9 research outputs found

    Complex Formation between Flavodoxin and Cytochrome c: Cross-linking Studies

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    Complex formation between Azotobacter vinelandii flavodoxin and horse cytochrome c has been demonstrated through cross-linking studies with dimethyl suberimidate, dimethyl adipimidate, 1-ethyl-3-(3-di-methylaminopropyl)carbodiimide, and dimethyl-3,3'-dithiobispropionimidate. Essentially quantitative cross-linking of cytochrome c and flavodoxin was observed at low ionic strengths with the carbodiimide cross-linking reagent. An association constant of 4 X 10^4 M^(-1) was obtained between cytochrome c and flavodoxin at 88 mM ionic strength from analysis of the cross-linking studies. This value is similar to the association constant determined kinetically during the electron transfer reaction between cytochrome c and flavodoxin (Simondsen, R.P., Weber, P.C., Salemme, F.R., and Tollin, G. (1982) Biochemistry 21, 6366-6375), and suggests that the cross-linked complex may be similar to the precursor complex identified kinetically. A structural model for the flavodoxin-cytochrome c complex proposed by these workers is shown to be compatible with the present cross-linking results

    Crystallographic structure of the nitrogenase iron protein from Azotobacter vinelandii

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    The nitrogenase enzyme system catalyzes the ATP (adenosine triphosphate)-dependent reduction of dinitrogen to ammonia during the process of nitrogen fixation. Nitrogenase consists of two proteins: the iron (Fe)-protein, which couples hydrolysis of ATP to electron transfer, and the molybdenum-iron (MoFe)-protein, which contains the dinitrogen binding site. In order to address the role of ATP in nitrogen fixation, the crystal structure of the nitrogenase Fe-protein from Azotobacter vinelandii has been determined at 2.9 angstrom (A) resolution. Fe-protein is a dimer of two identical subunits that coordinate a single 4Fe:4S cluster. Each subunit folds as a single alpha/beta type domain, which together symmetrically ligate the surface exposed 4Fe:4S cluster through two cysteines from each subunit. A single bound ADP (adenosine diphosphate) molecule is located in the interface region between the two subunits. Because the phosphate groups of this nucleotide are approximately 20 A from the 4Fe:4S cluster, it is unlikely that ATP hydrolysis and electron transfer are directly coupled. Instead, it appears that interactions between the nucleotide and cluster sites must be indirectly coupled by allosteric changes occurring at the subunit interface. The coupling between protein conformation and nucleotide hydrolysis in Fe-protein exhibits general similarities to the H-Ras p21 and recA proteins that have been recently characterized structurally. The Fe-protein structure may be relevant to the functioning of other biochemical energy-transducing systems containing two nucleotide-binding sites, including membrane transport proteins

    Molecular cloning and characterization of NF-IL3A, a transcriptional activator of the human interleukin-3 promoter.

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    To isolate transcription factors important in the regulation of the human interleukin-3 (IL-3) gene, we screened a lambda gt11 cDNA library, constructed from phytohemagglutinin-stimulated human T-cell RNA, with a probe containing regulatory sequences in the upstream region of the IL-3 gene (located from bp -165 to -128 and referred to as the DNase I footprint A region). We isolated a 0.96-kb cDNA that encoded a basic amino acid domain and a leucine zipper domain and used the "rapid amplification and cloning of 3' ends" technique to isolate the 3' half of the cDNA clone, generating a 1.9-kb full-length cDNA clone. Using in vitro-translated protein, which we call NF-IL3A, we defined the IL-3 promoter sequences bound by NF-IL3A in DNase I footprinting assays as TAATTACGTCTG and, using gel shift assays, defined ATTACG as the minimal sequence required for binding of NF-IL3A in vitro. Proteins that bind to the NF-IL3A binding site are found in both unstimulated and stimulated T-cell lines in similar amounts, although the level of NF-IL3A mRNA increases after T-cell activation in several mature T-cell lines. The NF-IL3A protein is nearly identical to a recently identified transcriptional repressor protein, E4BP4, and NF-IL3A binds specifically to regulatory sequences in both the adenovirus E4 promoter and the human gamma interferon promoter. Cotransfection experiments demonstrate that introduction of an expression vector containing the NF-IL3A cDNA into resting T cells transactivates IL-3 promoter-chloramphenicol acetyltransferase gene plasmids that contain the A region; this effect requires the presence of an intact NF-IL3A binding site. One or more copies of the A region also confer NF-IL3A responsiveness on a heterologous promoter in T cells. NF-IL3A appears to play an important role in the expression of IL-3 by T cells

    Hippocampal plasticity involves extensive gene induction and multiple cellular mechanisms

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