5 research outputs found

    Kinetics of the DNA polymerase \u3ci\u3epyrococcus kodakaraensis\u3c/i\u3e

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    The polymerase chain reaction is one of the most important reactions in molecular biology. Single stranded DNA is copied in a complex series of steps, at the core of which lies the action of the DNA polymerase. At each nucleotide along the template, the polymerase screens the dNTP pool until it finds the complementary dNTP. The insertion of each dNMP is a balance between high fidelity and rapid elongation. In this study the kinetics of the Ī² type polymerase pyrococcus kodakaraensis (KOD) is analyzed. The kinetics is influenced by reaction conditions such as the dNTP pool composition and temperature. In a previous study by Viljoen et al. [2005, A macroscopic kinetic model for DNA polymerase elongation and high-fidelity nucleotide selection. Computational Biology and Chemistry 29, 101ā€“110], a macroscopic kinetics expression of the polymerase chain reaction has been derived. The model contains four parameters that are intrinsic to a specific polymerase. The experiments to measure the temperature- dependence of the parameters for KOD DNA polymerase are reported. The results indicate that the optimal temperature for an equimolar dNTP pool is 72.5 Ā°C and the optimum temperature shifts to lower temperatures when the dNTP pool composition is biased

    Regulation of [Ā³H]d-aspartate release by the 5-F(2t)-isoprostane and its 5-epimer in isolated bovine retina.

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    International audienceWe have evidence that 15-Fā‚‚-isoprostanes (15-Fā‚‚-IsoPs) regulate excitatory neurotransmitter release in ocular tissues. Although 5-Fā‚‚-IsoPs are abundantly produced in mammals, their pharmacological actions on neurotransmitter release remain unknown. In the present study, we compared the effect of the 5-Fā‚‚-IsoP epimer pair, 5-F(2t)-IsoP (C5-OH in Ī²-position) and 5-epi-5-F(2t)-IsoP (C5-OH in Ī±-position), on Kāŗ-evoked [Ā³H]D-aspartate release in isolated bovine retina. We further examined the role of prostanoid receptors on the inhibitory action of 5-epi-5-F(2t)-IsoP on [Ā³H]D-aspartate overflow. Isolated bovine retina were prepared for studies of Kāŗ-evoked release of [Ā³H]D-aspartate using the superfusion method. 5-epi-5-F(2t)-IsoP (0.01 nM to 1 Ī¼M), attenuated Kāŗ-evoked [Ā³H]D-aspartate release in a concentration-dependent manner, with the inhibitory effect of 26.9% (P < 0.001; ICā‚‚ā‚… = 0.2 Ī¼M) being achieved at 1 Ī¼M concentration. Its 5-(S)-OH-epimer, 5-F(2t)-IsoP (0.1 nM-1 Ī¼M), exhibited an inhibitory biphasic action, yielding a maximal response of 35.7% (P < 0.001) at 10 nM concentration of the drug (ICā‚‚ā‚… value of 3 nM). Although the prostanoid-receptor antagonists, AH 6809 (10 Ī¼M; EPā‚ā‚‹ā‚ƒ/DP) and BAY-u3405 (10 Ī¼M; DP/Tx) exhibited no effect on 5-epi-5-F(2t)-IsoP (10 nM-1 Ī¼M)-mediated inhibition, SC-19220 (1 Ī¼M; EPā‚) completely reversed 5-epi-5-F(2t)-IsoP (0.1 Ī¼M and 1 Ī¼M)-induced attenuation of Kāŗ-evoked [Ā³H]D-aspartate release. Similarly, both SC-51322 (10 Ī¼M; EPā‚ and AH 23848 (1 Ī¼M; EPā‚„) reversed the inhibitory action elicited by 5-epi-5-F(2t)-IsoP (0.1 Ī¼M) on the neurotransmitter release. We conclude that the 5-Fā‚‚-IsoP epimer pair, 5-F(2t)-IsoP and 5-epi-5-F(2t)-IsoP, attenuate Kāŗ-induced [Ā³H]D-aspartate release in isolated bovine retina presumably via prostanoid receptor dependent mechanisms. The trans-orientation of the allylic hydroxyl group at position C5 accounts for the apparent biphasic response exhibited by 5-F(2t)-IsoP on excitatory neurotransmitter release