26 research outputs found

    Perylene Diimide-Containing Dynamic Hyper-crosslinked Ionic Porous Organic Polymers: Modulation of Assembly and Gas Storage

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    A strategy to synthesize hyper-crosslinked polymers with strong visible-light absorption and abundant ionic sites is discussed. This is achieved in a one-pot reaction via the simultaneous Friedel-Crafts alkylation and quaternization reaction between α,α′-dibromo-p-xylene (DBX) and perylene diimide (PDI) substituted with N,N-dimethyl ethylene to result in hyper-crosslinked ionic polymers (HIPs). These HIPs display good surface areas with strong visible-light absorption (400-650 nm) and dispersibility in polar solvents like water and DMSO. Importantly, our experimental and theoretical studies indicate that PDI-HIPs possess a dynamic network with good uptake of water up to seven times their weight. Notably, PDI in PDI-HIPs is not only responsible for visible-light absorption but also acts as a probe to study their dynamic nature. Moreover, the presence of ultramicropores and CO2-philic functional groups in PDI-HIPs renders good CO2 uptake up to 2.11 mmol/g at 273 K despite their relatively low surface area

    Giant spin pumping at the ferromagnet (permalloy) – organic semiconductor (perylene diimide) interface

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    Pure spin current based devices have attracted great interest in recent days. Spin current injection into non-magnetic materials is essential for the design and development of such pure spin current based devices. In this context, organic semiconductors (OSCs) can be potential non-magnetic materials over widely explored heavy metals. This is due to the relatively low spin-orbit coupling of OSCs, which is essential to host the spin current with a large spin diffusion length and long spin-relaxation time. This research work demonstrates the harvesting of spin currents at the perylene diimide (PDI)/permalloy (Py) based OSC interface. The observed high linewidth broadening of 2.18 mT from the ferromagnetic resonance spectra indicates the presence of giant spin pumping from Py to PDI. The resultant spin-mixing conductance, 1.54 × 1018 m-2 quantifies the amount of spin current injected from Py to PDI, which is in a similar range to ferromagnet/heavy metals. © The Royal Society of Chemistry

    Health, education, and social care provision after diagnosis of childhood visual disability

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    Aim: To investigate the health, education, and social care provision for children newly diagnosed with visual disability.Method: This was a national prospective study, the British Childhood Visual Impairment and Blindness Study 2 (BCVIS2), ascertaining new diagnoses of visual impairment or severe visual impairment and blindness (SVIBL), or equivalent vi-sion. Data collection was performed by managing clinicians up to 1-year follow-up, and included health and developmental needs, and health, education, and social care provision.Results: BCVIS2 identified 784 children newly diagnosed with visual impairment/SVIBL (313 with visual impairment, 471 with SVIBL). Most children had associated systemic disorders (559 [71%], 167 [54%] with visual impairment, and 392 [84%] with SVIBL). Care from multidisciplinary teams was provided for 549 children (70%). Two-thirds (515) had not received an Education, Health, and Care Plan (EHCP). Fewer children with visual impairment had seen a specialist teacher (SVIBL 35%, visual impairment 28%, χ2p < 0.001), or had an EHCP (11% vs 7%, χ2p < 0 . 01).Interpretation: Families need additional support from managing clinicians to access recommended complex interventions such as the use of multidisciplinary teams and educational support. This need is pressing, as the population of children with visual impairment/SVIBL is expected to grow in size and complexity.This is an open access article under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited

    Inheritance Anomaly - A Formal Treatment

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    Inheritance is one of the key concepts in object-oriented programming (OOP). However, the usefulness of inheritance in concurrent OOP is greatly reduced by the inheritance anomalies. These anomalies have been subjected to intense research, but they are still only vaguely defined and often misunderstood. In this paper we show that concurrency is not the real cause of inheritance anomalies. We formally define the inheritance anomaly as a relationship between inheritance mechanisms and behavioural hierarchies. Our framework can be used to analyse the occurrence of inheritance anomalies in many different paradigms. A formal definition of the problem and a clear exposition of its causes are pre-requisites for a successful integration of inheritance and concurrency. Keywords inheritance, behavioural subtyping, concurrent object-oriented programming 1 INTRODUCTION Inheritance is one of the key concepts in object-oriented programming (OOP). It is a widely used methodology for code re-use in..

    Design of a Concurrent Agent-Oriented Language

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    This paper describes the concurrent agent-oriented language AgentSpeak. AgentSpeak can model distributed autonomous agents, situated in dynamic environments, that are reactive as well as proactive towards the environment. Agents are organized into agent families offering certain services to other agents. Services are realized through the execution of an associated Plan. Each agent will also be associated with a Database. Some of the services, and a portion of the database could be public; i.e. available outside the agent. Therefore it follows that the remainder of the database, the remaining services and all of the plans will be private to the agent-family. The language supports and extends concurrent object-oriented language features such as synchronous and asynchronous messages and has well developed group communication primitives. 1 Introduction Both the Distributed Artificial Intelligence (DAI) community and the Object-Based Concurrent Programming (OBCP) community have been inve..

    Analysis of Inheritance Mechanisms in Agent-Oriented Programming

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    Research into the design methodologies for agent-oriented programming (AOP) is still in its infancy, with most of the work focused towards applying the well-known object-oriented concepts. Integration of inheritance into AOP seems a natural step in that direction. This paper addresses the notion of inheritance in AOP. We identify and formally define two problems which significantly reduce the usefulness of inheritance. We present a formal framework to investigate the notion of inheritance and the above problems. We define two alternative inheritance mechanisms for AOP and formally show the trade-offs involved. We hope that the results obtained from the analysis will help AOP language designers in their search for better inheritance mechanisms and a successful integration of inheritance within AOP. 1 Introduction Multi-agent systems are concurrent systems based on the notion of autonomous, reactive, internallymotivated agents interacting in a constantly changing environment. Resear..

    Inheritance Anomaly

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    Inheritance anomaly is a well known problem in concurrent object-oriented programming. Much work has been done in this area recently, but the problem is far from solved. In this paper we propose a simple language construct that solves the inheritance anomaly. Our proposal involves the use of pre-conditions and post-actions in which synchronization constraints of objects are specified. Pre-conditions and post-actions framework is very powerful. Apart from being able to handle all the known anomalies it also facilitates incremental changes instead of re-definitions when inherited methods are specialized or generalized. Real-time-specification anomalies and anomalies in sequential object-oriented languages are also investigated

    R1STM: One-class support tensor machine with randomised kernel

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    Identifying unusual or anomalous patterns in an underlying dataset is an important but challenging task in many applications. The focus of the unsupervised anomaly detection literature has mostly been on vectorised data. However, many applications are more naturally described using higher-order tensor representations. Approaches that vectorise tensorial data can destroy the structural information encoded in the high-dimensional space, and lead to the problem of the curse of dimensionality. In this paper we present the first unsupervised tensorial anomaly detection method, along with a randomised version of our method. Our anomaly detection method, the One-class Support Tensor Machine (1STM), is a generalisation of conventional one-class Support Vector Machines to higher-order spaces. 1STM preserves the multiway structure of tensor data, while achieving significant improvement in accuracy and efficiency over conventional vectorised methods. We then leverage the theory of nonlinear random projections to propose the Randomised 1STM (R1STM). Our empirical analysis on several real and synthetic datasets shows that our R1STM algorithm delivers comparable or better accuracy to a state-of-the-art deep learning method and traditional kernelised approaches for anomaly detection, while being approximately 100 times faster in training and testing

    Distinct Pathways in “Thermally Bisignate Supramolecular Polymerization”: Spectroscopic and Computational Studies

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    In general, supramolecular polymers are thermally labile in solution and easily depolymerized upon heating. This dynamic nature is beneficial in many aspects but limits certain applications. Recently, we developed “thermally bisignate supramolecular polymerization”, through which a polymer is formed upon heating as well as cooling in a hydrocarbon solvent containing a small amount of alcohol. Here, we present a detailed mechanistic picture for this polymerization based on both spectroscopic and computational studies. For this particular type of polymerization, we mainly employed a copper porphyrin derivative ((S)PORCu) as a monomer with eight hydrogen-bonding (H-bonding) amide units in its chiral side chains. Because of a strong multivalent interaction, the resulting supramolecular polymer displayed an extraordinarily high thermal stability in a hydrocarbon medium such as methylcyclohexane (MCH)/chloroform (CHCl3) (98/2 v/v; denoted as MCH*). However, when a small volume ((S)TPA) and pyrene ((S)Py) derivatives together with free-base ((R)POR2H) and zinc porphyrin ((S)PORZn) derivatives and rationalized the large potential for this multicomponent supramolecular polymerization