22 research outputs found

    Comparison of PET/CT-based eligibility according to VISION and TheraP trial criteria in end-stage prostate cancer patients undergoing radioligand therapy

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    Background Two randomized clinical trials demonstrated the efficacy of prostate-specific membrane antigen (PSMA) radioligand therapy (PSMA RLT) in metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer (mCRPC). While the VISION trial used criteria within PSMA PET/CT for inclusion, the TheraP trial used dual tracer imaging including FDG PET/CT. Therefore, we investigated whether the application of the VISION criteria leads to a benefit in overall survival (OS) or progression-free survival (PFS) for men with mCRPC after PSMA RLT. Methods Thirty-five men with mCRPC who had received PSMA RLT as a last-line option and who had undergone pretherapeutic imaging with FDG and [68Ga]Ga-PSMA I&T or [18F]PSMA-1007 were studied. Therapeutic eligibility was retrospectively evaluated using the VISION and TheraP study criteria. Results 26 of 35 (74%) treated patients fulfilled the VISION criteria (= VISION+) and only 17 of 35 (49%) fulfilled the TheraP criteria (= TheraP+). Significantly reduced OS and PFS after PSMA RLT was observed in patients rated VISION− compared to VISION+ (OS: VISION−: 3 vs. VISION+: 12 months, hazard ratio (HR) 3.1, 95% confidence interval (CI) 1.0–9.1, p < 0.01; PFS: VISION−: 1 vs. VISION+: 5 months, HR 2.7, 95% CI 1.0–7.8, p < 0.01). For patients rated TheraP−, no significant difference in OS but in PFS was observed compared to TheraP+ patients (OS: TheraP−: 5.5 vs. TheraP+: 11 months, HR 1.6, 95% CI 0.8–3.3, p = 0.2; PFS: TheraP−: 1 vs. TheraP+: 6 months, HR 2.2, 95% CI 1.0–4.5, p < 0.01). Conclusion Retrospective application of the inclusion criteria of the VISION study leads to a benefit in OS and PFS after PSMA RL, whereas TheraP criteria appear to be too strict in patients with end-stage prostate cancer. Thus, performing PSMA PET/CT including a contrast-enhanced CT as proposed in the VISION trial might be sufficient for treatment eligibility of end-stage prostate cancer patients

    Associations between normal organs and tumor burden in patients imaged with fibroblast activation protein inhibitor-directed positron emission tomography

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    Several radiolabeled fibroblast activation protein targeted inhibitors (FAPI) have been developed for molecular imaging and therapy. A potential correlation of radiotracer uptake in normal organs and extent of tumor burden may have consequences for a theranostic approach using ligands structurally associated with [68Ga]Ga-FAPI, as one may anticipate decreased doses to normal organs in patients with extensive tumor load. In the present proof-of-concept study investigating patients with solid tumors, we aimed to quantitatively determine the normal organ biodistribution of [68Ga]Ga-FAPI-04, depending on the extent of tumor. Except for a trend towards significance in the myocardium, we did not observe any relevant associations between PET-based tumor burden and normal organs. Those preliminary findings may trigger future studies to determine possible implications for theranostic approaches and FAP-directed drugs, as one may expect an unchanged dose for normal organs even in patients with higher tumor load. Abstract (1) Background: We aimed to quantitatively investigate [68Ga]Ga-FAPI-04 uptake in normal organs and to assess a relationship with the extent of FAPI-avid tumor burden. (2) Methods: In this single-center retrospective analysis, thirty-four patients with solid cancers underwent a total of 40 [68Ga]Ga-FAPI-04 PET/CT scans. Mean standardized uptake values (SUVmean) for normal organs were established by placing volumes of interest (VOIs) in the heart, liver, spleen, pancreas, kidneys, and bone marrow. Total tumor burden was determined by manual segmentation of tumor lesions with increased uptake. For tumor burden, quantitative assessment included maximum SUV (SUVmax), tumor volume (TV), and fractional tumor activity (FTA = TV × SUVmean). Associations between uptake in normal organs and tumor burden were investigated by applying Spearman’s rank correlation coefficient. (3) Results: Median SUVmean values were 2.15 in the pancreas (range, 1.05–9.91), 1.42 in the right (range, 0.57–3.06) and 1.41 in the left kidney (range, 0.73–2.97), 1.2 in the heart (range, 0.46–2.59), 0.86 in the spleen (range, 0.55–1.58), 0.65 in the liver (range, 0.31–2.11), and 0.57 in the bone marrow (range, 0.26–0.94). We observed a trend towards significance for uptake in the myocardium and tumor-derived SUVmax (ρ = 0.29, p = 0.07) and TV (ρ = −0.30, p = 0.06). No significant correlation was achieved for any of the other organs: SUVmax (ρ ≀ 0.1, p ≄ 0.42), TV (ρ ≀ 0.11, p ≄ 0.43), and FTA (ρ ≀ 0.14, p ≄ 0.38). In a sub-analysis exclusively investigating patients with high tumor burden, significant correlations of myocardial uptake with tumor SUVmax (ρ = 0.44; p = 0.03) and tumor-derived FTA with liver uptake (ρ = 0.47; p = 0.02) were recorded. (4) Conclusions: In this proof-of-concept study, quantification of [68Ga]Ga-FAPI-04 PET showed no significant correlation between normal organs and tumor burden, except for a trend in the myocardium. Those preliminary findings may trigger future studies to determine possible implications for treatment with radioactive FAP-targeted drugs, as higher tumor load or uptake may not lead to decreased doses in the majority of normal organs

    Chemokine receptor–targeted PET/CT provides superior diagnostic performance in newly diagnosed marginal zone lymphoma patients: a head-to-head comparison with [18F]FDG

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    Background In patients with marginal zone lymphoma (MZL), [18F]FDG PET/CT provided inconsistent diagnostic accuracy. C-X-C motif chemokine receptor 4 (CXCR4) is overexpressed in MZL and thus, may emerge as novel theranostic target. We aimed to evaluate the diagnostic performance of CXCR4-targeting [68Ga]Ga-PentixaFor when compared to [18F]FDG PET/CT in MZL. Methods Thirty-two untreated MZL patients (nodal, n = 17; extranodal, n = 13; splenic, n = 2) received [68Ga]Ga-PentixaFor and [18F]FDG PET/CT within median 2 days. We performed a visual and quantitative analysis of the total lymphoma volume by measuring maximum/peak standardized uptake values (SUVmax/peak), and calculating target-to-background ratios (TBR, defined as lesion-based SUVpeak divided by SUVmean from blood pool). Visual comparisons for both radiotracers were carried out for all target lesions (TL), and quantitative analysis of concordant TL evident on both scans. Last, MZL subtype analyses were also conducted. Results On a patient-based level, [68Ga]Ga-PentixaFor identified MZL manifestations in 32 (100%) subjects (vs. [18F]FDG, 25/32 [78.1%]). Of the 256 identified TL, 127/256 (49.6%) manifestations were evident only on CXCR4-directed imaging, while only 7/256 (2.7%) were identified on [18F]FDG but missed by [68Ga]Ga-PentixaFor. In the remaining 122/256 (47.7%) concordant TL, [68Ga]Ga-PentixaFor consistently provided increased metrics when compared to [18F]FDG: SUVmax, 10.3 (range, 2.53–37.2) vs. 5.72 (2.32–37.0); SUVpeak, 6.23 (1.58–25.7) vs. 3.87 (1.54–27.7); P < 0.01, respectively. Concordant TL TBR on [68Ga]Ga-PentixaFor (median, 3.85; range, 1.05–16.0) was also approximately 1.8-fold higher relative to [18F]FDG (median, 2.08; range, 0.81–28.8; P < 0.01). Those findings on image contrast, however, were driven by nodal MZL (P < 0.01), and just missed significance for extranodal MZL (P = 0.06). Conclusions In newly diagnosed MZL patients, [68Ga]Ga-PentixaFor identified more sites of disease when compared to [18F]FDG, irrespective of MZL subtype. Quantitative PET parameters including TBR were also higher on [68Ga]Ga-PentixaFor PET/CT, suggesting improved diagnostic read-out using chemokine receptor-targeted imaging

    Test-retest repeatability of organ uptake on PSMA‐targeted 18F‐DCFPyL PET/CT in patients with prostate cancer

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    Objectives We evaluated 18F-DCFPyL test–retest repeatability of uptake in normal organs. Methods Twenty-two prostate cancer (PC) patients underwent two 18F-DCFPyL PET scans within 7 days within a prospective clinical trial (NCT03793543). In both PET scans, uptake in normal organs (kidneys, spleen, liver, and salivary and lacrimal glands) was quantified. Repeatability was determined by using within-subject coefficient of variation (wCOV), with lower values indicating improved repeatability. Results For SUVmean, repeatability was high for kidneys, spleen, liver, and parotid glands (wCOV, range: 9.0%–14.3%) and lower for lacrimal (23.9%) and submandibular glands (12.4%). For SUVmax, however, the lacrimal (14.4%) and submandibular glands (6.9%) achieved higher repeatability, while for large organs (kidneys, liver, spleen, and parotid glands), repeatability was low (range: 14.1%–45.2%). Conclusion We found acceptable repeatability of uptake on 18F-DCFPyL PET for normal organs, in particular for SUVmean in the liver or parotid glands. This may have implications for both PSMA-targeted imaging and treatment, as patient selection for radioligand therapy and standardized frameworks for scan interpretation (PROMISE, E-PSMA) rely on uptake in those reference organs

    Predictors of complementary and alternative medicine use in cancer patients

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    Hintergrund: Dank der modernen Medizin werden Krebserkrankungen immer hĂ€ufiger und frĂŒher entdeckt. Immer mehr onkologische Patienten leben ĂŒber einen langen Zeitraum mit ihrer Krebserkrankung, sodass Krebs mehr und mehr zur chronischen Erkrankung wird. Von diesen Patienten nimmt ein sehr hoher Anteil Alternativmedizin in Anspruch, oft Wissen der behandelnden Ärzte. Dabei sind sich viele Patienten der Tatsache nicht bewusst, dass zahlreiche vermeintlich natĂŒrliche alternative Heilmittel durchaus relevante Neben- und Wechselwirkungen haben können. Ziel der vorliegenden Arbeit war es, aktuelle PrĂ€valenzwerte fĂŒr die Inanspruchnahme von Alternativmedizin durch Krebspatienten zu erfassen und Patientenmerkmale zu finden, die in Zusammenhang mit der Nutzung alternativmedizinischer Methoden stehen. Methoden: Es wurden Patientendaten verwendet, die im Rahmen der multizentrischen, von der Deutschen Krebshilfe geförderten Studie „PrĂ€valenz psychosozialer Belastungen, psychischer Störungen und ihr Behandlungsbedarf bei Tumorpatienten“ im Studienzentrum WĂŒrzburg erhoben wurden. Neben Angaben zur Nutzung von Alternativmedizin wurden mit Hilfe eines vom Patienten auszufĂŒllenden Fragebogenheftes verschiedene soziodemographische und psychosoziale Variablen erfasst und durch medizinische Daten aus Krankenakten ergĂ€nzt. Mögliche PrĂ€diktoren wurden mittels stufenweiser logistischer Regression ermittelt. Ergebnisse: Von den 770 WĂŒrzburger Studienteilnehmern konnten 699 im Alter zwischen 21 und 75 Jahren fĂŒr die vorliegende Arbeit zur Analyse herangezogen werden. Insgesamt nutzte etwa jeder dritte Patient (33,6%) Alternativmedizin im Zusammen-hang mit der Krebserkrankung, was sich gut mit Daten aus der aktuellen Forschung deckt. 71,5% der Nutzer waren weiblich. Am hĂ€ufigsten wurden Mittel aus den Kategorien „Vitamine, Mineralien, Spurenelemente“ (24% aller Patienten), „Homöopathie“ (11,6%) und „Misteltherapie“ (6,4%) angewandt. Als Bezugsquelle der alternativmedizinischen Mittel diente in der Mehrzahl der FĂ€lle (62,5%) ein Arzt. Alle alternativmedizinischen Angebote wurden von den Anwendern hoch in ihrer NĂŒtzlichkeit bewertet. DarĂŒber hinaus wurden soziodemographische, medizinische und psychosoziale Variablen auf einen Zusammenhang mit der Inanspruchnahme von Alternativmedizin untersucht. Entsprechend dem aktuellen Forschungsstand erwiesen sich dabei weibliches Geschlecht und höherer Bildungsstand als unabhĂ€ngige PrĂ€diktoren fĂŒr die Nutzung von Alternativmedizin. Ein Zusammenhang mit dem Alter konnte hingegen nicht bestĂ€tigt werden. Im Hinblick auf krankheits- und therapieassoziierte Variablen waren der Abschluss einer Strahlentherapie und die Angabe von krebsbedingten Schmerzen von unabhĂ€ngigem prĂ€diktiven Wert, wĂ€hrend fĂŒr den Abschluss einer Chemotherapie und die Tumorlokalisation lediglich bivariate ZusammenhĂ€nge bestanden. Ein solcher Zusammenhang mit der Inanspruchnahme von Alternativmedizin konnte auch fĂŒr die psychosozialen Variablen höhere psychische Belastung und geringere LebensqualitĂ€t nachgewiesen werden, die sich jedoch in der logistischen Regression nicht als unabhĂ€ngige PrĂ€diktoren bestĂ€tigten. Von den psychosozialen Variablen stellte der Wunsch nach aktiver Partizipation am Therapieprozess den einzigen unabhĂ€ngigen PrĂ€diktor fĂŒr die Nutzung alternativmedizinischer Angebote dar. Schlussfolgerungen: Ein Drittel aller Krebspatienten wendet Alternativmedizin im Zusammenhang mit der Krebserkrankung an. Daher sollte die medizinische Wissenschaft es als wichtige Aufgabe sehen, fundierte Daten zu Nutzen und Sicherheit alternativmedizinischer Mittel bereitzustellen, um dieses weite Feld nicht unseriösen Anbietern zu ĂŒberlassen. Auch der rein konventionell tĂ€tige Arzt sollte sich der großen Beliebtheit von Alternativ-medizin bei bestimmten Patientengruppen bewusst sein und seinen Patienten Auskunft zu alternativmedizinischen Angeboten geben können.Background: Due to rapid advances in diagnosis and treatment of cancer the number of oncological patients is constantly growing. Among those patients the use of Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM) has become increasingly popular over the last decades. It is the aim of this study to investigate the prevalence of CAM-use and identify possible predictors. Methods: Data from a multicenter cross-sectional of cancer patients was used. Patients filled out a questionnaire with several different psychometric self-assessment tools. Additionally sociodemographic and medical data was collected. Bivariate analysis and stepwise logistic regression analysis was performed to identify predictors of CAM-use. Results: 699 entered the study, of which 235 (33,6%) used CAM in connection to cancer. The most popular categories of CAM were “vitamins, minerals, trace elements” (24% of all CAM users), “homeopathy” (11,6%) and “mistletoe” (6,4%). Female gender, higher education, completion of radiation therapy, pain in connection to cancer and the wish to actively participate in decision making in one’s cancer therapy could be identified as independent predictors for CAM use after logistic regression. On bivariate analysis CAM-use was associated with completion of chemotherapy, type of cancer, psychological distress and lower quality of life. There was no connection whatsoever between age and CAM-use. Conclusions: A third of all oncological patients uses CAM. Medical science should therefore try to supply well-founded data on usefulness and safety of CAM and not leave it to dubious CAM-providers. Every physician should be aware of the great popularity of CAM among certain patient groups. Even if he or she doesn’t endorse CAM-use, a physician should always be able to provide sound information regarding CAM

    Tin-filtered 100 kV ultra-low-dose CT of the paranasal sinus: Initial clinical results.

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    ObjectivesTo investigate the feasibility, diagnostic image quality and radiation dose of 3rd generation dual-source computed tomography (CT) using a tin-filtered 100 kV protocol in patients with suspected acute inflammatory sinus disease.MethodsWe retrospectively evaluated 109 consecutive patients who underwent CT (Siemens SOMATOM Force, Erlangen, Germany) of the paranasal sinus with a new tin-filtered scan-protocol (Sn100 kV; tube current 35 mAs) using iterative reconstruction. Two readers independently assessed subjective image quality using a five-point Likert scale (1 = excellent, 5 = non-diagnostic). Inter-observer agreement was calculated and expressed as percentage of agreement. Noise was determined for calculation of signal-to-noise-ratio (SNR). Effective radiation dose (ED) was calculated from the dose-length-product (DLP).ResultsAll examinations showed diagnostic image quality regarding evaluation of inflammatory sinus disease. On average, subjective general image quality was rated moderate (= 3) with a percentage of agreement between the observers of 81%. The mean image noise was 14.3 HU. The calculated median SNR was 6.0 for intraorbital fat, and 3.6 for the vitreous body, respectively. The median DLP was 2.1 mGy*cm, resulting in a median ED of 0.012 mSv.ConclusionsTaking the study limitations into account, ultra-low-dose tin-filtered CT of the paranasal sinus at a tube voltage of 100 kV utilizing an iterative reconstruction algorithm provides for reliable exclusion of suspected acute inflammatory sinus disease in 100% of the cases

    Tin-filtered 100kV ultra-low-dose CT of the paranasal sinus: initial clinical results

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    Objectives To investigate the feasibility, diagnostic image quality and radiation dose of 3rd^{rd} generation dual-source computed tomography (CT) using a tin-filtered 100 kV protocol in patients with suspected acute inflammatory sinus disease. Methods We retrospectively evaluated 109 consecutive patients who underwent CT (Siemens SOMATOM Force, Erlangen, Germany) of the paranasal sinus with a new tin-filtered scanprotocol (Sn100 kV; tube current 35 mAs) using iterative reconstruction. Two readers independently assessed subjective image quality using a five-point Likert scale (1 = excellent, 5 = non-diagnostic). Inter-observer agreement was calculated and expressed as percentage of agreement. Noise was determined for calculation of signal-to-noise-ratio (SNR). Effective radiation dose (ED) was calculated from the dose-length-product (DLP). Results All examinations showed diagnostic image quality regarding evaluation of inflammatory sinus disease. On average, subjective general image quality was rated moderate (= 3) with a percentage of agreement between the observers of 81%. The mean image noise was 14.3 HU. The calculated median SNR was 6.0 for intraorbital fat, and 3.6 for the vitreous body, respectively. The median DLP was 2.1 mGy*cm, resulting in a median ED of 0.012 mSv. Conclusions Taking the study limitations into account, ultra-low-dose tin-filtered CT of the paranasal sinus at a tube voltage of 100 kV utilizing an iterative reconstruction algorithm provides for reliable exclusion of suspected acute inflammatory sinus disease in 100% of the cases

    Exceptional Response to Nanoparticle Albumin-Bound Paclitaxel and Gemcitabine in a Patient with a Refractory Adenocarcinoma of the Ampulla of Vater

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    Ampullary carcinoma is a rare tumor and evidence on the treatment of recurrent metastatic disease is scarce. We report the case of a 60-year-old patient with an R0-resected node-positive adenocarcinoma of the papilla of Vater of an initially diagnosed intestinal subtype who developed pulmonary metastases 2 months after adjuvant gemcitabine chemotherapy and, subsequently, liver metastases. Palliative combination chemotherapy with standard regimens for intestinal-type adenocarcinoma (FOLFOX and FOLFIRI) failed. However, subsequent combination chemotherapy with nanoparticle albumin-bound paclitaxel and gemcitabine, a regimen with proven efficacy in metastatic adenocarcinoma of the pancreas, resulted in a durable, very good partial remission. Treatment was manageable and well tolerated. Primary tumor and metastatic tissue were reassessed by immunohistochemistry and had to be reclassified to a mixed phenotype containing predominant elements of the pancreatobiliary subtype. Our case suggests that combination chemotherapy with nanoparticle albumin-bound paclitaxel and gemcitabine could represent a promising option for the treatment of this rare disease and warrants further investigation within controlled clinical trials. Moreover, thorough characterization of ampullary carcinomas by histomorphology and additional immunohistochemistry should become mandatory in order to start a chemotherapeutic regimen tailored for the definitive subtype