22 research outputs found

    Atopic dermatitis - itchy problem of children and adults

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    Atopic dermatitis is a chronic inflammatory disease with recurrent exacerbations, persistent itching, erythema, dry skin due to damage to the epidermal barrier, and staphylococcal infections. The causative factors are mutations in the gene encoding filaggrin, dysregulation of the immune system, changes in the skin microbiome and lipids in the stratum corneum and deficiency of antimicrobial peptides AMPs. The disease mainly affects children, causing                         a significant deterioration in the quality of life, and its first symptoms occur in approximately 90% before the age of 5. Lesions most often appear on the bends of elbows and knees, on the face and neck, but may also affect the skin of the entire body (erythroderma). The location of the eruptions depends on age. Atopic dermatitis is the result of complex genetic, epigenetic, environmental and immunological interactions with a coexisting epidermal barrier defect. The disease is diagnosed based on the Hanifin and Rajka criteria. Treatment of atopic dermatitis is symptomatic and selected individually. They include the elimination of provoking factors, care of the epidermal barrier, and anti-inflammatory and anti-pruritic therapy

    Combined Anticancer Therapy for Prostate Cancer - Literature Review

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    Prostate cancers represent a significant health problem, and their etiology is complex and multifaceted. It is estimated that in 2018, 1.3 million new cases and 359,000 deaths due to prostate cancer were diagnosed. They constitute the second most common group of cancers and the fifth most common cause of cancer-related deaths in men worldwide. The present study encompasses a literature review aimed at conducting an analysis of the potential of combined anticancer therapy as a prospective method for enhancing treatment efficacy, minimizing side effects, and improving long-term survival outcomes for prostate cancer patients. Combinations of compounds such as sunitinib with docetaxel, carboplatin with paclitaxel, estramustine or flutamide with luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone agonists, as well as docetaxel in conjunction with dexamethasone and octreotide, have demonstrated synergistic effects and an augmentation of therapeutic effectiveness. It is noteworthy to emphasize the potential enhancement of docetaxel's anticancer activity with concurrent administration of dexamethasone and octreotide, as well as combined therapy involving docetaxel, prednisone, and curcumin

    Atopic dermatitis - itchy problem of children and adults

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    Atopic dermatitis is a chronic inflammatory disease with recurrent exacerbations, persistent itching, erythema, dry skin due to damage to the epidermal barrier, and staphylococcal infections. The causative factors are mutations in the gene encoding filaggrin, dysregulation of the immune system, changes in the skin microbiome and lipids in the stratum corneum and deficiency of antimicrobial peptides AMPs. The disease mainly affects children, causing                         a significant deterioration in the quality of life, and its first symptoms occur in approximately 90% before the age of 5. Lesions most often appear on the bends of elbows and knees, on the face and neck, but may also affect the skin of the entire body (erythroderma). The location of the eruptions depends on age. Atopic dermatitis is the result of complex genetic, epigenetic, environmental and immunological interactions with a coexisting epidermal barrier defect. The disease is diagnosed based on the Hanifin and Rajka criteria. Treatment of atopic dermatitis is symptomatic and selected individually. They include the elimination of provoking factors, care of the epidermal barrier, and anti-inflammatory and anti-pruritic therapy

    Navigating the landscape of Postpartum Depression: a comprehensive review

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    Introduction and purpose: The joyous occasion of childbirth is often overshadowed by the prevalence of postpartum depression (PPD), a complex mental health condition affecting mothers globally. This paper reviews the current state of knowledge on PPD, exploring its frequency, risk factors, pathogenesis, symptoms, and impact on maternal and child health. Description of the State of Knowledge: Recent studies indicate an alarming increase in PPD rates, with notable racial and socioeconomic disparities. Symptoms of PPD, ranging from mild to severe include mood disturbances, cognitive impairments, and self-harm ideation. The repercussions extend beyond the postpartum period, affecting long-term child development, breastfeeding practices, and the mother-infant bond. Advancements in screening tools, particularly the Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale (EPDS), have facilitated early detection. However, creating an environment conducive to open communication about mental health remains a significant challenge. Interventions for PPD include psychotherapeutic approaches, pharmacological interventions, and complementary therapies. Brexanolone, the first FDA-approved drug for PPD, represents a significant breakthrough. Community-based and peer support programs, alongside a multidisciplinary approach involving healthcare professionals and support networks, have shown promise in alleviating PPD symptoms. Summary: In conclusion, PPD remains a substantial public health concern. Increased awareness of its multifaceted nature has led to improved screening, diagnosis, and intervention strategies. Ongoing dialogue, supportive environments, and refined treatments are essential for enhancing the well-being of both mothers and their infants in the postpartum period

    Combined Anticancer Therapy for Prostate Cancer - Literature Review

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    Prostate cancers represent a significant health problem, and their etiology is complex and multifaceted. It is estimated that in 2018, 1.3 million new cases and 359,000 deaths due to prostate cancer were diagnosed. They constitute the second most common group of cancers and the fifth most common cause of cancer-related deaths in men worldwide. The present study encompasses a literature review aimed at conducting an analysis of the potential of combined anticancer therapy as a prospective method for enhancing treatment efficacy, minimizing side effects, and improving long-term survival outcomes for prostate cancer patients. Combinations of compounds such as sunitinib with docetaxel, carboplatin with paclitaxel, estramustine or flutamide with luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone agonists, as well as docetaxel in conjunction with dexamethasone and octreotide, have demonstrated synergistic effects and an augmentation of therapeutic effectiveness. It is noteworthy to emphasize the potential enhancement of docetaxel's anticancer activity with concurrent administration of dexamethasone and octreotide, as well as combined therapy involving docetaxel, prednisone, and curcumin

    The Germans in Africa based on the novel “Nowhere in Africa” by Stefanie Zweig

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    Moja praca magisterska bazuje na studiach kulturoznawczych tematyzujących Niemców w Afryce. W mojej pracy starałam się ukazać zarówno pozytywne jak i negatywne aspekty, które towarzyszą starciu różnych kultur. W tym przypadku była to kultur europejska i kultura afrykańska. Głowną kwestią poruszoną w mojej pracy magisterskiej jest zjawisko migracji ludzi i jej konswekwencje. Moja praca bazuje na powieści Stefanie Zweig pod tytułem „Nigdzie w Afryce”, której akcja toczy się w Kenii, ta zaś była angielskiej kolonią w czasie II wojny światowej. W związku z tym problemy jak antysemityzm i prześladowanie Żydów odciskają piętno na głównych bohaterach powieści. Biorąc pod uwagę historię rodziny Redlich prezentuję zmaganie się rodziny niemieckich Żydów, której udaje się ocalić od zagłady emigrując do Kenii. Mimo azylu w tymże afrykańskim kraju rodzina Redlich staje wobec wielu problemów z powodu nadanego im statusu uchodzców i wrogich aliantów.My Master’s thesis is based on cultural studies about Germans in Africa. In my thesis I was trying to present both negative and positive phenomenon’s that accompany the clash of different cultures. In this case the European and the African culture. The main issue in my Master’s thesis is the migration of people and the consequences of this phenomenon. My thesis is based on the book “Nowhere in Africa” by Stefanie Zweig, which action is set in the English colony in Kenia during World War II therefore problems like: anti-Semitism and persecution of the Jews are leaving a mark on the protagonists of the book. Considering the story of the Redlich family I present the straggle of a German family with Jewish roots that happens to save their life’s while emigrating to Kenia but is faced with plenty difficulties because of having the status of refugees and enemy Aliens.Das Thema ist die Problematik der Emigration der Deutschen nach Afrika die in Verbindung mit interkulturellen Themen, Unterschieden, Akzeptanz des Fremden sowie Anderen und vielen anderen positiven wie auch negativen Aspekten des Zusammenstoßes unterschiedlicher Kulturen steht. Den Prozess, wie zwei Kulturen − die meistens Welten trennen − zueinander finden, halte ich für äußerst faszinierend. Es kostet viel Mühe, Geduld und Aufgeschlossenheit, um das kulturell Unbekannte zu akzeptieren und keine Vorurteile zu hegen. Nicht jeder Mensch ist dazu fähig, sich an das Fremde und die Andersartigkeit zu gewöhnen, damit zu leben und vor allem dieses zu verstehen und zu achten

    Wielka moc w małej cząsteczce : właściwości i zastosowania bisfosfonianów

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    Great power in a small molecule : properties and applications of bisphosphonate