38 research outputs found

    Heavy minerals in sediments from the Mošnica Cave: Implications for the pre-Quaternary evolution of the middle-mountain allogenic karst in the Nízke Tatry Mts., Slovakia

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    The cave deposits from the Mošnica Cave located on the northern slope of the Nízke Tatry Mts. were analysed by sedimentological, petrographical and mineralogical methods. Based on mineralogical study the cave sediments are composed of dolomite, quartz, muscovite, amphibole, chlorite, calcite, Kfeldspar and plagioclase. Heavy mineral assemblage is formed by garnet, zircon, apatite, monazite, tourmaline, staurolite, rutile, titanite, epidote, sillimanite, allanite, andalusite and barite. Opaque minerals are represented by ilmenite, pyrite, magnetite, Cr-spinel, Fe-oxyhydroxides and chalcopyrite. Detailed research of chemical composition of the heavy minerals points to their source rocks formed by granitoids, amphibolites and amphibolite gneisses representing the crystalline basement and probably by Triassic cover sediments of the Lúžna Formation. Presence of the allochthonous minerals in the cave from metamorphic complex recently occurred on the opposite southern slope of the Nízke Tatry Mts. indicates a past larger catchment area of the allogenic karst of Mošnica Valley on the pre-Quaternary less dissected terrain. A change of watershed boundary leading through the central range of the Nízke Tatry Mts. was probably connected with the tilting of this mountain range towards the north, in the compression regime during the Late Tertiary

    Calculation of model Hamiltonian parameters for LaMnO_3 using maximally localized Wannier functions

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    Maximally localized Wannier functions (MLWFs) based on Kohn-Sham band-structures provide a systematic way to construct realistic, materials specific tight-binding models for further theoretical analysis. Here, we construct MLWFs for the Mn e_g bands in LaMnO_3, and we monitor changes in the MLWF matrix elements induced by different magnetic configurations and structural distortions. From this we obtain values for the local Jahn-Teller and Hund's rule coupling strength, the hopping amplitudes between all nearest and further neighbors, and the corresponding reduction due to the GdFeO_3-type distortion. By comparing our results with commonly used model Hamiltonians for manganites, where electrons can hop between two "e_g-like" orbitals located on each Mn site, we find that the most crucial limitation of such models stems from neglecting changes in the underlying Mn(d)-O(p) hybridization.Comment: 15 pages, 11 figures, 3 table

    Bulk-driven current mirrors

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    Bakalárska práca sa zaoberá problematikou princípu bulk-driven CMOS pre návrh niekolkých analogových obvodou. Princíp využíva substrátového hradla ako signálového vstupu k dosiahnutiu nízkého napájacieho napätia a nízkého príkonu pri zachovaní parametrou odpovedajúcich stavajúcim štruktúram. Cielom práce bolo za využitia tohoto princípu navrhnut prúdové zrkadlo s nízkym napájacím napätím a nízkim príkonom. V práci najdeme základné informácie o technológii bulk-driven a tranzistoroch MOSFET použitých v tejto technológii. Dalej sa oboznámime s rôznimi druhmy zapojení bulk-driven prudovích zrkadiel, ktoré sú porovnávané z konvencným gate-driven prúdovím zrkadlom. Tieto obvody sú modelované v programe Orcad Pspise.My bachelor’s thesis is about bulk-driven CMOS principle for several analog circuit projects. A substrate gate is used for signal input to achieve low supply voltage and low wattage while keeping parameters adequate to current structures. The goal of my work was to design current mirror with low supply voltage and low wattage with usage of this principle. In my work there are basic data about bulk-driven technology and MOFSET transistors used in this technology. My project contains different kinds of schemes of bulk-driven current mirrors which are compared with conventional gate-driven current mirror. These circuits are simulated in Orcard Pspise program.

    Content changes of assimilative pigments in leaves after fertilizer Mg-Titanit application

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    DOI: 10.15414/afz.2014.17.02.58–64Received 9. May 2014 ǀ Accepted 10. June 2014 ǀ Available online 23. June 2014The impact of the liquid fertilizer Mg-Titanit (MGT) containing titanium on the dynamics of the content changes of the total chlorophyll in the leaves of winter wheat and winter rape was studied in the field small-area trial carried out at the Haplic Chernozem. The trial involved 5 variants. 0 – control, MGT unfertilized variant; 2xTi 0,2 – spraying twice by MGT in the dose 0.2 l.ha-1; 3xTi 0,2 – spraying thrice by MGT in the dose 0.2 l.ha-1; 2xTi 0,4 – spraying twice by MGT in the dose 0.4 l.ha-1, 3xTi 0,4 –spraying thrice by MGT in the dose 0.4 l.ha-1. The fertilizer was used at two or three growth stages: wheat was fertilized at the stages BBCH 29, BBCH 32, BBCH 55 – 60; rape at the stages BBCH 50 – 52, BBCH 59, BBCH 66 – 67. The results proved that in the cultivation of winter wheat the content of the total chlorophyll was increased annually with two applied doses of Mg-Titanit if the spraying was carried out at the growth stage BBCH 32 (the second spraying). The winter rape reacted positively to Mg-Titanit spraying applied at the growth stage BBCH 50 – 52 (first spraying) by the chlorophyll formation in both years of the trial. The third spraying tended to decrease the content of total chlorophyll with both crops and both applied doses of Mg-Titanit in the most cases. In the overwhelming majority of cases the content of the total chlorophyll was higher in the plants treated with the dose of 0.2 l.ha-1 than those treated by the dose 0.4 l.ha-1. The positive impact of Mg-Titanit on the content of the total chlorophyll was carried out by the increase of the amount of both assimilative pigments (chlorophyll a and chlorophyll b).Keywords: chlorophyll, fertilizer, titanium, winter wheat, winter rap

    Determination of heavy metals concentration in raw sheep milk from mercury polluted area

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    The paper focuses on determining the content of monitored contaminants (Cd, Cu, Hg, Pb and Zn) in 53 samples of raw sheep milk collected in 2013 and 2014 on the sites Poráč and Matejovce nad Hornádom (middle Spiš). The area is characterized by historical mining and metalworking activity (mining and processing of polymetallic ores rich in Hg, Cd and Pb). Currently, the area is one of the most mercury contaminated areas in Central Europe. All statistical analyses were carried out using the statistical software Statistica 10.0 (Statsoft, USA). Descriptive data analysis included minimum value, maximum value, arithmetic mean and standard deviation. The results of the studied contaminant content show that the limit value for cadmium (10 μg.kg-1) was exceeded in 25 samples. In the case of lead, the limit value of 20 μg.kg-1 was exceeded in 16 cases. The limit value for copper (0.4 mg.kg-1) was exceeded in one case. The limit value for zinc is not defined by a legislative standard. The risk level of the studied contaminants in the samples of raw sheep milk decreases as follows: Cd > Pb > Hg > Cu > Zn. It can be concluded that frequent and long-term consumption of the raw sheep milk originating from the studied sites poses a health risk. The content of the contaminants in the milk and their eventual transition into dairy products should be monitored over a longer term in more detail


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    Investigated pumpellyite formed due to favourable source material, anchimetamorphic condition and retrogressive reactions, connected with fluid input. Its existence extends the mineral spectrum of topographic mineralogy in the Moravo- Silesian rock-units. Not frequent, but symptomatic alteration products of bytownite in gneisses of Vrbno Group, represent fine leaflets of pumpellyite-(Al) and -(Fe), associated with newly-formed quartz, in parts. Ca-amphibole from Jeseník Massif include fibres of pumpellyite-(Mg) and -(Al) and chlorite. Based on secondary mineral assemblage and chemistry of chlorite and pumpellyite, the metamorphic conditions are constrained at sub-greenschist facies, roughly conforming to the prehnite-pumpellyite subfacies. Late syn- to postkinematic microtextural position and other criteria may indicate that origin of pumpellyite was induced by cooling processes succeeding the Early Permian magmatism

    Bioenergy potential of agricultural phytomass production in Slovakia

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    Biomass is a highly versatile renewable energy source used on a global scale. The paper discusses the current state of biomass energy use in the EU and Slovakia. Residual biomass was found as a key feedstock for the European bioeconomy. Slovakia is one of the most forested and rural countries in the EU. Therefore, biomass energy has the highest technical potential from all renewables in Slovakia. The main objective of the paper was to evaluate the phytomass production of the selected crops and their energy potential in individual self-governing regions of Slovakia. It is focused on the production of usable post-harvest residues theoretically used for energy purposes from the following studied main crops: wheat, rye, oats, barley, maize, potatoes, oilseed rape and sugar beet. The results show the estimated production of usable post-harvest residues of the selected crops and their energy potential in individual self-governing regions in Slovakia in 2019. The total production of usable post-harvest residues from the studied crops was 4,854,017 t and their estimated energy potential was 68 PJ. This amount of energy would cover 10% of the total energy consumption in Slovakia. The top three productive crops were maize, wheat, and sugar beet. Maize had the highest energy potential of 28.1 PJ, followed by wheat at 19 PJ and sugar beet at 14.2 PJ. The highest yields of post-harvest residues, as well as energy potential, were found in the Nitra region


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    Investigated pumpellyite formed due to favourable source material, anchimetamorphic condition and retrogressive reactions, connected with fluid input. Its existence extends the mineral spectrum of topographic mineralogy in the Moravo- Silesian rock-units. Not frequent, but symptomatic alteration products of bytownite in gneisses of Vrbno Group, represent fine leaflets of pumpellyite-(Al) and -(Fe), associated with newly-formed quartz, in parts. Ca-amphibole from Jeseník Massif include fibres of pumpellyite-(Mg) and -(Al) and chlorite. Based on secondary mineral assemblage and chemistry of chlorite and pumpellyite, the metamorphic conditions are constrained at sub-greenschist facies, roughly conforming to the prehnite-pumpellyite subfacies. Late syn- to postkinematic microtextural position and other criteria may indicate that origin of pumpellyite was induced by cooling processes succeeding the Early Permian magmatism

    Relationship between prosocial behaviour and altruism

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    The article deals with the definition and description of the concept of altruism from its ethical and philosophical side against the background of prosocial behaviour. We point out the relation between prosocial behaviour of man and altruism based on a summary of respondents 'opinions on the issues of trustworthiness and efficiency of charitable organizations, respondents' participation in their support and the most common way of donation. Effective altruism is supposed to be a kind of helper for people who want to donate part of their money to charity organizations to improve the world, but are unable to make the right decision about whose financial contribution they are donating. Distrust of charities is becoming more and more current, leading people to stagnate charity. The lack of information on efficiency, functioning, results and a non-transparent list of sources of funding for charitable organizations has prompted us to be more interested in this area. A transparent list of the most effective charities with detailed information on the use of funds to which every person would have access could be a way to express charity and humanity more than ever before. The most ideal scenario is for all people to adopt such behaviour, but in today's world there is the opposite extreme - egoism, selfishness, individualism, materialism and lack of interest in others, which, unfortunately, often hide behind altruism. Society, as such, cannot do without altruistic be-haviour, so even "impure" motives can bear fruit, of course, to some extent. Altruism is most often confused with the concept of pro-sociality, as a way of helping others, without expecting the reward that can come, but forms the core not only of ethical education but of each education because it leads to more positive relationships. Living in a society where there is positive energy and people are helping each other is a fuller life.Artykuł dotyczy definicji i opisu pojęcia altruizmu od strony etycznej i filozoficznej na tle zachowań prospołecznych. Zwracamy uwagę na związek między prospołecznym zachowaniem człowieka a altruizmem w oparciu o podsumowanie opinii respondentów na te- mat wiarygodności i efektywności organizacji charytatywnych, udziału respondentów w ich wsparciu oraz najczęstszego sposobu dawstwa. Skuteczny altruizm ma być rodzajem pomocnika dla osób, które chcą przekazać część swoich pieniędzy organizacjom charytatywnym na rzecz poprawy świata, ale nie są w stanie podjąć właściwej decyzji o tym, czyj wkład finansowy przekazują. Nieufność organizacji charytatywnych staje się coraz bardziej aktualna, co prowadzi do stagnacji działalności charytatywnej. Brak informacji o wydajności, funkcjonowaniu, wynikach i nie- przejrzystej liście źródeł finansowania organizacji charytatywnych skłonił nas do większego zainteresowania tą dziedziną. Przejrzysta lista najskuteczniejszych organizacji charytatywnych ze szczegółowymi informacjami na temat wykorzystania funduszy, do których każda osoba miałaby dostęp, mogłaby być sposobem na wyrażenie miłości i ludzkości bardziej niż kiedykolwiek wcześniej. Najbardziej idealnym scenariuszem jest przyjęcie takiego zachowania przez wszystkich ludzi, ale w dzisiejszym świecie istnieje przeciwna skrajność - egoizm, egoizm, indywidualizm, materializm i brak zainteresowania innymi, które niestety często kryją się za altruizmem. Społeczeństwo jako takie nie może obejść się bez altruistycznych zachowań, więc nawet „nieczyste” motywy mogą oczywiście przy- nieść owoce. Altruizm jest najczęściej mylony z koncepcją prospołeczności, jako sposobu pomagania innym, nie oczekując nagrody, która może nadejść, ale stanowi rdzeń nie tylko edukacji etycznej, ale każdej edukacji, ponieważ prowadzi do bardziej pozytywnych relacji. Życie w społeczeństwie, w którym jest pozytywna energia i ludzie pomagają sobie nawzajem, jest pełniejszym życiem