307 research outputs found

    Thermoelectric performance of weakly coupled granular materials

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    We study thermoelectric properties of inhomogeneous nanogranular materials for weak tunneling conductance between the grains, g_t < 1. We calculate the thermopower and figure of merit taking into account the shift of the chemical potential and the asymmetry of the density of states in the vicinity of the Fermi surface. We show that the weak coupling between the grains leads to a high thermopower and low thermal conductivity resulting in relatively high values of the figure of merit on the order of one. We estimate the temperature at which the figure of merit has its maximum value for two- and three-dimensional samples. Our results are applicable for many emerging materials, including artificially self-assembled nanoparticle arrays.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Thermoelectric performance of granular semiconductors

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    We study thermoelectric properties of granular semiconductors with weak tunneling conductance between the grains, g_t < 1. We calculate the thermopower and figure of merit taking into account the shift of the chemical potential and the asymmetry of the density of states in the vicinity of the Fermi surface due to n- or p-type doping in the Efros-Shklovskii regime for temperatures less than the charging energy. We show that for weakly coupled semiconducting grains the figure of merit is optimized for grain sizes of order 5nm for typical materials and its values can be larger than one. We also study the case of compensated granular semiconductors and show that in this case the thermopower can be still finite, although two to three orders of magnitude smaller than in the uncompensated regime.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Problems with the use of pneumatic screw pumps to transport bulk cargo

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    An analysis is made of the performance of pneumatic screw pumps at the Bereznikovsky Soda Plant in order be able to transport light soda along a prescribed route and make use of a new nozzle section to make the pumps' operation more reliable. Specific recommendations are made to increase the throughput and reliability of pneumatic screw pumps. The expediency of replacing long lines of screw pumps by chamber pumps is also discussed. © 2013 Springer Science+Business Media New York

    Observation of narrow baryon resonance decaying into pKs0pK^0_s in pA-interactions at 70GeV/c70 GeV/c with SVD-2 setup

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    SVD-2 experiment data have been analyzed to search for an exotic baryon state, the Θ+\Theta^+-baryon, in a pKs0pK^0_s decay mode at 70GeV/c70 GeV/c on IHEP accelerator. The reaction pApKs0+XpA \to pK^0_s+X with a limited multiplicity was used in the analysis. The pKs0pK^0_s invariant mass spectrum shows a resonant structure with M=1526±3(stat.)±3(syst.)MeV/c2M=1526\pm3(stat.)\pm 3(syst.) MeV/c^2 and Γ<24MeV/c2\Gamma < 24 MeV/c^2. The statistical significance of this peak was estimated to be of 5.6σ5.6 \sigma. The mass and width of the resonance is compatible with the recently reported Θ+\Theta^+- baryon with positive strangeness which was predicted as an exotic pentaquark (uuddsˉuudd\bar{s}) baryon state. The total cross section for Θ+\Theta^+ production in pN-interactions for XF0X_F\ge 0 was estimated to be (30÷120)μb(30\div120) \mu b and no essential deviation from A-dependence for inelastic events (A0.7)(\sim A^{0.7}) was found.Comment: 8 pages, 7 figures, To be submitted to Yadernaya Fizika. v3-v5 - Some references added, minor typos correcte

    Interferometry of Direct Photons in Central 280Pb+208Pb Collisions at 158A GeV

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    Two-particle correlations of direct photons were measured in central 208Pb+208Pb collisions at 158 AGeV. The invariant interferometric radii were extracted for 100<K_T<300 MeV/c and compared to radii extracted from charged pion correlations. The yield of soft direct photons, K_T<300 MeV/c, was extracted from the correlation strength and compared to theoretical calculations.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Centrality Dependence of Neutral Pion Production in 158 A GeV Pb + Pb Collisions

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    The production of neutral pions in 158AGeV Pb+Pb collisions has been studied in the WA98 experiment at the CERN SPS. Transverse momentum spectra are studied for the range 0.3 GeV/c < mT-m0 < 4.0 GeV/c. The results for central collisions are compared to various models. The centrality dependence of the neutral pion spectral shape and yield is investigated. An invariance of the spectral shape and a simple scaling of the yield with the number of participating nucleons is observed for centralities with greater than about 30 participating nucleons which is most naturally explained by assuming an equilibrated system.Comment: 5 pages, Latex, including 3 eps figures, submitted to Phys.Rev.Lett; updated pQCD comparison due to new input from the author, updated references, corrected plotting error in figure

    Systematics of Inclusive Photon Production in 158 AGeV Pb Induced Reactions on Ni, Nb, and Pb Targets

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    The multiplicity of inclusive photons has been measured on an event-by-event basis for 158 AGeV Pb induced reactions on Ni, Nb, and Pb targets. The systematics of the pseudorapidity densities at midrapidity (rho_max) and the width of the pseudorapidity distributions have been studied for varying centralities for these collisions. A power law fit to the photon yield as a function of the number of participating nucleons gives a value of 1.13+-0.03 for the exponent. The mean transverse momentum, , of photons determined from the ratio of the measured electromagnetic transverse energy and photon multiplicity, remains almost constant with increasing rho_max. Results are compared with model predictions.Comment: 16 pages including 4 figure

    Scaling of Particle and Transverse Energy Production in 208Pb+208Pb collisions at 158 A GeV

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    Transverse energy, charged particle pseudorapidity distributions and photon transverse momentum spectra have been studied as a function of the number of participants (N_{part}) and the number of binary nucleon-nucleon collisions (N_{coll}) in 158 A GeV Pb+Pb collisions over a wide impact parameter range. A scaling of the transverse energy pseudorapidity density at midrapidity as N_{part}^{1.08 \pm 0.06} and N_{coll}^{0.83 \pm 0.05} is observed. For the charged particle pseudorapidity density at midrapidity we find a scaling as N_{part}^{1.07 \pm 0.04} and N_{coll}^{0.82 \pm 0.03}. This faster than linear scaling with N_{part} indicates a violation of the naive Wounded Nucleon Model.Comment: 13 pages, 16 figures, submitted to European Physical Journal C (revised results for scaling exponents

    Event-by-Event Fluctuations in Particle Multiplicities and Transverse Energy Produced in 158.A GeV Pb+Pb collisions

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    Event-by-event fluctuations in the multiplicities of charged particles and photons, and the total transverse energy in 158A\cdot A GeV Pb+Pb collisions are studied for a wide range of centralities. For narrow centrality bins the multiplicity and transverse energy distributions are found to be near perfect Gaussians. The effect of detector acceptance on the multiplicity fluctuations has been studied and demonstrated to follow statistical considerations. The centrality dependence of the charged particle multiplicity fluctuations in the measured data has been found to agree reasonably well with those obtained from a participant model. However for photons the multiplicity fluctuations has been found to be lower compared to those obtained from a participant model. The multiplicity and transverse energy fluctuations have also been compared to those obtained from the VENUS event generator.Comment: To appear in Physical Review C; changes : more detailed discussion on errors and few figures modifie