110 research outputs found

    Nitrate Pathways, Processes, and Timing in an Agricultural Karst System: Development and Application of a Numerical Model

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    An edited version of this paper was published by AGU. Copyright 2019 American Geophysical Union.Nitrogen (N) contamination within agricultural‐karst landscapes and aquifers is widely reported; however, the complex hydrological pathways of karst make N fate difficult to ascertain. We developed a hydrologic and N numerical model for agricultural‐karst, including simulation of soil, epikarst, phreatic, and quick flow pathways as well as biochemical processes such as nitrification, mineralization, and denitrification. We tested the model on four years of nitrate (NO3−) data collected from a phreatic conduit and an overlying surface channel in the Cane Run watershed, Kentucky, USA. Model results indicate that slow to moderate flow pathways (phreatic and epikarst) dominate the N load and account for nearly 90% of downstream NO3− delivery. Further, quick flow pathways dilute NO3− concentrations relative to background aquifer levels. Net denitrification distributed across soil, epikarst, and phreatic water removes approximately 36% of the N inputs to the system at rates comparable to nonkarst systems. Evidence is provided by numerical modeling that NO3− accumulation via evapotranspiration in the soil followed by leaching through the epikarst acts as a control on spring NO3− concentration and loading. Compared to a fluvial‐dominated immature karst system, mature‐karst systems behave as natural detention basins for NO3−, temporarily delaying NO3− delivery to downstream waters and maintaining elevated NO3− concentrations for days to weeks after hydrologic activity ends. This study shows the efficacy of numerical modeling to elucidate complex pathways, processes, and timing of N in karst systems

    The influence of reaction conditions on the oxidation of cyclohexane via the in-situ production of H2O2

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    The oxidation of cyclohexane via the in-situ production of H2O2 from molecular H2 and O2 offers an attractive route to the current industrial means of producing cyclohexanone and cyclohexanol (KA oil), both key materials in the production of Nylon. Herein we demonstrate that through the in-situ production of H2O2 supported AuPd nanoparticles catalyse the formation of KA oil under conditions where activity is limited when using molecular O2, with no loss in catalytic activity observed upon re-use. The effect of key reaction parameters, including reaction temperature, catalyst mass and H2:O2 ratio are evaluated

    Stochastic Pulse Switching in a Degenerate Resonant Optical Medium

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    Using the idealized integrable Maxwell-Bloch model, we describe random optical-pulse polarization switching along an active optical medium in the Lambda-configuration with disordered occupation numbers of its lower energy sub-level pair. The description combines complete integrability and stochastic dynamics. For the single-soliton pulse, we derive the statistics of the electric-field polarization ellipse at a given point along the medium in closed form. If the average initial population difference of the two lower sub-levels vanishes, we show that the pulse polarization will switch intermittently between the two circular polarizations as it travels along the medium. If this difference does not vanish, the pulse will eventually forever remain in the circular polarization determined by which sub-level is more occupied on average. We also derive the exact expressions for the statistics of the polarization-switching dynamics, such as the probability distribution of the distance between two consecutive switches and the percentage of the distance along the medium the pulse spends in the elliptical polarization of a given orientation in the case of vanishing average initial population difference. We find that the latter distribution is given in terms of the well-known arcsine law

    A comparative study of palladium-gold and palladium-tin catalysts in the direct synthesis of H2O2

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    Herein we evaluate the promotive effect of Au and Sn incorporation into supported Pd nanoparticles for the direct synthesis of H2O2 from molecular H2 and O2. The introduction of both secondary metal modifiers was found to result in a significant enhancement in catalytic performance, although, in the case of the PdSn system, it was identified that relatively large quantities of the secondary metal were required to rival the activity observed over optimal Au-containing formulations, with the 0.25%Pd-2.25%Sn/TiO2 catalyst offering comparable H2O2 synthesis rates to the optimised 0.25%Pd-0.25%Au/TiO2 formulation. The introduction of Sn was found to considerably improve Pd dispersion, correlating with an improvement in selective H2 utilisation. Notably, the optimal PdSn catalyst identified in this work achieves superior H2O2 selectivities compared to the PdAu analogue and is able to rival the performance of state-of-the-art materials

    Foliations of Isonergy Surfaces and Singularities of Curves

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    It is well known that changes in the Liouville foliations of the isoenergy surfaces of an integrable system imply that the bifurcation set has singularities at the corresponding energy level. We formulate certain genericity assumptions for two degrees of freedom integrable systems and we prove the opposite statement: the essential critical points of the bifurcation set appear only if the Liouville foliations of the isoenergy surfaces change at the corresponding energy levels. Along the proof, we give full classification of the structure of the isoenergy surfaces near the critical set under our genericity assumptions and we give their complete list using Fomenko graphs. This may be viewed as a step towards completing the Smale program for relating the energy surfaces foliation structure to singularities of the momentum mappings for non-degenerate integrable two degrees of freedom systems.Comment: 30 pages, 19 figure

    The selective oxidation of cyclohexane via In-situ H2O2 production over supported Pd-based catalysts

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    The oxidation of cyclohexane via the in-situ production of H2O2 from molecular H2 and O2 offers an attractive route to the current industrial means of producing cyclohexanone and cyclohexanol (KA oil), key materials in the production of Nylon. The in-situ route has the potential to overcome the significant economic and environmental concerns associated with the use of commercial H2O2, while also allowing for the use of far lower reaction temperatures than those typical of the purely aerobic route to KA oil. Herein we demonstrate the efficacy of a series of bi-functional Pd-based catalysts, which offer appreciable concentrations of KA oil, under conditions where limited activity is observed using O2 alone. In particular the introduction of V into a supported Pd catalyst is seen to improve KA oil concentration by an order of magnitude, compared to the Pd-only analogue. In particular we ascribe this improvement in catalytic performance to the development of Pd domains of mixed oxidation state upon V incorporation as evidenced through X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy

    Cys-Ph-TAHA: a lanthanide binding tag for RDC and PCS enhanced protein NMR

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    Here we present Cys-Ph-TAHA, a new nonadentate lanthanide tag for the paramagnetic labelling of proteins. The tag can be easily synthesized and is stereochemically homogenous over a wide range of temperatures, yielding NMR spectra with a single set of peaks. Bound to ubiquitin, it induced large residual dipolar couplings and pseudocontact shifts that could be measured easily and agreed very well with the protein structure. We show that Cys-Ph-TAHA can be used to label large proteins that are biochemically challenging such as the Lac repressor in a 90 kDa ternary complex with DNA and inducer

    A comparative study of palladium-gold and palladium-tin catalysts in the direct synthesis of H2O2

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    Herein we evaluate the promotive effect of Au and Sn incorporation into supported Pd nanoparticles for the direct synthesis of H2O2 from molecular H2 and O2. The introduction of both secondary metal modifiers was found to result in a significant enhancement in catalytic performance, although, in the case of the PdSn system, it was identified that relatively large quantities of the secondary metal were required to rival the activity observed over optimal Au-containing formulations, with the 0.25%Pd–2.25%Sn/TiO2 catalyst offering comparable H2O2 synthesis rates to the optimised 0.25%Pd–0.25%Au/TiO2 formulation. The introduction of Sn was found to considerably improve Pd dispersion, correlating with an improvement in selective H2 utilisation. Notably, the optimal PdSn catalyst identified in this work achieves superior H2O2 selectivities compared to the PdAu analogue and is able to rival the performance of state-of-the-art materials