5 research outputs found

    Challenges of branding and marketing of clusters

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    Clusters have proved to be powerful engines of economic development in the European Union. Clusters and their stakeholders can derive many benefits from a strong cluster brand. However, they face numerous branding and marketing challenges. Specifics of clusters, such as multiple stakeholders, make it difficult to forge a strong brand identity. This paper addresses the need to develop a cluster specific approach to branding and marketing. The aim of the study, on which this paper is based, was to analyse the current branding and marketing efforts of Polish cluster initiatives and identify the main challenges that come with branding and marketing of clusters. It is discussed how clusters can use branding and marketing for strategic development purposes. The cluster specific approach to marketing tools and channels is proposed. Furthermore, cluster policy actions, reflecting the outcomes of the study, are recommended.Klastry stanowi膮 silne motory rozwoju ekonomicznego w Unii Europejskiej. Klastry i ich aktorzy mog膮 uzyska膰 znaczne korzy艣ci z silnej marki, jednak偶e zmagaj膮 si臋 z wieloma wyzwaniami w zakresie marketingu i brandingu. Specyfika klastr贸w, m.in. wielo艣膰 partner贸w, utrudnia stworzenie silnej to偶samo艣ci marki. W niniejszym artykule wskazana jest potrzeba stworzenia nowego podej艣cia do dzia艂alno艣ci w zakresie marketingu i brandingu z uwzgl臋dnieniem specyfiki klastr贸w. Celem badania, na kt贸rym opiera si臋 artyku艂, by艂a analiza aktualnych dzia艂a艅 w zakresie marketingu i brandingu podejmowanych przez polskie klastry oraz identyfikacja g艂贸wnych wyzwa艅, z kt贸rymi si臋 mierz膮 w tym zakresie. W artykule wskazano, w jaki spos贸b marketing i branding mo偶e by膰 u偶yty w zakresie strategicznego rozwoju klastr贸w. Zaproponowano tak偶e uwzgl臋dnienie specyfiki klastrowej przy wykorzystaniu narz臋dzi i kana艂贸w w marketingu. Ponadto zaproponowane zosta艂y dzia艂ania na poziomie polityki klastrowej, uwzgl臋dniaj膮ce wyniki badania

    The Political Philosophy of Cardinal Bellarmine

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    At the close of the sixteenth century, the power of the papacy, of the nobility, and of the people was so weakened that the supporters of absolute monarchy, encouraged by religious defection from Rome, ventured boldly to put their theory into practice. Parliaments were dissolved; the tradition of constitutional limitation and represents.ti ve government was abandoned; the religious and civil rights and liberties of the people ware disregarded. Divine right advocates, who proclaimed absolute independence of king from Pope and people, were intent upon destroying the ancient rights of the people and democratic control, which was characteristic of the Middle Ages

    The ecological awareness of students of the Management Faculty of the Cz臋stochowa University of Technology

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    W artykule poruszono tematyk臋 艣wiadomo艣ci ekologicznej przysz艂ych mened偶er贸w jako kluczowego elementu w rozwoju zr贸wnowa偶onych organizacji. Przedstawione zosta艂y cz臋艣ciowe wyniki badania przeprowadzonego w艣r贸d student贸w Wydzia艂u Zarz膮dzania Politechniki Cz臋stochowskiej, kt贸re mia艂o na celu poznanie pogl膮d贸w i postaw, okre艣lenie poziomu wiedzy ekologicznej i identyfikacj臋 zachowa艅 pro艣rodowiskowych. Ze wzgl臋du na szeroki zakres badania, w niniejszym artykule, uwaga zosta艂a skupiona g艂贸wnie na wynikach dotycz膮cych pogl膮d贸w na tematy 艣rodowiskowe.This article addresses the issue of environmental awareness of future managers as a key element in the development of sustainable organizations. Partial results of the survey conducted among students of the Faculty of Management of the Cz臋stochowa University of Technology were presented. The research aimed to get to know the views and attitudes, to define the level of ecological knowledge, and to identify the pro-environmental behavior. Due to the wide scope of the study, this article focuses mainly on the results of first part of research - views on environmental issues