425 research outputs found

    Resistance to cytotoxicity and sustained release of interleukin-6 and interleukin-8 in the presence of decreased interferon-γ after differentiation of glioblastoma by human natural killer cells.

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    Natural killer (NK) cells are functionally suppressed in the glioblastoma multiforme (GBM) tumor microenvironment. We have recently shown that survival and differentiation of cancer stem-like cells (CSCs)/poorly differentiated tumors are controlled through two distinct phenotypes of cytotoxic and non-cytotoxic/split anergized NK cells, respectively. In this paper, we studied the function of NK cells against brain CSCs/poorly differentiated GBM and their NK cell-differentiated counterparts. Brain CSCs/poorly differentiated GBM, differentiated by split anergized NK supernatants (supernatants from NK cells treated with IL-2 + anti-CD16mAb) expressed higher levels of CD54, B7H1 and MHC-I and were killed less by the NK cells, whereas their CSCs/poorly differentiated counterparts were highly susceptible to NK cell lysis. Resistance to NK cells and differentiation of brain CSCs/poorly differentiated GBM by split anergized NK cells were mediated by interferon (IFN)-γ and tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-α. Brain CSCs/poorly differentiated GBM expressed low levels of TNFRs and IFN-γRs, and when differentiated and cultured with IL-2-treated NK cells, they induced increased secretion of pro-inflammatory cytokine interleukin (IL)-6 and chemokine IL-8 in the presence of decreased IFN-γ secretion. NK-induced differentiation of brain CSCs/poorly differentiated GBM cells was independent of the function of IL-6 and/or IL-8. The inability of NK cells to lyse GBM tumors and the presence of a sustained release of pro-inflammatory cytokines IL-6 and chemokine IL-8 in the presence of a decreased IFN-γ secretion may lead to the inadequacy of NK cells to differentiate GBM CSCs/poorly differentiated tumors, thus failing to control tumor growth

    Changing the culture of care for children and adolescents with functional neurological disorder.

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    As members of a multidisciplinary team of professionals who treat children and adolescents with functional neurological (conversion) disorder (FND), we highlight the pressing need to develop an FND-informed culture of care that takes into account recent advances in our understanding of this group of patients. Stories of clinical encounters in health care settings from around the world-told by children and adolescents with FND, their parents, and health professionals-portray an outdated culture of care characterized by iatrogenic stigma, erosion of empathy and compassion within the clinician-patient relationship, and a lack of understanding of FND and its complex neurobiology. After a brief exploration of the outdated culture, we share our counterstories: how we and our colleagues have worked, and continue to work, to create an FND-informed culture in the health systems where we practice. We discuss the therapeutic use of child-friendly language. We also discuss a range of structural, educational, and process interventions that can be used to promote FND-informed beliefs and attitudes, FND-informed clinician-patient encounters, and FND-informed referral processes, treatment pathways, and therapeutic interventions

    Virtual clinical trials identify effective combination therapies in ovarian cancer

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    A major issue in oncology is the high failure rate of translating preclinical results in successful clinical trials. Using a virtual clinical trial simulations approach, we present a mathematical framework to estimate the added value of combinatorial treatments in ovarian cancer. This approach was applied to identify effective targeted therapies that can be combined with the platinum-taxane regimen and overcome platinum resistance in high-grade serous ovarian cancer. We modeled and evaluated the effectiveness of three drugs that target the main platinum resistance mechanisms, which have shown promising efficacy in vitro, in vivo, and early clinical trials. Our results show that drugs resensitizing chemoresistant cells are superior to those aimed at triggering apoptosis or increasing the bioavailability of platinum. Our results further show that the benefit of using biomarker stratification in clinical trials is dependent on the efficacy of the drug and tumor composition. The mathematical framework presented herein is suitable for systematically testing various drug combinations and clinical trial designs in solid cancers

    Determination of Sinapic Acid Derivatives in Canola Extracts Using High-Performance Liquid Chromatography

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    A high-performance liquid chromatographic (HPLC) method with diode array detection (DAD) was used to determine the total phenolics, including sinapic acid derivatives in canola. Ten Western Canadian canola seeds, six other commodity canola seeds, their corresponding press cakes and meals were analyzed. Seeds of European 00 rapeseed and Brassica Juncea (Indian mustard) were included for comparison. Phenolic compounds were separated using a gradient elution system of water–methanol-ο-phosphoric acid solution with a flow rate of 0.8 ml/min. In addition to sinapine (SP) and sinapic acid (SA), sinapoyl glucose (SG) is reported in the methanolic extracts. The detection and quantification limits of these compounds were 0.20–0.40 and 0.50–0.80 μg/ml, respectively with recovery values over 98.0%. The content of total phenolics, SP, SA and SG in canola extracts ranged from 9.16 to 16.13, 6.39 to 12.28, 0.11 to 0.59 and 1.36 to 7.50 mg/g, respectively with significant differences among varieties

    Outcome measurement in functional neurological disorder: a systematic review and recommendations.

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    OBJECTIVES: We aimed to identify existing outcome measures for functional neurological disorder (FND), to inform the development of recommendations and to guide future research on FND outcomes. METHODS: A systematic review was conducted to identify existing FND-specific outcome measures and the most common measurement domains and measures in previous treatment studies. Searches of Embase, MEDLINE and PsycINFO were conducted between January 1965 and June 2019. The findings were discussed during two international meetings of the FND-Core Outcome Measures group. RESULTS: Five FND-specific measures were identified-three clinician-rated and two patient-rated-but their measurement properties have not been rigorously evaluated. No single measure was identified for use across the range of FND symptoms in adults. Across randomised controlled trials (k=40) and observational treatment studies (k=40), outcome measures most often assessed core FND symptom change. Other domains measured commonly were additional physical and psychological symptoms, life impact (ie, quality of life, disability and general functioning) and health economics/cost-utility (eg, healthcare resource use and quality-adjusted life years). CONCLUSIONS: There are few well-validated FND-specific outcome measures. Thus, at present, we recommend that existing outcome measures, known to be reliable, valid and responsive in FND or closely related populations, are used to capture key outcome domains. Increased consistency in outcome measurement will facilitate comparison of treatment effects across FND symptom types and treatment modalities. Future work needs to more rigorously validate outcome measures used in this population

    Pseudo-single crystal electrochemistry on polycrystalline electrodes : visualizing activity at grains and grain boundaries on platinum for the Fe2+/Fe3+ redox reaction

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    The influence of electrode surface structure on electrochemical reaction rates and mechanisms is a major theme in electrochemical research, especially as electrodes with inherent structural heterogeneities are used ubiquitously. Yet, probing local electrochemistry and surface structure at complex surfaces is challenging. In this paper, high spatial resolution scanning electrochemical cell microscopy (SECCM) complemented with electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD) is demonstrated as a means of performing ‘pseudo-single-crystal’ electrochemical measurements at individual grains of a polycrystalline platinum electrode, while also allowing grain boundaries to be probed. Using the Fe2+/3+ couple as an illustrative case, a strong correlation is found between local surface structure and electrochemical activity. Variations in electrochemical activity for individual high index grains, visualized in a weakly adsorbing perchlorate medium, show that there is higher activity on grains with a significant (101) orientation contribution, compared to those with (001) and (111) contribution, consistent with findings on single-crystal electrodes. Interestingly, for Fe2+ oxidation in a sulfate medium a different pattern of activity emerges. Here, SECCM reveals only minor variations in activity between individual grains, again consistent with single-crystal studies, with a greatly enhanced activity at grain boundaries. This suggests that these sites may contribute significantly to the overall electrochemical behavior measured on the macroscale

    4-1BBL-containing leukemic extracellular vesicles promote immunosuppressive effector regulatory T cells

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    Chronic and acute myeloid leukemia evade immune system surveillance and induce immunosuppression by expanding proleukemic Foxp31 regulatory T cells (Tregs). High levels of immunosuppressive Tregs predict inferior response to chemotherapy, leukemia relapse, and shorter survival. However, mechanisms that promote Tregs in myeloid leukemias remain largely unexplored. Here, we identify leukemic extracellular vesicles (EVs) as drivers of effector proleukemic Tregs. Using mouse model of leukemia-like disease, we found that Rab27adependent secretion of leukemic EVs promoted leukemia engraftment, which was associated with higher abundance of activated, immunosuppressive Tregs. Leukemic EVs attenuated mTOR-S6 and activated STAT5 signaling, as well as evoked significant transcriptomic changes in Tregs. We further identified specific effector signature of Tregs promoted by leukemic EVs. Leukemic EVs-driven Tregs were characterized by elevated expression of effector/tumor Treg markers CD39, CCR8, CD30, TNFR2, CCR4, TIGIT, and IL21R and included 2 distinct effector Treg (eTreg) subsets: CD301CCR8hiTNFR2hi eTreg1 and CD391TIGIThi eTreg2. Finally, we showed that costimulatory ligand 4-1BBL/CD137L, shuttled by leukemic EVs, promoted suppressive activity and effector phenotype of Tregs by regulating expression of receptors such as CD30 and TNFR2. Collectively, our work highlights the role of leukemic extracellular vesicles in stimulation of immunosuppressive Tregs and leukemia growth. We postulate that targeting of Rab27a-dependent secretion of leukemic EVs may be a viable therapeutic approach in myeloid neoplasms

    Daidzein Prevents the Increase in CD4+CD28null T Cells and B Lymphopoesis in Ovariectomized Mice: A Key Mechanism for Anti-Osteoclastogenic Effect

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    Estrogen deficiency leads to an upregulation of TNF-α producing T cells and B-lymphopoesis which augments osteoclastogenesis. Estrogen deficiency also increases the population of premature senescent CD4+CD28null T cells which secrete a higher amount of TNF-α thus leading to enhanced osteoclastogenesis. Isoflavonoids like daidzein and genistein are found mostly in soybeans, legumes, and peas. These share structural similarity with 17β-stradiol (E2) and have osteoprotective role. This study explores the effect of daidzein (Daid) on the proliferation of TNF-α producing T cells, premature senescent T cells and B cell lymphopoesis under estrogen deficient conditions. For this study adult Balb/c mice were treated with Daid at 10 mg/kg body weight dose by oral gavage daily post ovariectomy (Ovx). After six weeks animals were autopsied and bone marrow and spleen cells were collected for FACS analysis. Blood serum was collected for ELISA. It was observed that Ovx mice treated with Daid for six weeks show reduction in Ovx induced expansion of CD4+ T cells in bone marrow and spleen when analysed by flow cytometry. Estrogen deficiency led to increased prevalence of TNF-α secreting CD4+CD28null T cells, however, treatment with Daid increased the percentage of CD4+CD28+ T cells. Co-culture of CD4+CD28null T cells and bone marrow resulted in enhanced osteoclastogenesis as evident by increased tartarate resistant acid phosphatase (TRAP) expression, an osteoclast marker. However, treatment with Daid resulted in reduced osteoclastogenesis in CD4+CD28null T cells and bone marrow cell co-culture. Daid also regulated B lymphopoesis and decreased mRNA levels of RANKL in B220+ cells. Taken together, we propose that one of the mechanisms by which Daid prevents bone loss is by reversing the detrimental immune changes as a result of estrogen deficiency