151 research outputs found

    Implementation Barriers of Industrial Symbiosis: A Systematic Review

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    Industrial Symbiosis is a regional inter-firm approach towards a more sustainable industry. However, the implementation of industrial symbiosis is hampered by a multitude and variety of barriers. Although, prior work has dealt with identifying barriers, an encompassing overview is missing to date. Therefore, this study provides a comprehensive overview and description of barriers of industrial symbiosis by reviewing the scientific literature. Barriers were identified and grouped through content analysis. In total, ca. 400 barriers for the implementation of industrial symbiosis were identified and categorized into three main categories and nine subcategories. The insights gained can be used to develop strategies and tools for further development and advancement of current industrial symbiosis practice to overcome existing barriers

    A new simultaneous method of fourth order for finding complex zeros in circular interval arithmetic

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    AbstractStarting from disjoint disks which contain polynomial complex zeros, the new iterative interval method for simultaneous finding of inclusive disks for complex zeros is formulated. The convergence theorem and the conditions for convergence are considered, and the convergence is shown to be fourth. Numerical examples are included

    Generalized Hamilton-Jacobi equations for nonholonomic dynamics

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    Employing a suitable nonlinear Lagrange functional, we derive generalized Hamilton-Jacobi equations for dynamical systems subject to linear velocity constraints. As long as a solution of the generalized Hamilton-Jacobi equation exists, the action is actually minimized (not just extremized)

    Effect of oral Supplementation with 25(OH)D3 on Calcium mobilization of dry cows

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    Deckblatt-Impressum persönlicher Dank Inhaltsverzeichnis Abkürzungsverzeichnis Einleitung Literaturübersicht Versuchstiere, Material und Methoden Untersuchungsergebnisse Diskussion Zusammenfassung Summary Literaturverzeichnis Danksagung SelbständigkeitserklärungDie hypocalcämische Gebärparese der Milchkuh stellt mit einer Inzidenz von 5-10 % ein großes Problem in der modernen Landwirtschaft dar. Mit Einsetzen der Laktation übersteigt der Calciumverlust der peripartalen Kuh deren endogene Calciummobilisierungsfähigkeit. Nicht zuletzt aufgrund der mit der Erkrankung gekoppelten hohen wirtschaftlichen Verluste ist die Etablierung einer praktikablen Gebärpareseprophylaxe wünschenswert. Die Substitution von Vitamin D bzw. dessen Metaboliten ist eine Prophylaxemethode, deren Erfolg auf ein spezifisches Zeitfenster nach der Applikation limitiert ist. Ausgehend von der Hypothese, dass der limitierende Faktor in einer Überdosierung zu suchen ist, wurde in der vorliegenden Arbeit der Effekt von 25(OH)D3, dosisabhängig über einen Zeitraum von zehn Tagen auf die Calciummobilisierungsfähigkeit von Versuchskühen überprüft. Untersuchungsgegenstand waren dabei zwei unterschiedlich hohe, täglich oral verabreichte 25(OH)D3-Dosierungen, die zunächst basierend auf vorangegangenen Dosis-Wirkungskurven-Versuche ausgewählt wurden. Verglichen wurde die Calciummobilisierungsfähigkeit der Versuchstiere bei einer niedrigen 25(OH)D3-Supplementierung von 15 mg, bei einer deutlich höheren 25(OH)D3-Dosis von 40 mg sowie einer Kontrollgruppe. Die Überprüfung der Calciummobilisierungsfähigkeit erfolgte durch Induktion einer artifiziellen Hypocalcämie mit Hilfe von Na2EDTA-Infusionen an Tag 3 und Tag 10. Im Rahmen der Arbeit konnte eine 25(OH)D3-Dosisabhängigkeit der Calciummobilisierungsfähigkeit nachgewiesen werden. Dabei zeigte die hohe Dosierung von 40 mg im Vergleich zur Kontrolle keine Verbesserung. Für die niedrige Dosierung von 15 mg zeigte sich nur anfänglich eine verbesserte Calciummobilisierungsfähigkeit. Die verifizierte Dosisabhängigkeit legt die Vermutung nahe, dass sich bei einer geringeren als der 15-mg-Dosierung die Calciummobilisierungsfähigkeit über einen längeren Zeitraum verbessern lässt. Daraus folgt für weiterführende Untersuchungen die Notwendigkeit, einerseits die Dosierung zu senken und andererseits praxisorientiert die Supplementierungsdauer zu verlängern. Nicht zuletzt wäre eine größere Anzahl von möglichst peripartalen Kühen wünschenswert, da sich über eine Na2EDTA- Infusion die Randbedingungen einer Gebärparese nur bedingt simulieren lassen.Parturient paresis of dairy cows has an incidence of 5-10 % thus being a major issue of current milk production. At the beginning of the lactation period, calcium drain in peripartal cows exceeds the limit of their endogenous ability of calcium mobilization. In view of the high economical impact, it is of special interest to establish a feasible prophylaxis concerning parturient paresis. The substitution of vitamin D and its metabolites, respectively, is a common method of prophylaxis whose achievement is limited to a specific time frame after application. The thesis at hand is based on the hypothesis that the limiting factor is due to an overdose. Therefore it focuses on the investigation of the ability of calcium mobilization of experimental animals with respect to different doses of 25(OH)D3 within a period of ten days. The subjects of study were two daily oral supplemented doses of 25(OH)D3. The doses were based on preliminary experiments determining the dose-response- curves. The ability of calcium mobilization of experimental animals supplemented with a low dose of 15 mg and a higher dose of 40 mg have been compared with each other and with a control group. On day 3 and 10, an artifical hypocalcemia was induced by Na2EDTA-infusion to test the ability of calcium mobilization. Within the scope of the study, a 25(OH)D3 dose dependency has been verified. Compared to the control group a high dose of 40 mg showed no improvement of the ability of calcium mobilization whatsoever. The low dose of 15 mg showed an improvement of the ability of calcium mobilization only initially (day 3). The demonstrated dose dependency suggests that a dose lower than 15 mg will improve the ability of calcium mobilization for a prolonged period. Concerning further studies, this leads on one hand to the necessity to reduce the dose, and, on the other hand, to extend the period of supplementation with regard to day-to-day-praxis. Last but not least, a larger amount of preferably peripartal cows as experimental animals is required since an Na2EDTA-infusion can simulate the boundary conditions of parturient paresis to a limited extent only

    Laesio enormis w XXI w. – czy matematyczne podejście do ustalania granic dopuszczalnej nieekwiwalentności świadczeń w umowach dwustronnie zobowiązujących jest pożądane?

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    The article deals with the problem of (non)equivalence of performances in bilaterally binding agreement and consequences thereof. Our domestic regulations, in particular Art. 388 of the Polish Civil Code, currently seem to be insufficient for actual social needs. Therefore it is needed to look deeper into mechanisms for dealing with significant disproportion of benefits. Interesting light on this issue is being shed by Austrian statutory and case law. The institution of laesio enormis (Verkürzung über die Hälfte; § 934, 935 ABGB) may be helpful  in formulating de lege ferenda proposals on the polish ground.Niniejszy artykuł porusza problem (nie)ekwiwalentności świadczeń w zobowiązaniu dwustronnie zobowiązującym i jego konsekwencji. Przepisy prawa polskiego, w szczególności art. 388 kodeksu cywilnego, wydają się nie zaspokajać rzeczywistych potrzeb społecznych. W związku z tym konieczne jest głębsze spojrzenie na mechanizmy kontroli ekwiwalentności świadczeń. Interesujące wnioski wynikają z analizy prawa i orzecznictwa austriackiego. Instytucja laesio enormis (Verkürzung über die Hälfte; § 934, 935 ABGB) może być pomocna przy formułowaniu wniosków de lege ferenda na polskim gruncie

    Celiac artery compression syndrome. Mini-review

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    Celiac artery compression syndrome is a rare vascular disease, with incidence estimated at 0.4%. However, asymptomatic but hemodynamically significant celiac artery compression is found incidentally in 2.4–8% of the population on examination. The disease is caused by compression of the median arcuate ligament and celiac axis nerve fibers on the celiac artery, usually during expiration, and can cause symptoms of “abdominal claudication”. These symptoms include post-prandial epigastric pain, nausea, vomiting, mild weight loss and, less frequently, diarrhea, heartburn, abdominal bloating, constipation, arrhythmias and syncope. Ultrasound, computed tomography (CT), magnetic resonance (MR) and angiography are employed to diagnose celiac artery compression syndrome. Treatment of this disease is based on median arcuate ligament lysis and celiac ganglionectomy either by laparoscopic or open method, with both techniques having similar outcomes

    A method for pricing American options using semi-infinite linear programming

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    We introduce a new approach for the numerical pricing of American options. The main idea is to choose a finite number of suitable excessive functions (randomly) and to find the smallest majorant of the gain function in the span of these functions. The resulting problem is a linear semi-infinite programming problem, that can be solved using standard algorithms. This leads to good upper bounds for the original problem. For our algorithms no discretization of space and time and no simulation is necessary. Furthermore it is applicable even for high-dimensional problems. The algorithm provides an approximation of the value not only for one starting point, but for the complete value function on the continuation set, so that the optimal exercise region and e.g. the Greeks can be calculated. We apply the algorithm to (one- and) multidimensional diffusions and to L\'evy processes, and show it to be fast and accurate

    Die unerträgliche Ressourcenleichtigkeit des Seins

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    Materialflussindikatoren sind ein zentrales Element in Strategien zur Ressourceneffizienzsteigerung und zur Ressourcenschonung. Wofür stehen diese Indikatoren und welche Aussagekraft haben sie? Was folgt daraus für Ansätze zur Dematerialisierung

    Wheelchair Basketball Competition Heart Rate Profile According to Players’ Functional Classification, Tournament Level, Game Type, Game Quarter and Playing Time

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    Heart rate is a popular parameter observed in team sports to plan training sessions with regard to load and sport specificity. Wheelchair basketball is an intermittent team game for physically impaired players. The study aim was to define heart rate profile of wheelchair basketball players in terms of their functional classification (category A: 1.0–2.5 points, category B: 3.0–4.5 points), tournament level (championships and friendly games), game type (close, balanced, and unbalanced), game quarter (1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th) and playing time (40–59%, 60–79%, and 80–100% in a quarter). Heart rate of 18 wheelchair basketball players was monitored in 22 games in four different tournaments, i.e., European Championships 2017, World Championships 2018, two friendly international tournaments of national teams (2017 and 2018). Heart rate (HRmean, HRpeak, %HRpeak, HRR, and %HRR) was monitored by Polar Team Pro (Kempele, Finland) during playing time on the court. Timeouts, quarter breaks, a half break, time on a bench were not taken into account in HR monitoring. The Kolmogorov–Smirnov test, the Mann–Whitney U test and the Kruskal–Wallis test were used. Fourteen players divided according to the classification into category A and B were included in the final calculations (n = 457 cases). Significantly higher HRmean, %HRpeak, HRpeak, and %HRR were noted among category B players, and higher %HRpeak and %HRR among category A players at the highest tournament level compared to friendly games. There were significant differences in %HRR and the percentage of time spent in HR zone I between the players with different playing time (40–59% versus 60–79%) in category B. No significant differences in HR were noted between four quarters. Among category A players, differences in HR in zone II were observed. Among category B players, statistically significant differences in % HRpeak, the percentage of time spent in HR zones I, II, III, and %HRR between close, balanced and unbalanced games were found. In conclusion, the intermittent nature of wheelchair basketball was confirmed. Monitoring heart rate in a game could be helpful in creating exercises with proper loads for better physical preparation of wheelchair basketball players. High intensity training sessions would be more beneficial in preparing players for game demands

    Improvement of Hypertension Control and Knowledge about the Disease in Patients Involved in Educational Programs of Polish Society of Hypertension

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    Wstęp Najczęstszą przyczyną nieskuteczności leczenia jest brak współpracy pacjenta z lekarzem zarówno w zakresie farmakoterapii, jak i zmiany stylu życia. Z inicjatywy Polskiego Towarzystwa Nadciśnienia Tętniczego powstaje ogólnokrajowy program edukacyjny chorych z nadciśnieniem tętniczym. Celem niniejszej pracy była ocena zainteresowania chorych oraz wpływu edukacji na wiedzę pacjentów o chorobie i na kontrolę ciśnienia tętniczego. Materiał i metody Grupy 6&#8211;8 chorych wzięły udział w 6-godzinnych szkoleniach prowadzonych przez odpowiednio przygotowanych pielęgniarkę i lekarza. W trakcie zajęć odbywających się w Katedrze Nadciśnienia Tętniczego i Diabetologii Akademii Medycznej w Gdańsku i w 50 ośrodkach z województwa pomorskiego, przeszkolono odpowiednio 1074 i 926 chorych. Co dziesiąty edukowany podlegał ocenie. Pacjenci byli losowo dobierani do grupy edukacyjnej rozpoczynającej szkolenie natychmiast lub do grupy kontrolnej szkolonej po 6 miesiącach. Niniejszą analizą objęto 155 pacjentów &#8212; 74 z grupy edukacyjnej i 81 z grupy kontrolnej (52% kobiet, 48% mężczyzn; śr. wieku 55,7 &plusmn; 13,4; śr. BMI 29,3 &plusmn; 6,3 kg/m2, śr. ciśnienie tętnicze 146,1 &plusmn; 20,4/90,8 &plusmn; 12,9 mm Hg). Wyniki Jedynie 11% chorych stwierdziło, że ma wystarczający zasób wiadomości dotyczących nadciśnienia tętniczego. Jednocześnie aż 95% chorych wyrażało chęć poszerzenia wiedzy na ten temat; 98% chorych chciało mierzyć ciśnienie tętnicze samodzielnie, jeżeli będzie to pomocne w leczeniu nadciśnienia. Wśród pacjentów po edukacji zanotowano średni spadek ciśnienia skurczowego (SBP) o 14,6 mm Hg (p < 0,003) i ciśnienia rozkurczowego (DBP) o 8,6 mm Hg (p < 0,006). W grupie kontrolnej spadek wartości ciśnienia wynosił odpowiednio 9,5 mm Hg i 6,1 mm Hg (p = 0,01 dla SBP i DBP). W grupie edukowanej w porównaniu z kontrolną stwierdzono wyższy stopień wiedzy dotyczącej znajomości normy ciśnienia, znajomości leków hipotensyjnych i postępowania podczas nagłego wzrostu ciśnienia. Wnioski Obok rozszerzenia wiedzy dotyczącej choroby i jej powikłań, wśród chorych biorących udział w programie edukacyjnym PTNT, najważniejszym efektem programu jest lepsza kontrola ciśnienia tętniczego.Background The prevalence of hypertension in Poland is very high, but many patients are not controlled or not treated. The most common cause of unsuccessful treatment is the lack of compliance. Polish Society of Hypertension introduced national structured hypertension teaching programme. The aim of this study is to evaluate patients&#8217; interest in educational programs, patients&#8217; knowledge on hypertension and the change in blood pressure values. Material and methods The educational program consisted of six hours led by a trained nurse and a physician. During classes performed in the Department of Hypertension and Diabetology of Medical University of Gdansk and 50 collaborating centers from Gdansk region, 2000 patients were educated (1074 and 926 respectively). Every tenth patient was evaluated. Patients were randomized to the structured teaching programme or to the control group educated after 6 months. We analyzed data of 155 hypertensive patients (52% women, 48% men; mean age 55,7 &plusmn; 13,4 (SD) yrs., mean BMI 29,3 &plusmn; 6,3 kg/m2, mean office BP 146,1 &plusmn; 20,4//90,8 &plusmn; 12,9 mm Hg). Results Only 11% of patients evaluated their knowledge on hypertension as sufficient. At the same time 95% of patients were interested in getting more information on hypertension and 98% is ready to measure blood pressure at home daily, if this would improve BP control. Blood pressure decreased in the intervention group (14,69 mm Hg for SBP and 8,6 mm Hg for DBP; P < 0,003 and P < 0,006, respectively), and in the control group (9,56 mm Hg for SBP and 6,18 mm Hg for DBP; P = 0,01 for both). In the educational group in comparison with control, the improvement of knowledge on hypertension definition, antihypertensive drugs and management of sudden BP rise was noticed. Conclusions The structured educational programme of Polish Society of Hypertension resulted in improved blood pressure control and in improvement of patients&#8217; knowledge on hypertension and its complications