state in high enough fields). According to our model this behavior originates due to a lowering of a position of chemical potential in the upper Hubbard band due to Zeeman splitting. We compare the theoretical predictions to the existing experimental data and demonstrate that the model explains such features of the 2D MIT as scaling behavior in the critical region, saturation of MR and H/T scaling of MR in the insulating limit. The quantitative analysis of MR in strongly insulating limit based on the model suggested leads to the values of g-factors being in good agreement with known values for localized states in corresponding materials.Comment: 18 pages, 4 PNG figure

    Zero-bias anomalies of point contact resistance due to adiabatic electron renormalization of dynamical defects

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    We study effect of the adiabatic electron renormalization on the parameters of the dynamical defects in the ballistic metallic point contact. The upper energy states of the ``dressed'' defect are shown to give a smaller contribution to a resistance of the contact than the lower energy ones. This holds both for the "classical" renormalization related to defect coupling with average local electron density and for the "mesoscopic" renormalization caused by the mesoscopic fluctuations of electronic density the dynamical defects are coupled with. In the case of mesoscopic renormalization one may treat the dynamical defect as coupled with Friedel oscillations originated by the other defects, both static and mobile. Such coupling lifts the energy degeneracy of the states of the dynamical defects giving different mesoscopic contribution to resistance, and provides a new model for the fluctuator as for the object originated by the electronic mesoscopic disorder rather than by the structural one. The correlation between the defect energy and the defect contribution to the resistance leads to zero-temperature and zero-bias anomalies of the point contact resistance. A comparison of these anomalies with those predicted by the Two Channel Kondo Model (TCKM) is made. It is shown, that although the proposed model is based on a completely different from TCKM physical background, it leads to a zero-bias anomalies of the point contact resistance, which are qualitatively similar to TCKM predictions.Comment: 6 pages, to be published in Phys. Rev.

    Особливості перекладу англійських термінів ветеринарної медицини українською мовою

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    У статті аналізуються основні випадки і способи перекладу англійської ветеринарної лексики. Особлива увага звертається на переклад науково-технічних термінів, які використовуються у сфері ветеринарної медицини. (The article deals with the main cases and ways of translating of English veterinary terms, in particular scientific and technical terms used in the field of veterinary medicine. Studies of scientific and technical translation are very important, especially the translation of terminology, which is related to medicine, as this area is rapidly developing, new terms appear that require adequate translation into Ukrainian. For submitting an adequate translation, a translator must be familiar with the relevant area of science or technology and be aware of special terminology. The analysis revealed that most terms used in the field of veterinary medicine are multicomponent. Analytical phase (i.e. the translation of components of the analyzed terms) plays an important role in rendering the above-mentioned terms from one language into another. It is necessary to correctly identify the components of a complex term, because they can be not only words, but also phrases that make up the complex term. Special attention in the article is paid to suffixes and prefixes of Greek and Latin origin, which often constitute veterinary medicine terms. Most of the analyzed terms consist of the following models: Noun plus Noun, Noun plus Participle II, Adjective plus Participle II plus Noun, Numeral plus Participle II plus Noun. The words which do not have match terms in the language of translation are rendered into another language descriptively. The main task for specialists who try to convey a message of a technical nature is most accurately convey all the properties and parameters that the term characterizes.

    Study of Genotype X Environment Interaction in Alfalfa Forage Yield

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    The response of alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) forage yield to eight Alberta test sites was studied for the 1990 and 1991 production years. Cluster analysis was used to group locations and cultivars. Analyses of variances indicated genotype x environment (location) interaction for the first cut yield, the total yield and the difference between first and second cut yields. The Brooks, Bow Island (irrigation), Bow Island (dryland) and Provost locations always clustered together indicating that three of these four test sites may be eliminated without sacrificing reliability