33 research outputs found

    Tax regulatıon of the self-employed in Russian Law

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    It is assumed that in the implementation of certain types of income-generating activities, citizens can be exempted from the necessity of carrying out often burdensome duties established for individual entrepreneurs. From the tax law point of view, it is possible to analyze institutional barriers to self-employed people, and identify ways to overcome

    Trends in the development of Civil Law

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    The issue of exempting self-employed Russians from taxes and mandatory contributions in Russia remained open for a long time. The solution of this issue remained relevant for long due to the fact that in Russia millions of people work independently in different spheres (from minor repairs and construction to car-care auto centers)

    The role of legal consciousness in the implementation of preparedness for the dangerous driving of road drivers

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    The article discusses the role of legal consciousness in enhancing the internal factors of preparedness for dangerous driving. The analysis of statistical data regarding traffic accidents is given. The external and internal predictors of dangerous driving are analyzed. The results of an empirical study showing the relationship of the style of driving a vehicle and the development of the legal consciousness of road users are discussed

    The history of Russian sense of justice

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    The historical factors of the formation of the legal consciousness of Russian society are considered in the article. The stages in the development of the Russian sense of justice were identified, which were mainly connected with the periods of development of socio-economic relations. The special attitude of society towards religion contributed to the position in the legal conscience of different settings. The sense of justice acts as a necessary component of the legal system as part of the public consciousness, the content of which are views, beliefs, ideas that relate to the law, as well as sensory and emotional elements that form legal psychology. The legal consciousness performs a significant role in the legal system-the transformation of information flows from the legal system to the subject of legal activity and vice versa

    The history of leasing contract

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    The article is devoted to the study of the history of the concept of leasing. Analyzed legal nature of the leasing contract. This article considers the legal regulation of the leasing agreement, including aircraft leasing. Under the leasing agreement, the lessor undertakes to acquire the property of the lessee specified by the lessee from the seller's seller and to lease it to the lessee for business purposes for a fee. The leasing agreement may provide that the choice of the seller and the acquired property is carried out by the lessor. Then the lessor, on the basis of a contract of sale, acquires property that becomes the subject of leasing. After this, leasing relations arise between the parties to the lease - the acquired property is transferred to the lessee for temporary possession and use. It must be borne in mind that the seller of property cannot be both a lessor at the same time, and a lessor as a seller of property. Meanwhile, an organization within the same leasing legal relationship can simultaneously act as a seller and a lessee

    The impact of information technology on the legal culture

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    Significantly changes the modern public relations, the rapid development of a variety of telecommunications networks, including the global Internet.Information technology has a significant impact on the social processes, implementing the achievements of information activity not only of society, but also of the state. This leads to social relations acquire an electronic form. In the last time, many countries, including Russia, include their task transition to electronic forms of management, which are necessary in the information society.Creation of the newest developments in the field of information technologies is the most important strategic direction of state policy. The current state of the state and law are in a difficult and unclear interconnection with the processes of modernization in the country, processes wide introduction and use of the latest information technologies. Problems of interrelation of legal culture and information technologies were repeatedly raised in the works of Russian scientists - jurists.Cambios significativos en las relaciones públicas modernas, el rápido desarrollo de una variedad de redes de telecomunicaciones. La tecnología de la información tiene un impacto significativo en los procesos sociales. Esto lleva a las relaciones sociales. En el último tiempo, muchos países, incluida Rusia, incluyen su tarea, la transición a formas electrónicas de gestión, que son necesarias en la sociedad de la información.La creación de los desarrollos más recientes en el campo de las tecnologías de la información es la dirección estratégica más importante de la política estatal. El estado actual de la ley y la ley están en una interconexión difícil y poco clara con los procesos de modernización en el país. Problemas de interrelación de cultura legal y tecnologías de la informació

    Active and interactive methods in the contemporary education

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    In the educational process a lecturer is always searching for forms of knowledge transfer, allowing students to understand them thoroughly and permanently. Today passive, active and interactive forms of interaction between lecturer and student are recognized. The passive form of knowledge transfer is the most basic one, when a lecturer is the only person managing the educational process. This is form of the classic lectures, when lecturer communicates with the audience without interaction with students on the specific theme. The usage of passive form is possible during practical seminars, when lecturer conducts testing survey of students, conducts individual tests. The passive form is criticized as ineffective. The interactive method of communication between teacher and students is thought to be a kind of active method. But, in recent time, due to the emergence of a variety of interactive methods, interactive method is identified as an independent one.  The interactive training develops analytical and creative abilities of individuals, promotes optimal digestion new information and retaining old. While using interactive methods, all students must be involved in the educational process, bringing their individual contribution. In the end of the seminar students must be given guidance and information for consideration. Each student should realize what he or she has learnt, what skills have formed.En el proceso educativo, un profesor siempre está buscando formas de transferencia de conocimiento, lo que permite a los estudiantes comprenderlas de manera exhaustiva y permanente. Hoy se reconocen las formas pasivas, activas e interactivas de interacción entre el profesor y el alumno. La forma pasiva de transferencia de conocimiento es la más básica, cuando un conferenciante es la única persona que administra el proceso educativo. Esta es la forma de las conferencias clásicas, cuando el conferenciante se comunica con la audiencia sin interacción con los estudiantes sobre el tema específico. El uso de la forma pasiva es posible durante los seminarios prácticos, cuando el profesor realiza la encuesta de prueba de los estudiantes, realiza pruebas individuales. La forma pasiva es criticada como ineficaz. Se cree que el método interactivo de comunicación entre el docente y los alumnos es un tipo de método activo. Pero, en los últimos tiempos, debido a la aparición de una variedad de métodos interactivos, el método interactivo se identifica como uno independiente. La capacitación interactiva desarrolla habilidades analíticas y creativas de laspersonas, promueve la digestión óptima de nueva información y la retención de edad. Al usar métodos interactivos, todos los estudiantes deben participar en el proceso educativo, aportando su contribución individual. Al final del seminario, los estudiantesdeben recibir orientación e información para su consideración. Cada estudiante debe darse cuenta de lo que ha aprendido, qué habilidades se han formad

    The constitutional principle of proportionality in foreign and Russian law: a theoretical and practical analysis

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    The article is devoted to a comparative legal study of the European principle of proportionality and the American method of weighing interests, their origins, common and distinctive features, socio-cultural and historical foundations, the application of the principle of proportionality in the Russian legal order. Historically, the origins (roots) of the European principle of proportionality go back to the German administrative-legal doctrine, and the American method of weighing as an initial principle is associated with private law and only later was extended to the public law sphere. The article assesses the impact of these principles on the Russian legal doctrine and law enforcement practice.Purpose: The main purpose of the article is to identify the general and distinctive features of the European principle of proportionality and the American method of balancing interests in order to comprehend on this basis the Russian legal model for ensuring the balance of private and public interests. Tasks: to explore the historical, socio-cultural, doctrinal foundations of the genesis of the European principle of proportionality and the American method of weighing interests; to identify the common and special features characteristic of these methods; to show the influence of these methods on Russian doctrine and law enforcement practice; compare the Russian principle of balance between private and public interests with the European principle of proportionality; formulate recommendations and suggestions for improving Russian law enforcement practice.Methods: historical and legal, logical, formal and legal, systemic and structural, method of interdisciplinary legal research, method of system analysis.Discussion: the European principle of proportionality and the American method of weighing interests, although they do not belong to new phenomena of legal thought, nevertheless, due to their fundamental importance both at the constitutional and other sectoral levels of development of law, are constantly in the center of the field of vision of legal thought abroad, as well as in Russia. The emergence of various approaches to understanding the legal provision of the balance of private and public interests is causing lively, sometimes quite sharp, discussions in the scientific field. The article focuses on the historical, socio-cultural, political and legal features of the development of the European principle of proportionality and the American method of balancing interests, which leads to both close interaction and convergence, as well as the need for their joint scientific research, which can give a significant theoretical and practical effect.Conclusion: the article states that the distinctive features of the European principle of proportionality and the American method of weighing interests are not of an essential, paradigmatic nature, which allows us to conclude that in this case there are no grounds for a fundamental opposition to each other of the above-named constructive models as methods of understanding legal reality, as well as legal means of ensuring a balance of private and public interests. The development of the European principle of proportionality has a significant impact and impact on the formation of Russian political and legal thought and practice in the field of interaction between private and public law, ensuring an organic combination of private and public interests, which is reflected in the legal position formulated by the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation concerning the principle of ensuring proportional observance, balance of private and public interests in the implementation of legal regulation of public relations.O artigo é dedicado a um estudo jurídico comparativo do princípio europeu da proporcionalidade e do método americano de ponderar interesses, suas origens, características comuns e distintivas, fundamentos socioculturais e históricos, a aplicação do princípio da proporcionalidade na ordem jurídica russa. Historicamente, as origens (raízes) do princípio europeu da proporcionalidade remontam à doutrina administrativa-jurídica alemã, e o método americano de ponderação como princípio inicial está associado ao direito privado e só mais tarde foi estendido à esfera do direito público. O artigo avalia o impacto desses princípios na doutrina russa e na prática de aplicação da lei.Objetivo: O objetivo principal do artigo é identificar as características gerais e distintivas do princípio europeu de proporcionalidade e o método americano de equilibrar interesses, a fim de compreender, com base nisso, o modelo jurídico russo para garantir o equilíbrio de interesses públicos e privados.Tarefas: explorar os fundamentos históricos, socioculturais e doutrinários da gênese do princípio europeu da proporcionalidade e do método americano de ponderar interesses; identificar características comuns e especiais características desses métodos; mostrar a influência desses métodos na doutrina russa e na prática da aplicação da lei; comparar o princípio russo de equilíbrio entre interesses públicos e privados com o princípio europeu de proporcionalidade; formular recomendações e sugestões para melhorar as práticas de aplicação da lei na Rússia.Métodos: histórico e jurídico, lógico, formal e jurídico, sistêmico e estrutural, método de pesquisa jurídica intersetorial, método de análise de sistemas.Discussão: o princípio europeu da proporcionalidade e o método americano de ponderar interesses, embora não pertençam a novos fenômenos do pensamento jurídico, no entanto, devido à sua importância fundamental, tanto nos níveis constitucionais quanto em outros setores do desenvolvimento do direito, estão constantemente no centro do campo de visão do pensamento jurídico. no exterior, bem como na Rússia. O surgimento de várias abordagens para entender a provisão legal da balança de interesses privados e públicos está causando discussões animadas, às vezes bastante acentuadas, no campo científico. O artigo enfoca as características históricas, socioculturais, políticas e legais do desenvolvimento do princípio europeu da proporcionalidade e o método americano de equilibrar interesses, o que leva a uma interação e convergência próximas, bem como a necessidade de sua pesquisa científica conjunta, o que pode dar um efeito teórico e prático significativo.Conclusão: o artigo afirma que as características distintivas do princípio europeu da proporcionalidade e do método americano de ponderação de interesses não são de natureza paradigmática essencial, o que nos permite concluir que, neste caso, não há fundamento para uma oposição fundamental entre si dos modelos construtivos acima mencionados como métodos de compreensão jurídica. realidade, bem como meios legais para garantir um equilíbrio de interesses públicos e privados. O desenvolvimento do princípio europeu da proporcionalidade tem um impacto significativo na formação do pensamento e das práticas políticas e jurídicas russas no campo da interação entre direito privado e público, garantindo uma combinação orgânica de interesses privados e públicos, o que se reflete na posição jurídica formulada pelo Tribunal Constitucional da Federação da Rússia sobre o princípio de garantir proporcionalidade. observância, equilíbrio de interesses privados e públicos na implementação da regulamentação legal das relações públicas

    Relationship of Russian and international judicial practices on cases on violations of environmental rights

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    Every year, environmental problems are getting more acute.  Natural and human-induced changes - climate change, improper use of natural resources and pollution of territories, lead to violations of environmental protection and human rights.  Many environmental offenses and crimes are committed, and as a result, there is an increasing number of regulatory frameworks and judicial practices concerning this issue, both at the state and international levels. In order to properly understand the concepts of environmental rights and environmental offenses, it is necessary to consider the practice of Russian and international courts, to identify similarities and differences in their positions, and to identify the grounds for establishing responsibility for these violations.  Keywords: Lake Baikal, ecology, law, influence, human.Cada año, los problemas ambientales se vuelven más agudos. Los cambios naturales y antropogénicos: el cambio climático, el uso indebido de los recursos naturales y la contaminación de los territorios, dan lugar a violaciones de la protección del medio ambiente y los derechos humanos. Se han cometido muchos crímenes y delitos ambientales y, como resultado, existe un número cada vez mayor de marcos normativos y prácticas judiciales sobre este tema, tanto a nivel estatal como internacional. Para entender adecuadamente los conceptos de derechos ambientales y delitos ambientales, es necesario considerar la práctica de los tribunales rusos e internacionales, identificar similitudes y diferencias en sus posiciones e identificar los motivos para establecer la responsabilidad por estas violacione

    Defects of Terminology in Law and Technique

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    The article deals with the formation of parallel different concepts that complicate the understanding of terms and categories used in the process of enforcement. Violation of the requirements to the concept formulation or to the selection of terms for their designation relates to the conceptual and logical and linguistic defects respectively