22 research outputs found

    Ukrainian policy in the field of information security

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    The article analyzes the modern challenges of the time, which shape the information security policy of Ukraine. The paper analyzes the approaches to the definition of information security to understand this concept. Conclusions are made that information security is a constant movement, changeable, versatile concept, which cannot be stable. The article studies the information security of Ukraine as a component in the system of international information security. It is established that in the conditions of war, the role of information security of Ukraine in the international community has sharply increased. Ukraine's policy in the sphere of economic security is clearly marked in its legislation and meets the challenges of our time. The article presents a list of the main threats to the information security of the country: threats to independence and sovereignty through hybrid, information warfare by the aggressor state Russia, threats in the systems of the interaction of state bodies, threats related to the media, threats due to the lack of awareness and culture of information security among the population. Conclusions are made that future cases in the field of information security will be related to the elimination of threats. A list of goals for achieving information security is presented

    Difficulties in diagnostics of congenital leukemias in neonates

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    Congenital leukemia can imitate different diseases such as sepsis, pneumonia, congenital syphilis, congenital hepatitis and hepatolienal syndrome of unknown origin. In connection with this, these categories of patients who do not respond to basic treatment protocol require welltimed consultation of a hematologist with examination by oncohematological program with carrying out myelogram in doubtful cases

    The Complex Project Risk Management Technologies in IT Companies

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    The article deals with the problem of increasing the risk for modern national projects, actuated in the field of information technologies. The purpose of the article is to deepen and expand the theoretical and practical knowledge of complex enterprise management in conditions of increased risk for companies working in the field of information technologies. The main problems that arise during the operation of the project, the peculiarities of the information sphere and additional risks for the companies that continue to work under martial law are analyzed. It is concluded that the main reason for the deviation from the planned goals of the project is the lack of comprehensive qualified project management and the low level of audit in companies at all stages of project implementation. In order to improve the current situation, a general increase in the informational education of Ukrainians, an increase in the number of training programs for project participants, and an increase in wages to maintain a qualified staff of employees who would promptly respond to existing risks and contribute to the optimization of all processes in the project are proposed. The main areas of efficiency improvement for the Ukrainian IT enterprise were analyzed and recommendations for its improvement were provided, the basis of which is the use of modern ERP systems, artificial intelligence, Gartner's magic quadrant and the constant creation of tables of possible risk factors for the enterprise with calculations of the strength of their influence and prompt creation of alternative scenarios

    Influence of heat treatment medium on properties of the bovine hydroxyapatite/magnetite systems

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    Technological processes for the synthesis of composite systems based on bovine (rather than synthetic) hydroxyapatite are rarely described. That’s why the influence of the heat treatment medium on the properties of the composite system bovine hydroxyapatite/magnetite (BHA/Fe3O4) obtained using physico-mechanical and chemical methods were investigated. It was established that the most efficient medium for heat treatment of studied materials is vacuum. Due to XRD analysis data allow us to assert that the most perfect lattice is formed with the use of the chemical method for production and heat treatment in a vacuum (crystallinity 86%), and the least perfect one is formed by the mechanical method for production and heat treatment in a nitrogen medium (71%). The method for adding magnetite has only a minor effect. Investigated conditions of heat treatment of composite systems BHA/Fe3O4 promoted obtaining optimal magnetic properties and stable behavior in experiments in vitro.Keywords: bovine hydroxyapatite, magnetite, crystallinity, specific saturation magnetization, in vitro experiments.

    Development of the recipe for cookies with pumpkin flour

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    The object of research is the technology of enriching shortbread cookies with pumpkin flour. The problem of enriching shortbread cookies with pumpkin flour was solved. In the studies, different replacement of wheat flour with pumpkin flour was studied according to the following scheme: 0 %, 5 %, 10 %, 15 %, 20 %. The formation of strength, the ratio of the mass to the volume of the cake, its volume to the mass, the degree of swelling and sensory evaluation of the cookies were studied. As a result, it was established that the addition of pumpkin flour to the shortbread cookie recipe had a significant (р≤0.05) effect on its quality indicators. The strength of cookies and the ratio of its mass to volume increased with the addition of pumpkin flour. The degree of swelling and the ratio of the volume of cookies to mass decreased compared to the version without pumpkin flour. The use of pumpkin flour significantly changed the sensory indicators of cookie quality. The smell of cookies decreased from 9.0 to 3.7 points. The taste of cookies – from 9.0 to 3.0 points. Using it in the recipe reduces the volume of cookies, which reduces the degree of swelling and the ratio of its mass to volume. In addition, pumpkin flour has a specific smell and taste, which negatively affects the sensory evaluation of cookies. Therefore, the higher its content in the recipe, the worse the quality of the cookies. A distinctive feature of the obtained results is the use of 5 % pumpkin flour in the cookie technology. With this recipe, the strength is 1.45 kg, the degree of swelling is 1.70, the ratio of cookie mass to volume is 0.65, cookie volume to mass is 1.53. The color of the surface of the cookies is light brown, the color of the crumb is yellow, the pores are small, thin-walled, uniform, the consistency is crumbly. Smell is 8.3 points, taste – 9.0 points. The developed recommendations can be used by enterprises of low productivity for the production of shortbread cookie

    Relations of angiotensin-(1-7) with hemodynamic and cardiac structural and functional parameters in patients with hypertension and type 2 diabetes

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    Background. The angiotensin-(1-7) is a new component of the renin-angiotensin system, the product of the degradation of angiotensin II and its functional antagonist, but its role in hypertension with type 2 diabetes (T2D) is not clear. The aim of the study was to investigate the levels of angiotensin-(1-7) in patients with hypertension and T2D and determine its relations to hemodynamic and cardiac structural and functional parameters. Material and methods. We examined 70 patients with hypertension and T2D. Investigation protocol included physical examination, standard transthoracic echocardiography and determination of the angiotensin-(1-7) blood levels by ELISA. Control group consisted of 16 healthy volunteers. Results. The angiotensin-(1-7) levels in observed patients were significantly lower than in volunteers [105.51 (89.13;121.17) ng/L vs. 132.75 (125.06; 142.87) ng/L, p < 0.001]. The levels of the angiotensin-(1-7) significantly negatively correlated with duration of hypertension (r = –0.29, p < 0.05), systolic blood pressure (BP) (r = –0.38, p < 0.05), diastolic BP (r = –0.36, p < 0.01), average BP (r = –0.32, p < 0.01), left ventricular (LV) internal dimension at end-diastole (r = –0.37, p < 0.01), LV mass (r = –0.40, p < 0.001), LV mass index (r = –0.41, p < 0.001). In patients with LV hypertrophy, angiotensin-(1-7) levels were significantly lower than in patients without LV hypertrophy [101.9 (88.2; 117.7) ng/L vs. 129.3 (117.5; 136.8) ng/L, p < 0.01] and in patients with diastolic LV dysfunction — lower than in the patients with normal diastolic function [101.1 (87.9; 116.6) ng/L vs. 121.1 (105.5; 128.9) ng/L, p < 0.01]. Conclusions. The angiotensin-(1-7) can be considered as an important pathogenetic factor in the development of hypertension with T2D, a BP regulator and a cardioprotective agent that prevents the development of remodeling and diastolic dysfunction of the LV


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    Objective: The purpose of the research was to optimize technology for producing a magneto controllable nanocomposite Ag@Fe3O4 with modern physicochemical and therapeutic requirements using methods of mathematical design of the experiment. Methods: To optimize the synthesis process of the nanocomposite Ag@Fe3O4, the method of factor experiment was used. Mathematical calculations were performed using the STATISTICA 10 StatSoft Inc. system and Excel spreadsheet processor of MS Office 2019 Professional Plus. Results: Based on the study of technological parameters of nanocomposite synthesis Ag@Fe3O4 (16 experiments) a regression equation was obtained: Y = 106.415+0.038X1+4.448Х2+1.806Х3–1.593Х4–18.945Х5–109.980Х6. By the use of this equation the synthesis parameters were optimized with the help of steepest ascent method. It was found that the maximum yield of Ag@Fe3O4 can be achieved under the following conditions: X1 (magnetite synthesis time, min)–40; X2 (glucose content in solution,%)–10; X3 (temperature of the Tollens reaction, °С)–65; X4 (magnetite silver coating time, min)–30; X5 (pH, units)–8.5; X6 (rate of addition of ammonia, mol/min)–0.36. Conclusion: Using mathematical design of the experiment, a technology was developed for producing Ag@Fe3O4 with modern physicochemical and therapeutic requirements

    Рsychological Analysis of Procrastination as a Destructive Factor in the Formation of Professionalism

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    The article actualizes the problem of psychological research features of procrastination, and definition of its influence on formation of professionalism at student's age. The psychological analysis of the concept of "procrastination" is carried out, the essence and specifics of procrastination development in student age are investigated, the level of procrastination development in student age and psychological mechanisms of its influence on formation of professionalism are investigated. The following methods were used in the study: theoretical methods (analysis of scientific and methodological literature of noctive and foreign authors in psychology); empirical methods (Scale of assessment of the need for achievements of Yu. Orlov; Methods of research of volitional self-regulation A. Zverkov, E. Eidman; Melbourne decision-making questionnaire (adaptation of T. Kornilova, S. Kornilov); Scale of procrastination for students S. Ley; Methodology "Self-assessment organization"; Questionnaire "Control over action" Yu. Kulya; Temporary Perspective Questionnaire (ZTPI) Zimbardo; Questionnaire "Integral job satisfaction" N. Fetiskin, V. Kozlov, G. Manuilov). The experimental base of the study were students majoring in 053 "Psychology" of Donetsk National University named after Vasyl Stus (n = 92 people) aged 18-22 years.</p

    Psychocorrection of Adolescents 'Anxiety by Music Therapy

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    Personal anxiety in adolescence is largely determined by psychological factors (personal, adaptive, motivational), and the correction of personal anxiety in adolescents is possible by combining two areas of work: reducing the effects of psychological factors on its occurrence; development of constructive forms of behavior in psychogenic situations, in conditions of increased anxiety through the use of music therapy. The aim of the study is to study the state of anxiety in adolescence after psychocorrection by music therapy. A set of methods was used to study the psychological features of anxiety in adolescents, ways to overcome and level before and after the psychocorrection program. There are a number of positive changes in the indicators of personal and motivational factors of anxiety: an increase in self-esteem and responsibility, increased self-esteem, which, in turn, led to a decrease in the difference between this indicator and the level of claims, a change in attitude realistic type, changing the distribution of affiliation motives and achieving in favor of the motive of the desire to accept and the desire to succeed, respectively. The effectiveness of the corrective effect was manifested in the change in the distribution of subjects by levels of anxiety. A high level of personal anxiety was recorded, after the implementation of the program it halved. During the study, a number of positive changes in the indicators of personal and motivational factors of anxiety were recorded. The results show, however, that psychocorrectional work with music therapy is effective in the work of a psychologist. The obtained results can be used both during the training of future psychologists, the development of a psycho-correctional program and during family counseling.</em

    Devising a recipe for muffins with pumpkin paste

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    The object of this research is the production technology of muffins with pumpkin paste. The task was to enrich muffins with pumpkin paste. The influence of different amounts of pumpkin paste on the physicochemical and sensory parameters of muffins was investigated. It has been established that the addition of pumpkin paste reliably (p≤0.05) increases the content of vitamin A (RAE), as well as indicators of integrated score, baking, shrinkage, and moisture content of the muffin. The volume of muffins is significantly reduced by adding 10–50 % of pumpkin paste. This trend is due to the high humidity of pumpkin paste. Owing to a sociological survey, it was determined that most respondents (55 %) liked muffins whose content of pumpkin paste was 15–20 %. It should be noted that 30 % of respondents liked muffins whose content of pumpkin paste was 25–30 %. This trend is due to the fact that the smell and taste of pumpkin in a muffin with the addition of 15–20 % of pumpkin paste is leveled by aromatic compounds. Increasing the amount of pumpkin paste to 25–30 % determines the average level of pumpkin sensory sensation. In the technology of muffin production, it is optimal to add 15–20 % of pumpkin paste. According to this formulation, the integrated score of vitamin A (RAE) is 21–23 %, humidity – 22.9–25.9 %, baking shrinkage – 8.9–10.0 %, shrinkage due to drying – 2.1–2.2 %, volume – 166–177 cm3/100 g of dough. The porosity is 7–9 points, surface color - light brown, crumb color – yellow, crumb consistency – soft, pumpkin taste level – weak or absent (7.0–8.3 points). A distinctive feature of the results is the differentiated use of pumpkin paste in the muffin recipe. Based on the survey, it was established that the amount of pumpkin paste could be 15–20 % and 25–30 %. The devised recommendations can be used by confectionery enterprises of low productivity during the production of muffins