13 research outputs found

    Second-metacyclic finite p-groups for odd primes

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    A second-metacyclic finite p-group is a finite p-group which possesses a nonmetacyclic maximal subgroup, but all its subgroups of index p2 are metacyclic. In this article we determine up to isomorphism all second-metacyclic p-groups for odd primes p. There are ten such groups of order p4, for each prime p ≥ 3, and two such groups of order 35


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    Bankarska garancija na poziv (dalje: BG) u hrvatskom i poredbenim pravima jedno je od najčešćih sredstava osiguranja koje ima za cilj brzu i učinkovitu isplatu novčanog iznosa iz BG-a ako druga strana ne ispuni svoju ugovornu obvezu. Ako banka izda BG, obveza banke na isplatu novčanog iznosa iz BG-a je samostalna, a ne akcesorna. Drugim riječima, ako se ispune uvjeti iz BG-a banka neće moći isticati prema korisniku prigovore iz temeljnoga posla. Mogućnost zloupotrebe prava na naplatu iznosa iz BG-a otvara pitanje do koje mjere treba slijediti jedno od temeljnih načela kod BG-a „plati pa se sudi“. Stoga i ne čudi da je unatoč navedenim teorijskim koncepcijama o BG-u pred hrvatskim sudovima zamjetan trend povećanja prijedloga za određivanje privremenih mjera kod BGa, a u novijoj hrvatskoj literaturi o tome se nije sustavno raspravljalo. Slijedom navedenoga, autorice propitkuju dopustivost određivanja privremenih mjera kod BG-a, analiziraju pretpostavke za određivanje privremenih mjera i daju ocjenu postojećega stanja dovodeći u suodnos svrhu i temeljna načela BG-a sa svrhom i pravilima Ovršnog zakona o privremenim mjerama.is one of the most common security aimed at fast and efficient payment of amount in BG in the event that the other party does not perform its contractual obligation. If the bank issues a BG, the bank’s obligation to pay the amount from the BG is autonomus and it is not accessory. In other words, if the requirements from BG are met, the bank will not be able to raise objections against the beneficiary from the main business. The possibility of abuse of the right to collect amounts from BG raises the question to what extent one of the basic principles of BG “pay first, sue later” should be followed. Therefore, it is not surprising that, despite the mentioned theoretical conceptions of BG before the Croatian courts, there is a noticeable trend of increasing proposals for the issuing of interim measures regarding BG, and this has not been systematically discussed in the recent Croatian literature. Following the above, the authors question the admissibility of issuing interim measure, analyze the assumptions for issuing interim measures and give an assessment of the current situation, correlating the purpose and basic principles of the BG with the purpose and rules of the Enforcement Act on interim measures

    Synthesis of Arylmethylene-bis(3-hydroxy-5,5-dimethylcyclohex-2-en-1-one) Derivatives and Their Effect on Tyrosinase Activity

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    The objective of this study was to test the inhibitory effect of five newly synthesized arylmethylene-bis(3-hydroxy-5,5-dimethylcyclohex-2-en-1-one) derivatives. The structural characterization and stereochemistry of synthesized compounds were deduced from analyses of experimental FT-IR, 1H, 13C NMR spectra and theoretical methodology of DFT study based on the global chemical reactivity indices calculated using the 6-31G** level of theory. To predict the stability of the newly synthesized compounds, the reactivity descriptors obtained at B3LYP level (Egap, dipole moment, μ, η, ω) were computed. The docking study and the selected quantum chemical descriptors computed for compounds 1−5 exhibit a good agreement. The strongest inhibitors showed 25 to 30 % inhibition of tyrosinase activity. Results were supported by docking studies of the binding of the strongest inhibitors to the enzyme. The results suggest that tetraketones of this type, due to their tyrosinase inhibitory effect, represent potential agents in the treatment of various types of melanomas and skin hyperpigmentation


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    Veziva su materijali koji čvrsto jedno s drugim sljepljuju krupnija i sitnija zrna granulata. Izvorno su najčešće u praškastom obliku, a nakon miješanja s vodom nastaje plastična pasta, koja fizičkim i kemijskim procesima postepeno veže pa očvršćava. Rijetko se upotrebljavaju kao čista veziva bez agregata, jer bi tako bila skuplja, a pokazivala bi niz nepovoljnih svojstava (skupljanje, manja postojanost volumena, nestabilnost). Anorganska mineralna veziva po definiciji predstavljaju tvari, anorganskog mineralnog podrijetla, koje pomiješane s vodom djelovanjem fizikalno kemijskih procesa tijekom vremena stvrdnjavaju ili vežu u krutu kamenu sličnu tvorevinu određene čvrstoće. Najzastupljenije komponente u anorganskim vezivima izražene u obliku kemijskih spojeva, oksida, su u pravilu CaO, Al2O3 i SiO2, što ih onda svrstava u trokomponentne reakcijske sustave koji se i proučavaju kao takvi. Naziv cement susreće se u graditeljskoj praksi kao skupno ime za sve vrste veziva koje imaju izrazito hidraulična svojstva. Cement je nezaobilazan građevni materijal koji se koristi za pripravu betona jer je relativno jeftin i omogućuje pripravu veziva koje se lako oblikuje u svježem stanju. Godišnja proizvodnja cementa veća je od dvije milijarde tona, a masa betona koja se pripravi u svijetu godišnje iznosi više od sedam milijardi tona. Osim cementa važnu ulogu imaju i vapno, gips, magnezitna veziva, pucolani, i dr


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    Svrha izrade ovog diplomskog rada je izračun ukupnog vremena izgradnje javne građevine. Tema rada obrađena je na primjeru višestambene građevine na lokaciji u Zagrebu. Građevina je katnosti tri nadzemne etaže (prizemlje + 1. kat + 2. kat (uvučeni kat)) i jednom podzemnom etažom - podrumom, jednostavnog i pravilnog, nerazvedenog tlocrtnog oblika. Primjenom metoda planiranja, metode kritičnog puta (CPM) i tehnikom mrežnog planiranja (PERT), izračunato je najvjerojatnije i očekivano vrijeme izgradnje višestambene zgrade, prema definiranoj listi aktivnosti . Primjenom CPM metode dobiveno je najvjerojatnije vrijeme izgradnje, korištenjem podataka o količini radova, normativa vremena, broja radnih grupa te radnih sati u jednoj smjeni rada. Koristeći prethodno dobiveno najvjerojatnije trajanje pojedine aktivnosti, optimistično i pesimistično vrijeme trajanja aktivnosti izračunato je očekivano vrijeme upotrebom PERT metode. Na temelju podataka dobivenih korištenjem metoda planiranja napravljen je gantogram kojim je grafički prikazano trajanje svake pojedine aktivnosti u danima. Računanjem Z faktora izračunato je vjerojatnije vrijeme izvedbe projekta na temelju kojeg je izrađena analiza kritičnog puta. Za vjerojatnije vrijeme trajanja projekta napravljen je histogram radne snage po kategorijama radnika te ukupno vrijeme sati rada pojedine grupe radnika.The purpose of this thesis is to calculate the total construction time of a public building. The content of this paper is based on a multi-store apartment building located in the city of Zagreb. The building has three floors above ground (the ground floor, the 1st floor and the 2nd floor and one underground floor – the basement, with a simple and straight, free-flowing plan. The most probable and expected construction time of a multi-store apartment building was calculated using the planning methods, critical path method (CPM) and project evaluation and review technique (PERT), according to the defined list of activities. The most probable construction time was obtained through the CPM method using the data on the amount of work, time norms, number of work groups and work hours in one shift. Using the previously obtained most probable duration of each activity, and the optimistic and pessimistic duration of the activity, the expected construction time was calculated using the PERT method. A Gantt chart, which graphically shows the duration of each individual activity in days, was created based on the data obtained using the planning methods. A more probable duration time to carry out the project was obtained by calculating the Z factor, based on which the critical path analysis was made. For a more probable duration of the project, a histogram of manpower was created, which shows the categories of workers and the total working hours of each group of worker

    Second-metacyclic finite 2-groups

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    Second-metacyclic finite 2-groups are finite 2-groups with some non-metacyclic maximal subgroup and with all second-maximal subgroups being metacyclic. According to a known result there are only four non-metacyclic finite 2-groups with all maximal subgroups being metacyclic. The groups pointed in the title should contain some of these groups as a subgroup of index 2. There are seventeen second-maximal finite 2-groups, four among them being of order 16, ten of order 32 and three of order 64

    Application of a new Terrestrial Telecommunications System in the European Air Traffic

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    Aeronautical Public Correspondence (APC) is a telecommtmicationsse!Vice, which enables passengers onboard aircraftto make telecommunication calls to people on the ground.This article describes the terrestrial communications seiVicewhich is based on cellular network for the European CEPTmember countries (CEPT- European Conference of Postaland Telecommunications Administrations) named TerrestrialFlight Telecommunications System (TFTS).This system is a Pan-European System, which means theusage of hannonised frequencies in Europe with hannonisedstandards for the TFTS equipment, which have been issued bythe European Telecommunications Standard Institute (ETSI).Frequencies allocated for TFTS have been designated bythe World Administrative Radio Conference, WARC-92 withfrequency bandwidth of 2x5 MHz:1670- 1675 MHz, for ground to air1800- 1805 MHz, for air to ground.TFTS planning is perfonned by the application of frequencyblocks (42 blocks) with 164 channels in total. Bandwidthof each radio channel, which contains 4 speech channels,is equal to 30.3 kHz.Due to the very high flight of the aircraft (about 13,000 m),it needs a long distance between the centres of cells (radio stationon the ground) to avoid the eo-channel or adjacent channelinteJference.The article presents the planning process with typical cellradius of240km or 350km. In the viewofthatfact, the need ispointed out for finding a compromise solution with regard toemitting power and the influence of interference.Final(v, it is noted that TFTS ground radio stations inCroatia, which are located in Zagreb and Split, may cover theterritory of some neighbouring countries other than Croatia,which is important from the commercial point of view

    Inventory Management Models in the Supply System of Spare Parts for Military Vehicles

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    The term inventory implies various material means whichare for a certain period of time excluded from the productionprocess or transport with the aim of being used at a later pointin time, as the need might arise.The work analyses an example of the operation method ofone system according to the model of rejecting unsatisfied demands,with the task of determining the op1imal invento1y volumeand !he ordering levels in order 10 minimise the annualcosts

    Analysis of Vehicle Arrivals at a Selected Intersection in the City of Zagreb

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    The paper analyses the statistics of vehicle anival at a selectedintersection in the city of Zagreb. The intersection has allthe elements of movement: going straight, left turns and rightturns. The statistic analysis in this work is based on the measurementsearned out by means of a device for gathering informationon traffic, HI-STAR Model NC-90A.We have shown that four days (Monday - Thursday) havethe same statistical regularity. Two inte1vals have been isolatedin which normal distribution can be accepted: one from 6 a. m.1012 noon and another from 1 p.m. to 4 a. m. The period from6 a.m. to 12 noon has Gauss distribution with the expectedpeaktrafficdensityalft = 9.9o'clock (i.e. atsixminutestoteno'clock) and standard deviation a = 3.1. The periods from1 p.m. to 4 a. m. have Gauss distribution with the expected peaktraffic density at fA. = 15.6 o'clock (i.e. at twenty-four minutes tosix p.m.) and standard deviation a = 4.2. The results can beused for traffic regulation at that intersection i.e. for the trafficsignal control of the intersection