13 research outputs found

    Asocijacija Diplotaxietum muralis (ass. nova) u korovskoj vegetaciji vinograda rejona Hercegovina

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    Asocijacija sa edifikatorskom vrstom Diplotaxis muralis (L.) DC. do sada nije opisana u Bosni i Hercegovini. U sintaksonomskom pregledu vegetacije Srbije (Kojić et al., 1998) konstatovana je asocijacija Amarantho (blitoides)-Diplotaxietum muralis Mijatović 1971 svrstana u svezu Eragrostion Tüxen 1950. Asocijacija Diplotaxietum muralis (ass. nova) u vinogradima Bosne i Hercegovine pokazuje regionalnu osobenost uslovljenu klimatskim karakteristikama, te je optimalno razvijena u vinogradarskom rejonu Hercegovina. Asocijacija je svrstana u mediteransku sintaksonomsku jedinicu (Diplotaxion Br.-Bl. 1931 em 1936 iz reda Chenopodietalia mediterranea Br.-Bl. 1931 em 1936) koja se značajno razlikuje od sintaksonomskih jedinica eurosibirske regije (Polygono-Chenopodion Koch 1926 em Sissing. 1946 i Eragrostion Tüxen 1950) prvenstveno po učešću termofilnih vrsta. Sastojine asocijacije Diplotaxietum muralis (ass. nova) izgrađuje 38 vrsta. Od ukupnog florističkog sastava asocijacije 68,42 % vrsta su karakteristične za asocijaciju i više sintaksonomske jedinice, što govori da je asocijacija tipično izražena i optimalno razvijena u vinogradima rejona Hercegovina. Potpuni karakteristični skup asocijacije izgrađuju četiri vrste: Diplotaxis muralis (L.) DC., Convolvulus arvensis L., Chenopodium album L. i Setaria glauca (L.) Beauv. Analizom biološkog spektra asocijacije može se konstatovati izrazito terofitski karakter. Sastojine asocijacije Diplotaxietum muralis (ass. nova) su potpuno razvijene na cijeloj površini vinograda u ljetnjem i jesenjem aspektu. Areal spektar asocijacije u kojem učestvuje sedam grupa flornih elemenata se značajno razlikuje od konstatovanih asocijacija reda Chenopodietalia albi Tüxen, Lohm. et Prsg. 1950. Gradijentna analiza pokazuje najveću zavisnost florističkog sastava u odnosu na hemijsku reakciju podloge, nešto manju u odnosu na sadržaj azota u zemljištu i svjetlost, dok je najmanja zavisnost u odnosu na vlažnost zemljišta i temperaturu. Numeričkom klasifikacijom mogu se izdvojiti dvije grupe sastojina što preciznije potvrđuju rezultati ordinacije vršene korespondentnom analizom

    Association Scirpo-Phragmitetum communis W. Koch 1926 in the Ramsarian Area of Bardača

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    Stands of the association of Scirpo-Phragmitetum communis W. Koch 1926 are developing as a secondary emersive vegetation that represents a transition from wetland to terrestrial vegetation. Edificatory type of association, Phragmites communis L. is in competition with Typha latifilia L., and based on the water depth and land characteristics one of those two types dominate by forming sub-associations phragmitetosum Schmalle 1939 and typhaetosum (angustifoliae-latifoliae) Soó 1973. Using Braun-Blanquet methodology on the basis of 10 phytocoenological clips brought to the conclusion of the domination of the phragmitetosum sub-association Schmalle 1939. This sub-association develops in a zone around water pools and the web of canals or makes islands in singular pools or covers entire pool surface during draught. The development of the stands of subassociation of typhaetosum (angustifoliae-latifoliae) Soó 1973 is conditioned with the higher level of water. Stands are floristically empty and the dinamics is hard to notice. Floristic structure of the association contains 34 herbal species: Phragmites communis Trin., Typha latifolia L. and Amorpha fruticosa L. The invasive species, Amorpha fruticosa L. enters the structure of seven stands with relatively small covering value and it either makes peripheral band and canal webs or mixes with Phragmites communis, Salix and Populus. Dominant life form of this association is cryptophyta (47,06%). In the areal spectrum, widely spread flora elements are dominating (82,35%). The values of ecologic indexes point to hydro-helophyta character of stands developing on the neutral or low-acid lands, mineral substances with medium security and adequate light and temperature conditions. The significance of the research can be viewed from both negative and positive aspects of influence on the ecosystem in general

    Vascular Flora of Bardača Complex

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    This work gives overview and basic characteristics of vascular flora of Bardača complex: ecological indicator values, biological spectrum and spectrum of areal types. Total of 316 herbal species are found during floristic research conducted on the area of Bardača. Out of that number, six species are in the phylum Pteridophyta (two in class Equisetatae and four in class Filicatae), and 310 species belong to Magnoliophyta (232 in class Magnoliate and 78 in class Liliate). Based on the ecological analysis of found herbal species, researched area is mesophyll with neutral and low acidly ground, medium rich with mineral substances, with adequate light and warmth regime. Ten life forms have been found through the analysis of the biological spectrum of flora. Among them are hemicryptophyta (33,86%) and cryptophyta (geophyta 21,52% and aquatic helo-hidrophyta 7,91%). By analyzing areal types, 27 flora elements have been found, among which dominate flora elements of wide distribution (Euro-Asian, Circumpolar, Cosmopolitan and Adventive) with 204 herbal species (64,55%). Rational use of Bardača complex, according to the principles of sustainable development, implies keeping unique genetic resources because of many exponents of relic tertiary flora are present

    Ecological and phytogeographical characteristics of the weed flora in the Lijevče plain

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    In this paper, it is given a review and basic characteristics of the weed flora in the Lijevče plain: ecological index values, biological spectrum and spectrum of areal types. Floristic researches of the weed flora in the Lijevčeplain were conducted on 61 localities in crops and perennial planting. The researches were conducted during the two vegetation seasons (2013. and 2014.) It is determined that there are 163 types of vascular flora, classified in 122 genus and 39 families. According to the ecological indicator values for some ecological factors, the habitat can be characterized as medium moist, neutral to light acid stock, soil that is medium rich in minerals and favorable light and temperature regime of that habitat. Seven life forms make the biological spectrum in which the most dominant ones are: hemicryptophytes (37,42%), therophytes (22,09%), therophytes-chamaephyte (19,63%), and geophytes (15,95%). Regardless the fact that Geophytes species are less present; because of the biological characteristics they are very important and represent the big issue in weed control. By phytogeographical analysis 23 floral elements are constituted and among them the most present are: Eurasian (19,2%), sub-Central European (17,79%), sub-Eurasian (17,18%), Cosmopolitan (11,64%), and Adventitious (9,20%), and together they make 122 species. Among the Adventitious especially significant are the invasive ones: Ambrosia artemisiifolia L., Helianthus tuberosus L. and Abutilon theophrasti Medic. which suppress the autochthonous species with their aggression, and they spread out even more, and even form monodominant communities. In regard to the previous researches the large floristic, ecological and phytogeographical wealth of the weed flora is expressed which indicates the need of finding the proper measures of the weed control which were not adequate according to the obtained results. Detailed overview of the weed flora represents the start point for taking the measures of weed control

    Ecological and Phytogeographical Characteristics of the Weed Flora in the Lijevče Plain

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    In this paper it is given review and basic characteristics of the weed flora in the Lijevče plain: ecological index values, biological spectrum and spectrum of areal types. Floristic researches of the weed flora in the Lijevčeplain were conducted on 61 localities in crops and perennial planting. The researches were conducted during the two vegetation seasons (2013. and 2014.) It is determined that there are 163 types of the vascular flora, classified in 122 genus and 39 families. According to the ecological indicator values for some ecological factors, the habitat can be characterized as medium moist, neutral to light acid stock, soil that is medium rich in minerals and favorable light and temperature regime of that habitat. Seven life forms make the biological spectrum in which the most dominant ones are: hemicryptophytes (37,42%), therophytes (22,09%), therophytes–chamaephytic (19,63%), and geophytes (15,95%). Regardless the fact that Geophytes species are less present; because of the biological characteristics they are very important and represent the big issue in the weed control. By phytogeoraphical analysis 23 floral elements are constituted and among them the most present are: Eurasian (19,2%), sub Central European (17,79%), sub Eurasian (17,18%), Cosmopolitan (11,64%), and Adventitious (9,20%), and together they make 122 species. Among the Adventitious especially significant are the invasive ones: Ambrosia artemisiifolia L., Helianthus tuberosus L. and Abutilon theophrasti Medic. which suppress the autochthonous species with their aggression, and they spread out even more, and even form monodominant communities. In regard to the previous researches the large floristic, ecological and phytogeographical wealth of the weed flora is expressed which indicates the need of finding the proper measures of the weed control which were not adequate according to the obtained results. Detailed overview of the weed flora represents the start point for taking the measures of the weed control

    Determination of potentially toxic elements in some wild edible and medicinal plants

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    The aim of this research was to determine the Cu, Ni, Zn, Cd, and Pb contents in the following wild plants: dandelion (Taraxacum officinale Web.), broad-leaved plantain (Plantago major L.), and ribwort plantain (Plantago lanceolata L.) collected from the natural environment at three different locations in the North of the Republic of Srpska, in the surroundings of Banja Luka (two localities) and Doboj (one locality). The examined species represent wild edible and medical plants, most commonly used in folk medicine. Plant material and associated soils were air-dried, acid digested, and analyzed by atomic absorption spectrometry (AAS). The results have shown the highest Zn contents in all examined plants, which were followed by the contents of other determined biogenic elements (Ni and Cu), while contents of toxic elements (Pb and Cd) were noticeably lower. The contents of potentially toxic elements determined in the plants were lower than recommended limits of toxicity, with the exception of the location L3-Stanari where elevated Ni contents were found in all examined plants and the associated soil. This implies an evident risk in case of consumption of the plants grown at this location and the need for further investigation in order to establish the exact degree of contamination and to implement proper activities

    Association Convolvulo-Polygonetum aviculare (ass. new) in Weed Vegetation of Vineyard Region in Herzegovina

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    Floristic-phytocenological research of weed vegetation in vineyards of Bosnia and Herzegovina determined a new association Convolvulo-Polygonetumaviculare (ass. new). Regarding floristic character, the asso­ciation was qualified by numerous thermophilic species, and it was ranked in the mediterranean syntaxonomic unit DiplotaxionBr.-Bl. 1931 em 1936 from ordo ChenopodietaliamediterraneaBr.-Bl. 1931 em 1936. Stands association builds 56 plant species. A complete set of association is built by five species: ConvolvulusarvensisL., PolygonumaviculareL., Cynodondactylon (L.) Pers., PortulacaoleraceaL. and ChenopodiumalbumL. Biological spectrum of association shows dominance of hemi­therophytes (62,50%) and hemikryptophytes which together make up 85,71% of the species. Gradient analysis shows very little dependence of floristic composition in relation to soil moisture medium rich in minerals. The value of the coefficient of correlation points a relatively high degree of dependence floristic composition in comparison to the gradient of light and temperature. Areal spectrum of associations suggests the dominance of cosmopolitan and mediterranean group of floral elements. By means of numerical classification and ordination of stands, there may be distin­guished two groups of stands.

    Flora of the Gacko technogenious soils

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    This work researches flora of four deposits from the surface mine Gracanica - Mine and Powerplant Gacko and gives review and basic ecological and plantgeographical characteristics of the flora of these tecnhnogenious habitats. By floristic researches of these deposits, it is determined that there are 31 plant species. Two of those species belong to the division of Pteridophyta (class Sphenopsida) and 29 species belongs to the division of Spermatophyta (class Dicotylédones 25 species and class Monocotyledones 4 species). Ecological analyses points on domination of submerse, indicators of neutral to light acid stock, ground that is medium rich in minerals and favorable light and temperature regime. Biological spectrum show chemicriptofytegephyte characher. The biological spectrum, it was concluded six life forms. Plantgeographical diversity of flora consists of 9 floral elements predominantly eurasian, subeurasian and sub-middleeuropean (20 species). Knowing present flora is essential for further understanding deposol and rekultisol, where they are partly based agrophytocenoses and as a start base for appliance of the measures for weeds control in that agrophytocenoses

    Numbers of weed seedbank in maize field crop

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    A large seed production and the efficient propagation ensure the survival of weeds. After spreading most of the seed reaches the soil, and therefore weed seedbank are the main source of weed. The paper reviews the presence of weed seedbank at different soil layers (0 - 10 cm, 10 - 20 cm and 20 - 30 cm). Considering the total numbers of seeds (fruits) per m2 in the soil layer 0-10 cm, on location Dragočaj, dominant are: Digitaria sanguinalis L. (9688 seeds/m2), Sorghum halepense (L.) Pers. (7344), Chenopodium album L. (2031); in the location Hrvaćani: Digitaria sanguinalis L. (14219), Setaria glauca P.B. (7188) and Trifolium repens L. (4688). In the soil layer 10-20 cm, in Dragočaj, the following weed species are dominant: Digitaria sanguinalis L. (4844 seeds/m2), Sorghum halepense (L.) Pers. (1094) and Chenopodium polyspermum L. (938); in the location Hrvaćani: Setaria glauca P.B. (5938 seeds/m2), Myosotis arvensis (L.) Hill. (2031) and Polygonum persicaria L. (1875). In the soil layer 20-30 cm, the following weed species are dominant in the location Dragočaj: Digitaria sanguinalis L. (625 seeds/m2), Geranium dissectum Jusl (469) and Oxalis stricta L. (469); in the location Hrvaćani dominant are: Setaria glauca P.B. (2188 seeds/m2), Chenopodium polyspermum L. (1406) and Ambrosia artemisiifolia L. (1250). The paper reviews biologic and phytogeographical characteristic of the identified weed species

    Određivanje sadržaja sjemena korova u zemljištu metodom fizičke ekstrakcije i metodom naklijavanja

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    The paper reviews the presence of weed seeds in the soil by using two methods, physical extraction and germination method. Soil sample, under maize field, were taken from three locations: Dragočaj, Hrvaćani I and Hrvaćani II, in the spring of 2010. and 2011. year at a depth of 0-10, 10-20 and 20-30 cm. By physical extraction, on all three locations, it was determine 44 weed species and by germination method 13 weed species. The highest number of weeds, by both methods, was determine in 2011. year on site Hrvaćani II, at the depth of 10-20 cm. By physical extraction it was determine 38438 seeds/m2 and by germination method 14688 plants/m2. Method of physical extraction, for all ascertained weed species, has showed a higher efficiency in determining of weed content in the soil in relation to the germination method.U radu je prikazan sadržaj sjemena korova u zemljištu dobijen primjenom dvije metode i to fizičke ekstrakcije i metode naklijavanja. Uzorci zemljišta, pod usjevom kukuruza, uzeti su sa tri lokaliteta: Dragočaj, Hrvaćani I i Hrvaćani II, u proljeće 2010. i 2011. godine, sa dubine zemljišta od 0-10, 10-20 i 20-30 cm. Metodom fizičke ekstrakcije, na sve tri lokacije, konstatovane su ukupno 44 vrste korovskih biljaka, a metodom naklijavanja 13. Najveća brojnost korova, primenom obe metode, konstatovna je u 2011. godini na lokaciji Hrvaćani II, i to na dubini zemljišta 10-20 cm. Fizičkom ekstrakcijom utvrđeno je 38438 sjemena/m2, a metodom naklijavanja 14688 biljaka/ m2. Metoda fizičke ekstrakcije, na svim kontrolisanim lokalitetima, je pokazala veću efikasnost u određivanju sadržaja korova u zemljištu u odnosu na metodu naklijavanja