88 research outputs found

    Constrained scheduling of VLSI algorithms

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    Periodic multiprocessor scheduling

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    A number of scheduling and assignment problems are presented involving the execution of periodic operations in a multiprocessor environment. We consider the computational complexity of these problems and propose approximation algorithms for operations with identical periods as well as for operations with arbitrary integer periods

    Periodic multiprocessor scheduling

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    A number of scheduling and assignment problems are presented involving the execution of periodic operations in a multiprocessor environment. We consider the computational complexity of these problems and propose approximation algorithms for operations with identical periods as well as for operations with arbitrary integer periods

    Periodic assignment and graph colouring

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    We analyse the problem of executing periodic operations on a minimum number of identical processors under different constraints. The analysis is based on a reformulation of the problem in terms of graph colouring. It is shown that different constraints result in colouring problems that are defined on different classes of graphs, viz. interval graphs, circular-arc graphs and periodic-interval graphs. We discuss the colouring of such graphs in detail

    Pensamiento crítico en estudiantes del Grado de Educación Social

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    El presente artículo se centra en una investigación cualitativa sobre las creencias acerca del pensamiento crítico que poseen 72 estudiantes de tercer curso del Grado de Educación Social de la Universidad de Huelva (España). Los resultados, en consonancia con otras investigaciones, muestran que el alumnado tiene un conocimiento poco detallado aunque certero de lo que significa dicha competencia, ofreciendo explicaciones generales que van en acuerdo con las ideas que tienen acerca de la Universidad, la Sociedad y la finalidad de la Educación Social. La buena disposición que muestra la mayoría del alumnado investigado choca con escasos hábitos para el pensamiento crítico, achacándolo a una formación reproductiva, a la influencia perniciosa de determinados poderes sociales y a un no-saber-hacer-y-actuar de los futuros educadores sociales.This article focuses on qualitative research on the beliefs about critical thinking held by 72 third year students of the Social Education Degree of the University of Huelva (Spain). The results show that the students have a little detailed but accurate knowledge of what this competence means, offering general explanations that are in line with the ideas they have about the University, Society and the purpose of Social Education. The willingness shown by the majority of the students researched clashes with scarce habits for critical thinking, blaming it on reproductive training, the pernicious influence of certain social powers and the non-know-how-to-act of future social educators

    Complexity of Min-Max Subsequence Problems

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    We determine the computational complexity of the problem of ordering a set of n numbers into a sequence as well as the problem of ordering them into a cycle, such that the maximum sum of k successive numbers is minimal. The former problem arises in effectively storing multimedia data on multi-zone hard disks