2,699 research outputs found

    Microprocessor Based Devices for Power Supplies

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    Influence of herbicides, insecticides and fungicides on food consumption and body weight of Rossiulus kessleri (Diplopoda, Julidae)

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    Pesticides kill organisms harmful for the human organism, sometimes also harming beneficial ones. After treatment, pesticides remain on the soil surface in agrocenoses and adjacent plots for decades. For the laboratory experiment, we selected Rossiulus kessleri (Lochmander, 1927) – a species which lives 5–6 years on the soil surface and can dig in to soil to a depth of 30–40 cm. During a 20-day experiment we used herbicides (Roundup, Urahan Forte), insecticides (Omite, BI 58, Biotlin, Actellic, Nurelle D) and fungicides (Ridomil Gold, Thiovit Jet, Penncozeb 80 WP, Falcon, Tilt, Horus) which are often used in agrocenosises of Ukraine. Under the impact of Roundup and Urahan, body weight of R. kessleri reliably did not change, but food consumption and production of excrement increased. Pesticide-treated litter did not digest in the intestine of millipedes, but they survived to the end of the experiment (20 days). In the conditions of treating litter with insecticides Omite, BI 58, Biotlin, Actellic and Nurelle D, the amount of consumed food and body weight reliably did not change; most of these insecticides slowed the formation of feces in the millipedes. The highest studied concentrations of Actellic and Nurelle D preparations caused death to R. kessleri. Depending on the concentration in the litter, the studied fungicides Ridomil Gold, Thiovit Jet, Penncozeb, Falcon, Tilt, Horus had a varying effect on food consumption, body weight and the amount of excrement of R. kessleri. Thus, in agrocenoses and forest ecosystems adjacent to them (windbreaks, ravine and flood plain forests), R. kessleri can be significantly affected by the manufacturer-recommended doses of pesticides, as well as more than ten-fold lower doses

    The myogymnastics complex as an element of rehabilitation in the process of adaptation to orthopedic appliances in patients after stroke

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    Introduction. Stroke has become the second leading cause of long-term disability and cognitive impairment. The disease can cause debilitating neurological disorders that lead to motor, sensory and cognitive deficits and impaired psychosocial functioning. Many researchers have established an association between dental status, infections, and systemic diseases such as acute cerebrovascular disorder.The aim of the research was to determine the impact of dental health on the quality of life in patients with cerebral circulatory disorders complicated with neurological deficits by hemitype before and 30 days after orthopedic treatment by questionnaire survey.Materials and methods. The study involved 25 people with the course of ACVD complicated with neurological deficiency by hemitype, aged from 40 to 65 years, who underwent prosthetics with partial removable laminar dentures with acrylic base and retaining bent, metal clasps according to clinical indications. The first group, where the process of adaptation to the orthopedic appliance was normal, consisted of 13 people, including 7 women and 6 men. In the second group, the adaptation process took place using the proposed rehabilitation complex, and it comprised 12 patients, including 7 women and 5 men.The changes that occurred 30 days after applying a partial removable laminar denture were as follows:The value of the indicator of restricted masticatory function in subjects of the first study group was worse by 1.375 points as compared to the second group. The value of the indicator of physical pain in the process of adaptation to the orthopedic appliance was noteworthy, since it decreased significantly in the second group and amounted to 14.404 points, which was by 1.335 points higher than in patients of the first group.The level of psychological discomfort in patients of the first group was 32.412 points, which was 1.183 points different from that of patients in the second group, in favor of the latter. At the same time, a comparison of the level of psychological inferiority showed that this indicator was higher in the first group than in the second study group by 0.988 points, i.e., the dynamics of changes in this indicator was better in the second one.Comparison of the level of social inferiority showed that in the first study group it was higher by 2.106 points than in the third group. Comparison of the level of disability showed a difference of this indicator by 1.226 points in favor of patients of the second groupThe above data suggest a general trend of improving the basic health indicators of patients in the process of orthopedic rehabilitation. At the same time, there was a clear difference between the results of the questionnaire survey between patients of the first and second groups, and these indicators were better in the latter.Conclusions. The effectiveness of the proposed rehabilitation complex for patients with cerebral circulatory disorders complicated with neurological deficiency by hemitype after prosthetics with partial removable laminar appliances was confirmed by a decrease in numerical data from the questionnaire survey by 15%, indicating an improvement in quality of life in this category of patients

    Барботажные химические эффекты: их виды, механизмы возникновения и геохимические проявления

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    Експериментально досліджено зміни значень pH і Eh у воді і водних розчинах NaCl при 20 ºС під час пропускання чистих газів (N2, O2, повітря без CO2) в різних режимах барботажу. Результати проаналізовано з врахуванням сучасних уявлень про структуру рідкої води і її поверхні (інтерфейсу). Як правило, барботажний процес складається із двох етапів: I – перші 10 хвилин із швидким збільшенням значення рН і зменшенням значення Eh внаслідок вимивання розчинених CO2 і O2; II – до 2–3 годин, коли значення Eh продовжує повільно зменшуватись, а значення pH може як зростати (лужний БХЕ) так і зменшуватись (кислотний БХЕ), що вказує на кислотний характер поверхні газ/вода і утворених при барботажі аерозолів. Спеціальні досліди на магнітній мішалці показали, що помітні зміни pH і Eh починаються лише після переходу перемішування із ламінарного режиму в турбулентний, що приводить до значного підвищення структурної температури води і відповідного зменшення розчинності кисню та величини Eh. Це і є основна причина змін на першому етапі барботажу, який можна назвати турбулентним БХЕ. Окремо потрібно виділити диференціацію йонів під час барботажу у змішаних розчинах солей. Для пояснення явища йонного БХЕ запропонована і обґрунтовано гіпотезу нейтральних йонних пар, яка задовільно пояснює генезис і властивості морських аерозолів.The changes of pH and Eh in water and aqueous NaCl – solutions at 20 °C during the transmission of pure gases (N2, O2, air, CO22) in different modes of barbotage are experimentally investigated. The results are analyzed taking into account modern notions of the structure of liquid water and its surface (interface). Generally, the barbotage process consists of two stages: I – the first 10 minutes with the rapid increasing in pH and decreasing in Eh due to leaching of dissolved CO2 and O2; II – up to 2-3 hours when Eh continues to decrease slowly, but pH can increase (alkaline BCE) or decrease (acid BCE), indicating the acidic nature of gas/water surface and aerosols produced during barbotage. Special experiments on the magnetic stirrer showed that noticeable changes in pH and Eh begin only after the transition from laminar regime of mixing to turbulent, which leads to a significant increasing of the structural temperature of water and a corresponding reduction in the solubility of oxygen and Eh values. This is the main reason for the changes at the first step of barbotage, which can be called as the turbulent BCE. We must highlight the differentiation of ions during barbotage in mixed salt solutions. To explain this phenomenon of ion BCE, the hypothesis of neutral ion pairs has been proposed and substantiated, which satisfactorily explains the genesis and properties of marine aerosols.Экспериментально исследованы изменения значений pH и Eh в воде и водных растворах NaCl при 20 ºС во время пропускания чистых газов (N2, O2, воздуха без CO2) в различных режимах барботажа. Результаты проанализированы с учетом современных представлений о структуре жидкой воды и ее поверхности (интерфейса). Как правило, барботажный процесс состоит из двух этапов: I – первые 10 минут с быстрым увеличением значений рН и уменьшением Eh, вследствие вымывания растворенных CO2 и O2; II – до 2-3 часов, когда Eh продолжают медленно уменьшаться, а pH может как расти (щелочной БХЕ) так и уменьшаться (кислотный БХЕ), что указывает на кислотный характер поверхности раздела фаз газ/вода и аэрозолей, образованных при барботаже. Специальные опыты на магнитной мешалке показали, что заметные изменения значений pH и Eh начинаются только после перехода перемешивания из ламинарного режима в турбулентный, что приводит к значительному повышению структурной температуры воды и соответствует уменьшению растворимости кислорода и величины Eh. Это и есть основная причина изменений на первом этапе барботажа, который можно назвать турбулентным БХЕ. Отдельно нужно выделить дифференциацию ионов при барботаже в смешанных растворах солей. Для объяснения этого явления ионного БХЕ предложена и обоснована гипотеза нейтральных ионных пар, которая удовлетворительно объясняет генезис и свойства морских аэрозолей

    Dielectric Conductivity of Cross-Linked Polyurethanes Modified with Heteropolynuclear Cu3Mn Complexes

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    The dielectric and relaxation properties of cross-linked polyurethane, modified with heteropolynuclear Cu3Mn(L4) complexes with various ligands in outer coordination sphere were analyzed by dielectric relaxation spectroscopy. It was shown, that the modifier introduction in polyurethane leads to conductivity level increasing due to: i) complex formation between functional groups of polyurethane and heteropolynuclear compounds and ii) increase in the macrochain mobility

    Методика определения межальвеолярной высоты при патологической стираемости зубов

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    Автором статьи предложен метод определения межальвеолярной высоты при патологиче­ ской стираемости зубов. Предложенная методика позволяет наиболее точно измерять изменение величины высоты прикуса у лиц, которым жевательная поверхность зубов восстановлена керамическими вклад­ ками и фотополимерными материалами. С целью косметического протезирования при горизонтальной патологической стертости зу­ бов установлено, что нужно избегать восстановления группы моляров фотополимерными мате­ риалами, а применять керамические вкладки.; The author proposed a method of determining the occlusal vertical dimension at the pathological dental abrasion. Proposed method allows most accurately determining the vertical dimension of occlusion in persons having chewing surface of teeth restored with ceramic inlays and photopolymer materials. To determine tooth crowns abrasion value, we used radiopaque markers within dental pit (ekdostelit) of permanent maxillar and mandibular first molars made of Ceram X (Germany) photopolymer filling material. The distance between lower border of marker on the mandibular teeth and the upper border of marker on the maxillar teeth before fixing inlays, right after fixing them and in 3 months was measured on panoramic image. The difference between these indices was the abrasion value. Panoramic image was taken when teeth were closed in a central occlusion. The distance between dental pit (ekdostelit) and medial and distal buccal cusp tip was also measured right after fixing inlays and in 1 year to determine what antagonist will be erased more and its abrasion value. The study showed that in patients with ceramic inlays the figures of distance between dental pit (ekdostelit) and cusps of 16th tooth and 26th tooth were similar and amounted 6. 5 ± 0.22 mm and 6.5 ± 0.14 mm. On 36th tooth the distance was 4.07 ± 0.25 mm and on 46th tooth it was 4.0 ± 0.18 mm. Noteworthy that in 1 year of using ceramic inlays the distance between dental pit (ekdostelit) and cusps of 16th, 26th, 36th, and 46th teeth were the same as in the day of fixation. In patients with dentitions restored with photopolymer materials on the day of overlaying photopolymer materials, the distance between 16th and 26th teeth was 5.94 ± 0.23 mm and 5.88 ± 0.21 mm respectively and in 1 year the distance had changed to 5. 59 ± 0.17 mm and 5.65 ± 0.19 mm accordingly. The distance between dental pit (ekdostelit) and cusps of 36th and 46th molars also decreased. If on the day of restoration this distance was 4.06 ± 0.23 mm and 4.06 ± 0.16 mm, then in 1 year these figures decreased to 3.53 ± 0.12 mm and 3.65 ± 0.17mm respectively. We conducted odontometric measurements of the distance between dental pits of 16th /46th maxillary molars and 26th /36th mandibular molars. After fixing ceramic inlays, the distance between dental pits (ekdostelits) amounted 8.64 ± 0.49 mm and 8.71 ± 0.35 mm; and in 1 year of using prostheses, this distance was almost unchanged 8.64 mm ± 0.39 and 8.71 ± 0.27 mm. On the day of restoration therapy of 16th, 26th, 36th, and 46th teeth, the distance between dental pits (ekdostelits) of 16th /46th was 7.53 ± 0.36 mm and 7.59 ± 0.41 mm respectively. In 1 year of using dentition recovered with photopolymer materials, the distance between dental pits (ekdostelits) of 16th / 46th and 26th /36th teeth decreased and amounted to 6.94 ± 0.29 mm and 6.82 ± 0.28 mm respectively. For the purpose of a cosmetic prosthetics at a horizontal pathological tooth wear, we have found that the restoration of group of molars with photopolymer materials should be avoided; ceramic inlays should be used instead

    Biomechanics of distally unlimited saddles

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    Під біомеханікою дистально необмеженого сідла розуміють його переміщення під впливом жувального тиску, розподіл його по протезному ложу і вплив, який базис передає на тканині слизової оболонки та пародонту. Крім величини, описані сили характеризуються напрямком по відношенню до оклюзійної площини. Негативний вплив бічних рухів дистально необмеженого сідла на альвеолярний відросток і опорні зуби можна пом'якшити шляхом включення в конструкцію протеза безперервний кламер. З його допомогою частина напруги нейтралізується збереженими зубами. Тиск, що припадає на дистально необмежене сідло, можна розподілити між опорним зубом і протезним ложем, використовуючи для цих цілей різні способи з'єднання кламера з протезом. Вертикальні сили, які припадають на дистльно необмежене сідло, можуть амортизуватися також за рахунок введення в конструкцію базису неметалічних амортизаторів навантаження. Двосторонні кінцеві дефекти заміщуються, як правило, знімними протезами (дуговими або пластинковими). Протезування при односторонніх кінцевих дефектах слід проводити з урахуванням віку хворого, топографії та величини дефекту, наявності антагоністів і їх стану; Под биомеханикой дистально неограниченного седла понимают его перемещения под влиянием жевательного давления, распределение его по протезном ложу и влияние, которое базис передает на ткани слизистой оболочки и пародонта. Кроме величины, описанные силы характеризуются направлением по отношению к окклюзионной плоскости. Негативное влияние боковых движений дистально неограниченного седла на альвеолярный отросток и опорные зубы можно смягчить путем включения в конструкцию протеза непрерывный кламмер. С его помощью часть напряжения нейтрализуется сохраненными зубами. Давление, приходящееся на дистально неограниченное седло, можно распределить между опорным зубом и протезным ложем, используя для этих целей различные способы соединения кламмера с протезом. Вертикальные силы, которые приходятся на дистально неограниченное седло, могут амортизироваться также за счет введения в конструкцию базиса неметаллических амортизаторов нагрузки. Двусторонние концевые дефекты замещаются, как правило, съемными протезами (дуговыми или пластиночными). Протезирование при односторонних концевых дефектах следует проводить с учетом возраста больного, топографии и величины дефекта, наличия антагонистов и их состояния; Under the biomechanics of a distally unlimited saddle, it means moving it under the influence of chewing pressure, its distribution over the prosthetic box, and the influence that the basis transmits on the tissue of the mucous membrane and periodontal disease. In addition, the described forces are characterized by a direction relative to the occlusion plane. The negative effect of lateral movements of the distally unlimited saddle on the alveolar sprout and the supporting teeth can be mitigated by the inclusion of a continuous clammer in the prosthetic design. With it, part of the voltage is neutralized by the stored teeth. The pressure that falls on a severely unlimited saddle can be distributed between the support tooth and the prosthetic bed, using for these purposes various methods of connecting the clamer with the prosthesis. Vertical forces falling on a distally unlimited saddle can also be amortized due to the introduction into the construction of the basis of non-metallic shock absorbers. Bilateral finite defects are replaced, as a rule, by removable dentures (arched or plate). Prosthetics with unilateral end defects should be made taking into account the age of the patient, the topography and defect size, the presence of antagonists and their condition

    Antioxidants selenomethionine and D-pantethine decrease the negative side effects of doxorubicin in NL/Ly lymphoma-bearing mice

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    Aim To investigate the potential tissue-protective effects of antioxidants selenomethionine and D-pantethine applied together with doxorubicin (Dx) on NK/Ly lymphomabearing mice. The impact of this chemotherapy scheme on animal survival, blood cell profile, hepatotoxicity, glutathione level, and activity of glutathione-converting enzymes in the liver was compared with the action of Dx applied alone. Methods The hematological profile of animals was studied by the analysis of blood smears under light microscopy. Hepatotoxicity of studied drugs was evaluated measuring the activity of alanine aminotransferase (ALT) and aspartate aminotransferase (AST) enzymes, De Ritis ratio, and coenzyme A fractions by McDougal assay. Glutathione level in animal tissues was measured with Ellman reagent, and the activity of glutathione reductase, transferase, and peroxidase was measured using standard biochemical assays. Results D-pantethine (500 mg/kg) and, to a lower extent, selenomethionine (600 μg/kg) partially reduced the negative side effects (leukocytopenia and erythropenia) of Dx (5 mg/kg) in NK/Ly lymphoma bearing animals on the 14th day of their treatment. This increased animal survival time from 47-48 to 60+ days and improved the quality of their life. This ability of D-pantethine and selenomethionine was realized via hepatoprotective and immunomodulating activities. D-pantethine also restored the levels of acid-soluble and free CoA in the liver of tumor-bearing animals, while selenomethionine caused the recovery of glutathione peroxidase levels in the liver, which was significantly diminished under Dx treatment. Both compounds decreased glutathione level in the liver, which was considerably induced by Dx. Conclusions Antioxidants selenomethionine and D-pantethine partially reversed the negative side effects of Dx in NK/Ly lymphoma-bearing mice and significantly increased the therapeutic efficiency of this drug in tumor treatment